(2012/01) Jan 2012

jingles: my #1 arrived 1 wk b4 EDD..but i do noe of ppl whose #1 was overdue..so it really depends..

some ppl say boy will arrive b4 EDD while gal tend to be after EDD..duno how true

hihi mummies..

Liv, Poseidon: if your bb is born in Dec, then will be entitled to the baby bonus. Only for babies born up to 31 Dec 2011. :p

on 1 hand, hope my bb will be born early to make it for the bonus but on the other hand, my gynae will be away during xmas week. Hope he will be back when i'm going to labour.
hmm..i better check with my gynea if he is ard during xmas period..
jkids..yah my 1st baby..haa no past experience...already told my gynea i want a dec baby liao..
juz to clarify on the baby bonus.. there's 3 parts for the baby bonus..

1) Cash Gift ($4k for 1st & 2nd child, $6k for 3rd & 4th child)
2) CDA (1-for-1 govt topup up till $6k for 1st & 2nd child, $12k for 3rd & 4th child)
3) CDC ($300-$400 depending on budget surplus)

The cash gift & CDA will still be available next yr.. it's only the CDC that is valid till 31dec2011.. whether govt will extend the CDC or not will depend on next yr's budget..
baby bonus will continue..the one that is until 31 dec 2011 is known as child development credit.. haa i very ks.. i go and email mcys to ask them about this already.. =p
The child development credit not much lah.. up to $400..it is a one time credit..
thanks jac for the update.

i'm up now cos baby can't stop kicking n I can't sleep due to braxton hicks n "stitches" like feeling...

thanks jac and poseidon for checking things out..

believe today will be a quiet day...many mommies will be out shopping in expo in parenthood fair..
anyone going to parenthood fair todae?? dont mind can update what is available there..
Btw what time is the parenthood fair until?? thinking of poping by after work if it ends at 9pm..
oh hurray, thanks poseidon for asking mcys.. hehee... so we can look forward to have some $ to buy milk powder and plan childcare services for our babies!

I have bought most of the bb stuff already, just need to buy diapers, nappy rash cream, breast pump, steriliser, warmer, hooded towel.

I realised Carrefour has quite a comprehensive bb section, prices seemed quite reasonable too.. you can check it out if you happen to be there! I went to the one at suntec.

tuetu cottage.. at 29weeks, mine was 1.4kg, and gynae said a bit big leh.. I checked online, at 31wks, ave is 1.7kg, so yours is very ok! Im going to see gynae this Sat (will be 32wks), hope bb is around 2kg. anything below 2.2kg. ;p

Poseidon, my EDD is 7 Jan, Im also hoping bb will be out in last week of Dec. hehee... I heard we can help to induce by massaging the V area after 36 weeks.. which I shall do so from mid Dec onwards.. ;p

TGIF everyone!
oh anyone buying cloth diapers? Im wondering whether to use it for newborns.. more breathable for newborn skin? at least for the 1st mth the confinement nanny is around to wash wat... ;p
i thought is massage breast then will induce.. not using cloth dipaer coz bb will wake up n cry more often due to wetness...

havent been sleeping well....maybe coz its hot. 1st sleep usually no problem, but if i wake up to use toilet in middle of d nite, find it hard to zzz after that
Lush: A sales from moo moo kow told me that cloth diapers are actually not so suitable for NBs as they pee and poo a lot.. Using disposables will be more convenient..
its call the Perineal Massage. As what i have heard also it helps the muscle to stretch and aids easier birth....

me too have not been sleeping well...most prob cos of the weather but i realise once i cool the room, should not be a prob

I woke up from hubby loud thunderous snoring lah/too cold from air-con lah but so far not from high tide or bb kicking wor...

But as the tummy grow I feel the weight and harder to get into sleep
i juz bought alot of stuff at the parenthood fair leh.. mostly all the smaller items, e.g sterilizer, wipes, breast pads, milk bags, diapers, beddings, nursing pillow, etc.. spent close to $1k ba.. major stores r pigeon, avent, pampers, mums & babes, kidsloft, bumwear, small small world, cordlife, prudential, motherhood mag, etc.. btw, pigeon got bottle trade-in at 50% off.. mybrestfriend is selling at ~$65 with extra casing, really good deal!
hkbaby, no leh.. I was also looking out for natal essentials coz intend to get pkg from them.. the previous baby expo fair got $50 disc for newbaby, but reviews doesn't seem so good?
Me too! I'm thinking of their 28 days lunch n dinner package. If order 1mth ahead get $128 discount but I felt it is still too little (will b gd if cost abt $1200) so wondering they give extra discounts during fairs..
hkbaby, yep I also intend to get the 28 days lunch & dinner pkg.. think need to get letter from your gynae to prove your EDD date & send them the letter with your order to enjoy the $128 disc.. I need to order by early dec.. doubt will have any more fairs/disc by then liao..
poseidon: oh...u check with mcys already ah? thanks thanks...i read somewhere before that the CDA portion is up til end 2011 only. Good to hear it's still available. It's very useful $$.

no chance to go parenthood fair. Actually planned to go yesterday, was on leave whole week. Sent my #1 to childcare for the 1st time. Who knows she was down with fever yesterday.
Hi mummies, long time never long in le! Hope everyone is doing well ;)
Went to the parenthood fair yesterday, I think it is much better that the baby fair back in Oct! More things to see and buy!

For those who are interested in post natal massage from Traditional and Holistic post natal centre, they have a booth there and their lady boss is there to answer questions. She is very friendly and provide very good advice. Those who are keen can pop by to check it out!

Happy shopping Mummies ;)
i also think the parenthood fair is better than the baby fair in oct..haa very tempted to buy the playmat..there is 2 booth selling playmat..
moscato.. yes..i email mcys coz everyone is telling me different thing so to be sure i email them..haa and they reply me..haa confirm correct =p
poseidon, after thinking for a very long time.. I finally bought the large playmat from small small world.. actually hb was the one who was tempted..
Selling Capella S230 premium cony stroller @ $250.
* Used less than 10 times. Bought this year!


Selling Avent electronic/manual single breastpump @ $190
100% Brand new in packaging!
Comes with Free breast shield!

Prices can be negociated!
Sms @ 98899784
morning mommies

wonder if anyone bot modular system for ur carseat/stroller? wonder wats the benefit hur? to me i find its a little expensive to buy the modular and have a duplicate vehicle for bb....
Anyone attending TMC child birth class currently?? The dr's talk is tomorrow at SCGS..any information about the dr's talk?? like who is speaking..where is it held?? classroom or main hall?? I totally forget about it until Mrs Wong mention is during last wknd class..
Poseidon.. Me me.. I'm going tomorow..

I think it will be at SCGS auditorium level 2. Im still trying to figure out how to get there!duno which dr is speaking though. r u going??

My hb not going as he's on a biz trip... v sien indeed...

I went for gynae checkup last Sat. bb is 1.9kg at 32weeks... phew, luckily not overweight, was so afraid she will be >2kg. ;p but her head looks kinda large though on the ultrasound, i wonder why.. is there such a thing as bb's head growing faster than the body? hmmm.... gynae said it looks alright, but I think it looks big..
Hi all, hope you guys are getting more sleep lately which i have not. Btw I heard raspberry leaf tea is good for us at later stage if w consumed it after 32 weeks onwards. Anyone tried before?
Lush.. yah i going too..hee i called up TMC and was told the speaker is Dr Ng Khoon Hock..
I going to visit gynea this thursdae..also very scare baby overweight..keeping my fingers cross..
Hi mummies..it's quiet in here today, everyone having Monday blues like me? keke

It's going to rain heavily again sianz..hope it stops soon..

Any mummies got good deals from parenthood? I had to give it a miss cos been feeling giddy and tired, can't stand going to crowded places
Hallo mummies,

Today is really quiet huh and seems like it is going to rain heavily. i havent started doing any washing for the bb clothes. hopefully weather will be better in Dec.

I went to the parenthood fair last week. Signed up for cordlife and bought newborn gym (on sale from $149 to $49 only), my brestfriend pillow (got 20% disc), and picnic mat from small small world.

I didnt manage to get baby cot as there is only 1 booth selling and we didnt really like it.

Still left with big items to buy : baby cot, sterilizer, warmer, stroller, high chair, carrier.. Anyone can recommend where to buy nice and sturdy baby cot? I saw that avent came out with new 4-in-1 sterilizer,but it was not offered during the fair.

Medory, hope u will feel better soon and can do Xmas shopping for your baby..

Poseidon & Lush, I am gg to TMC talk tomorrow too !! I think there will be many people there as they would combine all the classes to attend the talk.
