(2012/01) Jan 2012

blue_y: me same as u, my girl was on full ebm. i didnt wanna latch cuz she tks a long time to drink. and like wat u say, i duno if she's drank enuf or nt.. this time, i duno hw im gg to be able to pump in peace in the day. =( nite time i latch la. nt so tiring.

i recalled at my pap smear in March, i was asking gynae why i still never strike. He asked if i wanted help. I say... i'll seek help in May if still dun have.

By May, pleasant surprise. Hehe... best mother's day gift.
X, thks for the info on gestational diabetes!

Must cut down on sweet stuffs..
my MIL lives with us - she looks after #1, cooks M-F and does all the housework for us. #1 already goes to pre-N, so she is out of the house 3h every day. we are already starting to plan for next year. like putting #1 on school, hiring part-time maid, maybe do tingkat 1-2x a week. if we really need to, will hire a live-in maid, but that is our last resort. it will be a big change, but i think we will manage, cos i got good support from MIL. Would not be able to do it without her. And hubby is hands-on too, which helps.
Echo, zhu zhu - if let say i always start off with right side to offer for milk.. Then left side drink just a lil bit, so thereafter i pump left side right...? So milk in left side will always be lesser than right side izit( cos bb latch longer on right side mah..) So subsequent feed, do i start feed on the opp side as compared to previous feeding? Or continue feed right side as starting all the way?
not everyone develops GD. Does ur gynae make u pee on a stick to check sugar and protein?

Mine does. So far ok for #2.
Alternate between starting sides.

For me, if after baby latch, i still feel full, i'll pump both sides. since dual electric pump. If pump 1 side, the other will leak, feel that liquid gold is being wasted. Haha...
Jamie - yah.. My girl was a biter n a slow drinker... N she can fall asleep in the middle of her latching n when nudged slowly, she'll wake up continue latching. Thts why i change to expressing for her too.. So i can know. But i decide pumping takes time n now with #1 also needing my attention, i guess latching will b the best way.. So i hope to learn a thing or two abt proper latching through the experienced mummies here...;)
blueY: like wat X say, alternate between starting sides..dats why u might need a notebk, to remind u which side u feed first..
lebebe - Tks for the article , seems like the ang mo really dont do a lot of ultra sound unlike us most visit, I already have 3 since 5th wks.
hello all, my EDD is 10 jan 2012 too.

Am afraid that i cannot get a CL during that period cuz it will lapse past CNY.

Any advice?
hi Jamie : sharing my experience - I became too heaty after taking crackers every night b4 zz. (cos i always v hungry, n cracker is v convi food).. end up I had bad cough n flu. I think maybe I never take cracker b4 preggie, so that's y sudden intake of cracker upset the body system... fyr

now i made oak cereal b4 zz, less heaty n full of fibre.although tasteless...:p
anyone encounter vaginal pain/twinges? Its not painful, just uncomfortable and its comes n goes very fast for less than a min.
you can also use something simple like a rubberband on your wrist or clip on your nursing bra to help you remember which is the last side you nursed on. but eventually your bb may have his own preference about which side to start first. or some bb eventually just take only one side, and that's fine too.

for me, my bb's latch is better on my right side, so i am lopsided - don't have as much milk on left side. so i always start on the bad side first, to ensure that bb drains that side, before going to the good side.
Hi mommies, I was on my way home earlier & this guy 2 steps behind me at the LRT puked like a merlion!
Urgh....I got some stray droplets on my blouse, skirt & back of the legs. If I had been just 2 seconds slower, I would have been drenched with foul vomit from head to toe. Argh....went home & quickly washed up.
(X) and Felicia, not everyone develop GD start at 1st trim of pregnancy. Some are from 2nd. Mine is from 3rd trim. So in anycase, we have to take care of the sugar intake.

hq, the link looks cute

MayC, aiyo, quickly go and bathe.. yucks! This guy is drunk or wat.. Can't be having MS like us.. haha!
hq, U/S in USA is controlled by insurance plan that you have. Unless the preg is consider highrisk, normally we will only get 1 detail u/s on week 20. I have 2 u/s just because I have a mass cyst which my obgyn wants to ensure it didn't grow bigger during my preg. Due to insurance coverage, my No1 only cost USD10 for the whole preg.
Tks anns for the additional infor , no wonder my friend in the US was asking if it cost me alot to have so many scans during the whole pregnancy.
hah, yah. Came back & quickly showered. Must have had something wrong from lunch - I could see bits of food stuff in his vomit. Poor cleaner auntie would have to mop it all up!

anns - I think its only in Spore or Asian countries that we do an U/S at each visit. My sis is currently preggers in Aust & also get U/S done for crucial periods of the pregnancy (maybe totally 3-4 times in all). Btw, did your cyst end up growing? I had a fibriod which I removed prior to getting preggers with #1 cos I didn't want to risk it growing & competing for nutients & space with the baby.

H@zel - welcome to the forum
If you want a CL best to book early. Be prepared to pay alot more though - the mommies here say the going rate is about $3300-3500 during the CNY period!
i'm also on thyroixine for life. did your ob suggest going for blood test once a mth to ensure the right amt medicine for your hypothyroid?

ya lor, that time I'm so envy my SG friends can have so many U/S to see their BB.
It did grow double in size so I have it removed 2 years ago, in USA before I ttc, luckily the obgyn able to keep my right ovary. But this preg, I got a cysts sac on my left ovary.. hiaz... hope it will disappear.

USA medical is not cheap, so those going usa for trips, better get travel insurance. I saw hospital bill the insurance for my delivery, almost USD9K. And my cysts surgery - USD13K.
anns - wow, that is expensive! My surgery was about S$9k i think, thank goodness it was almost all paid for by my company's insurance coverage. My fibriod was large (10cm), so I had it removed via a C-sec bikini cut. Had it done a couple of months before I conceived #1. Was watching the pregnancy series on Discovery Home & Health and this lady had a growth the size of a football - had to get it removed at 20+ weeks into the pregnancy. Scary.
My is via laparoscopic since it is less than 5cm. Wow, $9k also not cheap, lucky that your company insurance paid most of it. I'm SAHM, so now depend on my hubby's company insurance.. which is so limited on sponse coverage.
anns - yah, felt very 'bo hua'. People go to the hospital, spent the same amount & end up with a baby to bring home. I ended up with gross photos of my fibriod! But i am glad i had it removed for peace of mind, just that after that my deliveries have to be via C-sec.
My ms suddenly disappeared this afternoon. Read online that some actually experience no ms overnight when miscarriage.
so worried now!! Not that I want the ms.. :p
Echo: wow so good.. My in laws nv help lei. They work. Tink they prob gg to work they have no choice but to stop (I was abt to say die, bt quite mean la, haaaha). My mum help till bth, kp sayig y always her y nt in laWs. Duh, they hv jobs wat. So tis is gg to b a pretty big headache for me. I dun wish to send my girl to cc bt I tink I dun hv a choice.

Lebebe: crackers as in lk ritz tt type?
<font color="660000">qiqi
It may b jus a very gd day for u. Sometimes I hv gd days w no ms n appetite quite ok, other days I feel sick whole day. How many weeks r u? Is ur pregnancy high risk? Gynea visits hv been gd n normal? If everything is normal then u cld b one of e lucky ones who has passed e ms days or like I mentioned, it's a gd day. don't worry too much, think positive but if u need more reassurance do call ur gynea k?
Chiffoncake - r u heavy or light by nature? Do u have ms? If u don, perhaps thts one reason why u have better appetite... Try to cut down on sugary stuffs cos its not tht gd for the lil one n mommy too. ;)

My nausea still wont go away... Feel sick taking bus or taxi.. Suddenly felt like ive developed motion sickness... Really feel green daily.. I keep telling myself wish i can quicken the time n want to give birth now.. These feelings sucks!!
MayC: Haha, your description of delivery vs fibroid removal is so funny, I had literally LOLed! Trust you are totally fresh and clean now and the merlion episode just a funny memory now?

Chiffoncake: You're in 1st trimester? The books I've read say there is negligible weight gain in 1st trimester leh, and I don't think I've gained that weight in my past 10 weeks.

Qiqi: I went through the same thing yesterday and today! Super worried too. Think I agree with what Stella says about our conditions....
MayC: Haha, your description of delivery vs fibroid removal is so funny, I had literally LOLed! Trust you are totally fresh and clean now and the merlion episode just a funny memory now?

Chiffoncake: You're in 1st trimester? The books I've read say there is negligible weight gain in 1st trimester leh, and I don't think I've gained that weight in my past 10 weeks.

Qiqi: I went through the same thing yesterday and today! Super worried too. Think I agree with what Stella says about our conditions....
Blue_Y: I totally know what you mean! Hang in there... Maybe 2nd trimester may be a relief? If not, do ask your gynae for help... The 9 months will pass!
Blue_Y: I totally know what you mean! Hang in there... Maybe 2nd trimester may be a relief? If not, do ask your gynae for help... The 9 months will pass!
jamie : i took the traditional square type - low fat high calcium... not sure if the same for ur body... maybe eat in moderation
jamie : i took the traditional square type - low fat high calcium... not sure if the same for ur body... maybe eat in moderation
Blue_y: bring around some sour gummies. They help to ease the nausea

Stella: I'm 8w3d. No high risk cos I'm considered young. But there was a blood clot in my womb previously, gynae prescribed uestrogan. He saw me only thrice. The last appt was half a mth ago, the next is a mth later. Very long interval.. Yea thanks for reassuring me
will monitor and probably visit the Gynae this weekend.
Blue_y: bring around some sour gummies. They help to ease the nausea

Stella: I'm 8w3d. No high risk cos I'm considered young. But there was a blood clot in my womb previously, gynae prescribed uestrogan. He saw me only thrice. The last appt was half a mth ago, the next is a mth later. Very long interval.. Yea thanks for reassuring me
will monitor and probably visit the Gynae this weekend.
When i was at the gynae i did see people peeing on the paper stick, but those woman are the more pregnant kinds. Hope I'll get to test soon.

Rgding CNY confinement, must book now le. My EDD 9th Jan. I engaged PEM confinement $2850, inclusive of CNY surcharge $900. They mentioned only 10-15 nannies agree to do during cny, the rest wanna go back.
When i was at the gynae i did see people peeing on the paper stick, but those woman are the more pregnant kinds. Hope I'll get to test soon.

Rgding CNY confinement, must book now le. My EDD 9th Jan. I engaged PEM confinement $2850, inclusive of CNY surcharge $900. They mentioned only 10-15 nannies agree to do during cny, the rest wanna go back.

I got one, I m still considering. $3450 charges but i have to agree to let her go back from eve of CNY to 3rd day of CNY. She asked me to confirm by mid next month.
