(2012/01) Jan 2012

guess everyone here is waiting for the oct baby fair..just went for my check up..little fellow is 1kg already...no wonder he is soo strong nowadays always kicking me..
liquidskye,i think u can get them everywhere.. waston..ntuc..all have the plaster..

u just made me shed a tear lor.. if i were in your shoes, i would have freaked out even more.. even now while im at home, im in my room and avoiding as much contact from my mom.. im very close to her.. this lil separation itself has made me feel so sad..
i really hope the progesterone n duphaston will helpin ur case.. im praying for the safety of u n ur bb.. afterall, we went thru this together somehow n understand each other's paranoia since ER.. we shall pull thru this..

to other mommies,
im seeing my gynae tomoro to get reassurance or porphylactic treatment.. i was extremely worried just now that i vomited and had an episode of bad diarrhoea.. take care all..
Hi Ladies ,
I've the following Preloved items for sale.

1) Babysafe sling (dark blue colour) $40

2) Munchkin Voice Activated Crib Light $25
***Info on Munchkin Voice Activated Crib Light

Now the light of your life has a better way to be lulled back to sleep. Soothing womb sounds and 3 colored lights cycle on for 10 minutes the moment it hears your baby cry. They're the perfect combination to ease your baby into slumberland - which means you can get back to sleep, too.. And the lights are just the right brightness for nighttime checking or diaper changing. We call it a crib light - but you'll call it a small miracle.

Voice activated or manually controlled light and sounds
Babies love the actual recorded womb s

3) Supreme Snuggle Nest (Brand New) $85
***More info on Supreme Snuggle Nest by Baby Delight.

"The Snuggle Nest® is a portable infant sleeper designed to offer baby more comfort and stability in the adult bed. Sturdy, vented, support walls enclose baby, providing closeness and a sense of security. Baby’s comfort is taken to the next level with two options for soothing sound: Brahm’s Lullaby and Womb Sound by Pediasleep.com®. A soft LED nightlight enables easy checks throughout the night and a new Comfort Mesh Liner™ provides a more comfortable surface for baby. Great for co-sleeping, napping, travel, and also as a changing area and for moms with C-Sections and preemies. Lightweight and compact for trave

Self collection in Sengkang MRT.
Please PM me. Thanks
baby sling...
i bought a pupsik, but as my boy grow, he outgrown it... or may b i bought a size too small?? pupsik is the easiest to use of all...

moms in mind sling, i only managed to master the skill of using it when my boy got older, abt 6 to 9 months... but need his co-operation... if he struggles to sit in, cant secure the sling...

didnt try the other carriers, as hubby dont like baby's legs to dangle ard without support...
you are a brave mummy!! haiz....stay positive and strong ok....bb will be able to sense the fighting spirit and fight together with you.

let us know later when you are back....dont worry too much..though i know its v hard not to..

cereals and milk is the fast weight gainer....guess that is why tummy growing v fast. The other time when I was trying to control my glucose level while doing OGTT, these 2 affect the sugar level quite a lot...so I guess its weight gainers too...

Wahhh 1kg ahhh!! That means bb is growing well
Hmmm duno why everyone gynae will tell u all how heavy is the bb, mine never lei -.- I asked him the other time, he just told me a general guideline how heavy bbs are in certain months...I asking him about my bb lei...not general guidelines...
Guess I will not specifically wait for bb fair la...will just get along the way when I see things that are nice and suitable.

think you can get it in watson, unity or guardian..Personally I am keeping away from these medical ointment kind of plasters...will you like to check with your gynae first?
Re: Sling

I got the MIM sling..it comes with a loop..no need to tie..just make sure u loop correctly..and u can adjust it even when bb is inside..

I used to have an old version of bjorn carrier oso..but when my boy is bigger..i find dat i had no strength to carry him around..too heavey laio..
Dekora: File sent!
Happy Shopping!

RitC: Glad to see that you are staying positive despite the odds. I'm sure everything will be allright!
stay positive and happy!

Silsilly: Take care girl! I'm sure everything will be just fine
stay positive and happy for baby!

poisedon: wow 1kg!! dat's fast right? which Week are you at now? healthy baby
eating well..hehe
lush: haha i also have people commenting that my tummy is quite big for now..but i thought it's a happy thing! i love it when my tummy is so obvious wahaha. how many weeks are you at?
so long as baby is growing and you are eating well, dun bother so much!

liquidskye: hehe baby clothes are forever so cute! i think i will go gaga during the baby fair lol. regarding medicated plasters, i think you should call up your clinic to check? cos the medication may be absorbed into your body and i'm not sure if it's okay or not. play safe yah!

ritzc: you are such a strong mummy
do have lots of bedrest, keep a positive minset, and i hope that everything will be good for you! jia you!!

silsilly: your mum will understand dun be too upset
keep us updated yah. hope all's good for you too!!

poseidon: whao 1kg!! :D what a happy weight hehe! how many weeks are you now?
anyone knows where to get nice nursing pyjamas/nightdress? those that I see are all very grandma style leh... need to wear during our hospital stay right?
kekekeek i bot mine from OG...but its not really nursing kind but i guess so long got front buttons can liao right :p its disney pattern...if not u can get them from Marks Spencer...but they are more exp la.

till now my gynae yet to report on my bb's weight lei...
<font color="aa00aa">Welcome all mommies new to the group! I see a lot of 1st time mommies these few days, I'm one myself too!

Vanessa: I bought a few Hello Kitty nursing PJs from the BP section. Have yet to receive the items though.. Already looking so unglamorous post-delivery, cannot bear the thought of wearing granny PJs!

Welen Alexis &amp; Jingles: I saw many postings of bb's weight on the Facebook group and got so envious cause I didn't know as well. Specifically asked my gynae during my last visit and he was able to tell me during the normal routine scan. He doesn't have a fancy machine so I think your gynae should be able to let you know if you ask. Too excited seeing my bb in a weird position (with his feet touching his forehead) that I forgot to ask for a pix.. So sad...</font>
i specifically ask mine last visit lei...but wat he told me is general guidelines -.- ohhh for my gynae he will auto give me all the pics taken during the scan lo

OHhhhh i love hello kitty too
hi mummies,
For mummies who tried confinement food catering before, any recommendations? I've narrowed down to confinementfood.com and chili padi? I had planned to get natalessential, but they do not deliver to my area. Sigh. Now scrambling to find another confinement food caterer.
Welen: Yup..my gynae tells me the weight of bb when i go for my visits

jingles and appleseed: will checkout OG and BP section for my pjs.. realy cannot imagine people come visit me then im wearing granny pjs and without makeup!! *faint*
how much are the pjs ah? i saw some $30~$40..is it normal?

which position is your baby at? has he/she started to turn? mine's still in breech postion..really pray he will turn when it's time to..otherwise C-sect..sianzz
appleseed: hello kitty! me like hehe! where is BP section?? i wanna go see!! :D and your baby is having his yoga exercise when you went for your scanning hehe!!

alexis &amp; jingles: i havent go for normal scanning yet after my detailed scanning 2 weeks ago..i shall see if my gynae will tell me anot 2 weeks later hehe.

i fell asleep in office just now..gosh. so sleepy today
now thinking of what to get for lunch..so sian!
vanessa: isn't now too early to tell if bb is in breech position? still got a few mths for bb to turn..

welen: on my last visit, my gal weights 570gm @ 23wk..gynea brought fwd my EDD by another 5 more days..
<font color="aa00aa">Sorry I don't know how to insert a link here but you can go to SMH > Market Place and Exchange corner > Bulk purchase . There are quite a few different pp selling them. I think its about 20+ per set. Not sure abt quality though. I got mine from Jerlynshoppe but think she's not taking orders now.

My babe was breech 2 weeks ago when I went for DS. Just last sat, he has turned head down. Think its still very early and there's plenty of room for them to do their sommersaults at this point! So don't worry!

Alicia: That's quite a late lunch right? Don't go hungry le..

zhuzhu: My boy's only 515gm @ 22 weeks &amp; 6 days. All the weight gain's on me! Btw, your gynae really says your EDD brought forward? Mine just always say bb can come out anytime from 1 month prior to EDD, says EDD is just a guage.. But I v curious to find out if there's any change to EDD..</font>
zhuzhu: When I went for my detailed scan, sonographer already commented baby is in breech position. Then went for gynae visit, gynae also said in breech position and if by Week 36 if baby still doesnt turn then have to be prepared for C-sect. So baby doesnt start turning now right? it's only in the last few weeks then he/she will start to turn?
hi mommies

I have an extra brand new (in box) tube of Elancyl Stretch marks Prevention Cream (150ml, expiry dated Jan 2015), bought from Guardian Pharmacy, would like to let go at S$30. Retail price is S$47.30. Self collection in the west/central area. If keen, please PM me. Thanks very much!

confinement pjs: wanna ask around if nightdress is better or top&amp;pants set is better? for those experienced mommies, can share which is more comfy and convenient?
Wonder why I've been asking my doc whats the weight of the baby and he always tell me they look more on the length...

Anyway, I would likt o join FB group as well please.

Nick: welen alexis
email: [email protected]
EDD: 20 Jan 2012
Gynae: Prof John Tee
Hospital: KKH
BB#: 1
Gender: Boy
Location: Eunos

appleseed: okay thank you! i will go take a look hees. yah quite a late lunch cos i had a late breakfast too. but getting abit sick of eating nowadays..i get hungry every 2 hours and i have to start thinking of what to eat! so tiring..lol. doesn't help that i have to walk a distance to get food

sorry but what is breech position ah? and is baby suppose to be heading down so soon already?
Alice: you get hungry so often? maybe have some healthy snack at hand so when u hungry can munch..hehe.. i have biscuits, bread, dried fruits, cheese sticks in my office drawer..haha..for those sudden hunger pangs!

my boy was lying on his back both times at detailed scan as well as gynae visit, and they commented it's breech position... i also not sure if baby is supposed to start to turn slowly now..haha.. but one thing for sure, baby must turn downwards towards end of 3rd tri..hehe
back from gynae visit.. he said that i should not be too worried right now.. even if i get chicken pox, it would not harm the baby.. especially at this stage.. phew! but im still minimising as much contact from my mom as possible.. she is in "quarantine order" in her room.. dun get to talk to her and see her much.. we communicate thru phone calls despite being under the same roof.. wah, very sad leh..

tks for the concern mommies!
ritzc and Silsilly:
hope everyting will turn out fine for you!

yes, bb doesnt turn so early...hope bb will guaiguai turn ok. i also hope my placenta will move up by then.. i really dun wana go under the knief
Hi ladies, I am from march,2012 group. I have spotting on and off since 11 weeks. Doc says my placenta is low lying placenta. He said it's a long time issue. Now I am 17 weeks. Does any of u hav this sympoton &amp; how u cope it?
silsilly: that's great!
it's only temp that you do not get to be close to your mom...dont be sad ok

jkids: ya i really dont wanna go under the knife so hope our bb guai guai!

mabel cherry: i've heard that for low lying placenta try not to move about too much..or carry heavy stuff..basically minimise movement.. did doc prescribe anything to you for this? some mommies here say that placenta will move up with time.. so dont worry too much yah!
i bot the night dress around 30+ too..i prefer a dress as it is able to accommodate the big tummy and more roomy and comfy lo.
When i went for the detail scan, the gynae on duty told me bb is in correct position...so i am not sure if correct means....head down? I am also not sure....

breech position means the abnormal position of bb. cos position should be head down..but i guess we have a long way more to go....bb still will be rotating around la..so not to worry.

bb will be look after by my mum.

i heard from mummies having this symptom is that they will feel bb is v low...got to rest more, dont walk too much and wear flats.
vanessa: yah i get hungry super easily especially these 2 weeks..last night i had milo and tau sa pia at 11pm, when i was going to sleep at 11.30pm i was hungry already. -_-|| the thing is i am not gaining much weight! in fact doctor says i'm not gaining enough so i am trying to eat more lor. dunno blessing or what lol. the worst part is, all the food i crave for are unhealthy to the max. :X hehehe your drawer sounds like a mama shop. i shall go stock up this weekend!!

oh so breech position means lying on his back? my boy was on his back and side during the detailed scan..gynae never say anything though. so i assume there's nothing to worry about

silsilly: yay that's good news!!
it's just for the time being so bear with it..once your mum is well you can give her a big hug! :D

mabel cherry: i'm sorry to hear that..i do not know much about this issue so am sorry that i cannot comment much. do take care and rest more..do not carry heavy things yah!
jingles: ahh..okays. yup am not too worried..cos i assume if something's not right the gynae will surely inform me
anyway i'm feeling the baby kicks / punches everywhere, so i guess he still got space to do his somersaults haha! thanks for sharing!
jingles: lol! i use to sleep at 1am so 11.30pm is actually quite early la haha. by the time i reach home and finish dinner plus bath and do some errands, will be 11pm already

adeline: haha super cute. so you eat your bird's nest with eyes half-closed? lol. i only took bird's nest 2 times so far..feeling super lazy to eat though it's already chilled in the fridge. dunno what's wrong with me lol.
my EDD is 3 Jan soo now should be wk 26~27 bah.. yah baby has been eating well despite the fact i have serious MS during the 1st few mths..
now i think it is too early to say what birth position will baby be in..my little boy is turning everywhere..making me very uncomfortable at times..
Anyone has prob sleeping at night? I cannot find a comfortable position to sleep..once i turn to my side..baby start to move around alot..sigh..now very sleep deprived..
jingles: so your mum look after bb...is she staying wif u or u stay near her?

birdbrain: so will no1 go to ccc when no2 is born?
Thank u all for yr contributions. It's my first pregnancy and now I am on bed rest again. What do u mean I should wear flat? I am thinking I can continue my job or not. My job doesn't need to move around but I need to go toilet often.
toilet a little bit far from my room. I am taking taxi to and Fro everyday. U guys are very lucky. I am having stress because of this .
Vanessa - For me, I felt that any confinement pjs w front buttons till abt waist are the best cos it makes breastfeeding easier. But it seems tt those one pc dress type usually only have like 3 buttons which is not roomy enough to breastfeed. Unless u get those Jap or swim robe wrap n tie type. Con is this type will open all the way! Heehee! ;) So I ended up w 2pc pjs.
Alicia: Don't be lazy lah. Eat it! Think of how ur baby will benefit with the bird's nest. That's what motivates me to keep myself awake till 11. Haha!

poseidon: I have problem sleeping at night too! In my 24th week now and baby gets super active whenever I lie down. Sleep deprived too.
jingles: thanks for sharing
i also thought it'd be troublesome to wear the tee&amp;pants pj..

Alicia: I guess if you gynae didn't mention anything then everything's good
you were me a month ago..i was also super hungry all the time..hahah..have to eat something before i sleep if not tummy will be growling in bed..haha..since u can afford it, just eat more!

Adeline: serious? from 11~1am? wah like dat very tiring leh..hehe.. i just eat the birds nest before i head for bed..hehe..got eat better than never eat so nvm about the time i eat..hehe

poseidon: i also cannot find comfortable position at times..turn left, right, centre all feel funny.. but i subconsciously will tell myself to try to sleep on the left cos it's better for baby.. i have pillows all around me to support my feet, my back.. your baby so active at night
maybe u try telling baby not to move..see if bb listen or not..hehe
usually before i sleep will tell bb good night and it's time to sleep..he doesnt really move alot leh..hehe
poseidon: hehe your baby boy is trying to make his presence known.
try to sayang your tummy and ask baby to sleep too? but it's just these 3 - 4 more months that you can feel baby inside you..so enjoy it ba

mabel cherry: i think the mummies mean wear flat shoes and try to avoid heels if possible. if finances allow and you can bear to leave your job, being at home will definitely make things easier for you..if not maybe you can try asking for long MC? dont think too much, keep a happy mindset and things will naturally become better yah

adeline: okay i shall try. starting from tonight lol. seems like most of you are early sleepers!! and i thought 11pm is very early already! haha.

vanessa: yah lor so now i am eating again lol. ever since i got pregnant, i MUST eat something before sleeping..if not i will feel very xinku haha. when did your hunger pangs stop?
Alicia and jkids, thanks

Silsilly, glad to hear you r okay
take care and don't stress yourself k

Mabel, I have been spotting once or twice a week since week 13 til now and was on duphaston from week 13 to 15, then started to identify for myself the occasions whereby I usually spot, which are usually after walking for too long as well as climbing stairs. At least your gynae managed to spot the cause of your spotting, mine always do the basic cervix check and dismissed it as common among some women, until week 20 when she decided that it was not normal anymore and check my cervical length, which as things go, is shortening every week. But no matter, I feel that it is important for you to identify the situations whereby you spot so that u can prevent it. And no harm getting your gynae to check your cervical length too, coz I was quite angry with mine for identifying it so late that it is not possible for me to get a cerlage now. Spotting can be for various reasons, but positive experiences online keep me going, and hope all is well for you too, take care

Hi moms,
I hv a few items for sale/give away. Please sms me at 91558725 if you are interested.
1) medela swing breast pump bought 14/8/2011 (warranty till aug 2012), selling at $250. Used barely a mth as i hv not enough milk supply.
2) my breastfriend pillow $40 (almost new, used a few times only as boy is a premature and refuse to latch on)
3) medela washable breast pads, very new and good condition $10
4) 2x 3ml avent nipple cream samples FOC
5) 30ml palmer's nipple cream FOC
