(2012/01) Jan 2012

kekee i had that last weekend too...coca steamboat! YUMZ though i did not eat as much as i wanted...nowadays get full v easily....

yes.....in a way we can switch off who the other side wanted to invite, how many ple and cost lo...if not we keep nosing our biz what is happening on the other side also v stress...being a new mother is already v stress..lets free ourselves from unnecc. nonsense

jingles: Yea!! I love coca steamboat.. Very nice!! Think we better not eat too much now also.. We're very prone to suffer from heartburn at this stage..
jingles: got it at my friend's dad's shop
convertible type..selling cheap cos it's the last one

first month gifts: yah i also prefer cash or vouchers rather than gifts cos gifts sometimes will get duplicates..and most of the time we already bought those stuff that bb needs. It'd be good if we can get some "reimbursements".. hehe :p
I totally skip the full month celebrations for #1, just went out with my family for lunch at some restaurant =p Cos it was H1N1 peak period, so I used it as excuse to escape from holding a big gathering. Actually, mainly cos we have our own place and no helper, I get all worn out cleaning up after the whole celebration is over. Rather just spend the energy on my baby
yeah lo...getting such gifts is like reimbursements from our pockets kana burn :p

i also wish ah! i also wanted to skip all these frilly stuff if possible..cos i dont find the meaning to it. and frankly out of the many relatives i am inviting, i dont talk/communicate to all even. so..i dont see the point. If the custom is not for the benefit of the baby i will remove such events...
juz wondering how much cash/voucher do we give wen we attend bb shower of frens or relatives? wat a reasonable amt?
i usually give a gift of cash $30 to $50, depending on how close i am to the person..if very close friend would be more..
jkids: I think depends on how close you are to the baby? If close friend's baby, I will give $100 ang bao. Those not so close, give $50 or $60 lo.. Hehe
re baby shower, anyone not going to have baby shower? if can i also dun wan to have.. so troublesome.. but then it's an opportunity to recoup my $$.. hahah.. dunno whether to have 1 session or 2 sessions.. worried too many ppl & house too small if only 1 session, but worried not enuff ppl & too much food (coz food catering is usually min 30pax) if 2 sessions.. headache.. but so far, think i most prob gonna have 2 sessions ba, 1 for my side & 1 for my hb's side.. my side will most prob be at my house or my mum's house.. hb's side will leave him to decide.. any1 got better suggestion?

jkids, i usually give $100 if me & hb attend (e.g. relatives/close friends), & $50 if i attend alone (e.g. colleagues, etc).. also dunno what's the mkt rate.. heehee..
i am gg to do out of my house..no way i am gg to let ple to come in, dirty my house and just leave
we have alot of things to look into le...gg to have it in a club house or book some tables in a restaurant. Chop chop, eat already then ple will leave
ya ...imagine the huge mess you will have to clear after everyone left...esp. for ple like me who have no maid..i dont wan discover a rolled fish ball or chix wing underneath my sofa months later! Gosh!!
hello mummies..soo many things talked about over the past 2 days keke. i've been so busy for these 2 days. my contract staff who will be covering me is finally here and i am teaching him all the things now..so many stuffs i hope he can absorb all! >_< if not good luck to him haha.

re tea &amp; coffee: i totally kept away for the 1st tri, drank on alternate days on the 2nd tri, drink teh every morning when i hit my 3rd tri. LOL. can see that my self-control is going down the drain hahaha.

baby shower: i also hope for angbaos and vouchers! hehe most practical and can get things i really need and like.
i'm cool with gifts too but something nice please! haha.

dilation: omg whole hand?! how it is possible lol! anyway huh are there any ways to know if we have dilated by checking ourselves? or gynae must check then can know?

waxing: i am very tempted to go do a brazilian wax now cos i can no longer see below due to the growing tum tum lol..so hard to trim. i will definitely go for one before my EDD, so when doing confinement it will feel cleaner and easier to handle? LOL.
jingles/adeline, initially i also tot of having it at a chalet.. but the tot of having to move all the baby stuff there (e.g. cot in case bb wants to sleep, feeding stuff, etc) kinda turns me off leh.. bb will be more comfortable at home.. but then guests will not be so comfortable.. hahah.. any suggestions for chalet?

so far most of the bb showers i went are either at their own home (bungalows or bigger 5rm flat.. mine is small small 4rm flat nia) or hdb void deck (don't really like the idea) or condo function room (no such lobang)..
u can consider booking a few tables in the restaurant...so ple will either leave after makan or i will make an exit lo :p i am not comfortable putting my bb in a crib n let her be an exhibit where ple will jst ooohh and touch as they please lei.
jingles, makan &amp; leave like not very personal leh.. prefer to have somewhere where family &amp; friends can hang ard, chit-chat, play mahjong (my family's fav pastime), etc if they want.. like CNY gathering.. hahah..
I don't intend to hold for #2 also. I just use excuse that since #1 didn't have 1, I should be fair and also do away with one for #2. Just go some place nice wth my family for lunch again =) Just that it's tiring to go around delivering full month cakes to relatives =p
Jac: I thought of holding it at the NSRCC chalet at tanah merah. Bungalow type and whole area air con so think will be comfortable for everyone. Think I'll juz bring a bassinet there for my boy to sleep in ba..
i guess it depends on how personal u wan bah..cos for my side, majority i dont talk to them de...some i have not even seen for years. so.........the personal/intimacy is already not there in the 1st plc....do its for sake of bb and mom..not for me :p hang ard, interact is only for those closed ones, but too bad, no way i can jst invite those relatives i want.

tat is exactly what i wanted in mind lo..just an intimate VIP room with immd family members
adeline, i'm thinking of NSRCC or aloha loyang.. but muz see how.. worried CNY period hard to get chalet also..

jingles, i'm quite close to my mum's side &amp; hb's close to his dad's side.. don't invite also paiseh.. anyway will ask parents/ILs whether necessary to have bb shower sometime later ba.. now still early..
jingles..haa i dont think he dare.. once i ask him to help me cut toe nails..he cut until very stress coz he scare he cut too much..
but anyway..i will ask him and see his response.. =p
then never mind u can get the chalet earlier...cos full month no need to be exact day/month de..maybe 1 month plus after EDD?

let hub knows we need their support at this time, even scared also must help :p
me too...gg off lo :p

by way any mommies experience uncomfy butt? its like sitting on a chair for more than half an hr will cause butt to be warm and sore..as if we are sitting on a bus for a long journey
Brand new Singapore set (Bought from mom and babes) medela swing pump with end Oct warranty. Selling $250. MSG 96922155 to deal.. unopened and blank warranty.
thanks for the angbao input. i roughly have an idea now ha.

i realise at work i get distracted too easily. at home today i was ableto do my handover list.

bb shower:
i dun intend to have a bb shower as usual. our family side will selectively bring cakes to relatvies house. some, we will give vouchers if we know they are seldom at home or too far away to deliver in a day since its our parents who deliver, not us, dun wana tire them.

i realise that some people wun visit u and bb if you have no shower. they will juz pass angbao to you when you deliver cake, tsktsk. i dun mind lah since i dun like many visitors in my house, still muz entertain when recupurating...
Sorry to disturb... this might interest some of you on the go.
this is what you need to bring along with your baby!

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Other designs available too. PM me for details

morning mommies!!

seems like we are so alike
from having strange ILs as well as our perceptions over the full month celebration - i also dont like too many ple visiting my house. Motherhood is going to be a challenging moment, dont wan too many ple to see my unglam moment!
morning mummies...

Jac: i held my #1 full mth party at Aloha Loyang. If you are inviting quite a number of ppl, try not to get the Garden Terrace. Quite small for celebration and you have to lay your buffet food outside the corridor, quite cramped.
I didnt stay overnite with bb. I brought bb home after the party and my hb &amp; SIL stayed over to check out the next day. At least it's not school holidays during our bbs' full mth so should be easier to get a chalet.

jingles: my butt felt painful if i sit for too long.
not sure if it's becos i walked too much yesterday or becos bladder full. My pubic bone hurted badly when i tried to turn while sleeping last nite..moved my leg abit also painful...nearly want to tear.
u ladies talking about full-month celebration rite, not baby shower rite? got a bit confused when I saw that u r bringing the newborn.. cos baby shower is for mummies before they pop rite? ;p

anyway.. what shall we buy to give away to friends/relatives for full-mth? Im thinking Sweetest Moments seem like the most popular.. ;p

Jingles - yes, I get sore butt after sitting for a while as well. have to keep shifting my butt if I cant get up to walk (esp during long meetings

This Fairprice having baby pdts sale from now till mid Nov.. is it time to stock up on diapers, baby toileteries already? There are so many brands, such a headache on which one to get. normal ones or organic? haiyo.. headache headache...
Oh I have been getting Braxton Hicks contraction quite regularly these 2 days.. Just a sudden tightening of the tummy (feels tight to the touch) for abt 10secs. then after that ok already.. is it normal?
think for me, best gift for mommy is either cash, NTUC vouchers or kiddy palace lo..cos i guess everyone will like to have some form of reimbursement. hmmmm NTUC having sales? wah good time to buy pampers le

If its really braxton hicks, what i have heard is, it is harmless if you are not in pain and if it will auto go away after sometime.

you poor thing. I am more into butt. I got to stand up half way during dinner in soup restaurant ytd as butt was really sore. Their chair is too stiff la. Me too, it will get me sometime to settle down and sleep...to find the best position to doze off.
Ever tried putting on a heat pack mar? Maybe it will ease pain...but remember to layer it before placing, not direct to skin hor.

oh ya i am wondering if any mommy know where to get the mini fridge? this stupid office of mine the fridge is always cranky...its not cold anymore lei..emitting hot air..imagine if i put my BM in it -.-
Lush: I thought baby shower refers to full month? I haven't decide what kind of cakes to give relatives leh..

Diapers: I don't intend to stock up on diapers now. Gonna wait till after delivery then buy coz don't know what size baby wear leh.. Some NB wear S size instead of NB size..
Bb shower: Me and hubby thinking to do one..maybe at home, so at least have some memory keepsake baby when she grows up. Hehe we will do a nice album for her to see.

Give away for fren/relative: besides sweetestmiment, I also encounter www.partridgepear.com. Their design is quite interesting too. Maybe i will get mine from there.

Prufirstgift: hmm does anyone know if $100 of whole life insurance premi ($1200 per annum) for $100K coverage is high? i like the part on the insuring the newborn and mum during pregnancy and childbirth, but have the 2nd thoughts on the whole life insurance portion. So still undecided same like Medory.
Jingles - i dun think i am in time to get GE pinklife already.
jingles: u can find mini fridge from electrical shops. Big ones like Courts have..But no need to get one. Wait til you are going back to work then buy...unless u intend to use at hm during maternity leave.
for NTUC promo, the pigeon moisturizing wet wipes ($15 for 2 twin packs) can buy. That is the price u will get at bb fairs.

This range is slightly more expensive than the red/white range (chamomile) though.
jingles: My office worse. NO fridge as it is a temporary office. My admin wanna buy one but no space. Wonder where I can store my BM... So sian
me too...i thought bb shower = full month lei :p
be like me lah, get own fridge.
more hygienic and also v sure that the fridge is always on working condition

thanks for sharing the link
its so nice!!!! think i will get from there, though its slightly more expensive to what i have intended to order from (sweetest moments).

:p oopppppppps! after re-reading again....i realize you are talking abt the refreshments/gift packs to relatives/friends :p paisei hur.
moscato, thanks for the advice! will try get the bigger bungalows if i'm getting aloha loyang.. thou thot chalet booking during CNY period also quite popular.. i also dun intend to stay overnite at the chalet.. most prob my parents &amp; aunts will play mahjong overnite.. hahah..

jingles, i heard ppl say cannot have the full-mth celebration after the actual date of the full-mth itself.. same as birthday.. can celebrate early, but not later.. so won't be possible to book so early unless know the actual delivery date.. else if book too early, bb still very small &amp; haven't finish confinement yet also..

lush, in western countries, baby shower refers to celebration for mummies b4 they pop.. in singapore, baby shower &amp; full-mth celebration is often used interchangeably.. yes, we r talking abt full-mth celebration..
i also intend to get Sweetest Moments.. maybe the petite set (all cakes) for those who attend the full-mth celebration &amp; the mini cupcakes set for me &amp; hb's office ppl.. personally don't like the red eggs, ang ku kweh &amp; glutinous rice leh.. wonder if necessary anot.. but i may get them for the buffet.. usually full-mth buffet pkg will include red eggs, ang ku kweh &amp; glutinous rice..
Jac: I thought of Aloha too. But I thought it used to be quite popular as I gotta book 3 months in advance in order to get the bungalow leh.. Is it not the case now? It has been years since my last booking so I'm not sure.. Hehe
those are who delivering in TMC and interested in ordering from Sweetest Moments, the FBI/SBI card entitles u to 10%...i think might have the voucher in your bb bag when u discharge.
Jingles:u r welcome..

Jac:sorry to backtrack.Were u the one who bought medela freestyle from overseas spree? Can share with me the link or contact? i just realized i cannot post message to overseas spree forum;seems like it is for registered user > 1 yr only. PM the seller before but no reply..thanks.
adeline, my aunt is a civil servant.. so usually she'll be the one doing the booking.. so i not sure abt the booking part.. but i heard her say it's always very popular during CNY, christmas, school hols, etc.. btw, civil servants then can book 3mths in advance, public only 2mths in advance.. but problem is don't even know wat date to book until bb born? NSRCC also quite popular rite? sigh.. alternatively is to have it at my house in 2 sessions.. but then got to rethink on the catering part liao..
*high 5* to our likeness, lol!

i feel sian seeing/using sweetest moment.... i google but find that there are not many choices to choose fr

so have you all thought of which dept to distrbute cakes other than your own dept?
ermmm i have to give almost the entire office lei!
cos though we are diff. dept. but all the assorted dept sit in a huge office and some of them had given me cakes for their NB. So I will be giving to those:

1) whom in my dept
2) my kaki
3) those who will be contributing gifts to my NB
4) those who had given me tips/advise/NB cakes b4

Jac: My uncle is also civil servant. But he gave me his particulars for booking.. Yep, only civil servant 3 months in advance. That's why I nv choose Aloha coz difficult to gauge the date also leh.. Actually overall if we want to hold in chalet also quite difficult coz don't know what date to book and we can only book after we deliver which is too late and a lot of places sure kena booked already..

Think my another alternative will be holding it at my friend's restuarant lo..
