(2012/01) Jan 2012

poseidon: lol i can't fit into my FBT shorts already..not even low-cut haha

is it really a must to take some bird's nest or hashima during pregnancy huh? i super bo chap on taking all these stuff keke..

heard tat take its good for bb's complexion....
can try taking..anyway last few weeks more before we pop
jingles, okie i think i better start taking some hehe..

is there anyone here who can't wait to pop? i feel anxious to see bb but the thought of the labour process is
Jingles: Like you, i'm also taking EYS bird nest
Medory: I always tell my colleagues/friends, the thought is rather contridicting now.... Cant wait for that day to come, to have a break from work, and yet worry about the process.
yes...u are not alone...i am anxious to see my bb but afraid of the long scary painful process.....everyone is excited for me..but i am scared of the process lei..haiz...as wat the nurse said in our class, during labour..no one can actually help u..but urself...haiz
cyy, i'm taking the EYS bottled one too..

medory, my gynae says it's not a must to take.. no scientific proof/benefit (it's one of those things again..), but juz take if your hb/ family buys for u.. mrs wong bb says it's a good form of protein for bb, but then again, no conclusive results based on research..

same same.. i can't wait to hold bb in my arms &amp; be free of all these pregnancy syndromes (tiredness, aches, etc etc), but very scared &amp; worried abt the pain &amp; labour/delivery process.. contradictory feelings.. >.<
Medory - I also can't wait to pop cos I want my life to b back to normal - enjoy eating n feel normal! 10mths is just too long! Think I mention too many times.. Oops! Each visit I ask Dr Lee if will b earlier each time he says No! Cos my #1 is 40wks1d! We may meet each other at Mt A as my EDD is 31 Jan! Checked w him n PD Dr Chan both r not away for cny. So rest assured!

Even for #2 mom like me, I felt anxious too! Cos each preg is diff so is each labour. Wonder how it wld turn out tis time! In fact we r all dealing this on our own fr the day we r preg till deliver even breastfeeding! Nobody can help us handle MS, breathlessness, carrying the bb, endure the pain, deliver, etc. At least we have one another's support n listening ears here to get us thru
ah seems like EYS is the popular brand among mummies haha..

jac, guess all gynae would ask us to take things in moderation also haha..anyway i can take it as a treat for myself also keke..

hkbaby, now u mention about eating, i wanna have some of my fave sashimi hahaha..thanks for the info, may we meet at Mt A as our EDDs are so near

ya i guess we all get some reassurance and support in here by voicing our thoughts
cyy..seriously i dont know how much birdnest i take each wk coz i just take 1/2~3/4 a bowl..shd be ard 1 pcs bah.. My mum will make and the leftover is shared between my mum and my hubby..my hubby very gd life hor..he also get to eat birdnest every wk.. =p
i also very scare of labour..and it didnt help that the more info i have.. the more scare i become..my colleague just gave birth last wk and now the whole dept is asking when is my turn..make me even more nervous..maybe i should ask my dad is there any TCM that i can take now to reduce labour duration.. =p
Does anyone know Thomson women's clinic provide hospitalization leave or just MC only? Hmm.. I just got discharged from KK hospital due to threatened pre term labour and was given 2 weeks hospitalization leave till 35 weeks. Baby only full term at 37 weeks. Was wondering whether shd go back to KK hospital for follow up or TMC in order to take hospitalization leave till baby ful term at 37 weeks?
Btw, if u have friends working in Philips, they r having family discount fr yday.. 40% off on Philips pdts, 30% off Avent. Thot by far the best discount, much better than malls when they hav store wide discount. Saw someone got 6 boxes of Avent starter kit $55 b4 discount!
yes tats wat the forum is for..for us to ventilate when we are angry and nowhere or no one to turn to..and to express our fears when the day is drawing nearer.

yah...tat is why i also refused to buy any of those bb mags..sometimes they put those horror tales in the mags..and the more u read, the more u scared it will happen to u...so if you are one who has wild imagination, guess its best to stay happy and keep focus and calm till the big day
okay understood I though the big bottle then it's a lot. Also depends on the level of concentration of bird nest in the bottle. Dun worry it should be enough if taken at a bottle per week

okay it's good enough at least you are still taking some. Yeah agree your hubby too hor miah liao haha, tell him to give up his portion and you take for bb sake.

Also I have been taking raw salmon sashimi(few pcs a time) since 2nd tri and so far I am fine:x but of course only like 1 month once. It's heavenly haha:p
talking about labour, my malay colleague shared with me a tips for smooth delivery but personally duno how true and a bit hard to swollow. Method is before we leave for delivery mix raw egg white with 2 teaspoon of cooking oil and down it. ugh. She says it works for her.
errr....raw egg ar...duno if the taste will make me puke or not...gg to be v eggy taste...

it has been nearly a year since i sashimi!!! GOSH
cyy, mine is also the small bottle kind.. similar to brands chix essence like tat.. not very concentrated, so shld be less than 1 pc ba.. raw egg white &amp; cooking oil sounds gross leh.. hahaha..

i can't wait to start my ML.. no mood to work liao.. but already got project/work planned out for me after i get back to work.. think already damn sianz!!
kekekeke its my personal preference ....better be safe than sorry bah...few more weeks to go and i can eat all the sashimi i wan :p
Jingles, i cannot wait to eat sashimi too, but i guess if breastfeed, then have to persevere for longer period. Actually I also feel like eating the processed food like ham, sausages etc but they are not heatlhy.. That's what i heard.

Today's thread is moving so fast. Seems like everyone is in high mood. Have u all started washing baby clothes ? I havent started washing and havent pack hospital bag too.

I still have some items to get, though not urgent (strroller, high chair, warmer)...Xmas sale is coming up, but dun think i will have enuf strength in Dec to walk around the town. Sighz..

For me, sometimes I dun wish the delivery day to come so soon. Hehe seems like so many things to prepare (mentally too..) after delivery, will be a new challenge of BF, dealing with bb, confinement, stictch wound etc..
yes its an overwhelming long list to worry about....sometimes it makes me go bonkers too...but i guess jst breathe and come what may, lets face it positively...watever positive support at that point of time will be v important too.

Ham and sausages I am still eating..but minimize...it will be rather hard not to eat so many things in our diet.. :p just moderate.

I have washed clothes, blankets, bumpers and all...i am afraid the days to come will start raining like mad and heavier stuff cant dry properly. Also packed half of my bag.
wah.. jingles, u r fast.. delphina, i also haven't start washing or pack my hospital bag yet.. nowadays feeling so tired &amp; achy.. no mood to do anything at all.. tempted to take mc to rest at home..
Yeah jingles, u r very efficient!!

I also to feel tired easily especially when I walk or stand too long.. Jac, if u not feeling so well, better take MC than over-exert urself.
wa.. jingles v well-prepared already. hehe
I have not washed the baby stuff too.. thought will wash in Dec.. ;p

I cant wait to give birth.. more so because I want to make sure bb is alright.. i cant wait to see her! :>

Im still eating sausages &amp; luncheon meat leh.. opps.. but I try to minimise, like once in 2/3 weeks... because a lot of things are also contain preservatives rite... like fishball, instant noodles.. which I still eat from time to time.. heeee...
actually it is absolutely fine to eat raw food while breastfeeding. in fact, you can eat quite normally while bf, dun really need to avoid any specific type of food.
morning mommies..

kekekekkekeek no la....got time then wash lo...scared bb pop out earlier no bedsheet to sleep on and no clean clothes to wear..
a reminder to mommies though - its better to buy bb wash powder to wash your clothes, our powder maybe too harsh for them

lush - its ok de la...so long as u are not eating preserve food every meal. Its hard not to touch preservatives at all....just moderate la
morning mummies,
me too a lot of bb stuff to prepare for but I have the cot set up already and slowly during weekend will wash up the pillow bolster and clothings etc

Also no mood for work liao and can't wait to meet baby
kekkeek for those who are late Jan..still got lots of time..think me and lush must start to kanchiong cos we are 1st week Jan de..
hey mommies! long time never come in le..been busy with work handover...

washing: i started to wash le cos i worried if bb come out earlier no clothes to wear..hehe..but i havent bought the mattress sheet, bolster and pillow cover...anyone know if can use febreeze on baby bolster?

hospital bag: almost done except for toiletries and nursing bra.. so far i only bought 1 nursing bra leh.. how many do we need ah? have all of you booked your hospital room le?

super kan cheong now cos it's only 2 months or less before i see baby.. went for scan on Monday and doc says baby is a bit on small side at 1.7kg at Week 32. Average should be 1.8kg wor.. and baby head not down yet although the previous scan his head was down so he did a 180 degree somersault lor..anyone knows what i can eat or do for baby to grow more? hope bb guai guai head down when it's time for him to!
ermm i guess bb stuff best to use bb detergent to wash...
nursing bra i bot so far 3.
guess better buy more, never know when we may dirty it as first time mommies when we breast feed or carry bb....
jingles: i find it tough to get nursing bra leh.. you got yours from BP? cos my size around Cup B but width is 38 so alot of those BP don't have such size.. haizz..any idea where i can get nice and comfy nursing bras that comes with wide range of sizes?

use bb detergent to wash bolster ah? okok i just worried difficult to dry with the rainy weather now...hehe :p
oh ya..any mommies know if Metro sells the cot mattress fitted sheet set? think they should have a 20% storewide coming up soon so thinking to get from Metro.
i bot all my bras from mothercare cos they are comfy...i dont wan abuse them when i will be milking like a cow :p

dont worry la..i even wash bumper and comforter. they are already dried despite the rainy season
haa i also 1st wk of jan..opps i better start doing all the washing!!!
Vanessa..eat durain!!!
hubby now very worried..he worried he cannot cope..i think he is having pre-baby blues now..=p

I have following BRAND NEW items for sale:

1. Pigeon wipes with casing (x8): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

2. Tommee Tippee 0-3m Pacifier (x1): $4

3. Pigeon Milk Bottles (x2): $13 each
Wide Neck, Peristaltic Nipple, BPA Free, 240ml

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
vanessa, try durian, maternal milk, chix essence, birdnest, etc etc? but all things in moderation hor.. i haven't got any nursing bra yet.. will probably get ard 34/35W ba coz they're still growing in size! intend to get from mothercare too, quality better &amp; more comfy ba..
hey mommies,

thanks for advice on how to make baby grow bigger..hehe.. durian seems to be best choice..hehe..we can still drink chix essence now? once a week?

jingles &amp; Jac: will go mothercare to check out the nursing bras. Thanks!

poseidon_gal: aiyo your hubby so cute..i think mine also getting worried le, especially after watching the Ch 8 show yesterday at 9.15pm on Ch U.. 爸爸當家..think that freaked him out abit..haha..
mommies lets give our spouse support too....if we are first time mommies, they also first time daddies...we need to hold each other hands la
