(2012/01) Jan 2012

Morning ladies,

Maddie: u r nt alone. I oso feel the same, for #2 I not so strict with my diet basically eat what i want and hardly eat any nutrious stuff.

Nickynic: Sorry to hear that, you take care ok. Have lotsa rest. *hugz*

I think I shall sign up for Wong Boi Boi's class too.. but Im also hoping to go on a holiday in mid Oct. hehee... duno will coincide with the classes or not. but that's the best time for me to go before bb is born! ;p

Im hoping to feel bb move.. but so far I duno if it's bb moving.. I do get fluttering feeling in my tummy from time to time. But it's slightly above the navel and always on the left side. If it's so high, then it's probably wind? Aiya, why always so much wind one... grrr.. ;p

I miss bb so much! have to wait for another 2.5weeks to c bb..
Hi Mummies here,
I have a new unopened Carter Baby Bather for sale. this was given to me during my baby shower in April this year. I have no use for it. Let me know if anyone is keen. You can search on the net for a picture of it. I would like to sell it for $18. Let me know if any one is keen. Thank you.
Super hot day.
Just back from lunch. But sky looks dark now.
Hmmm... if rain, hope it stops by 6pm.

How's everyone feeling today?
just went olio for lunch
feels so good...hahaha i had abstain from fries for long time since i got freak from excess sugar...but well i guess if u have in the system, there is no way u can avoid it as they gg to test threshold in OGTT...

I hope it will rain and rain and stops at 530 so when time to go home its cooling
hq: heehee... u like Derma Veen. I prefer Cetaphil. Derma Veen very thick. i have to rub and rub to rub the lotion into the skin. by then, muscles ache liao... (can imagine i'm one super lazy bum).

Imagine i have never attended any antenatal classes before!! now go also no use. "Graduated" liao.

I feel sleepyzzzzz...
jingles, u make me jealous... hahaha... i cannot eat fish now. i vomit everytime i eat any fish related products. :-(

next time we should eat together. You eat the fish, i eat the chips. Since we are avoiding either or. hahaha...
hello mummies,

My baby's edd is 13 Jan 2012. My second baby. My girl was born in 2007.

Gingerleaf, do I know you from the 2007 thread?

When I went for my appointment last fri, Dr said baby looks girlish, so maybe a girl. hubby and I are happy, girl or boy is the same.

I drank cold drinks all the time, Dr said its ok. But he did mention that i should not drink coffee, tea and no pineapple. But I love tea.. so I still drink tea, once in a week.
i know it.... :p
its minestrone lei..
not creamy. very appetizing! sourish with loads of onions...
we gotta fight liao for the soup!
hello mummies,

im very elated to see so many mummies here ,

becos this is my first pregnancy,

so i would need alot of advice from you all.

please guide me along.

welcome angel

mummies any1 of u know the gender liao? i know mine liao but doc say "shld be.. if wan a confirm answer then hv to wait detailed scan" i was wondering why this time round he was abit uncertain.. my #1 he told a very firm answer. hmmm maybe scare give wrong info???
jingles, its ok. i can give u the soup. I will also vomit out the vege, especially if they have celery & carrots in it.
You can imagine how boring my daily meals are.

For tea, my ILs are chinese tea lovers. the caffeine levels depends on what types of leaves you are brewing and the method. We generally pour away the first brew of tea. because that has the most dust (accumulated from tea factories) and the concentration of caffeine is highest. Here's what I found:

Caffeine in tea
Caffeine is one the component of tea and all types of tea (except for herbal) contain caffeine. However, the amount of caffeine varies according to type. In general, Green tea contains the least caffeine, Black tea the most, and Oolong falls in the middle range.

A cup of Green tea (6 oz) contains 8 to 36 mg of caffeine.
A cup of Oolong tea contains 12 to 55 mg of caffeine.
A cup of Black tea ranges from 25 - 110 mg.
Coffee generally contains 60 - 180 mg of caffeine.

Caffeine is water soluble and released from tea leaves in the very first part of the brewing process. To remove most of the caffeine from tea, brew the tea as normal, then pour off the liquid, add new hot water to the wet leaves, and brew for the usual amount of time. The flavor of any second steeping is less than that of a first steeping.

extracted from: http://www.teaspring.com/teafaq.asp?id=3
u know already ah? So didi or meimei?

Mine still can't tell. Baby was in a cradle position. So gynae just say position not good. Can't scan.
shld be a didi but not firm as per my gynea... if confirm then good.. i save $$ as no need to buy clothes liao.. jus wear #1 one.. wahahaha

i was thinking the same too coz i think he was trying to take measure to see if it is a penis but seems hard so he said "shld be.."
wahhh thats alot of useful information...so that means green tea is the least. And got to siphon away the 1st cup
thanks...tats now i can consume my chinese tea with less guilt :p

try storing some ginger tea bags :p its helps with the burps
jowin, I burped too. Especially during the two hours after a meal. Now i have to sit up really straight. Otherwise, i turn queasy, burp a lot or worse, vomit.

I forgot to announce here: I'm confirmed having a BOY. My girl shouted "NOT FAIR" when gynea told both the kids its a di-di. I'm disappointed too. Hb & i, my parents all wanted a girl. but well, we can't choose. And since its given, we have to appreciate it.

Told my hb, i can start packing and give away the girl's clothing liao...
angel: my girl is 6, boy is 4. i have a 'hao' already. so now i'll have a 'hao zi'??? hahaha.... i should be happy God is giving me #3.

actually, hb prefer girls because girls are easier to manage. In terms of schoolwork and independent-ness, they are so easy. no need to push.

For me, i wanted a girl because (very selfish), so i can continue to love my son more. my son is my darling. when i'm sick, he's the one who will bring his blanket and cover me etc. Imagine those days where I vomit and vomit. He's the only one who will stand beside the stinky toilet bowl and hug me and tell me not to cry. say he'll vomit for me. aiyo... so touched leh.
i'm 34 this year! cannot go for #4 already!! mother hen no energy.

old people say, God is fair. My boy has heart defects. But he turn out to have the most "heart" in caring for people.
tulip7v: ur boy so sweet...my boy oso 4 this yr..he like couldn't care less..;( told him if bb is a meimei will he luv her..he goes "no..i dun like mei mei"
Jac: Mdm Wong boi boi's class comes highly recommended by my friends who given birth last yr even though they did not deliver at TMC. I haven't book my delivery rm yet cos my hb n I haven't decide where to deliver. In terms of savings for inning up with FBI, I don't feel that much of savings anyway. So I also never sign up for FBI.

They will list the dates of classes, so u can check whether it coincides with your holiday.
ok thanks ladies...i will continue to drink cold water....hehe...despite my mil and mother who said cannot...i need cold drinks as morale booaster
Jingles and Tulip: haha! Your conversation on sharing a meal is v funny! Mentioning minestrone soup makes me crave for it now!

Jingles: Thanks for sharing on kkh class.

Lush: Hey, if you want to finish your antenatal class before mid oct, may I suggest you call them as soon as possible? For Mrs Wong's class, it's normally fully booked in advanced. When I had called to inquire on her weekday classes last Tues and had booked (coz it's cheaper), their earliest available month for her class starts in late sept and end 1st week oct. Not sure abt the situation for her weekend classes.
Hi fellow mums-to-be.
I am now in my 15th week alr. But my appetite is still very poor. I am quite worried about baby getting not enough nutrients... anyone facing the same problem?
Tulip: Congrats on knowing the gender of your child! Maybe you may have double the happiness leh? When you're feeling low, both boys will hug u? ;)
think u can gauge by BB's length...if its malnutrition, gynae will advise in ur routine checks. Dont worry

ms carpe diem
ya thinking of the soup again! olio's minestrone really v tasty!
sherley ,
baby's smart. will take whatever nutrient's they need from you and if you lack certain nutrients, you will feel the decifient before the baby gets it. For example, that's why you need to increase clacium intake or may get calcium deficient during pregnancy. Just try to eat when you can and regularly take your supplements. Should be ok.
And like what jingles said, if your baby's malnutrition, gynae will pick it up during check on baby's growth
yalor!! rainy day.. sien.. why arent we at home.. ;p

oh I was looking at Wong Boh Boi's classes. I'm thinking of going for a later class, e.g. Nov class, since our EDD is in Jan. otherwise go too early will forget rite. But i noticed that they said "Expectant mothers should be around the 20thweek of pregnancy at the start of the class." so means we cant go too close in Oct or Nov already? Most of us will hit 20weeks in Aug/Sept rite?

Same here. I am also 15 weeks and appetite not so good... i even vomited before dinner time then totally no appetite for dinner.

But during the day i am fine..so i try to consume what i can during the day.

Today is my gynae appt, i will be checking with him on whether my bb will suffer from malnutrition. Any info i keep u updated.
btw, is any mummies drinking alkaline or diamond water or its like? Im thinking of switching to such water as I heard that it's more hydrating.. my skin is very dry. always peeling despite me drinking so much water and moisturising everyday.. My colleague said it's the water that we drink. She has this filter that breaks down water molecules such that it's easier to be absorbed by the body. She said she has never used lotion on her body for the past 10yrs that she's on this filter! And her skin is softer than mine lor.. -_-

Wondering if Novita or Osim or Diamond or its like is good for us... hmmmm
By the way, i realised my stomach is pretty small for a 15 wks preggy... that is why i am worried that my bb don'nt have enough nutrients and this hinder it's growth....

No appetite really bothers me...
zhuzhu, its ok. cannot compare. every kid is different. maybe when your bb is born, your boy will become a real gor-gor. to some kids, seeing is believing.

Carpe Diem, remember the chwee kueh conversation? heheh... i wonder in this rainy weather, the talk about minestrone soup is going to set off another food craze!!

actually, i wished, all three boys (big and small) will hug me next time. hahaha...

jkids, even in this rainy weather, i am still drinking chilled beverage!
erm...water..i jst drink normal boiled water lo..

it may not be the water lei...maybe also soap and not enuff moisturizer...u got put moisturizer after shower?
