(2012/01) Jan 2012

Hi mummies, I'm about 30 weeks now. However, I don't seem to feel bb move much, usually it's just a few gentle thuds/ twitch that I feel in a day. Anyone also experiencing the same thing?

welenalexis >> Yes, I heard that raspberry red tea leaf is good to strength the muscles and help shorten the labour. Not sure how true it is. I'd check with my midwife but there's no scientific data on this.
i'm at 30 weeks, just starting taking raspberry leaf tea. this is my first time taking, so no results to share, but I thought no harm taking. Did read some stories online where other women thought it was useful for them. Anyway it is a fairly nice-tasting caffeine-free tea.
Raspberry leave tea
Just a note. When I went for WBB's parentcraft class back in 2009, she was warning not to take too much raspberry leaf tea. Good for uterus, but she did mention something about hindering with ability to clot blood and may lead to blood loss during childbirth.
Ladies who wants to take may want raspberry tea may want to check it out some more online. And not to overdose on it
hello mommies,

looking for changing mats...any recommendation of nice changing mats i can see online?
Grace: Maybe your baby is just less active? If your gynae didn't say anything, think it should be fine ba.. Not unless your baby is usually very active and suddenly becomes less active, then it's worrying
morning mummies,

jingles: i just get the normal pureen rubber mat, blue and pink. can use to lay the cot also esp if wear cloth diapers.

someone was talking about cloth diapers... i started cloth diapering my girl when she was 2 months and now she is still on a mix of cloth and disposable. think it is more airy and less prone to diaper rash, also cos need to change more often. during the first month, i cloth diaper only about an hour before bathtime with those traditional white diapers that can be folded. those are quite useful, i still use it as a multipurpose cloth now, to wipe after bathing/washing when outside, as a blanket in pram etc.
morning mummies!

i'm having sniffles again today.. damn sianz..

re raspberry tea, i read online that it's good for strengthening the uterus muscles & helps shorten 2nd stage labour, but not good to take too early or too much in case it cause premature contractions/ labour.. to play safe, recommended to start ard 34/36 wks & start with 1 cup a day & slowly build up to 3-4 cups a day.. worried abt the premature contractions & heavy bleeding etc, so think i personally won't try ba..

delphina, for cot/stroller/high chair/etc, u can try baby hyperstore or baby kingdom (both at kaki bukit).. if cost is not a concern, u can try mothercare.. they got really nice & sturdy cots, but ex of coz..

jingles, i got the pigeon normal blue & pink rubber changing mat.. they've a more ex one that has design (some cartoon characters) on it..

grace, is your placenta at the front or back? i read somewhere that you'll feel less or more gentle thuds if it's at the front as it helps buffer your bb's movt.. but best to check with your gynae thou..
jingles, i got mine at the parenthood fair.. but it's quite easy to find.. u can get from Kiddy Palace, kids section at dept stores (e.g. metro, robinsons, JL, etc), etc..
echo, birdbrain: I'll probably try it as well after ive checked with gynae next week. Hopefully it work wonders.

Grace: I heard from my gynae sometimes baby is alittle bigger for your tummy now. Mine will move alot if i have yet eat anything.

I'm not sure anyone went to taka fair mths back. I'm looking for the company who sell this particular white cot with the drawer underneath. Was looking forward to see them at parentshood fair but to no avail. Please do share the contact if anyone knows ya...
delphina >> is the cordlife sign up cheaper at fairs vs their normal walk-in price?

anyone considering about cordlife still? what r your views?
Babytum: During the fair, they gave $350 off from the website price. On the top of that, got cordlife romper set plus taka vouchers (ranging from $50-$150 depending on which plan u signup). I am not sure about normal price or other promo fair for them as my hubby has shortlisted cordlife from his own research. So we just went ahead to the booth to sign-up.

Maybe any other mummies taking up cordlife can also advise :=)
Grace: my bb movement is also quite gentle though i am coming at 32nd week. Same like welen alexis, she moves a lot when i have yet to eat anything or take my meal a bit late. i asked doctor; he said normal. Bb will also feel tired if she keeps moving just like us.

Mummies: What is your frequency of seeing gynae after 3rd trimester? Last time i saw doctor is during 30th week and he still asked me to return in 1 mth time as usual.. Shouldnt we see him every 2 weeks from 3rd trimester?
i guess it depends on gynae and ur condition bah....if condition ok, they will not keep calling patients to go down for checks. i guess they also dont wish to clog wait time also...

I have following items for sale:

1. Baby Plus: $160
Preloved. Condition 8.5/10 with Box, instruction manual and pouch. Full set.

2. Pigeon wipes with casing (Brand NEW): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

3. Similac Mom (Brand NEW): $15
Expiry Date: 29th Jan 2014

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
i saw gynae at 29W and he told me to come back at 32W. 30W is still early, maybe he will start seeing you more frequently after your 34W visit.
welenalexis, are u referring to the victorian cot placed nearer to watsons side?

delphina, think it depends on your prenatal pkg & condition ba.. for 3rd tri, i'll be seeing my gynae at 28W, 32W, 35W, 37W, 38W, 39W, 40W.. unscheduled visits will be on a need basis..
Delphina, im still wondering if i should go for the Dr's talk later.. hahah... kinda lazy.. and SCGS aint tat easy to get to also... Bt Timah in the evenings is usually quite jammed up.. argh.

Maddie.. ya i was thinking of getting some cloth diapers to standby... just in case... and we can use it, alternating with the disposable ones.. heee.. thanks for your feedback... am tempted to get some too.

Grace.. I heard that as bb grows, bb will become less active cos of lack of space.. anyway it's also good I heard.. otherwise the bb will b super active when he/she's out! Mine is quite active and the "push" her feet gives can be quite extreme, makes my tummy slant to one side. hahah.. she v powerful lor.. haha
Jingles,Echo,Adeline,Jac: thxs for your input. What u said make senses :) hehe just sometimes i am quite anxious,only get to know my bb condition every once a month.
Hi mummies, thanks for your reassurance. Initially during my 20 week scan, its says my placenta was anterior position and doc says it will move over time. However, during my recent visits he didnt flag anything out, said it's in the correct position. Just concerned as I read about doing kick counts but all I feel are gentle thuds/ vibrations, hard to keep count.

delphina: I'm seeing the gynae week 30,week 33, week 35, then weekly after W35.
Babytum - i signed up for 10 yr Cordlife plan at the Parenthood Fair, on top of the $350 off, i managed to get another $250 off cos i was a TMC FBI member. but if u sign up under FBI member plan, they only gave me $50 taka voucher instead of $150, but stil worth it.

Grace - my BB also not v active one. i can feel her moving ard and some occasional kicking thruout the day and usually more active at nite, but not those super active thruout the day types. her pattern is like 3 days of nua days followed by 1-2 active days. so long as she's moving ard inside me, im not worried. if i nv feel her move for some time, ill talk to her or gently tap / shake e belly. yep...
I guess for me, if gynae nv say much, i feel safe. Currently i'm asked to see him once a month.

Jac: Yes!! nearer to the watson side. That time its beside the small area selling organic stuff. Do you know the contact of that lady?
hi mummies,

I am letting go (becoz not using this brand) the pigeon newborn starter set with 2 pacifier at $40.

The set is selling $46.90 at kiddy palace and the pacifier is $4.90 each at kiddy palace.

So basically you will save $16.70.

I can meet at bugis mrt, buangkok mrt or seng kang mrt for self collection. Do pm me if you are interested.

lush, we had a skin doc & pediatrician (2 diff presentations) during the last TMC dr's talk.. both me & hb found the pediatrician talk very informative & useful.. glad we went (initially also abit lazy & tot of not going).. try go earlier if u r driving as the traffic is kinda packed & parking is quite limited.. btw, is there a need to choose a pediatrician?

grace, anterior placenta juz means that your placenta is on the side of your tummy instead of spine.. nothing wrong with it (unlike low-lying placenta).. juz mean that you might be less able to feel your baby's early kicks and punches because the placenta will serve as a cushion between your baby and your tummy (More info -> http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/ask-heidi/anterior-placenta.aspx).. juz thinking it might be a reason y u feel lesser/more gentle movt? or maybe your bb might juz be less active ba.. can try drinking coke/tea/kopi (feed caffeine) to shake him/her up a little.. hahah.. kidding.. :p
Lush: I will be going..agree with u that place is not very easy to get to.. Hehe dunno why they dont do it at TMC instead..maybe too many people to attend.
For mummy

2 front opening pyjamus
4 pairs of disposable breast pads
1 pack of disposable panties
1 pack of sanitary pads
Dress for home sweet home
2 nursing bras
Cleanser for body & facial (toiletries)
NRIC/ Admission letter
Hp with charger
For Daddy's
2 sets of clothings for 2 night stay
Photocopy of marriage cert
SCBB documents
Hp with charger
Digital camera
For baby discharge
1 set of mittens & booties
1 romper for baby home sweet home
Receiving blanket

(hosptial will provide too)
oh we must bring marriage cert to the hospital..i oso forgot abt dat..

Lush: i will let gynea pick the PD for me..anyway its only for like the delivery + 1 extra checkup..after dat I will go to the PD nearby my plc
the dipsticks you used..did u buy them yourself fr pharmacy? i bought mine fr there however, so far i hv being using for days, results were normal. my fren, nutrienist said these dipsticks were accurate for people with very high sugar level only. if slightly high sugar level, using dipstick will not be able to detect. have you heard abt this b4?
re PD, i kinda like Dr Ong EK (the PD that presented during the last TMC's dr talk).. nice & humorous guy & he has now moved to Mt. A (will be delivering there).. but think i'll let my gynae pick the PD for me ba.. better to have someone she's comfortable working with? after that will probably go PD near my place.. read that the PDs at Kids Clinic @ Rivervale Mall (Sengkang) are not bad..
yup i bot from pharmacy...ermmm thru wat i know the dipstick is able to pick up trace of glucose...tats why there is a range in the reading. But of course, if you wish to have a super accurate one, blood test is the most accurate.

single ward benefits
- to avoid following bedders who have kampong relatives that will disturb ur sleep
- to avoid following bedders that are too hyper IT and kept mesg/twittering/FB till you cant sleep too
- to avoid ple who hog papers/remote control till you have no form of entertainment
Hi to all mother to be, I hope u can take 1 min to help to vote for my lil boy in a Facebook contest. Pls kindly help to vote for my LIL MONSTER~
This contest will end at 5pm today so really really appreciate if you can take a min off ur busy schedule to help and vote for my lil darling. Thanks a lot for the kind help~ :D

He will be extra merry happy for Xmas if he can get the vouchers for more more toys!

Pls kindly follow these 2 steps:


hmm all the Js are in this morning...
Jingles, Jkids and Jac :p

getting problem sleeping lately....haiz...anyone trying propping 2 pillows to sleep? heard its better for 3rd trim mommies

jingles, i'm using 3 pillows - 1 for head, 1 in between knees & 1 in between arms.. so far so good.. it's the getting up to go toilet part that's affecting my sleep..

jkids, most of the ppl i know get single room for 1st kid.. then double room for subsequent kids, coz hb need go home look after older kids, not staying with them.. but depends on u la.. your budget, whether u are a light sleeper, prefer to peace & quiet or a neighbour to keep u company, etc.. and also think bb gets to sleep with mummy for single ward but not double ward?
Jingles.. i use a sleeping prop to cushion my back and my tummy when i sleep..helps alot..can sleep alot better now except for toilet break in the mid of the night..

Hi mummies,

Just wondering if any of you experience bb hiccups? So far I experienced twice..It feels like heart beat but from your belly hehe.
