(2012/01) Jan 2012

Jingles, heard that John tee is really good at reading ultrasound. He can tell baby's gender accurately at my colleague's week 12 ultrasound.

Linda, cool! Got a boy!
How come ur scan took so long? Baby didn't want to turn?
I went for my scan at 8am and managed to see gynae at 9am.
I think I'm starting to feel regular movements. Or maybe it's cos theres too much bowels in me. Haha! Feeling less lethargic compared to the first few weeks. Ms getting slightly better. Have yet to gain any weight. 16 weeks this sun! 24 weeks to go T_T

Oh Annie, I'm staying in BP too!

Anyone sending baby to infant care? My pil stay in jb and I can't bear for baby to be away from me.. My parents are working so there's no one looking after him or her. So sian! Gotta spend extra $$.
qiqi, my PIL are from JB too, living there. I wont be leaving baby there too, crazy! :D i wana see baby daily ma. Im gonna be applying for one yr no pay leave to care for baby. full time single income. husband wont have alot of income, but we'll live simply. ;)
Hi all

Anyone know of a good massage lady to recommend for post natal massage? Tks in advance

The one I want to book is not free so looking for another. Are u gals booking post natal massage too?

Does it helps to slim down faster only or has other health benefits?
Will baby bonus still be available next year? Read on a website that it's only eligible for babies born before 2011? So confusing.. Yea I'm working.
hi ladies - just wondering if anyone has installed (or know of someone who has installed) a video camera at home? i'll need to head back to work after maternity and it looks like there will be days when i will have to leave the baby at home with the maid. just want to have a way to monitor remotely and wondering which company i should use. thanks!
Hi qiq

Baby bonus shld still be avail next year. Hope they will announce more perks for us during the upcoming national day rally ^_^


Envied ur courage to take no-pay leave for a year as not sure my boss will support it
havent dare to announce my pregnancy as he rushing stuff out like crazy
hi qiqi, i think there is:
Child Development Co-Savings (Baby Bonus) Scheme
Children bring joy to the family. The Baby Bonus Scheme supports parents’ decision to have more children by helping to lighten the financial costs of raising children. It was introduced on 1 April 2001 and enhanced on 1 August 2004. The latest enhancements on 17 August 2008 extended increased benefits to the first and second child and benefits to Singapore citizen children beyond the fourth child.

Cash Gift
You will get a cash gift of up to $4,000 each for your 1st and 2nd child and $6,000 each for your 3rd and 4th child. All your children born on or after 17 August 2008 will also enjoy Government contributions in the form of a dollar-for-dollar matching for the amount of savings you contribute to your child’s Child Development Account (CDA). If your child is born before 17 August 2008, he or she will enjoy the Government matching contributions in the CDA if he or she is your second to fourth child.

Matching Government Contribution in Child Development Account (CDA) for children eligible for Baby Bonus
The CDA is a special savings account that you open at any OCBC Bank or Standard Chartered Bank branch for your child who is eligible for CDA. You can save in the CDA any time until 31 December in the year your child turns 6 years of age. The savings will be matched up to the cap of $6,000 each for the first and second child, $12,000 each for the third and fourth child and $18,000 each for the fifth and subsequent child. The Government will match your savings in the following month.

The savings in the CDA may be used to pay fees for all your children who are attending Approved Institutions registered with MCYS under the Baby Bonus Scheme. These include child care centres, kindergartens & special education schools registered with the Ministry of Education or the Council for Private Education (CPE), and early intervention programmes registered with the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) or the Centre for Enabled Living (CEL). The CDA savings can also be used to purchase MediShield or Medisave-approved private integrated plans for all your children and pay for all your children’s medical-related expenses. These would include consultation fees, treatment fees and prescription costs incurred at healthcare institutions.
tuete, i just want my child to have what I didn't have coz I came from a single parent family and mom is working. but we r also gonna jus try it out for a year and see if its possible to sustain. if not i will take up a part time tuition job etc. but for now, its single income after birth.

it will be good for u to let ur boss know so that u can let ur boss know that u r concern too about staff movements. and ask about possibilities.. i also asked about possibilities of taking 1 yr no pay leave first before confirming the decision - so that i will be seen like im considering for the organisation :p

my boss den mentioned that i could go ahead and try to apply. so i went ahead with the reason that i dont have childcare arrangements and this has to be done.

the application is still undergoing approval, so im also not sure if it will be approved. waiting for my HR and CEO to approve. so far my director has approved. praying hard!
amaesing : I have CCTV at home , the kind that need to run cable and trunking -
Not sure if you need such kind or just a plug n play web cam?
i guess it still will be and mayb more bonus after the rally....afterall human population is always at the top of agenda....
I hate to be spoilsport, but I'm not holding out hopes of any more add-ons to the existing baby bonus. Seems like this year's rally speech focus will be on transport, housing prices and the faltering economy. And maybe some mention of the upcoming GE.
And with the coming dragon year, I think the MCYS people will be expecting a baby boom (well, at least from the Chinese population) and won't be worried about falling birth rate for the next year or so.
tuete_cottage: My massage lady is also fully booked in Jan already. MayC recommended two ladies in facebook before. One of them is quite popular and must call now to book else, i don't think she has slot for Jan. You can ask her for the contacts or i can PM you. I just booked one of them three weeks ago. hee hee... kiasu...

I've always had pre & post natal massage for #1 & #2. For post natal, it does help me in slimming down my hips so i can fit into my pre-maternity clothes. heath benefits, not sure. I did it for vanity.

amaesing: like Hq, i have CCTV at home (for break-ins since both my kids are in full day childcare PLUS my 'hiao' maid has boyfriend who knows where we stay. Kaozzz... can't wait to send her away). Involves cabling and trunking too. there is a recorder for storage plus playback via desktop/TV. u can install as many camera points u like. my friend who recommended us, had 8!!! And the one i had, i can access the real-time video capture via my iphone/laptop. so everywhere we go, we can see it as long as you have access to web browser (3G or wifi).

For webcam, i think you need to shift around often to capture the angle you want? My other colleague sometimes call the maid to turn the webcam around so she can see what the bb is doing. then the maid will be so conscious and act decent in front of you right?
Hi ladies,

Long time didn't catch up in the forum Liao how's everyone doing just popping in to say hi
Can someone add me in Facebook my e-mail add is [email protected] . Think it's easier to communicate in Facebook since. Most of the time I will log in there more than here
I am going for my detail scan on 22aug hopefully all will be fine take care girls n talk to you in Facebook soon .
I'm staying at Segar Rd, where are u staying?
We can meet up and buy some baby stuff after 20 weeks.
I'm now 17 weeks but i don't know it's a boy or girl. Next app on 22 August, hope for a girl this time. #1 boy v drama & too attach to me to the max.
Hi Babybee, since i'm on FB now, i've sent the friend request to your FB account. Once accepted, i can add u to the FB group, i think.
overthemoon: sorry, was on leave yesterday no time to check in. how to describe baby moving... hmm now can think about having a fish in a plastic bag of water. if it bumps the side of the plastic bag that's how it feels. means fish must be big enough relative to the size of the plastic bag and amount of water. haha.

tulip7: how much are you paying for the camera service?
hq & tulip7v: thanks! i don't mind running the cables and everything but ideally, I should be able to access on internet and on mobile. which company did you use and would you recommend them again?

also tulip7v, could you add me to the FB group too please? my email is [email protected]. thanks!
Hi tulip7v, i have accepted your friend request in Facebook do add me in Jan 2012 mummies. Will chat with you from there thanks for adding me in
Babybee, i've added u in the FB mummies group.

amaesing, you are kara-mae????? I ran your email, and you're already in my FB friends list. Hey, this is Jean from SQ CC lah. Remember Janice Lau & Claire Pua??? Then you'll remember me. hahaha... Ok, i've added u into the FB group.
Maddie & amaesing: I paid only for the installation of the cables, wirings, recording machine and installation etc. A one-time payment. after which this machine (the size of a typical DVD/blu ray player) is for you to maintain yourself. to view it off site (away from home), you need to connect this player to a router.

The costs of these installation depends on your requirements:
- types of camera used (night vision/wide angle/hidden etc).
- no. of cameras u want. they come in multiples of 4, i remember.
- points of installations and the works needed.
- misc.

I have the company contact that did for me. The sales person will come and view your house. understand your concern and then point out the ideal place to install the camera to have the max exposure. You'll get a quote but no need to commit. compare prices first.

I recommended to a few of my colleagues. But after which i realised from them, mine was the more expensive contact!!! hahaha.... its a rather competitive industry i think. Let me give you the other contact my colleague had used and completed the project. Plus mine too. its FOC to ask for quotes. I'll PM you. when I get from her.
Any mummies here having tension headache?
Usually occur 2 to 3 hours before i knock off.
It's time to get mc from doctor and rest.
Stress at work.
I don't feel like to take any med, worry that it harms the BB.
think its work stress or maybe insufficient food? i have this previously and i find it helps when i drink more food and snack regularly.
having stomach flu now.. puked more than 15 times & diarrhea more than 5 times since last nite.. unable to keep down any food/ water.. went to GP in the morn for a jab.. feeling slightly better, but still unable to keep down any food/ water.. feeling very miserable.. any mummies had stomach flu while pregnant before? will it affect baby? any food/ drinks that can help?
Von and Jingles,

I already signed up for KKH's aqua-aerobics all the way till sept's slots.. U can call and sign up, as I think there are still some slots left ;)

As for the other classes, my schedule is kinda packed as I also signed up for childbirth classes too.. Somemore the yoga I'll start soon... SO BUSY! :p

You R right, it's work stress plus lack of sleep.
I'm not like most working mummies who works in the office.
My job is more on physical work then using fingers.
I still jumping around, doing cartwheels and handstand.
I'm a gymnastics coach leh, it's my job and I really love this job.
However, I use up my energy after an hour class.
