(2012/01) Jan 2012

jkids: i am still taking..cos got leftover..doc did not prescribe me more folic acid anymore...

Anyone taking nifelat? duno is it a side effect or wat..the skin on my 2 cheeks turned super dry..

Sigh I'm sufferin from constipation... Stools r super hard and doesn't come out despite sitting there for so long.. Stomach cramps but stools remain stuck
I tried exerting but am so worried that I will be stressing the uterus.
I was ok in 1st trimester. I think it's the iron thats causing this. So frustrating
I already ate oatmeal this morning, still like that
I'm stopping iron for today first. Maybe skip 1day lot
Jkids .. I'm off folic already. Now jus on calcium n iron. I heard after 1st tri, no need folic already
morning mummies!
how i wish i took OIL today then i dont need to come in...hahaha 4 days straight off

try eating brown rice. brown rice gives me straight bowels w/o fail. If not try prune juice (if you have no diabetic prob) or fruit-guava..

i think its the med or hormones. just meet up for one beauty session this week and my beautician keeps nagging that i did not do self facial at home to maintain my skin.... -.-

any ladies now doing those at home facials? is it safe?
jingles: i had been putting lots of cetephil cream on my cheek..think its slowly getting better..

I din go for facial for a long long time..after i gave birth to my boy 4 yrs ago..and my beautician left...

Lush: try prune juice or eat the prune itself..

i just heard from my colleague dat my sicko boss is not going to exempt me for the upcoming stocktake..she said after my 2 days MC, I am OK..so can do stocktake..siao..going to get gynae to write me a letter of exemption
Zhu Zhu,
Ur boss really inconsiderate!

Week 18 now. Feeling more baby movements and my appetite is slowly coming back. Dinner can eat 3/4 bowl of rice. Yay!
envious that you can eat 3/4 bowl of rice...i had been monitoring myself lately. if eat a whole big bowl of rice for dinner, my glucose level will def goes up!
hahhhhh !!!! Zhu Zhu - your boss inhuman leh ...
really hope you dont have to do those climbing up & down ones. Hope your colleuages can help you too.

Facial : wahh that is like a luxury items now, - no time !!! have not really been to one for a long time , my #1 I do monthly till cant lie down flat anymore that was like 3wks before birth.

This pregnancy my skin is very dry - seems like only Nivea soft moisturer works for both face and tummy - hee hee save $$$

(x) good for you !
jingles, X & HQ : Ya..really mei ren xin..
I told my colleague the store room is a potential hazard, i ever saw colleague fell down b4...i am not going to risk dat..I heard from other colleagues, last time when they preggy..oso bo bian..ganna arrow to do stock take...this kind of boss...quit earlier better..

X: i am also waiting for bb movements..now at 15w4d..not much movement yet..appettite is better now also..
thats work hazard lei...can raise to HR and MOE de...and pls highlight to gynae that you are being instructed to do highrisk work ...hopefully with the decree from gynae, boss will not dare to touch u
GD is like that one. U try eating brown rice?

How many times are u monitoring ur blood sugar level? So far ok? Within limit? Must be selective in your diet, esp on carb and other sugary stuff. Was a torture for me. But no choice. For the little one's sake... must REN. REN! Few more months to go.
Lush: i eat dried fruits like turkish figs, guavas etc. Good way to snack in between meals too. Can buy from those nuts and fruits stores.

else, if it is bad, like so hard but don't come out for a few days. tummy pain type. see GP/Gynea? Both of them prescribe me lactus (or lactulus) for constipation. its pregnancy safe.

Facial: 3 months never go. Coz the last time i went, half way, i wanted to vomit so badly. Just don't do those invasive/sonic/UV/IPL type? I see my blackheads, i buay tahan liao...

Zhuzhu: your boss no heart is it? Or how come so not understanding when she's also a female???
still yet to go for OGTT, just monitoring via urine sticks before the stick to see what trigger the glucose. So far cakes, ice cream everything even chng tng seems ok. The only thing that will change in litmus is one full big bowl of rice. However, if its 3/4 bowl is acceptable.
Morning gals,

I was on leave last Friday. Went to ballot for the 2C Phase primary 1 registration next year for my gal. Wow, very stress leh... luckily my gal got a place. Phew...

RitzC: I thot my staining stopped last week. Got a scare on last Saturday again when staining become red. Luckily for a while only and stopped. Yesterday stain became brown and also lasted for a while. I guess we can't walk or stand too long... Maybe like what your gynae say, some women may experience staining throughout the pregnancy. I guess if not a serious one should be ok bah. Sigh. I was planning to see gynae today if still got stain. Are you better also??
i read in the internet that they will give 50grams of glucose in OGTT...wonder if any mummies know how much does 50grams equates to hur?
jingles: ya..going to get gynea to write a letter during the next visit..

tulip7v: she is married..bo kids lar..dat why dun understand all these..

Apple: congrats on ur gal getting a slot..i read in the paper n internet so many parents unhappy with it.. I rem my auntie told me when she was preggy with my cousin, she oso had staining throughout the whole pregnancy..so its really individual case..
zhuzhu: i see... but i always thought married women kinder than single.

Apple: congrats!! very stressed one hor. my friend did parent volunteer yet she didn't get a place. so sad...
Hi Mummies..
I am having #2 week 16 already..
nowadays i hardly can sleep.. always wake up in the middle of the night cos of my back ache..
sighz.. always dozing off in the office..
anyone experience??

thanks. Indeed its very stressful. At least for no 2, no need to worry so much if provided I still stay in my current district. heehee..

Oh yes, did anyone manage to feel baby's heartbeat when you put your hand near your stomach? My gal and I manage to feel it and she's so happy abt it. Only my hubby till now could not feel anything. I told my gal cos baby like jiejie so jiejie can feel it....she's so happy, haha..
zhuzhu, yup, u are right. the worst is single and old... can be really cranky at times.

jingles, my workplace also very quiet. the rest went for short break over the weekend and over tommorrow's PH?

i drank something very interesting just now: mango juice + yakult. wah... taste refreshing. i hope i don't get stomach upset or puk-y later.
sounds fab! i will also like to try
but i scared over dose of sugar...now listening to baroque music. I bot these over the weekend. they claim its good for bb's development...anyway i also can listen..music is uplifting in a near empty office
try fresh milk in the morning.

It's normal during pregnancy, esp it's #2.

Everyone comment on my panda eyes when they see me.
I resume my teh c last wk.. Not harm if 1 cup or 2 I suppose.. Haven't try coffee yet mainly due to acidity for my case of gastric reflux.. Will try soon cos sick of just Milo
how abt home made barley? My mil says too cooling so dare not drink but now 2nd tri plus v heaty fr the iron supplements feel like drinking it..
tulip7v: hahah we becoming too sterotype down here..there are some who are single still quite ok lar..

jkids: i think moderation lar..i just drink tea at BK...
Hkbaby, how's ur morning sickness? is it still as bad as before? Mine doesnt seem to be improving still the same terrible. You're making me crave for teh c peng now n_n
U ladies still feeling constipated?
My bowel movements are smoother and more regular now. Think body slowly back in tune. Haha...

Some friends have diarrhea in last trimester. So.. really between being constipated or LS... i dunno which is worst.
Hihi Vone! Tks for checking on me
seems ok but I better zip n not say so much.. Still lots of wind n burp alot! So disgusting
u take care! How many wks now? When's ur EDD? If have anything u feel like eating or drinking just do it. Most of us will have MS gone by 16 wk. Anyone wld welcome ASAP so tt we have a longer n enjoyable 2nd tri! Jia u everyone!
thanks for all the tips on relieving constipation! I ate 2 papayas yesterday and a dragon fruit this morning. Usually these 2 will help me. I skipped iron pills yesterday night, I could pass motion just now, not v smooth but as least not hard like stones.. ;p

wa.. closer to EDD will get diarrhoea ah. aiyo... so many things happening to our body! daddies better appreciate mummies more man... hhahaa.

Can feel bb heartbeat on your tummy? I cant feel anything yet.. im wondering if my tummy fats are too thick... haha..
Tulip7v: Yakult + mango sounds like lassi, yummy! May drink some for dinner later.

To mums still experiencing spotting/bleeding: Take care! Do monitor your condition and if there r any other symptoms, do look for a gynae to chk.
Hihi Vone! Tks for checking on me
seems ok but I better zip n not say so much.. Still lots of wind n burp alot! So disgusting
u take care! How many wks now? When's ur EDD? If have anything u feel like eating or drinking just do it. Most of us will have MS gone by 16 wk. Anyone wld welcome ASAP so tt we have a longer n enjoyable 2nd tri! Jia u everyone!
Hi hkbaby , my edd is on 10 feb 2012 but my 2 kids both came at 37 weeks
So most likely for this pregnancy it'll be early too. I should be at my 14 weeks still feeling extremely horrible with the ms. Must had ate the wrong food which baby hates or something and felt really bad from morning till now.. i got 0 craving for any food.. vomit until i having phobia of food now. T.T
jowinbb - sama sama - 16wks still urge to puke... I keep hoping everyweek that past will be better but still got leh BUT to be fair it's has gottn slightly better lah ... next wk will be better !!!!
My EDD on 31 Jan now 15th wk... 1 wk earlier than u but my 1st is delivered at 40wks +1day!!! So my gynae says tis likely b another full term bb!
was secretly hoping if diff sex will b earlier? Eg. Boys r earlier? He says no depends on the mother! Wow u prob have ur bb earlier than me! See u r off the challenges of the last few wks! Each of us has diff hurdles!

I wish ms will b over for u n jowinbaby soon!
hkbaby is your #1 a girl?

i wish it'll be over soon
this time round's pregnancy is so different from my previous 2. What are u having for dinner? I totally have no idea what to eat anymore
haha.. hq, ya la.. at least i dun puke every meal now. The nauseas feeling decrease but now become heartburn at night... one after another..

I ate some curry last nite, i burped the whole nite on the curry smell, till i puked out finally. ALAS.. after puking i stopped burping and i can zzzz better..
Try to eat something light first , like bread or biscult before eating curry.
If u gals are still having ms don't eat spicy food. Eat porridge or mee hoon soup, at least when u puke the taste and smell are better than curry.

"Happy National Day" to all.
Yes first one is gal! Full term really tiring everyday waiting for it to pop! Can't imagine another one! w all family members hoping for dragon bb even my hubby! have to carry till 39 wk at least to make it dragon!!! Think for us moms most impt bb healthy can come earlier the better!

Dinner is usually rice, veg n meat/fish/chicken. Actually I have no cravings too for both pregnancy! Haven't been adventurous like some of u going for spicy n fried fd! In fact thinking or smelling fd puts me off! Didn't eat any fruits at all too! Vit C intake largely dependent on supplements n ribena!

Happy National Day to all mommies!
hkbaby i got no cravings for this pregnancy as well
Im like u i drink ribena alot! cant stand the taste of plain water
Apple, my spotting stopped, but since I just finished my duphaston a few days ago, so still monitoring. Gyne gave me a pressy for 1 day but I felt more itchy the day after; again fine now. I resumed my social activities but am careful not to walk or stand for too long. Think u should too. Ur spotting will most prob stop soon. We just be more careful k, take care
