(2012/01) Jan 2012

delphina: Beef has lots of protein. Maybe you can make beef stock and use it to cook porridge then add veg?

I agree totally that time flies. I still remember the days when I was struggling to take care of a newborn who only knew how to cry. Now he is 6-mth-old and blabbering away whenever he's awake

Lush, my boy also down w cough and lots of phlegm... Lungs and develop fever do started on antibiotics f 3 days. Till now his cough still have not recovered and still lots of phlegm

I am giving him prospan and flu syrup and daily vitamins. Been like that f 2 weeks already
dancing queen
even if ur mil nags..let her nag bah...i mean there will always be comments from everywhere cos everyone look after kids differently. So long as us, as moms, is trying our best can liao..

i dun put in meat lei..most of the time is veg. its either potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, spinach, carrot. Try to play around la...then for stock its either fish, ikan bilis or scallop. Dont intend to let my girl try meat till later part, afraid hard to digest for her.

wat daily vitamins you giving to bb hur?
Mummies, does weaning cause baby's stool to become firmer? I'm not sure if my baby's stool hardened bec I switched from Dumex to Enfapro A+ or bec of weaning. Previously when he was a NB, Enfalac also caused his stool to harden such that it came out looking like a thick rope..
dancingqueen, FM & solids will cause bb stool to harden. nowadays my boy's bowel also slightly hard after starting 3
solids meal a day (baby bites biscuits in the morn, cereal for lunch & dinner). so I gave him more water & fruit juice (pear/prune juice suppose to help) on & off lo.
I tried giving my boy porridge over the wkends & his IFC also tried giving him porridge yest. but he don't like leh, eat 2 mouths then don't want open mouth. think coz not as flavorful as cereal leh. how ah? any mummies encounter same problem?
Jac: My boy is not so keen on drinking milk and water too. Have to wait patiently until he's willing to drink his milk. These days he will just keep pushing his milk bottle away when it's feeding time or he will spit it out. His pee also yellow..
dancingqueen, mabbe ur boy prefers solids to milk. I know some bbs r like tat. that's y my boy's IFC not keen to start the bbs early on solids, scared they don't want drink milk. do monitor his milk intake. for 1st yr milk shld be their main source of nutrients, solids shld be juz supplementary feeding nia. mabbe can add milk into his cereal, etc.
Hi hui,
I changed all the med as went to pd...been eating the med for 5 days but my boy still coughing and lots of phlegm...
the med that u told me helps in the cough? Have u tried pak poh San f yu reng Sheng before? Helps? The phlegm don't know if it is eating too much cereal or drinking too much milk...hope he recover ASAP. Been 2 weeks... So sad, kept feeding him med...2,5,7 mths old...my first never fall sick in the first yr one

Jac: initially when I tried giving my boy porridge, he dislike it... Then when my mum cook, he finish the whole bowl as it was savory...so when it is my turn again, I tried to put in more meat and small fish... He was ok. So keep trying.. And yes, they prefer sweet things as cereal especially nestle ones are quite sweet in itself...
my bb prefers solid food to milk, so far so gd. but he has become thinner ever since he started crawling and drink less milk. have u tried tasting the porriage? cld it been too blend? cook with chicken or pork for better taste?
brink, what did ur mum add in ah? what meat & small fish do u use ah? chicken/pork/ikan bilis? do u feed the chicken/pork to bb or juz for taste nia? ikan bilis too salty for bb anot ah?

jkids, i added sweet potato to cook together with the porridge, then add fish + vege purée in b4 serving. me & hb tried the porridge & find it ok leh, but mabbe still too bland for him coz he used to eating fish/vege purée with only abit of brown rice cereal nia. the chicken/pork is only used to give the porridge taste & not feed to bb rite? what do u do with the cooked chicken/pork after tat? abit ex juz to buy pork ribs juz to cook 1 serving of porridge? hahah.
Hi Mommies,

So long not in here, am sure most of you are already back @ work by now except for SAHM which I really envy and hope I can be one one day soon to come....

Btw, do you all miss baby very much at work and having the feeling that though we see baby every day after work and weekend but yet we still miss so much on baby growing up progress? They grow so fast! I couldnt catch up! Just this morning my darling did this new trick by clicking on his tongue vying for my attention while I am dressing up for work! That makes my day haa..

And the first birthday of our darling is only 4 months away!(for Jan baby) May I ask for your precious opinion/ideas on how do you intend to do the celebration for precious? Not at home, not at chalet please.

I personally feel one way to confirm the origin is of trusted source is to counter check and compare with those sold in supermarket on the coding on the milk tin but this is only doable after you have recieved the goods unless supplier can obtain the coding prior?
cyy, I completely understand what you mean abt missing baby's growing up process. I'm a SAHM bt before this, I was working. During those few weeks after maternity, I missed my baby a lot every day at work and felt that I had such little time with him after work. Weekends as usual are short in general. So every work day I would wake up at 5.30am just to express milk, get dress and then bond with him over his morning bath at 7am before heading to work.

I guess it was a blessing in disguise when work didn't turn out well and I had to resign. With my husband's support, I decided to stay home to look after my baby. I'm happy but w/o a monthly pay check, I've to be more frugal, which means giving up regular shopping and my SKII skin care regime
re porridge: i use loin pork/ threadfin to cook. Pork for taste only..threadfin will blend and feed him. As for ikan bilis, you can find unsalty one from market. Otherwise, u can wash & sun before using. I used to eat the pork but after sometime, sick of it..just throw away..

cyy: i'm holding my bb's 1st birthday at a chinese restaurant. In-laws want chalet but we want function room. So compromised that a restaurant of FIL's choice.
Jac: My mum use pork ribs meant to boil soup for the adults and scrape the potato and carrot before cooking them together w the porridge.
For me I cook using loin meat and put ikan bilis sometimes..have to wash and soak the ikan bilis before using...now I just cook loin meat and threadfin and serve...sometimes will cook aust pumpin w loin meat and mash it up when serve. Meat for tasting only. have not gave any to my boy yet.
Anyone using egro carrier? thought of buying one now.but tried at toy r us t city square mall, i cannot even tahan just walking from display item to fitting room...Anyone using can share...
yah, chicken/pork added to porriage to make it taste nicer. to be honest, i havent been cooking porriage for him liao...very tied down, so juz give cereal with boiled vege. but my nanny does give him eat the pork. she said chicken not yet coz scare got phelm. this phelm thing i am unsure though. i leave it to her. maybe you can eat the meat...
i like blend porriage one

i use ego carrier. when u said canot tahan...do u mean bb is too heaby for you to carry in the carrier?
i have one...my bb hates it lo..its so warm. so now i using hip hugger to carry her around.

welcome back

haiz i miss bb every single day....at least u can see every night.
for me i placed bb with ILs who stay one end of spore..miss her everyday cos we only get to see bb alternate day..and as u say...weekends are way too fast lo.

ikan bilis not salty la..
u soak and wash before boiling together where got salty :p
I tried carrying my boy in it only for a while and my back hurts already... My boy only 8.2 kg...
Jingles, thought the carrier is quite cooling lei... Cloth made mah... So tempted to buy but scare waste cause my boy already 8 mths...
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies,

I am a july mummy, I have create a group is for mummies group buy, the price is lower then u can find in sg. Any one interested can request to join. Can even request for the things u interested and i will see if i can get it in the lower price. Group name: Sg Mummies Group buy</font>
mummies...do u feel aching these days coz bb is heavier? like pain on the back...leg ...etc? or is it my age that make it worse? :p
jkids, YES! my boy almost 11kg liao. even carry in carrier also feel the strain. if juz carry on hands, I'll have to bend my back to support his weight &amp; my back will hurt like mad. if I correct my posture then my boy will be sliding down as I walk. hahha. yoga/ simple stretching &amp; body massage does help abit. but best is get hb to help carry bb instead.
my knees &amp; ankles were hurting badly previously too. got better after few sessions of foot reflexology. highly recommended! problem now is my back &amp; wrist...

I tried the Osim 天王椅 the other day and the foot reflex was soooo good lor. Really wish i can own one to have massages every day after handling baby.

Ur wrist is what kind of pain? I had wrist tendonitis abt 2-3 mths back. Very sharp pain if bend at funny angle or use thumb. I was in pain for 3 mths. Went to do accupunctrre plus had a 3 day holiday where i carried baby minimally and it got better!
Hi, my baby is having little bumps all over his face and neck. At first I thought it's heat rash but the bumps seem to be spreading even to some part of his arm. His skin has turned a bit red and dry, and looks "stretched". Any similar experience? Should I bring him to PD or dermatologist?
enitsuj, maybe u can get juz the osim foot massager, cheaper. I bought the osim portable back &amp; neck massager also no time to use. Hahah. my wrists hurts when I bend or rotate it. I try not to carry my boy too much lo. when awake try let him play on the playmat, at nite let my hb carry him to sleep &amp; when he rolls abt on the mattress then drag him instead of carry him back to position (hope I don't get charged for child abuse. hahah). now better liao.
Jac, i also don't know what caused the rash. Sad and frustrated bec don't know what else to apply other than Cetaphil moisturizer. I'm gonna try applying Vaseline on his chin and cheeks so that it's not harmful for him to consume it when his hands touch and go into the mouth. That one I read at babycentre.com. If still doesn't improve, I'll bring him to see a doc.

yar actually was just thinking about the foot massager today. the back and neck is the uMama? haha I also drag my son instead of carrying him. Too heavy plus he thinks it is fun.

dancingqueen, did you change any detergent or change in diet for your baby?
Dancing queen

My lil girl has little bumps on her neck, back ears, hands and abit on face a few weeks ago. The redness lighten after I put her in an air-con room.

Our PD assured me that its just heat rash. He told me to do a frequent clean up for her using a cleanser that he had recommended us previously.

For now, I try to give her 2 bath a day. A wipe in between if I find her body too sweaty before the next bath. The 2nd bath I put only a drop of baby bath in the water to bath her.

Hope this help
Enitsuj, I'm weaning my baby nw. He was having carrot when the rashes appeared but he has since moved on to eat potato and brown rice cereal. If it's an allergy, it should have stopped by now. So i'm not sure if it's triggered by food.

Lynn, what cleanser did your PD recommend? I'm using Cetaphil Restoraderm body wash and moisturizer as well as Vaseline for his chin and cheeks. I always bathe him twice a day. Recently I also started wiping him with a wet towel a few times a day to cool him down. He even sleeps in aircon room. So I don't know why those rashes are spreading.
Anyone went to the expo over the weekend to get diapers?

Dancingqueen, hope the rash clears up for your baby soon! Hope he doesn't feel too uncomfortable with the rash.
hi dancingqueen, tat time my girl had those red sots all over her legs too. red and itchy and she kept crying.. then I fed her zyrtec &amp; it cleared.
then again, my girl has ezcema, so maybe you need to visit a doc to ascertain it's an allergy.
Hi dancingqueen, did your baby had high fever recently? If yes, it may be jia ma... Best is to go pd and verify. Am using the same cream f my boy when he had chickenpox and kept scratching after that. Went to gp, he gave a lot of steroid cream but does not help. So we went to skin specialist where she recommend the cream u are currently using... Do far so good... Am using the wash too f my boy. By the way, where did u buy the cream? I bought from skin specialist at $48 per bottle... Super Exp.. If got lobang f cheaper best...
Enitsuj, I went f the expo sale... Did not buy diapers as the queue just to pay was so long... Only bought Heinz products and pureen products and my hands are already full
enitsuj, thanks! I'm trying to keep him cool so he doesn't perspire so much.

Lush, my boy doesn't scratch those affected areas much. So I assume the rashes affect me more than they affect him. I spoke to PD after sending him pic. At this point, he's ruling out eczema and sticking to heat rash and possible allergy from stage 2 FM. He said I could use Desowen lotion on him for no more than 5 days. It contains steroid. So a thin layer will do. Hopefully it works.

brink, my boy didn't have fever. The Cetaphil Restoraderm body wash and moisturizer are samples given to me by the PD. I called up NSC just now.It's selling the moisturizer at abt $41 before GST. Pharmacist told me this range only available in clinics and hospitals because it targets severe dry skin. Drugstore.com selling it at US14.39. Maybe you wanna see if there's any ongoing spree?
brink, haha I went on two days, the queue for diapers on first day was terrible! No space for prams..but Sunday wasn't too bad. They rearranged the layout abit and was more spacious.

Looking for Pampers brand diaper receipts from 1st Oct to redeem for tricycle. Need to spend S$300 worth of Pampers product!
Any mummies here using Pampers? Willing to take receipts from 1st Oct for a token..
Hi, anyone using Haenim play yards and Parklon play mats? Any feedback, especially for the mat? My baby is starting to crawl. So I'm considering between a Parklon mat and one of those normal cheaper play mats that I can piece together. The seller for Parklon also sells a space folder mat that is made up of 4 sections. Confused and need advice..
Hi dancingqueen,

I own a haenim play yard n a parklon mat. Bought the 2200 mm mat and a 6 panel play yard. I find it really good to encourage crawling, standing and cruising. My boy has fallen a lot of times and seldom see or hear him cry in pain haha.

I find that those foam mats are okay too but i am particular cos they will trap dirt between and once baby figures ot, will pull up the pieces. My son also pulls the edges of my parklon even tho it is one piece only.

enitsuj, you're right. It didn't occur to me that baby will pull out the pieces over time :D Do you know if there's any place I can go to check out the play yard and mat before ordering via BP?
