(2012/01) Jan 2012

even though they say dont mind, i think as a woman, we must also maintain our part...we dont wan our man to pluck wild flowers oh! :p

yup..u are right! their mouth said dont mind..but dont know what they are thinking..haa..and so many temptations..:p

anyway also for ourselves too...every woman loves to look good.
jingles: hahah! pluck wild flowers! tell them they better dunt plcuk wild flowers if not kena poisoned also dunno...hhahaa...

yah have to look good for ourselves! not anyone else!
only got lazy women not ugly women
so have to work hard to maintain!
poison themselves, dont spread the poison to us can liao :p
ya lo...looking good is for the benefit for ourselves in the long run...

having leg cramps lately....haiz..i think i must be more diligent to massage them before i head for bed every night ...
sigh..why my boobs didnt increase in size.. still cup A ley.. from 34A to 36A....i start to see stretch marks liao..put soo much stretch mark cream also cannot prevent the stretch marks from appearing..
jingles..i didnt apply stretch mark cream on my boobs lah.. i appear on my tummy.. stretch mark appear on my tummy.. my boobs still cup A..no increase = no stretch mark..
TGIF everyone!! so sleepy in the office now..hahaha.. and tummy feeling very tight like the skin's reaaaallly stretching out... any of you sama sama?
heh thanks vanessa!do u think it is possible for the date to be early by up to 2 weeks? would like to plan for a babymoon but not sure if possible...
Dekora: usually for first born most likely earlier, according to my gynae... so maybe you ahve a chance at it
is yours a boy or girl? mine's a boy
first born
mine is a girl!my 1st born too!haha only recently then get kan chong haven bought anything to prepare for my baby's arrival
its possible for 1st born to come early. mine came 2 weeks earlier. some even 3 weeks(37 weeks)...

yes...usually after lunch start to feel tight...
Hi there, i've got a few stuffs to let go asap as i'm clearing space.

1. Tollyjoy Disposable Breast pads (63pcs, so its 1box and some leftovers) - Selling @ $10

2. Farlin Milk Storage Bag (20 + 2pcs) - Selling @ $10

3. Preloved Blue Anti Slip Mat - Selling @ $3

4. Left over 3/4 of Sacred tea (RP: $38) - Selling off @ $28

5. Chicco Carrier - Selling @ $35

6. Similac Mum satchets ( 2x 36.5g Expiry: 091012) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

7. Similac Mum satchets ( 2x 50g Expiry: 031012 & 021212) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

8. Mamil MAMA ( 2x 48g Expiry: 060112 & 060612) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet wipes

9. Abbott Discount Voucher (2x Similac Mum Expiry: 311211 2x Similac Expiry: 300612) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet Wipes

10. Mamil MAMA Discount Voucher (1x Expiry: 311211) - Exchange for small pack of Pureen Wet Wipes

Interedted parties, pls PM.

Dekora: You have the list of things to buy for baby and mommy? If not, I can share with you the list I compiled from other lists that I got

jkids: usually it's tight already, after food lagi tighter..wah..and backache's quite jialat these days.. what about u girls? i sleep left, right, centre also uncomfortable..haha..
Vanessa: thank u so much! Can send to me? the only things I have gotten were the stretch mark cream and maternity pants cos can't fit into my normal clothes anymore. I seems to be growing in an exponential rate.

Kyra: heh! We are both new! Welcome!
My holiday is over.
My FIL is back, starts his grandfather grandmother story again.
Tell my son to tell his ah gong tt he is too loud and noisy.
Wat to do leh....
hi all
i have been silent reader... possible to join you all??
this is my first one, EDD expected to be early Feb 2012, but probably will come earlier cos it's first born
i am waiting for my belly button to pop out.. my poor belly button been squeeeze until no space liao..and skin ard it is super sensitive..

Hee my EDD is 3 Jan..haa but i am hoping for a xmas baby.. =p
Good buy: if u want to buy dong Chong chao, Fu hua is having 20% discount. Range from 260 to 420 before discount. Each pack can cook 5-6 serving. So if cook alternate week with birdnest is still affordable. Like going for one restrauant meal. I bought 2 pack, the high end and low end one. Cost $500+. more than enough to last till confinement. If interested can go and take a look cos normal is only 5%.
hi ladies. Im new here. EDD - 17 Jan ... nice to meet u.

good to hear that im not the only one who hasnt started buying anything and is also experiencing terrible backaches... =S
Hi all,

Pink bumbo chair (with tray) for sale at S$50. Used only twice and tray is un-used.

Collection at sengkang MRT
PM me if interested.

Hello dekora,kyra,mild strawberry, liquidskye!!!

Me have bad backaches at end of the day too. Are u wearing heels? Try to wear flats and have good support on back while sitting down. Will ease pain.

Errr ...any significance if belly button pops hur?
Hi mommies, if u want to get concentrated bird nest n near bishan, can go junction 8 2nd flr. Just saw Eu Yan San is having a bazaar sale. It's 2 bottles for $118. I'm not sure if it is cheap as I dun take them so dun know their usual price. There's also normal size chicken essence n bird nest. Sale prob ends tmr.
Welcome kyra, mild strawberry & liquidskye!!

Belly button: mine popped when I was at 3 months.. So fast right? People ard me were speculating at that time it's gonna b a boy cos bellybutton pop out so early.. True enough!Haha!

Dekora: I'll send the list to u on mon ok? It's in my co laptop.

Serene123: thanks for sharing this info!! Will go fuhua to check it out! 

Liquidskye: try using pillow to support ur back when u're sleeping.. It helps me ease the pain abit.. Think having good posture also helps prevent backache.. Still learning to do that cos now tummy bigger tend to slouch..
Hey mommies, how often do u take chix essence? I didn't take a single bottle of it and only started birds nest at week 20.. So wondering if I shld take chix essence as well.. The normal type right?
Can try adjusting your walking posture. Not putting too much pressure on backbone - that means curving ur backbone too much and try tucking in tummy a litle. And don't slouch when walk too

Anyone gg for the cord life seminar on 8 oct?
I am taking the one with wolf berries. Taking now once a week and will take twice a week once hit 3rd trim. Heard that it's the 3rd trim where we need to boost up
Hkbaby: thanks for sharing the sales info.. Alot places having sale hor?

Annietoh: oh dear.. Prob u can talk to ur hubby ask him to tok to his father? I can feel u really pissed and stressed over it.. Or maybe just one ear in one ear out and take it that he is 'singing'.. Hehe..

Any of u went for robinsons expo sale? Saw from fb that there are good buys.. If I tell my hubby he'll say don't kiasu and just wait for oct baby expo fair.. Haizzz..
Jingles: thanks for the tips! Will try to improve my posture. Really need to consciously remind myself.. Hehe..
Hmm then prob I'll try to take chix essence once a week for now too.. Cos I still hv 2 big boxes of it in my cupboard..might as well finish it before expires.. But mine is the brands normal green packaging one..
jingles...just that i cannot bear to see my belly button kena squeeze until like that.. it used to be so nice..

btw anyone bk post natal massage lady already?? thinking should i go for those freelance massage lady or those company one ( e.g inspire mum&baby.. baby bellies etc )
Jingles: the robinsons sale at Singapore expo I think..

Poisedon gal: didn't go for the square 2 babyfair.. Am waiting fir the oct expo babyfair..
Ive booked my post natal massage with a freelance jamu lady.. Heard good comments abt her from forum so hope she's really good! 
Hey ladies, how are you? Been awhile since i logged in.

Jingles: yes, i'm going for the cordlife seminar on 8th oct. Me n hubby wants to know more about it.

Anyway, is any of you taking any pregnancy mom milk? I just started yesterday. Abit late right. But guess was just being absent-minded about it. So what brand are you guys taking and what taste nice. I'm trying Anmum now.

Have a great Sat!
I've the following items for sale. 

1. Babysafe sling (used only once) dark blue colour $30
2. Baby Bjorn carrier synergy (dark blue) seldom use $150

Interested can PM me. 
My jamu booked already.... It's freelance. Got to book now.. 4 more months to go lei... Was in novena last fri, nothing much, fair booths only a few. They have one booth on bb pic, then another on cord life I think.

Keke I signed up ytd night too..... Hope they hav some good deals in the seminar....I am drinking anmum choco a few days apart cos too hot Liao.... With all the iron pills and chix essence and hot weather... Heat driving me nuts!
Vanessa: sure, no problem. Send me the list whenever it is convenient for u.

Any remedies for leg cramps? I have been having that quite frequently recently.

Jingles: thanks for the posture tip.. Will keep it in kind

Actually wat is the benefit of storing cords? It's kinda ex so not sure if it's worth it..any comments?

Dekora: try massaging your legs before u head to bed, and put a pillow to slightly lift your legs up.. I put it at the calf area.. It helps me 

Sweetchocz: I have quite a few samples of diff brands of mama milk so was drinking religiously up to last month..then got abit lazy.. Hehe
