(2012/01) Jan 2012

happy national day to all. First time log into this forum. My EDD is on 5th Jan 2012. Currently at 19 weeks. Just went for gynae visit last week and was told it's a boy. hehe.. going for detailed scan next week to confirm again cos i hope its a gal.

Anyone found confinement lady? CNY period is super expensive..
Hi catherine, Im new here too. hoping to find some support here as a first time mom to be. Im 17 weeks now, EDD 16 Jan 2012. Been throwing up very badly since 5.5 weeks, on medication and jabs to manage the nausea, only recently got better. Im now managing the blues that came with the nausea, wonders if any moms-to-be are like me now? its so hard to manage the prenatal blues and work at the same time...
I'm having a boy! EDD 9th Jan. Signed up for some prenatal courses like aquaaerobics at KKH, prenatal yoga and childbirth prepatory classes too. First time parent so a bit kiasu bah. Hehe.
morning mummies

i have got mine last weekend. Via a friend's recommendation at price of 3.3k. No choice I guess above 3k will be the market rate for CL lady during CNY

Hang on there...guess the MS will fade...try to eat some small snacks between meals esp dry crackers. Hope they will help

Hey I am also signing on prep class in KKH
to be commence in month of Sept! Maybe we can then meet..hahahah which gynae are you under?
i can understand how you are feeling right now..during my 1st term is every night w/o fail. Makes me so miserable
Due 6 Jan. Think Felicia is taking up in KKH lei...you can check it out in their website.
I cant find it but am looking for one so can relax.. and be less blue. is this your first baby jingles? r u at work now? am at work.
Yah, I'm working as well. Bad ms, puke, bloat, no appetite, gastric etc, but thankfully not so bad that requires jab. Rejected anti-puke med gynae offered as don't want to take meds unless it's really required. Back pains, prob from all the pregnancy hormones, round ligament pains from the expanding uterus.
I just comfort myself that at least those are signs the baby is doing ok. Try to enjoy the days when the MS is less, eat more, rest more. Look forward to feeling the baby move and knowing that the MS will go away one day. And comfort yourself that there are many other working mothers who are going through the same thing so you are not alone in this. And of course, it helps if you have a considerate, understanding and comforting husband around
thanks birdbrain... how many weeks r u now? yours seems like mine... im just trying to swim above the blues.. :\ sometimes i cry for no reason!
15 weeks. Due late jan, early feb. I had 2 full trimesters of MS for #1, so better prepared for the MS this time round, and I'll be happy if the MS goes away before I hit 3rd trimester this time =p
Don't worry, it's probably mainly just hormones. I get teary on occassions and a number of times think of all the bad stuff that can happen. Each time it happens, try to shift your thoughts to good stuff like friends with healthy newborn babies, your favourite commedy etc, silly as it sounds. Just need to remind yourself this all will pass. But the blues really get bad, you may need to let your gynae know. Just in case.
oh is anyone giving birth in mt A? im looking for prenatal exercises to do tgt, do u know if mt A has any of such courses? i know kkh has...
Hi Von,
I am birthing at Mt A, yes Mt A has prenatal class just call and ask, I think can see at their web site, also do sign up for the THE ALVERNIA Ladies CARD maybe give you % for the classes and ward discount, this time I wont plan for the class till later as for my #1 I went then later ended planned c-sect so didnt needed the knowledge lor hahaha.
Hi hq, i saw that they have prenatal classes but do they also have prenatal exercises like yoga/pilates/aqua-exercises like kkh?
thanks for the info!

when r u due?
Me too, going to give birth at Mt A.

If u want to attend the prenatal yoga, and if u are staying at the east area. Updogs at east coast Bigslpash offer class on every Sat morning.
Hello all mummies!
Went for detailed scan this am at KKH, it's a girl. Was hoping for a boy initially, cos I already have 2 girls. But sonographer cannot find any penis between the legs.
EDD on 5th Jan 2012.
KKH that one is aqua-aerobics, or they call it pre-natal aqua fitness. Not sure if it's the same one you signed up for, Jingles.

It's quite good. U really sweat even though under water.. I'm currently going on Sat 1pm.

Von, the yoga one you can check it out at the website

I bought the yoga 1 Mth pass from groupon de.. I rmb it says it has prenatal yoga so I bought.. Haha..
And Jingles, im under Dr Chen Lin Han, Mount Alv..

I signed up for the Mount Alv ladies card. $98 for two years. Got some discounts off the hospital bill and other things..
hahhahaha i v shy to do the aqua thinggy in KK duno why....though u call me swim in the pool i am ok lei :p
they also have prenatal fitball class....if u interested to get from KK
Hi mummies-to-be~! My EDD is on the 26th Jan and I am new here!

I am turning 16 weeks this coming Thursday and I simply cant wait for the 1st baby movements! Can anyone share on how the very 1st few movements are like?

Hehe thank you!!
Hi Michelle,

It's $100 off single bed rooms, $80 off 2-bedded, etc. Not so much, but better than nothing :D will get free 6months baby insurance from great eastern too. U go google Mount Alvernia ladies card benefits and you'll find all the info in a PDF file. ;)
Alicia, baby movements feel like tiny bubbling in the tummy initially to me. When it feels rhythmic, it's the baby hiccuping.
I felt the movements too, like kena pressed on the inside of your stomach. Very obvious and you'll definitely feel it. Mine came at week 16. Now it's getting more frequent and harder. -.-
wah! den u go to the east for the exercise?? i work in the west and stay in central.. abit hard to go there
how r u doing in ur pregnancy annie? good?
Hi all mummies,

I went for my Detailed scan today at 11am..done 4th try and finished the scan at 4pm. Small Penis was clearly visible, haha! I got a bb BOY!!
Wow so many kk mummies today

I am with prof John tee. Not the most conversational person really :p

I will be quite keen in signing up but I can only confirm after next week

Congrats!!! Who is ur gynae hur?
congrats linda!!
cant wait for my detailed scan, mines on 27aug at 20 weeks. im now only 17 weeks..
wish time can fly fly fly!!!

wah really alot of kk mummies. few mt A! TMC etc.
yes i got my CL wen I knew I was expecting, scare cannot get one! wat to do, mum has other grandkids to look after and my mil as usual doesnt offer help nor ask.

i know exactly what u are going thro. this is my 3rd experience and all gave me MS without fail! i am very phobia of MS! been enduring since wk8 this round. intially i feel sleepy and tired very easily and have to fight the crowds in the train/bus. appeitite was bad, n everyday was fearful of wat to eat, it is a pain really as i feel hungey yet cannot eat well. life is miserable and i told dh i will go mad if this doesnt go away, ha. but he helps me a lot with the housework and kids at home. luckily no gatric pain for me. i lost weight n my weight now is even lighter then my pre-preg weight even though i am wk 16 now. My MS seems to be going away on and off. like yday, i could eat pizza and i was so happy! i feel so human again
its not so struggle drinking water, unlike b4. my jinsheng has also improved. i hope this is a good sign for me since i have not enjoyed a single bit about this pregnancy yet. i hope yours will go away soon...hang on there!

anyone stayed in tmc, single ward before? juz wondering whether they have a curtain for us to draw so that we can breastfeed without having to "chase" guests out of the room?
jkids: thanks jikids! i wish mine will go away soon. its super depressing! its like wat u meant! feel so human when i can eat and want to enjoy pregnancy and not hate it.. sighs.
