(2012/01) Jan 2012

I'm march 2010 mummy.
I still have a box of Dhaxtra Softgel fish oil (30 capsules) that purchased from my gyne at TMC to let go at $45/-. Expiry Jun 2013.
Self collection at tg pagar mrt station.

Pls PM me if you are keen. Thanks

Cord blood is useful to treat a no. Of diseases... Can used to cultivate new blood cells too.. And it's a guarantee match of bb cells. Should consider storing it if u can afford it, especially no. Of new diseases are expected to raise
Thru wat I understand it's an infinite period
morning mummies!
another great morning to bunk in after the big thunderstorm!! how i wish dont need to work after a great F1 weekend.... -.-
cant imagine how I will drag myself to work after 3 months leave :p
Morning mummies! Wow! I've not logged in here since thurs coz I was away for my bday celebration with hubby
Juz got back to work today..

Btw, I saw that some of the mummies are still not in our fb group. For those who wanna join, can add me as friend on fb and I'll invite you all to our fb group. My address is [email protected]
Please state that you are from the forum and I'll confirm you
morn mommies!
nice weather to sleep in!

jingles: abt the cordbblood, think i will just donate it
and i also cannot imagine dragging my feet to work after the 3 mths maternity break!!
jingles: I had very bad rashes months ago. Itch so badly that I can't stop scratching! Even the calamine lotion that my gynae prescribed didn't help at all. I used Sebamed lotion from Watsons and it's ok already
You can try that too!
Jingles: my cramps happens to be at the calf area.
And the rashes could be probably due to dryness because the skin is stretching. Can try aloe Vera gel. That's what I did when I had red patches appearing on my body.

If I don't have to work while pregnant, it is really great. Now looking towards Friday all over again
thanks for the recommendation!

ya...,i think its cos of the skin stretching cos i had skipped using my stretch mark creams for few weeks :p
cramps at calf area can be ease off via these methods:
1) doing foot pumps while standing up or sitting down on chair - pump foot up and down 10 times each side like pressing car accelerator
2) massage calf area before heading off to bed
3) raise feet while watching tv or before dozing off

hope it helps

me too...i am looking forward to both weekend and the deepavali holiday
hello mummies! havent log in since thurs evening and whao so many new posts! :D

belly button: the area around my belly button is so sensitive now too! and baby has taken a liking to kicking around or directly at my belly button..not very shiok. -_-|| LOL. i also heard that if it pops baby is a boyboy! i am having a boy but hasnt pop out yet, wonder when hehe!

bras: my bra has gone too tight for me and not enough support too. just bought a nursing bra from MotherCare to try. super comfy and good support..think i will get 1 more! mummies who are looking for bras can go take a look

tight tummy: my tummy feels kinda tight too..especially in the evening. in the morning it feels okay. has been like this since i hit 20 weeks..am now going on to 23 weeks soon. haven't started my stretch mark cream..thank goodness no stretch marks yet. think i should start applying religiously!

adeline: happy belated b'day!
did you travel out of spore for your celebration?

to new mummies: BIG HELLO to dekora, kyra, liquidskye and mildstrawberry!! me is a 1st time mummy too yay~ :D i havent buy anything too..but over the weekend we went to check out prices on cots and strollers..planning to compare the prices during the baby fair in Oct. if it's relatively cheaper at the baby fair, we will just grab and go..if not we will go back to the stores to purchase. went to see some baby clothes yesterday and was so tempted to buy..so small so cute teehee!
Jingles: Funny lei, my doc nvr prescribe iron pills to me..only fish oil and prenat vit. dun know if its normal or not.

What other supplements are u guys taking?

Vanessa: where did u get all these samples? and what is the nicest? i tot of trying cos i get bored easily with one flavour?

Also, are u guys taking loads of soya bean? hehe heard it makes baby fair..old wives tale maybe

Adeline: just added you. But couldn't text you that i'm from this thread. my username in fb: masharyani

have a gd week ahead ladies!
welcome to all newly joined mummies..

re milk: i only drink on wkends now when i'm not working...wkdays i go out for breakfast before work. :p

re tonics: my sinseh told me no need to bu in 3rd trimester or else bb might not turn. But i think bottled chix essence should be fine.
I remembered my MIL gave me a bottle before i left for hospital to give birth..LOL
alicia: Thanks! I didn't travel out of spore. Wished to though but my hubby forbid
But we spent quality time together

sweetchocz: I've added u to our fb group already
I'm also juz taking fish oil and multi vitamins
Dekora: can gimme your email add so I can send the shopping list to you? Thanks

Alicia: you havent started to apply stretchmark cream? better start lo..wouldnt wanna get stretchmarks..hehe

sweetchocz: my gynae gave me calcium pills, multi-vits and fish oil. The milk samples you can go to the respective brands' website to get free sample..mostly I got from colleagues and friends who doesn't take them anymore... i tried, similac, dumex, anmum, enfamum.. i think i like anmum and enfamum..similac is a bit saltish in taste and dumex is abit too milky in taste.. but then again tastebuds are subjective..so you shld just try to diff brands and decide which you prefer

I took soya milk earlier in my pregnancy. Then heard that for boyboy don't take too much soyamilk...so i kinda stopped.. the soyamilk i got was from bean-in-a-cup..organic soyamilk..quite yummy and you can prepare it yourself at home with a shaker (which they sell too).
any mommies can comment if the Baby Bjorn baby carrier is useful? or should just get the baby sling?

anyone tried to order stroller from amazon? do you know roughly how much is the shiping charge and if it's worth all the trouble?

Thanks in advance
sweetchocz: i'm taking fishoil, multi vits, calcium pills and iron pills. seem like i'm taking so many huh lol! but because i have low blood count, that's why my gynae gave me iron pills..if not i think alot of mummies do without it. you can check with your gynae yah

vanessa: oh yesss i will start already. every night just feel too lazy =p tonight tonight! lol.

adeline: think your hubby feels unsafe cos 1st baby
but should go for a babymoon before baby pops! if not no chance after that already lol. glad to hear you had a good time with hubby hehe :D
it mayb the prenat vitamins got iron content inside already? sometimes u got to ask...for my gynae, he only prescribe the fish oil and calcium upon request. I guess he thinks that watever the prenat vitamins has, is already sufficient.

kekekkee i also became lazy lo...after eating my daily calcium pills i also kind of stop drinking milk :p
now i look at your nick i felt like drinking moscato too :p kekekekkeee

you are right..also heard if expecting a boy...dont take too much soya

anyone tried Mr Bean Lychee Pop....yumz!
i will be buying bjorn baby carrier...personally i find the carrier is sturdier and safer...cos i am afraid the sling is tied the wrong way and bb may drop...also when bb first come out, its quite soft...its dangerous to chuck her/him inside something shapeless...
Alicia: Yep, I wanna go for a babymoon!! But hubby don't wanna bring me
He said he'll bring me for a trip after I deliver. So guess I've no choice but to wait till nxt yr

Vanessa & jingles: Why can't drink so much soya milk if expecting baby boy? Oh no.. I've been drinking quite often and expecting a boy!
jingles: i also miss drinking moscato..haha..:p

vanessa: i'm having boy boy. also tried to limit my soya milk intake..was so tempted to get pearly soya milk from Mr Bean just now.
errr...i also not sure lei...i cant rem. But guess just dont drink too much lo.. Vanessa..u can remember why or not hur?
Jingles - ya lots of sales everywhere over the F1 wkend. Crowded n heavy traffic everywhere.. Managed to get some bb LS sleep wear sets w pants covering the feet so save some hassle to buying booties n always dropping or loosing them. Now just need some rompers
my #1 ones r simply old n thot need too much effort washing them. At least #2 gets some new pcs not always pass down ones
Waiting for more sales or even warehse sales to stock up!

Found some relevant n useful readings on cord banking so sharing here:

Welcome all new mommies!
jingles: u very cute leh..see moscato nick feel like drinking moscato..haha
now that u mentioend Lychee Pop..make me feel like having it lo!!!

Bjorn carrier got many different types..quite ex hor..but i guess if it's good for baby then doesnt matter bah..you getting online? or from shops?

Adeline: I also dunno but something to do with genitals of baby boy or something... hahaha
what's moscato? hehe

vanessa: wah..i shall now go to all sites to see if can get free samples.

i notice by drinking milk everyday tummy gets bigger faster lei. and since i'm getting heavier, gets tired so easily lor

i had lots of soya bean in 1st tri, and also expecting a boy. but got sian of the taste. maybe baby dun like. now dun know whether to take it again thats y. guess can take once in awhile lol

re; baby bjorn
heard from a friend that its really good. but i wonder if i should buy now or after baby's born.
ya...i bot alot during mothercare sales -.- but too bad la..kana conned not all items are on sales..but since we already spent alot of time choosing the clothes, we just buy without the discount lo...

bjorn carrier
i guess i wil buy from the shop, cos can see and try it on first (i think the carrier also come in different sizes??). One thing buy online is cannot see for urself...I will only buy this after 3rd month...cos for first few months, still small, think can just carry around on arms. ohh one thing good about bjorn carrier is its orthopaedic approved. So no need to worry if it will have any -ve impact on spine
ya now thinking about it...i think yes..it got something to do with the pte parts...but i forgot...duno is it the bean content and guys hormones..
adeline: it's the soya bean content that is not good for boy's (sexual??) development. but i think drink is still ok but dont take the tao hua style should be ok? i'm not very sure so just limit the intake lor.

jingles: ya ya ya...brown brothers moscato..cheap & nice.
i heard the bean curd is no good for both..that means for both girl/boi best not to take cos they used chemicals to harden the soya to become curd. That is what both my mothers had been telling me...so just drink the liquid lo
no harm listening to the wife tales ...
Ya, my mum also not to eat soya beancurd coz of the chemicals they use to harden. I think it's quite true and I nv ate a single bowl of beancurd ever since I got pregnant. Hehe
jingles: oh my god baby drop from the sling..cant imagine! was planning to get sling instead of the carrier..but now you say this i think carrier like safer hor! lol. can be used for newborn too right?

beancurd / soyabean: my mummy told me to drink soya milk, this aunty told me to eat beancurd. my MIL says take both, i read somewhere online that both dun take. so conclusion? moderation lor..hahaha. seriously it's too hard to follow everything la.

i'm having BK for lunch now..so yummy but so sinful!! uh-oh.. :x
u make me drool!!! errr..isit mushroom swiss??? tats my favourite

ya cos the sling is u have to tie up the sling urself..so unless u can be v sure that the knot is sturdy then use the sarong. But for me....when I am hurrying can be careless at time, so better take the carrier, more sturdy.
sweetchocz: yup, mama's milk sugar content high so some mommies complain of growing bigger at a faster rate after drinking..
but it's nutritious lah..then some mommies say if taking supplements le then prob don't need to take mama's milk..so depends on individual bah

jingles: i saw online selling baby bjorn from $180~$300+.. prob will check out the stores and see the different types they have before comparing prices and see where sells it the cheapest!

soya milk: yah for those with boys, try not to take too much bah~~ better to be safe!
beancurd is a def no-no cos of the chemicals used to harden..so i didnt take any at all..sobs..cos it's my fav snack!

Alicia: BK! i also have craving for fast food.. but still coughing so have to curb!! arrrgghh!! you enjoy!!
oh dear,
im stressed out right now.. i stay with my mom and she had contracted shingles(cousin of chicken pox).. problem is, i have never contracted chicken pox and there is a very high chance that i would get chicken pox in my pregnancy now.. im extremely scared.. haizz.. i think i gotta see my gynae very soon to get some prophylactic anti viral drugs.. i just gotta vent.. any experienced mummies here who have had chicken pox in pregnancy? im worried sick!
Silsilly: oh dear... do go to the gynae soon..I'm sure your gynae is able to prescribe something..don't worry yah! everything's gonna be ok!
jingles: i had fish burger haha. wanted mushroon swiss but scared beef patty got alot of preservatives. now thinking back, fast food itself is full of preservatives..alamak. should have eaten mushroom swiss lol! eh yah agree with you..have to be very sure that the knot is properly tied. this will be my 1st time doing it so better dun anyhow try..a carrier will be better! easier and more foolproof! :D

vanessa: hope you get better soon! drink lots of water and soon you can eat fast food too :D hehehe.

silsilly: relax dear..i think there isnt much you can do about it now. so take it easy, and make an appointment with your gynae ASAP! hugs!
i also didnt take any soya beancurd. I miss the one at selegie..:p

bb carrier: i use pupsik baby pouch for #1..a bit difficult for me to put in. I think a bit too small for me cos i didnt go back to pre-preggy weight but then i'm petite so like stuck in between. In the end i seldom use it for cradle & kangaroo carrying (my mum always commented #1 looks so cramped inside). But good to use as hip carrying when she is older..no mess with the extra cloth for sling

my friend said bjorn carrier is good but hot for her back (cos hers come with back support) and clothes tends to be crumpled from the wearing.
silsilly: no need to worry...just don't share towels, etc with your mum. I think that'll be fine. When my bro had chicken pox, i didn't get it from him even though staying under the same roof.
vanessa: its my husband that is the kiasu one. ask me to drink 2 cups a day. Going to cut down liao. Cos taking prenat vits already.

silsilly: my cousin got chicken pox while she was 5mths preggie. But she's ok and so far so good. no complications. and she's due next mth.
Thanks Alicia! BK is my motivation to get well!! hehe :p

sweetchocz: hehe your hubby dote on you lah..ask you to take more good for yourself and bb
my relatives saw me yesterday and they were like "wa, your stomach so big! I thought u goin to give birth soon!! " -_-
my stomach v big meh... I kw it's bigger than another of my colleague who is giving birth in Dec...
I have not really been eating a lot, I eat a bit more, but not really a lot more. I drink a lot of milk though, I luv milk with my cereals and I take oatmeal almost every morning. Hmmm.. is that the reason why... should I cut down on my milk? SOmemore Im carrying a girl, dont want baby to be too big! ;p
Silsilly, both of us went through so much to have our babies, can understand how you feel. Is it possible for you to arrange for alternative temporary living arrangement? I'm sure your mum will understand, at least it will ease your mind.

We have to stay strong and positive for our babies. As I mentioned in the other thread, I was incidentally discovered to have cerivcal shortening to 2.6cm at week 20, then it became 1.9cm at week 21 and I was warded for a day for observation partly coz I really freaked out on the spot by the unexpected great drop within a week and the gynae warded me to do in-house amino leak test to calm my anxiety. After the dreadfully long night in the hospital, I tell myself to face up to the fact of possible premmie and react to the issue more positively and proactively. Today it continue to shorten by 0.1cm to 1.7cm but I'm putting trust in gynae's prescription of weekly progesterone shots and duphaston tabs and bedrest, even though the shots are really painful and the plan is for me to get them weekly all the way until delievery. Think for you you just got to stay positive and handle the issue in a way to calm yourself coz remember happy mummy equals happy baby. And you are the chatty jovial type, so your baby should take after the bright side of your personality. Take care k
Alicia - hehe. me and hubby went to check out some prices over the wkends oso... oso waiting for the oct fair to confirm some prices and whack if its cheaper... =P the disney baby clothes are so cute! so tempted to buy them...

oh yah... any knows whether we can use medicated plasters? ie: those salonpas plasters? cos i've been having shoulder aches due to slpg on the sides...the plasters quite useful... not sure if using these plasters will affect BB...
