(2012/01) Jan 2012

jingles: I wash my bb's bum after every poo. but need help from my maid. She prepares the warm water with pail. While squatting, i hold my bb face down on my lap > bb's stomach on my left leg, my left arm holding bb's right arm. then maid pours wash lotion for me to clean bum, then pours water down to wash off. water poured 3-4 times, ok liao. then wrap bb bottom with towel and bring to wipe dry and wear nappy. my maid is also able to do it by herself when I'm not around. She will prepare the tub of water first then carry, wash and pour and wipe.

enitsuj: yes, when feeding my bb porridge, she is sometimes so hungry that she will eat quietly, even coming forward with mouth open. but after 5 min, she will get impatient and cry, even got tears! so we had to make milk for her to drink - 150ml!

even nowadays after 150ml of milk, she will also fuss for more, but will forget when sleep gets the better of her.. hah!

jingles: forgot to mention I like it that you said when bb's time for potty training and sleeping alone comes, they will be prepared. but I saw on mummysg forum, someone posted that her 8yo daughter is still on pull-ups.. scary leh..
enitsuj: i fed egg yolk to my girl yesterday and interestly, she likes it on its own - just the cooked yolk. and also the porridge when we mix the balance half egg yolk in the porridge. Want to ask, how many egg yolks can be consumed in a week? don't want to overfeed, yet don't want to be too paranoid..
wah....washing baby's bum sounds like a feat (*LOL but i guess being a mommy, every task is a feat esp for first time mommmy myself)

ermm i guess it takes 2 hands to clap also...mayb parents must encourage potty training...hmmm dunno bah..
Jingles, I wash my baby's bum after he poo but nt before I use moist cotton pads to wipe off the poop. I find it hard to carry him to the the sink with poop all over his butt, worse if it's loose stool. So for me it's double cleaning. I would either carry him in sitting position facing the front or carry him in horizontal sleeping position to clean him. Not easy as his weight increases bt thankfully he enjoys the process so he remains very still :p
jean: you fed her the whole egg? waah..i dunno how many times to give leh. I have only given him a tiny bit (less than 1/4 of the yolk) twice so far. But maybe once a week?

re: washing bum. you guys quite hardcore leh. Hubby is the one who washes my son's butt. haha I'm too lazy. But sometimes when the wet poo gets all over the place, then I have no choice. I will use the tap to support his legs, holding him front facing and wash. If not just let him stand in the sink and wash. I cannot support 9kg for that long!
no la..i dun wash my girl's bum for every poo..its only when things get messy. Same here, I also find its a challenge plus mine will not sit still to let you wash ....
so imagine the amount of wet wipes i used per time!
Hi mummies, my son is teething. Yipee! He's turning 7 mth soon. Any recommendation on what I can offer him to chew? I was looking at some teething rusk but nt sure which one to choose.

Btw, do your kids suffer from separation anxiety after they are exposed to big crowd of unfamiliar relatives/friends? My son cried big time last weekend at a gathering bec my relatives were carrying him everywhere against his will. For the first time, he extended his arms to reach out for me to take him back. However, I didn't always immediately take over from my relatives. Since then, he became very sticky to me and didn't even want his daddy to carry him last evening while I was preparing his purée in the kitchen. Don't know why like that...
i am using Heinz biscuit...its hard enuff for bb to gnaw on it.

Ermm for me I never let ple carry my bb till out of sight..but normally i wont let ple whom bb is not acquainted with to carry her lo..i scared it will frighten her lei. Erm I think your bb maybe frighten. Just assure her for now and things will get better.
Jingles, I think mine was scared out of his wits. Nw I feel so bad for putting him through the ordeal. Just now I noticed he kept turning back to look for me when I left his side to go to the toilet in my room.

I gave my boy the Heinz teething rusks. but very very messy, and once dry up very hard to scrape off haha. I gave up on giving him that and just give him celery sticks. Cold and still hard enough too.

carrot sticks is safe if only two teeth. can also parboil it abit so that he can eat the carrot. enough for him to scrape, not soft enough for him to break it.
Hi mummies,
Re: washing bum
I wash my baby bum everytime he poo. But will wipe w wet tissue first so is double work but so used to it so hard to change. Hubby was commenting f my elder boy, I actually insist have to wash w soap... Not sure also... Haha but for now I only wash w water everytime my younger boy poo..and with normal tap water... No time to pour hot water to basin and wash.
I also started giving my boy Heinz teething rusk... Very messy initially then I tried holding half of it and letting my boy bite... That was much much cleaner... I ate 3/4 of the rusk. Don't wan to keep since I have quite a lot.
Re: separation anxiety
Today place my boy at mil f only 2 hrs and he cry f 2 hrs... Came back he saw me cry even louder but after that fed him lunch and he was ok... How ah? My mil only manage to feed him one mouthful of porriadge... Think when he go cc, I sure cry w him... Haiz...
dancingqueen, I had a similar situation at my baby's great grandmother birthday dinner. Baby kept wanting me to carry as she freaked out. But if I remember correctly, I think some time before that she's starting to want more of me. It wasn't like that before. And now she prefers me and sometimes only I can calm her down. Is your child breastfed? Mine was, till I went back to work, but I still bf her whenever possible. Other times she just drink ebm. They said bf babies are closer to their mummies.
eh good idea lei...
think give veggie sticks is much more healthier than biscuits
plus its cold!

its ok bah..just comfort him and give him assurance..think our bb is still too young to expose to big crowd now.

hey any mommies so far brought their babes to Polliwogs?
Was thinking of bringing bb there but was thinking yet to know how to walk..abit waste $$$ :p
Mummies, are u planning to get ur bb vaccinated against flu? My bb is due for 9 mths checkup to his PD, and he mentioned before got optional flu vaccine. I saw previous comments and seems like most of ur PD don't have 9 mths checkup schedule..
whats fidgets? must go check it out

thanks hur...is it too bo hua to bring our little one there..i dont wan pay the $ and in the end everything too "big" for them to play..
i checked with some of my mommies friends..apparantly 9months is more for bbs under poly? for kkh and pte pds they dont see the need.
Jingles that time I went w my elder boy cc. The fidgets got place f parents to sit around and different section for different age of children which I find quite nice but it is very far from my house
Jingles: mine is PD.. Seems like I am the odd one here. Maybe will give the flu vaccine a miss.

Re: meal
I missed out the discussion earlier on abt food. All mummies here are quite adventurous with food choices. For egg yolk, my PD advised to give it last nearer to 1yo bday and if i remember correctly, not more than 3 times a week. I wanna try yoghurt, cheese also but not sure which one.

My 9 mo bb only drink 4 times fm a day @ 150ml each (7- 8am, noon, 3-4pm, 8-9pm). Mostly she can sleep through the nite after last feed. Only exceptional day, she might ask for 1 feed at 3-4am.

Meals is 2 times a day at 10am cereals with fruit/vege and 6-7pm for porridge with meat (fish/beef/pork) and vege. I haven't tried chicken.

If I slot another lunch porridge, i think her milk intake will drop below 500ml, which is the min requirement. That's why I am still in dilemma whether to do it or not. Any thoughts??

Anyone has started to give tofu to baby?

Enitsuj: ur baby can take 2.5 avent container of porridge. U rferring to 2.5 via cup? That's a lot ya..
maybe you can check with other mommies?
or call clinic up to see if really necessary?

i am currently reading some cookbooks from Taiwan...amazing what they give to bb - dragonfruits, tofu, pasta. Really alot of varieties!

But for me, I will not give tofu to bb so early bah.cos i read from another book soya beans deem to be allergy cause also..something same as peanuts?

LOL the cause of too much information from books!

i read website on fidgets! Seems like free under 1 year old!

yup, 2.5 avent via cup. he will want to eat more, just that I dun want to give him too much. I know it sounds alot, but I'm just thinking it is rice with alot of water, so maybe is okay.

jingles, I also keen to give baby tofu, but don't really know how to prepare it, unless throw into porridge I guess. I have given him unsweetened soy milk from the market tho. he really enjoy it.
i went to fidgets recently with my #1. The area for bb very small..nothing much, a small slide area and a small area for them to crawl..If you are bringing an older kid along, 10% off with your OCBC baby bonus card.

There is another one at Turf City called Kiddy Fun. That one might be better for babies? newer and milder activities so i guess babies can play too.
ermm i read in the TW book is blend together with the porridge for tofu. if not u can mesh it up alone to give to bb...serve cold..erm i read in the recipe book....cold tofu..:p duno is it too cold for bb below yr 1...
cannot give tofu? i follow nestle's feeding schedule which includes tofu..

i juz steam the tofu then put in cereal
jingles, yeah fidgets is free for under 1yo. i brought my boy there b4. but nothing much leh. the play area for bb is quite small. and most of the time i was busy keeping the older kids from running into my boy than enjoying/playing with him. but since it's free, no harm going see see lo, after that can drop by the horse riding club to see horses or go riders cafe lim kopi. go-go-bambini @ dempsey is also free for under 11mo, haven't tried that out thou..
delphina, my boy can't even finish 1 via cup of porridge, at most 3/4 nia (& took ~1hr). from what i read, milk shld be the main source of nutrients till bb 1yo, so i think u shld probably stick to 2 meals a day until 1yo ba.
from what i read, it's ok to give bb tofu (cooked), yoghurt, cheese (cheddar is recommended & avoid all soft cheese) & pasta at this stage. BUT i haven't start on any of these yet. hahah. still trying to get my boy to eat his porridge!! arraghr. he doesn't seem to want eat much solids, unless it's cereal which is sweet.
BluCryst, I feed my baby ebm and fm but my baby has the habit of suckling before his naps. Anyway, I'll not put him through that kind of trauma again. It was an oversight on my side.

enitsuj, a recipe book that I'm reading recommends serving tofu as a dessert. So you just add apple purée or mango sauce to it.

delphina, my baby also has health assessment at 9 mths. His PD is from SBCC.

Btw, can you share your experiences regarding baby teething?My baby today super grouchy and cried a fair bit. Wanted to be carried too. I'm not sure if he's restless and needs more play or his tiny tooth was creating distress as it breaks through the gum.
but what kind of tofu you guys give? I thought about tau kua but like so hard..silken tofu but like so soft. hahah. Okay, maybe it's just me making things difficult for myself.

I'm gonna try the baby pasta next week. Looks so cute. But dunno mix with what. Now he doesn't like cheddar cheese (can be abit strong in taste). Might give him either parmesan or mozzarella next.
hi mummies,
just tried giving my boy broccoli and carrot with kraft cheese yesterday. my boy like it...

trying out the heinz brand banana cereal..previously think i mix w apple and potato inside,he hated it...eat until like wan to vomit..but eating on its own he was ok

there is a ELC brand toy sale at united square-donno if wan to go see see look look anot...hmm...
so what yoghurt brand do u buy? must be those that states "for bb below 1 yr old"?

do u all juz give cheese by itself to bb?

i give organic silen tofu leh...easy to mash oso. wat bb pasta are u looking at? comes in shapes or ABC?

gd to noe. hope yr bb become a broccoli lover like me. haha. sometimes i juz boil it and mix wif rice cereal only.

what kind of
do u find yourself doing so much washing now that your nails conditions are not as gd as b4? any suitable lotion or cream you can recommend? or better still , any dishwasher that does not eat so much into our nails?
Brink, u gave him the brocolli and cheese in small pieces to self feed or puree everything? I opened one jar of banana cereal n i didn't like what i tasted haha..very fake kinda feeling. Plus they added cornflour inside i think so i didn't give my son. Think he had one spoonful n didn't like it either.

jkids, i gave my son the fernleaf brand yoghurt cos they use full cream milk instead of skim milk. Think there is one brand called petit maim or something like that? Thot it was for kids but didn't buy cos is skim milk.

Pasta i bought the heinz baby pasta. Try that first, if he like then will upgrade to adult pasta. Easier for him to self feed also.

For dishwashing liquid, i bought this brand bio-home. I find it really gentle on my hands compared to mama lemon. Abiit more expensive but i rather pay cos i do alot of washing. It is also biodegradable so good for environment too hehe

Trying to wean baby off nursing to sleep these days. His tolerance level higher than mine. Can cry longer than i can tolerate...plus is fake crying somemore. Got something distract him will totally stop, as tho nothing happen. Wth..give up man.
Btw, how much are ur babies sleeping throughout the day now? My boy has just decided in the past two days that he dun need so much sleep! Frm 3 hrs cut down to abt 2 hrs??
My mum gives my gal the rectangular block tofu..v easy to mash..

As for tau kua, I slipped her some to eat as I was having for dinner, but realised it's rather salty? Maybe salt has been used on tau kua??

I gave Heinz banana porridge once and my gal gave me a face. I tried it and it tasted a bit sour? But it's not the gone bad sour.. anyway, I decided throw away..

Our PD is also SBCC (Rivervale).. but there isn't the 9 mth review. The next visit will be 1 yo.. guess the frequency is nothing to be overly concerned? More the jabs taken..now I'm worried about the MMRV and Flu jabs..already paid for..but to take or not to take?

My gal's day time naps dun exceed 2h each time. On good days, she'll nap twice, once mid morning and once in the afternoon. Some days, she'll only nap once and for the rest of the day, my mum will have to occupy her.. This has been so since about 8mo..Somehow, since young, my gal has got darker eye bags. Dunno if she sleeps less than required, or cos we wake up rather early to fetch her to my mum's place daily. Once she's picked up, she wun sleep, she becomes sooo alert..
Googlez82, yar tau kua got salty and non salty ones. U need to ask for non salted ones.

Re:sleep, i also hear from my fellow moms that babies will drop a nap and only sleep once a day. But for how long i dunno. The longest my baby will sleep is 30 min one stretch then i have to pick him to pat to sleep again. But seems like now even pat also won't sleep. Alamak.
Anyone here can recommend me your part time maid which you are currently using to clean your house weekly? Need one urgently...thanks to pm me or post here. Thanks
one via cup is how much hur? ermm my bb eats approx 1 ladle per meal..she enjoys much more when we put pork to boil porridge..yumz!

on tofu
so far i have yet to let baby try...cos i heard that soy is one of the super allergen food? read also somewhere better to let bb try after 1 yr old.

yes my girl also down with fever over the weekend. thanks to the virus spreaded from my sil to my fil and my bb is sleeping with my ILs in the same room (and they do not practice of opening windows for ventilation)...so high chance lo..but of cos all of them denied la...they conveniently put this thing under teething lo. My heart so pain when I fed her the medicine she was like screaming and all...i ranted on my hub the whole weekend lo...frankly which adult dunno that when sick pls don a mask and stay clear from infants

So angry!!!
I mean for myself cos I dont wish to spread germs to my bb and cause inconvenience to my mil i wore a mask when not feeling well, even when I sleep!!!
haiz.tats why i always tell baby...even ur ah ma, ah gong loves u..is conditional...ur mama loves u is really unconditional lo.

regards on nap
so far my bb has been quite consistent. abt 2 hrs. enitsuj, maybe bb teething bah...so naps also shorten and getting a little cranky lo
isn't it interesting? My baby also caught a mini cold last week. Caught last week from a relative in MIL's house, no idea why they still carry baby even though they know they are sick.. I also wear a mask for 1 whole week when I caught the flu, no matter how uncomfortable I got.. Are we mothers too paranoid or other people just plain bochup?

jingles: My baby also loves the porridge when cooked with pork! yesterday tried broccoli + pork, the smell is quite fragrant! baby finished 180ml of the porridge.

cheese: what is the brand of cheese that you give your bb? The ones available in the supermarkets are processed cheese cannot right?

enitsuj: heinz baby pasta? what was your bb's reaction to that? where did you buy from?
i also wanted to try broccoli last weekend but since bb was not feeling well and broc is something new, i rather not introduce..just incase.

I have to say we are definitely not paranoid neither are we mysophobia but other than their own parents, no one can be more heart pain than us especially if you have difficulty or waited so long to conceive a child.
my boy having fever, cough, sore throat, running nose & vomiting since sunday.. sigh.. everytime go my grandma's hse then fall sick (3rd time having fever after visiting my grandma).. my parents attributed it to my grandma's place carpark being "dirty" (those 7 mth kind of dirty).. SO DUH!! it's coz my aunts anyhow let him touch this touch that (e.g. the window grill & corridor latch that haven't been cleaned in thousands of yrs) then he put his hands into his mouth.. they also don't practice good hygiene, never wash hands then touch his face, his cheeks, his hands, etc etc.. my 1st aunt even wanna feed him tea!!! arraghhr.. and my mum lagi worse, went to feed him 180ml of milk after he finished 1 big bowl of porridge & caused him to vomit due to overeating.. these bunch of aunties relle dunno how to take care of baby.. SIGH!!

jingles, 1 via cup is ard 180ml ba.. my boy starting to be more receptive to porridge liao.. will finish all/most but eat damn slow (e.g. take abt 5-10mins to finish cereal, but abt 45mins-1hr to finish the porridge).. my boy was on soy milk when he had diarrhea previously, so i know it's ok to give him tofu.. i made pumpkin & tofu puree (then add abit of cereal), nice!
