(2012/01) Jan 2012

poseidon: i'm delivering in TMC. Don't remember booking my ward so early for #1..think sometime in 3rd trimester.

jingles: the receipts should be for claiming anenatal charges from medisave. We can claim $600.

hkbaby: wah you are fast leh! Mt A confirmed with u le! my EDD is 15-Jan. hehe it'd really be a coincidence if we meet!! hehe

jingles: yah just went through cos consolidating all the list lah..so many lists..hehe.. hospital/gynae visit receipts so you can claim i think..can claim up to a certain amount.

ohhh is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
goodness i didnt know you can claim back...but will it be double claim as i intent to claim some of the receipts from my company? shucks infact I think I threw some receipts away -.-
jingles: you still have future gynae visits mah.. so can just keep the receipts from now on and then at the hospital counter think can claim $600 like what moscato say
hello mummies
anyone know abt chicken pox???
can a person who had chicken pox before becomes a carrier of the virus hur?
my boss's daughter got chicken pox lei...but he said he got it before already...
Vanessa - yes it will b v rare chance we will meet then cos my #1 was delivered 40wk1d, a full term bb! So gynae says tis time will b the same!
looks like I will the only one holding the fort here while everyone else has popped! Urs is first one, right? Boy or gal?
hkbaby :p
kekkeekkee u experience mummy mar...can hold fort....so while we are popping you can advise us
then during your turn all us during the confinement will shout jiayou for u
can we go dental while expecting? does the polishing affect the bb?

muz bring receipts to claim huh? i dun rem doing it last time...or maybe i 4got..
i also felt like gg...just inform dentist u are pregnant. Guess from dental point of view they are just worried abt excessive bleeding. But all my friends advise me not to, cos of the chemicals they use while polishing...so dahhh! there goes my tis annual claim for dental!
hkbaby: wah full term! that's good!
yah mine is the first born. Baby boy boy

like jingles say, we will shout jiayou to you when your turn comes!! hehehe :p

jingles: i thought everyone in their lifetime should have chicken pox at least once? best during childhood? does it matter if parents had it before?
Jingles - no lah.. Where got experience only have 1 gal.. Know some mommies here having #3 much more experience lor
Still lots of things to learn lah! Just will b lonely lor waiting to give birth.. U ladies try to come in n chit chat then, ok? Tks in advance for the jiayous
no la..wat i am worried abt is...my boss may be the carrier of the virus..cos i heard tat even though my boss may have got it before, he still can be a carrier and spread to me??? haiz......

yah....i guess we should all come in and ra-ra each other when the time comes

ermm are u ladies to chat in MSN? cos i find its faster :p
No joke to carry till full term lor though heard it's suppose better for bb.. U know wat i meant when u get to 36wks v tiring cos heavy so dun sleep well no matter which way.. Ended sleeping half sitting
seems like boys usually arrive 2-3 wks earlier n gals closer to full term.. 35 wk or less is pre-mature so 36 wk onwards shld b safe
I was at that time asking everyday is it the 'day' wishing it was! Haha!
most interesting part would be to share birth experience

really true huh... ok, i will check with my denist and do some google also.
jingles: yah even if a person got chicken pox before, he can get it again if the first time round was not 'serious' enough. Meaning, all the virus did not 發 out..you know what i mean? dunt worry la..not so zhun one...
i never had chicken pox.
I hope i dun ever get it.

My #1 took the MMR+V vaccine. So... i hope he's safe from ever getting chicken pox.
Oh... can go for dental.
Normal scaling, polishing, filling all can be done! Go go go. Good oral hygiene is very important!
Hmmm a lot of mummies are chatting thru Facebook group. Easier to chat. I'm there too n occasionally will pop by here to check out updates. U all at fb group?
hello jen,
i guess everyone is
except me. :p

yah heard from other mummies that is better to let ur bb to take all the extra vaccines when they are out
cos i understand chicken pox vaccine is under the "extra" jab and not under the standard package.
jingles: i dont think you will be able to double claim. The insurance co. will check.
I also claimed from my co.'s insurance but i didnt check how it was calculated cos I already received the max coverage in cash..:p

re chicken pox: i didnt have chicken pox before..took the vaccination quite a number of years back cos worried i will ganna..suffering to get chicken pox at this age.

from what i understand, if u have chicken pox again and got it again, it'll be shingles.
thanks for the info

u claim from the company..and hospital admission that time you still pass the receipts over to them hur? sorry sorry..but i will just like to clarify
Ya..i also passed the receipt to them but only the anenatal package receipt cos that receipt is already $600. My gynae's nurse gave me an additional copy and attach together with my admission letter for submission.

I have another copy of the invoice which i submitted to the insurance co.
i think u just make copies of ur receipt lo..i guess if its already claim from company HR, then hospital side cannot claim liao....they will check de :p
jkids: my co.'s insurance covers maternity. That's why i submit for claim purposes.

Not all co. covers maternity. You can check with your HR if your co. has such policy.
wow..its good that your co have such benefits

anyone will receive monetary reward fr your co if you deliver?
i rec $500 in my last co. i heard some co's reward to a mother is as high as $1000! wow...

anyone know of any online shopping for our babies with nice clothes at affordabe rate?
i have but its more like a bogus account for playing games (infact there are no friends in my account :p)...i am not into FB as the loopholes are too many.....also I will not like to let my company knows too much things abt me esp chat during working hours!!! U will never know one of the preggie mummies is actually working in the same office :p

think u can search for bulk purchase....under same motherhood forum. Saw GAP and carters spree gg on
tops ?? as in blouse ah? or bra? i am wearing dresses lo.....more comfy
wow..$500...my co. gives $200 only.

for bb clothes, usually i will buy from bulk purchases in the forum. But the only downside is you can't get to see the actual until you receive. sometimes the cuttings are very different.

i only wear loose tops and dresses. Have 1 nursing top which i wear as maternity top. Don't feel like buying so intend to stop at 2. :p I have 2 maternity tops from #1 time but dont think i can fit it anymore. I have expanded from giving birth to #1.
I'm also not fb gp...

Claims - if ur co or hubby co can do such claim, submit it monthly then won't have to worry abt missing any receipts. Think I claimed my gynae package thru hubby's co during #1 so didn't do it when admitted to hospital. They r smart lah won't allow u to double claim.

Jkids - I am wearing those dolly dresses or dolly tops n matching w elastic bands bottoms or tights. Didn't buy any maternity clothes as I personally dun really like them..
Alright, i will check with the fb group Administrators. See how u mummies can be added to the fb group.

I have not started wearing maternity tops. Only bought maternity pants as my normal work pants are slightly tight. Bought new undergarments too, which are bigger and more comfy. heh ;p
monetary rewards??
wahhhh v good lei...we dont have it here lo

yes i heard also..we will expand from #1. tats why i cant rem which mummy ever ask me before..certain areas like hip even jamu also wont help de..after 1st birth, it will nt go back original size liao

ya lo i guess all receipts just zap and give hospital bah..then if u claim from company, i guess cant claim from hospital already.
wahh..co pays you money for giving birth! so good!! my co doesnt give anything leh...

maternity tops: have been wearing since 4 months..was living on loose clothings i had before but since 4 months everything was too tight..haizz..shopped quite a bit..haha..waiting for my old navy shipment to come in..
just went to look at my company benefits..doesn't state that they would reward for childbirth...boo hoo...

yalor..now no choice still wearing tight tops..bottoms i bought maternity pants cos adjustable and more comfy... undies also gotta buy big big size more comfy.. as for brassiere..any of you got problem with it? I put extender le still tight..haizz..cos my width is quite wide so those triump and wacoal widest they have is 85... cham ah... prob have to go buy grandma type of bra liao... *sobs*
jingles: i think my ribs also expanded lor..from S size to M size now..*sob sob*. Hip & waist line confirmed expanded. Maybe becos i didnt manage to bf, that's why cant lose weight. I only lost 8kg immediately after i gave birth then it stays stagnant. So i still have the 5kg with me from #1.

Vanessa: maybe use 2 bra extender?
moscato: yah will be buying more bra extenders lo.. but actually Week 30 onwards can buy nursing bra liao right? my bust size only grew 1 cup..looks like it's gonna stay that way..unless there's a growth spurt suddenly..haha.. my hips confirm expand..haizz..then friends and colls comment that my face changed...rounder i guess...sob sob..
hip expands coz wen u push a bb out, the bones "open up" for bb to come out. but anyone noe whether if its by c-section, will hip still expand?

its a sacrifices of us. we forgone our curves to have kids....
vanessa, boobs size hard to tell. My boob expanded by 2-3 cup sizes (depending on how engorged the boobs are) after birth. No stretch marks during pregnancy, but developed stretched marks on my boobs after confinement...
oooh...cos I was A cup..haha.. and was hoping bust will increase more mah.. let me have a feel of bigger bust..hahaha! I'll shop for nursing bras at Wk 30 then
wired very painful leh... got stretch mark at thigh and bum area liao..sobs...sacrifice for our dear babies!
sigh.. so depressing talking abt growing in size.. i've also put on alot of weight & expanded at my boobs, hips, waist, thighs, arms, etc etc.. face also very round.. feeling super depressed nowadays.. dun even wanna look into the mirror & also dread taking weight during gynae visits.. sobs..
toking abt co benefits..my previous co give $1k for natural birth..i think dat is the insurance claim o not..not sure oso..never ask much..since got $$ to take..

this current co. give $50 as a maternity gift..
u are quite funny hur

feel of biggest bust :p
but i am also A cup la...suddenly bust becomes bigger like cant get use to it also.

no worries la..bigger hips means sexier too :p
kekeke we got think +ve ly la
