(2012/01) Jan 2012

RitzC, take care and rest well! Can meet up for baby play date during maternity leave.

Birdbrain, agree with u. I think govt seems to be focusing more on getting more immigrants and integrating them rather than giving singaopreans more perks to have babies.
Hi Felicia, I've added u into my FB. i checked, you are also in the group already.

Yi Chin, i've sent a FB request to you. Once you confirm, i can add you into the FB mummies group!
Hi everyone, I m currently in my 17 weeks. Would like to join the group. This is my 3rd child but this pregnancy is really diff from my 1st 2 preg.Bad ms, poor appetite for this preg :-(
Though excited but the 6 years gap frm my second preg means i have to start routine again (feeding, changing diaper, lugging big bag for baby stuff) Had not been feeling well these few days-should be slight anemia-breathless and tires easily,giddy and chest pain when breathing...see doc today n given 2 days mc. Left only 1 day mc for the year :p
Hi Jac,
I m prone to stomach flu too...eat something light like porridge..no dairy product...keep yourself hydrate (when i m not preg, doc advise to take H2O drink to replace water n mineral loss-not sure if preg can do the same)
Yi Chin, I've added you to the FB group already.

koko, you can PM/provide me your email address. I'll send u a request in Facebook.

Please take care of yourself too. I think the weather isn't helping to relieve our pregnancy woes!! This is my 3rd kid and I have bad MS too. Even coming to 19 weeks, when the sun sets, my MS starts to come back.

now i feel so nauseas that i can't even sleep...
Hi all, decided to pop in to take look at wat I've misseed out! Haven't posted here in smtime cuz too bz so relying on fb chats is pretty gd too. Hehee! Also didn't post anymore cuz a few frens of mine found out abt my current preg cuz they saw me posting here. @_@"

Tulip7v, my tummy is so bloated nw I cld float. Lol! Bt tooo tired la, so not much prob falling aslp.

Re: nausea
Anyone else still suffering? Most of us alr passed 1st tri, I'm one of e late jan edd n alr at 14wks still feel pukey n bloated.
Koko, welcome! Heehe! When u said lugging big baby bag, it brings back memories... @_@" hahaa! I tink I will enjoy meal feedinmg tho. All bm/fm! No nd to struggle w force feeding and food wars!
Hi tulip,
my email add is [email protected]
Would like to chk with u, for this preg do u feel that tummy get bigger earlier compare to previous preg? Mine is rather big (many people comment mine looks like 6mth)I asked doc today is it bb big or my tummy big? she said most likely caused by wind.
Regarding nauseas, i m still suffering...mostly aft evening too.
Hi koko, I've send you a friend request via FB. Once you add me, i can invite you to the mummies group.

Er... this is my #3. my tummy not as big as the previous two given that i'm coming to 19th weeks. But for my #2, i remember, it was bigger than my #1. but every pregnancy is different. so it won't be exactly the same?

same same... evening is a time i dread most.
Hi jamie, thanks. Ya...b4 preg kind of miss those stages (when playing with my sis's bb)but looking at my kids now more independent...think good to relax..relax but now worry whether i can cope when my bb is out (had forgotten most things...even how to carry bb)
Tulip, i will chk my facebk account. thanks for adding me :)
Hi Mummies,

Havent logged in for a while...going for my 16th wk scan next tue, hopfeully can c bb's gender!! So curious, cannot tahan! xD

Felicia and Jingles: where u go for the pre natal yoga? isit the all about yoga, actually been looking ard for these classes...do u mind if i join u guys???

Can add me on fb? my email: [email protected]

Yah, I'm still in the MS club, pukey, bloated, in my 15th week. Thankfully having a good day. Kept my dinner in last night and breakfast too =)
wow! coach ah....but if your tummy is getting bigger...i think you should stop jumping around. Will stress yourself and BB up....does your company has any alternative arrangements for preggie coach?

most probably i will be going for the prenatal yoga in KKH. Will sign up after I tied up some stuff next week. But hopefully the schedule will not clash with my prenatal parents class which gg to start in Sept.
swimming i can do in pool la.....hehheeehe no need to pay money to go :p
actually they say simple walking in the pool and squats in the pool is good enuff for preggie. I am more interested with exercises in fitball and breathing techniques in yoga which we will need more in labour
errr...i will only sign up after i tied up some stuff....but you can join felicia first...think she already starting with the aquaaerobics le
jac: how abt some glucose water? not sure if dat helps..

toking abt tummy..this morning i woke up..realised dat my tummy had grown abit..cos usually morning tummy not dat big..but today one see quite obvious..
Birdbrain, added you to the group. Please check.

Yi chin, i've tried to add u to the FB group... but somehow, FB always reflects you are not. hmmm... anyway, you can check. Any problem, we try again yah!

Lynn, i've send a friend request to your FB account. once done, can add u to the group. You didn't sleep last night (3.53am)???!!
Jingles, tot of doing a photo shoot tis round w my girl too cuz 1st preg nv do.. N since I dun plan to hv anymore kids aft tis, might as well la..

Zhuzhu, yea my tummy ballooned overnight as well hahaa! Quite scary!

Birdbrain, I can hold my food in but its a problem to swallow it down at times. Ytd my 27mth old girl ate more rice than me. I cldnt eat much bt digging for supper at 11+pm.. @_@

Koko, I dread to imagine hw bz it wld b when #2 comes out. Rite nw my #1 still wakes up at nite. Its v v tiring and will b worse I feel. Actually I feel much more tired nw then my 1st preg. Alr into 2nd tri still no energy n thus, cranky.
jamie, im sorry u r still going thru MS... mines still lingering too.. how old is ur #1? i think its challenging to have more than 1 kid, i duno how im gonna do that next time too!! the moms like u and others with their #2 or #3 or more r amazing.
jamie, same same lah... i don't understand why the night MS & nauseas didn't go away.

you remind me of the time i had #2 and the #1 is bugging me most of the time. Very trying for me after #2 arrived. i remember i had to push a pram and carry a toddler to the #1's school everyday. #1 kena jealousy, refused to walk on her own. other parents see already also kudos to me. I breastfeed/express in secret, coz #1 ultra sensitive to this issue.

BUT the good news is, you'll lose weight so fast before you know it! bbecause you got to handle two!! a lot of energy and mental strength required.

Don't worry too much ok. take one step at a time. These will come to past. very fast. by the time they're like 4YO, you'll miss those babies days again... haha...
jingles: same as jamie, i never took any pre natal photo shoot when i had # 1..tot of doing it this time..since it will be the last time b4 i close shop..

Oh if any mummy wans to buy the concentrated bird nest from lao hang jia..yday i saw @ taka they had a promo..buy 6 bots..and get 10% (cos u will qualified as member), then they give u some pearl powder and a few bots of those instant bird nest..think quite worth it lar..
<font color="0000ff">Hi Mummies,

Anyone of you ladies will be signing up for KKH's Sep weekday antenatal classes? I'm looking @ starting mine on 20th Sep. Just wanna see if any kakis will be going with me. (^_^)</font>
<font color="0000ff">jingles,

I cannot go for weekend antenatal classes coz both timing clashes with my son's tuitions... =(</font>
Hello mummies..hope today has been great for all of you so far. Cos it's a very emo day for me.

Ever so busy at work today cos I am all alone. Had to skip breakfast
And when i finally get to eat lunch at 1pm, I dropped my chopsticks on my new white maternity pants and stained it with chilli sauce sobs! Got soo emo that i just snapped and cried out loud in office. Abit mad but it was just all too much for me to bear

Hope i did not scare the little baby! Sobs.
hi alicia! poor u! how r u now? hope u r feeling better after the crying out in the office... its half a day gone already!!! jiayous!!! im jus waiting... ;p
hi all mummies n MTB!!

currently expecting #2 and I am from nov 08 thread.. ;p week 17+ now.. still dunno boy or girl.. gynae is dr adrian woodworth @ Sk..

hee.. anyone doing the table can add me in? thanks!!
Hi von, hee not super mom la.. there's quite a few mummies expecting #2/#3 here right.. ;p

SK = Sengkang

I will go back to Mt A, I like there! feel comfortable and like the nurse/food/environment there.. so peaceful.. hee...
