(2012/01) Jan 2012

Jac: hope your baby recover soon... Sponge her constantly...
Any mummies babies taking similac no.2 milk powder... Does your baby vomit after each feed and is the vomit in lumpy texture? Anyone can share... Lumpy texture, is it indigestion?

i use walker too. Have to watch out too..cos bb will be grabbing things and especially if your hse has "steps"..e.g. between living rm & kitchen.
envy those babies who can sleep thorough the night. My baby turning 6 months this week and will keep waking up every 2 hours or so. I too, discourage night feed if the baby is not screaming for milk. But my mom said if she dont feed at 12midnight, baby will wake up every hour and so.

i just introducted pumpkin last weekend and my son seems to love it. Want to try apple or carrot puree next week. In between during weekdays, will let him have cereals. Hopefully this is a good plan
For porridge, probably only when he's 7 months old.
Jac: How is ur boy condition? Hope he is getting better

Jkids: my baby also hss the separation anxiety. i think it is just the stage they are in now. So sometimes I no choice but to accompany her and put the housework aside to do after she sleeps. About walker, I know lots of mummies use and even my own parent when i was young, but my PD is strictly 'no no' to walker coz of the injury risk.. So now I am left with not much options except entertaining bb on my own.

Bluesugar: i think ur baby needs sometime before she can sleep thru the nite. Last time I did the dream feed too for her until 1-2 months back when I started to see that she can hold on longer before asking 4 milk. Well, diff baby is diff, so gotta observe the que. Fyi, for e rest of her milk intake, I always do as per her demand. Now she stop waking up for most of the nights. Occassionally, 1-2 times a week sometimes willl wake up once.

Re: porridge
My baby has juz turned 8 weeks and she is on 2 meals a day (baby cereal or vege/fruit puree). She is taking milk abt 600-700ml a day still. Looks like I am behind on porridge huh.

Can share with me how to cook rice porriidge? Do u intro rice porridge at the same time with meat (fish/pork for example)? Lots of reference in internet for puree, but not much being said abt rice porridge. I guess this is very asian.

Appreciate mummies advice.
usually i will put in the meat and carrot after the water has boiled.
For fish and veg, only when the porridge is almost cooked cos they are cooked easily.
Hi mummies! I have been reading silently ever since back to work..just want to share an incident while my bb was in the walker.
My gal bruised her toe one day while on the walker, think its caused by scraping her skin against the plastic part. So from then on I always make sure she has her socks on when she's on it. When it happened I was away at work and I felt so heart pain when I saw her wound..

On weaning..i realize my gal always cough after having apple, any mummies experiencing that? And she's not really keen when I feed her carrot or potato unless I mix it into her rice cereal
Thanks mummies for the concern. My boy's getting better, temp ard low 37+ deg, but still not drinking much fluids, worried he get dehydrated, so still got to monitor. yest temp hit 40 deg, didn't want take any fluids (coz of throat infection) & keep on vomiting when manage to feed him a little water/milk, keep on crying & crying, really terrible. Any mummies experienced the same thing b4, baby fever & don't want drink anything? How ah?
Jac: not hfmd hor? Try giving small and frequent feeds?
Need fluids to bring down temp. Just have to keep trying. Fever tend to shoot up at night.

Hope ur bb will recover soon.
Hi dancingqueen,
Green leafy veggies iron-rich.
So can rotate spinach with kailan. Either purée and pop into porridge water, or use scissors to snip finely after cooking (probably easier to do with spinach cos it turns a little mushy after cooking).
i cook porridge 2 ways lo..one way is via the normal way..stand at the stove, on fire...boil boil boil...then wait till the water bubbles, stir, and wait till bubbles again then off fire. for this traditional way, i will dump all ingredient together with porridge.
wait for a while for porridge to break even further, then blend it before serving baby.

If i plan to cook porridge before hand, i will put everything in the slow cooker, and let is simmer since morning, by afternoon porridge should be fine enuff. For this method, I will add the puree veg like 20 mins before serving baby into the slow cooker.

Normally stock i will use is ikan bilis or fish stock.
Ratio will be one handful of rice to about 220ml of water.

hope this info helps
moscato, my boy so far don't have any blisters/ rash, so don't think is HFMD ba. but he had fever, sore throat & vomiting, doc say is throat infection lo. so far his fever like ok liao, but still don't want to drink, got to fight with him to get him to drink even small amt. see liao so heartpain. sigh..
not all hfmd will have blisters/ rash. My ger didnt have any when she got hfmd few months ago.
Painful mah since throat infection. give him room temperature milk. It will be less painful for him. They are too young for cold milk..at least to me la.
Jingles: thxs for e detail explanation. Looks like I have to do the slow cooker method since only me alone with bb mostly. Ask u, for the vege, I have to steam and puree them 1st before mixing it to the porridge. Is my understanding correct?

I have thermal cooker sitting in my kitchen. Any mummies using it? Care to share if I can mix all the ingredients, boil a while and leave it in the pot? Do i still need to blend the porridge in thus method?

Jingles: how do u cook the ikan bilis stock? Where do u get the unsalty one for bb?

Thanks thanks.
no prob la... we learn from each other...when i first started cooking bb porridge i also went around asking so many ple - how to, how to? before i started cooking on my own

yes - for vegetables...must wash and steam (or parboil also can) first. if you dont wan puree, u can also chop finely...something ilke mince la.

i dont use thermal cooker lei...so i cant advise.

ikan bilis stock, i will wash and soak the bilis then put them in those disposable soup bags then boil together with porridge.

hope this info helps.
Jingles: Where can I buy those disposable soup bags? I know ikan bilis is a good source of calcium but do we simply boil it into soup stock or can we grind it into powder to add into porridge? Like delphina, I also want to know where to buy unsalty ikan bilis. TIA!
i bot those soup bags in daiso...u can get it in the tea bags session.
ermm i buy those normal ikan bilis lei..once u wash and soak it will not be so saltish le mar
delphina, for thermal cooker, i mix all the ingredients except veg & fish to boil then leave in the pot. Fish & veg will only add when want to serve..heat up then put in. hmm...if u want mashier, guess u have to take out few hrs later, heat it up again then put back to the external pot. I use the thermal pot so far for my 3 yr girl. Havent try it to cook for my 8 mth old boy.

For my boy, we will boil over the stove then blend the porridge before feeding him.
Hi mummies,
My bb is having constipation these two days and she cries very badly cos can't squeeze out. Can I give her diluted prune juice to drink? Or any other remedies? I started giving her carrot, did that cause it?
Hey mummies,

any one of you using friso special care milk powder meant for constipation babies? i have extra one can to let go.if anyone interested please let me know.

I give my son Gerber's prune puree, about half jar when he gets constipation, then add some water to the bowl to make some "prune juice". He usually poos the following day if he doesn't poo that day.

I cooked my porridge using rice cooker, and threw in about 4 ikan bilis, some carrots, potato & celery in the morning (1/2 cup rice to alot of water). Put inside thermal food jar and it continued cooking, so by lunch time will be mushy and a little thicker, decent consistency for my son. But looking to do some variety. Sometimes cook plain porridge and mix some veg puree in when feeding.

Hais kena the "are you feeding my grandson enough? Why he so small size?" question from my MIL. Doesn't help that I am still breastfeeding him. So hard to convince older generation that looking after babies now is diff to last time!
Enitsuj: I live with my mil and I completely understand what you mean abt us doing things differently from their time. My mil loves to say "Last time I fed them xxxx", "Last time I did xxxx". Well, it is "LAST TIME"!!! The past few weeks I've been secretly freezing tiny cups of fruit and veg purée in the freezer as I've started weaning my son. I think once she finds out, I'll kena lots of questions abt why I'm freezing bb food and how "unhealthy" it is for bb. I truly dread that day...

Btw mummies, I introduce a new food to my son after every 3 days of testing for intolerance. My gf commented I'm a bit too fast in introducing new food. Now I'm worried. How long do you let your bb try a new food before moving on to another food?
dun need to bother what other ple say la..
so long as bb is coping fine with the new stuff and no allergy...it should be fine.

use mommy's instinct

yes...my mil also ..sometimes she will also say bb lost weight after bringing bb back over the weekend... -.-
didnt know that 2 days bb will lose so much weight lo *sniggers*
jingles, enitsjui, my ILs r the opposite, keep on saying my boy so heavy. damn pissed. never help look after & then so much comments/ fei hua!
dancingqueen, I think 3 days is good enuff la. I usually test over a wk, coz I only make food once a wk. but sometimes I'll give him new jarred food over the wkends, so test for 2 days nia. most food r quite safe, juz be more cautious for those more allergic food (e.g. seafood except fish, peanuts, egg white, etc).
Jac & jingles: Not sure if it's coincidence but my boy developed rashes on his cheeks on the 3rd day of eating broccoli. Very pink and by evening the cheeks turned a wee bit rough too. How to cfm if he's allergic to a food? The day after the rashes appeared, I fed him green pear purée. The rashes slowly subsided..
dancingqueen, allergy shld happen on the 1st day. u can try feeding broccoli again (maybe few mths later) & see if the same reaction happens again. ideally broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, etc shld be given after bb is 8mo.
Jac: Oh... I thought broccoli is considered one of the first foods. I'll offer it to him again when he's older. I'll try pumpkin next. Is it ok for me to mix 2 tried and tested food or should I continue to offer my bb single food at this stage? He's 6 mth..
Jac, jingles, dancingqueen,

Heavy also cannot, skinny also cannot. Best is she only carry him once a week and say he is light. And also only carry for less than 10 mins before putting him on the floor to crawl..kns

Haha..ILs, love em hate em. Sigh. I told hubby I hope i will not be like this when I am older and have grandkids!!
brink: hope yr bb is ok. we can only do our bexst.

re: mil
my mil oso likes to say my older kids are thin. then i wld tell her ,"then u help to look after them loh and make them fat...". then she will shout up her mouth coz she dun want to look after kids mah. sometimes i juz ignore wat she said even though she repeated herself and she got it. ha. want to tok yet dun want to help, where got such good life.
dancing queen,should be safe to mix tried and tested food together. My bb oso started on broccoli and pumpkin around 6month. Should be fine. Now my mum's mixing sweet corn and sweet potato/ potato for her. My bb has also moved on to egg yolk.
dancingqueen, no prob to mix tried & tested food together. sometimes I mix a new food with a tried & tested food so that my boy will take to the new food better. as long as introduce one new food (can mix with other tried & tested food) at a time it's fine, so its easier to troubleshoot & pinpoint the problem if any. broccoli, cauliflower & asparagus tend to cause bb to be gassy (thats y better to wait till 8mth when bb digestive system is more mature), but allergy wise shldnt be. but think most ppl give earlier than 8mo ba. I give at ard 7mo & my boy is ok with it.
googlez, does ur gal take well to non-sweet food? my boy loves pumpkin, sweet potato & sweet corn. damn jialat. anything not sweet then don't like liao.
Jac: I'm planning to intro spinach and I'm worried my son doesn't like it and refuses to eat it So thinking of mixing it with something more tasty. I'm also worried he won't like bland food after trying "sweet" food but so far so good. He actually likes broccoli after trying apple, banana and sweet potato.
ermm agree with jac. third day abit too long le. if its allergy norm its within 24 hrs de.

i chop spinach v finely with carrots. my bb loves it. u can try ><
Jac, we give her the Eu Yan Sang Si Shen Brown Rice and she eats. So I think my bb is still quite ok. Hmm..we oso give her lotsa sweet stuff, come think of it..
Hallo.. How's everyone doing?

I juz cook chinese rice porridge over the weekend using slow cooker. Using juz a handful rice grain actually results in more than sufficient amt for my bb. I added threadfin to the porridge bur find it quite fishy huh since i dun add any seasoning. Add pumpkin only to cook with e rice but couldnt really taste it... Dunno if i do it correctly or not.

My baby seems ok with it, but doesnt look very eager to finish the serving either =p. Do u give chinese porridge to bb everyday? Can intro pork or beef for 8mo bb??
delphina, I still haven't start on porridge. lazy to cook. easier to feed purée &amp; rice cereal. hahah. I tried pork but the texture abit too rough (maybe coz I added too much pork), my boy gagged alittle then don't want eat. I also gave the Heinz jarred pumpkin, potato &amp; beef, texture very smooth &amp; my boy is fine with it.

any nice &amp; simple porridge recipe?

I just tried cooking porridge with ikan bilis, chicken breast and spinach last weekend. One chicken breast can split into alot of servings!

I cooked the porridge in rice cooker with ikan bilis first, and transfer into thermal cooker. Then when reheat the s/s thermal pot, add more water, throw in small pieces of chicken breast and spinach and put it back in thermal container. The chicken could be mashed very easily. My boy was happy to finish it.

Think this week I will be starting cod. Threadfin seems to be very fishy smelling. May
try salmon &amp; the Heinz baby pasta after cod.
enitsuj, I tried Threadfin + asparagus + pumpkin. yummy. even I like it alot. I find salmon got stronger fishy smell than Threadfin leh. will be trying cod next wk. giving my boy fish every alternate wk nia. think I'll make porridge during wkends nia. wkdays still continue with rice cereal.
Hi hi, I'm reading this book called "First Foods". Anyone read it? The dietician mentioned that when cooking porridge, it's better to prepare the meat/veg separately from the plain porridge bec prolong cooking of the ingredients in the porridge will result in loss of vitamins and minerals. In short, prepare your meat/veg purée as per normal. Then mix them into the plain porridge when the latter is ready. Anyone of you cook this way??
dancingqueen, I intend to do the way u mention. coz then can freeze &amp; store the purée longer compared to storing the fresh ingredients. read somewhere that it's more nutritious also coz we tend to cook our porridge very long (>2h) if using slow cooker, but if cook over stove (20-30mins) then shld be ok to add the fresh ingredients in ba.
interesting combi lei...
asparagus, pumpkin and threadfin.

hmm for mommies who use slow cooker...do u all cook lunch and dinner via slow cooker? i do that and at the end of the day i got v sticky bottom of the cooker...v hard to wash away lei..always need to soak..

i try to give bb 2 meals a day for porridge. lunch and dinner....read somewhere is good for their stage now..cos need a lot of carbo for learning to walk.

ya...i put veg into slow cooker later part when about to feed. cos if put in too long, nutrients will be gone.
Ideally should put in ingredients when about to serve. The fish bits are also tougher when overcooked.

How long can frozen purees be kept? How to warm up the frozen puree? When I use warmer/microwave, I'm so afraid it's not evenly warmed up.
Jac &amp; jingles: I guess I'll prep the porridge the same way then. Hopefully mil won't hv any comment bec cooking method is different from her time.

googlez28: I believe most of us prep 1 week's worth of purée at one go and leave them in the freezer. So the longest kept purée will be 1-week old. I warm my purée in the Avent food warmer. When it's done, I continue to let the cup of purée sit in the warmer to ensure that the hot water warm up the purée completely.

Threadfin + asparagus + pumpkin...yar really interesting combo! How did you prepare the asparagus? Overcook will be bitter right? Would really like to try feeding my boy asparagus hehe.

I microwave my purees in a bowl. Say about 3 ice cubes for 40 - 50 seconds on high power. If too hot, can still cool. If worry about uneven heating, just stir it around to even out the heat.
my girl just recovered from her runny nose a week ago and now she seems to be having phlemgy cough. argh.. anything i can do to help her? cannot give her medicine right? give her apple juice? ;p
enitsuj, I prepare asparagus the same way as broccoli lo, juz use the head part. I'm using the avent steamer cum blender, steam the asparagus &amp; pumpkin together for abt 10mins then throw in the Threadfin &amp; steam for another 10mins. somehow the combi taste quite nice, sweet &amp; saltish, think muz be the Threadfin ba.

googlez, i keep frozen purée for 1 wk, althou most websites say can keep for 1-3mths. I'm using the pigeon food warmer to reheat my puree. hb quite against using microwave for bb, but I saw quite a few websites using the microwave mtd, quite common in western countries, shld be ok ba. juz remember to stir the purée &amp; let it cool down b4 serving to avoid hot spots.

Jac: Yeah, I also find cooking porridge is more troublesome than juz giving her puree n cereals plus I dont really fancy cooking somemore. That's why I keep procrastinating till she is 8+ mth ord. Hehehe..
I think i shall try ur recipe. Somehow i find the threadfin that i cooked was very fishy.

Jingles: since u cook porridge daily, what meat do u put it? Iz it always fish? I heard some ppl dun give chicken coz worry of phelm, beef coz texture when fully cooked is rougher.. Ahh so many things to consider.

Btw, my 8+ mth old bb now has 4 teeth. Suddenly the top front 2 juz appear together overnight :) she juz started a lil bit of crawling.. How time flies ya.
