(2012/01) Jan 2012

re: maternity leave

few days ago, my male boss asked wen i would take ML. even suggested if i wana go back to work after 2 mths (I said No!!!), even suggested working 3 times a week (I said No!!! its still fullload despite working only 3 days!) i thought male boss will have more compassion...sigh.

last time my previous female boss also asked if i wanted to go back to work after 2 mths.


I try leh, but feel nothing, maybe too much fat accumulated after 1st pregnancy :S

Any 2nd time mummy still waiting to feel movement?
siao lei..go back after 2 months...but thats wat my friend's wife did. my friend's mother made a hell out of noise as she will like her to rest fully so that her health will recuperate lo. Anyway thats their suggestion only right? You can still proceed to take the 4 months if you wan to. They can stop u de...the most appraisal no good lo...
birdbrain, okay, i think i'm too anxious here. Thanks for your reply
Haha, i'm very anxious too. Need some indication baby is doing well in there. I went online and checked a number of pregnancy related sites. Most said 2nd time mother feel movements between 16-20weeks, so at least set my heart to ease....
Week 19 now...
The movements are stronger esp when i'm at rest, ie watching TV or just lying in bed. Hubby can feel it too when i take his hand and press against lower tummy. Mine is concentrated at the left lower abdomen. Hehe... love these tiny butterfly flutters.

Hope u get to feel your little one soon!

wao, that's cool, i hope i can feel the same very soon
When did you started to feel the movement for this pregnancy?

I'm currently in my week 16, next appointment is still a month to go, soooo long........
I'm also 2nd time mom.. 16th wk fr yday. Felt some kind of stretching somewhere below belly button late last wk.. Not sure if it is bb moving or my stomach stretching.. But this feeling is similar to when #1 was really moving at much later stage... Where u can see ur stomach move up n down.

Vone - r u getting better now? My sour tongue still there! Yucks! Wonder when will it b normal
Hi Ladies, I am looking for mums with 13 to 36 weeks pregnant for a short 15 mins survey in our office on formula milk brand - Abbott, e.g. Similac or Gain IQ. Criteria : You must not reject this brand and may use this brand in future. Token: 30 bucks NTUC voucher. Kindly SMS me your Name, age, how many weeks pregnant to 97640028 ASAP.
Felt ard week 15+. Hehe...

Ya... i also have these pains. Feels like stitches after brisk walking.
meeiee & birdbrain: i am oso 2nd time mum..coming 17 wks soon..havent really feel much movement yet...have some light kicks..but not sure if its bb kicking or gas..i do feel abit of stretching also..think bb is turning around..

jkids: if i am not wrong, i think the 1st 3 mth we must take 1 shot..but the 4th mth..its up to u n ur co to decide..whether to spilt it up or take the full mth..but i think taking all 4 mth will be easier, for HR side and for ur replacement also.. otherwise how is ur other colleagues going to cover for you if u spilt up the 4th mth
zhuzhu, hkbaby, X

envy envy, me trying to lie on back also cant feel leh. Tell myself to be patient

By the way, can i be added to the list (if someone is doing)? would like to join the fb group as well, pls add me at [email protected]
do let me know you are from jan 2012 mtb yea.
morning ladies, yesterday afternoon someone in office passed away.. heart attack. So scary, I just bumped into him at the lift lobby just yesterday morning. i'm trying very hard not to think about it, but everyone in the office keeps talking about it. They know Im preggie, so will ask me not to listen. It's sad, I'm trying not to think about it to maintain sanity. Sigh.

Anyway.. im week 19 now and I feel slight flutters in tummy from time to time... very slight ones. Sometimes on left, above navel, sometimes on right below navel. Gynae mentioned if it's above navel it's likely to be just wind. So Im wondering if im over sensitive or really bb saying hi. hahaha...

But I dont feel anything when I lie down though. I usually feel it when Im sitting down typing, like what I'm doing now.
Lush: Oh that's sad for your colleague... If you can surf sites on baby formation within our bellies? And dwell on this miracle unfolding within you? It's really an awesome process....

You may be feeling bb's movements! So exciting!
Hello mummies,

Hope everyone is doing well.
I was previously from Dec '11 MTB group.

I have a brand new set of Ameda Purely Yours breast pump (US set - w/o local warranty) to let go which I purchased earlier before my miscarriage. Now I have no use to it & would like to sell it off.

Interested mummies who like to take over, kindly please PM or email me at: [email protected] ya.


First 2 mo ths maternity leave must take at 1 shot cos direct claim from govt. Next 2 months is company pay one, so typically will be allowed to claimthe next 2 months within a year from giving birth. Not sure if all company follows this though
jingles: duno leh..stocktake not here yet..but my colleague who is organising this told my boss again..to exempt me due to my low placenta..and i will be getting my gynae to prepare a letter..to shove it in her face..
hkbaby ,

my ms not getting any better
My appointment to see gynae is this thursday! So glad ! Can't wait to get anti vomitting pills from him
but other than shoving into her face. it will be good if u can scan and email her b/w officially

still getting v bad ms ah....did u talk to ur boss about the 1/4 leave we talk abt that time?
zhuzhu, birdbrain,

am 2nd time mum too. Think Im starting to feel some bubbling movements already... but still not very obvious. Sometimes I can feel the baby pushing against my tummy when im on the bed.

Anyone know what happened to joyojoy? Its been a while since she posted.
i told i i need to breastfeed 4 mths. i think in his heart he wun be happy. i know bonus and appraisal will be affected. but if he does he is shallow becoz all my time spent working wif this co would be wasted for the past 3 yrs... but bb 1st
there are some mothers over here that are super...they BF in the meeting rooms and brought along their mini fridges lo...salute their effort of bringing the bags and bottles and all to the office
talking abt bf.. me still thinking shld i get a new breast pump or use back the one i hv from my #1.. the cost of getting the replacement parts is ard 200 but a new one is ard 450-500 hmmmmm wat u mummies think?
X: thanks for the concern..
trying to walk slowly now..but quite tough..cos i used to walk super fast.. :p

jingles: i will submit the letter to HR also..
heh.. I would buy replacement parts if the cost of the new one is 450-500. but if the cost of the new one is $300 and replacement parts are 200, i may consider a new one...
thats wat i think so too.. jus get the replacement parts anyway after this #2 will close shop liao.. cant afford #3 :p
cheer bear: i am oso planning to use my own pump..somemore mine is a preloved set..so already quite old liao..think the suction not as powerful..but make do with it lar..

Even if i wan to get another one..probably get another preloved set lor..
Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - 11:52 pm:       
Hi mummies,

Went for my 16wk scan today, bb was super cooperative, so dont haf much scan time with bb, and oso my gyne super chop, chop one...

And coz bb cooperative, we get to c the gender!! My little munchkin is a boy!!! XD

Btw, i oso signed up for wong boh boi class starting in 15oct, anyone same as me???
Ur Neurogain is cheaper than outside.Think its going at $38 per bottle...:>
My gynae recommended DhaTrax...I tink its spelt this way....$60 per box of 30tablets.The pills is very big at least 1.5cm long kind...fainted..
Is it DHAxtra Softgel? It's really big! Didn't know it's so exp! Just know my last payment was like $100 for fish oil, calcium n iron!! Worse I've been naughty so far only ate 2 tabs! Really too big n it really smell like fish even b4 swallowing yet box wrote flavourless & odourless!
i took the fish oil from gynae..duno wat brand and duno the cost..cos i usualy pay 1 lump sum with my other medicines..

and cos of the fishy after smell..i usually take it at nite..b4 i sleep..
I had tried out the babyplus at the recent taka baby fare. anyone felt that the babyplus heartbeat sound may be too loud and any chance that it will hurt BB hearing?
Hi zhuzhu, with regards to fish oil,can i take the normal type found in normal pharmacy? or must strictly use those for pre-natal? any different? thks
Hi Ladies, we are looking for mums-to-be who are now 13 to 36 weeks of pregnancy for a short 15 min survey in our office. Token - 30 bucks NTUC voucher. Criteria: You must be a Non-rejector or User of Abbott brand of formula milk e.g. Similac or Gain IQ for your baby. Interested mums, kindly SMS me yr name, yr age, hp no. and advise how many weeks of pregnancy to 97640028. Thanks, Sally
Yes its DHAxtra Softgel.Yeah just measured the size again its 2cm long...fainted...its the 430mg...dha...
N neurogain if not wrong is 350mg? Whats the difference?
u mean UTI ah? If its UTI, drink cranberry or barley.....it will help to ease off. But moderation hor...as we are mummies now.

Hi Lynn,

Congrats on your boyboy! Hehe. I am going for my 17 weeks scan this Friday and i hope my baby will be cooperative too! Lol.
