(2012/01) Jan 2012

i also getting toyogo box for my CL...
kekeke...something cheaper and not so expensive and no need to assemble. Errmmm is it possible that you assemble cabinets but not be in the house? I heard tat its ok except for the cot lei...

wow u shifting ah..careful not to tire urself ah!
bb abt same as u....week 27 was at 1.1kg

hur...tats scary lei....u mean u used the cream still can see the marks..oh dear..i used it off/on. guess i must be more diligent!

precisely lo...tats wat i felt also. some ple never check if their things are good condition then give others, ehhhh we are not garang guni lei....i dont like to help ple to dispose items also...in a way it will waste time/petrol to go collect the items lo.
hmmmm i heard from mommies tat the delivery/set of cot can be done nearer to EDD, u can choose lei..so hub dont need to assemble?

adeline, i also dunno what's the exact myth/ superstition.. dad's the pantang one.. cannot do this, cannot do that.. cannot eat this, cannot eat that.. guess it all depends on what u or ya family believes in ba.. i juz follow so to spare my ears from all the nagging & they wont have chance to say "see i told u so" in future..
jingles: ya lor..moving house..but i staggered my moving..at least no need to move everything in a day. Going to leave #2 stuffs at my mum's plc 1st. Ask her to wash for me...cos my new plc not enough hanging area and cannot sun clothes. :p

adeline: some of the hand-me-down clothes stretched liao hor...how to let NB wear even though it's supposed to NB size hor? I didnt even keep some of my #1 bodysuits for #2. Haha..
jingles: Ya lo.. Waste of our time and petrol. Imagine going all the way to collect the stuffs only to find that we can't actually use it. Sian max lo.. As for my baby cot, I got them to deliver 2 weeks prior to my EDD so they'll help install
The option which i said asked hubby to install when we're in hospital is for those whose family doesn't allow them to install prior to birth. Hehe

Jac: Agree with you. I tend to follow also.. But for the setting up of furnitures and all that drilling, I think as long as we're not in the house, shld be ok le ba.. But like you said, the extent varies between individuals

moscato: Wow.. Stretched already they still pass it to you ar? That's why lo.. I find some ppl use hand-me-downs as an excuse to find ppl like us to help them dispose their stuffs. Haha
ya lah..simply dont understand these ple....if not in good condition dont give la :p
i think they are thinking tat if they give us hand-me-downs its like doing us a favour but its not kkekekekkee..

hmmm anyone using the maxi cosi bb basket seat? seems complicated to get it fix to the car lei
Toyogo 4 tier drawer cost ard $40~$50 bah..depending on design.. hee get it from the Toyogo warehouse in Toa Payoh.. think it is cheaper than outside..
poseidon, thanks for the lobang! u know those 1 level big box kind how much? thinking of going giant to check out.. need to buy extra pails for washing bb's clothes too..
Jac: go to Toyogo warehouse in Toa Payoh..u can get the extra pails there as well...all kinds of sizes..

i also use a small pail to take water to wipe baby or clean backside after poo.
u seems v familiar with Toy warehouse lei..any idea they have muji like drawers? went to giant last weekend and saw Toy drawers are colored de..
hope all mummies have a good lunch!

so fast nov liao. am already thinking of the 1st meal i will have after my delivery. it will be the best meal i would ever have after 10 mths of a change on taste bud. am also looking forward to the time when i can move around without a tummy, and not needing a seat in the train.

yes sometimes bb also kick my bladder, oso have the sensation to pee like that. sometimes kicks near my anus area :p
tell me abt it man!!
i am looking forward to my sashimi, crabs, root beer float and chix rice!!! AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

for ML, i think its 6 weeks (from company) + 6 weeks (MCYS). think got to consume MCYS one first, then company remaining 6 weeks can consume within 1 yr of 1st day of ML.
no la....cos when i eat chix rice, it doesnt taste the same before
so i cant eat..guess its the hormones..

yes, u can buy in small quantities
jingles: i went there a few times before. Don't think have Muji like drawers..whole thing transparent type right?

jac: ya, can buy in small qty..1 pc also can. just that buy more, slightly cheaper but not a lot la..
jingles: Ohhh.. Ur taste bud change so much ar? Surprisingly mine still the same leh.. Juz that keep craving for sweet stuffs now. Hehe
yes certain food which i love dont taste the same anymore..initial period is worse, it will encourage puking....so alot of food now i cant eat, its not cos of all wifey tales or pantang but its jst tat i dont enjoy anymore

hmm anyone know where to buy the stand where you can place the bath tub in it? it will help us so that we dont need to bend down while bathing bb
re: toyogo warehouse
i felt that items there are not really dat cheap...sometimes like giant or NTUC might hv better deal..and parking there is quite limited also..

jingles: isn't it more siong to carry up the tub with water inside and put on the stand?
seems like not stable at all lei.. baby will grow and move a lot when they grow better..
only suitable for the first few mths.. Normally i will place the plastic bath tub above the toilet seat bowl( Cover the toilet seat) then take a normal stool and sit there to bath the baby..
very good for you, taste bud no change. it was miserable for me!

sama sama! 1st 4 mths very bad taste bud. now much better but only 80% taste bud recovered...

wat about putting rubber mat on your bed, then wif the empty bath tub place on top? after that then pour the kettles' water followed by cool water?
for sharing the link *hugs*

ermmm but we can carry the water in smaller pails mar..no need one shot to carry entire tub of water? lighter in a sense...

errr..put tub on bed stable mar? i scared later the tub topple over....got to clear the water lagi jialat

ya...another few more months, the thing that i am looking forward most is my sashimi!
jkids: Not only my taste bud no change, there's also a huge increase in my appetite lo.. I've been eating non-stop ever since I got pregnant and have put on 10 over kg so far!! So worried I'm not able to slim down after I deliver
I bought quite a few those plastic boxes from toyogo..they dont have muji-lookalike lah..if have i will buy the whole warehouse.. =p
Jingles>> i saw the stand catolog at the chinatown shop i went too.. maybe u can go there and ask..

there is no change in my taste bub but i dont dare to eat durain liao.. esp after i realise my little boy is 1.7kg at wk 30... not say i eat alot of durain lah..but i always love durain and my parents always buy everytime they buy i will eat a few seed..now i totally dont dare to touch.. =<
Hello mummies, everyone is so active in the thread,seems like energy level is high huh.. I started to experience difficulty in moving,heartburn,tight ribcage,and swollen calf..

Cannot wait to see my gynae this Saturday. Wondering how is the growth of my baby. When i did my 26weeks scan, my bb scan weight is 1.19 kg and even the EDD suggested by the machine is pushed fwd to 23 Dec. But my gynae still stick with earlier EDD calculated 14 jan..so much diff huh.

Hey does anyone know if bb kingdom still give further discount upon paying? I saw that the price there is same to retail price at malls / kiddy when there is no discount /sale..
edd can move so much forward ah? usually d difference i heard was like within 10 days... its like indicating that big bb will come out earlier?!

wun be if u use rubbermat...and your bb wun be doing strong kicks. until bb 's back is stronger then you can bath bb on the floor ah. i find it easier this way.

poseidon gal:
dun noe the effect of eating durian is so big . your bb huge leh...yah better control.

yah it happens when one has good appetite. :p some pp take a yr to lose it, some can't lose at all
thats wat i see in some pp.
those with low placenta...do u ever feel your bb's kicks area above the belly button ? all my bb's kicks below my belly button...
Deplhina... my EDD changes too.. but gynae doesnt say anything about it. because sometimes at the following visit, it will go back to the original EDD again, so i guess it will still fluctuate!

When we pops, we also cant anyhow eat right, cos we will be breastfeeding..
so still have to ren for 3+mths... I cant wait to feast on chilli crabs, durians, sashimi, medium rare steaks!! ahhh

these 2 days, I feel occasional tightening of the tummy area, I wonder if it's tummy practicing contractions.. bb u guai guai stay inside mummy's tummy till at least mid Dec ok!
jkids>> i seriously dont know if it is becoz of the durain i eat..but everyone seems to think that eat durain = heavier baby.. so to be safe..i dont dare to eat durain liao..

actually hor..i also didnt eat alot..gain like 6~7kg which is quite reasonable bah i suppose..
reported in newspaper today: all infant care under NTUC mgmt full for next year...still have 116 babies in waiting list!

wonder where is my bb queuing at..i have pre-registered last mth with My First Skool..
poseidon_gal: i had strong cravings for durians during my 1st tri, but hb forbids me to eat after he heard the gynae say don't eat too much..and i'm super durian lover

jkids: i have low placenta but my bb's in an oblique position so i feel more movements at the sides..but i feel that the pressure on my bladder is getting worse..
jingles: can carry small pail of water..just dat more trips need to be made lor..

toking abt toyogo..reminds me of something..when my boy was smaller..he use the bathtub..when he gets older, my MIL buy the super big toyogo plastic box and bath him inside..

jkids: i had low placenta..but gynae say placenta had move up slightly..the kicks are usually above the belly button..have u check what position ur bb is?
luckily your hub forbidded u right fr d start...else bb very huge by now :p

so your bb on waitlist? dam stressed if no vacancy. there seems to be demand for infant care/nanny/ccc...not enuf like that...
gyane didnt say abt the position. he juz told me got chance to do natural delivery. i will check with him this week, see what he says...

use big plastic box to bath? sound like a good idea!
MFS just told me currently infant care is full and that i can pre-register even though bb not born yet. I indicated next Mar as the start date. not sure if confirm have vacancy by then.

guess must pre-warn my mum that she might need to help me to look after #2 if no infant care services available by then.
yes i had a scare during my 1st trim when i tried to be funny and had durians for dinner - tat made my glucose level shoot up and need to take an OGTT test....after that i never dare to challenge my glucose tolerance anymore :p

i heard from the news that they will be constructing more childcare and all. But i guess nt in time for our kids next year, best to make alternate arrangements....what if no place after ur ML and needs to go back to work?

i think my EDD also changed lei..cos i peep over my case notes and see a pencil mark there but my gynae never mentioned anything to me....
my plan was either infant care or bbsitter. If cant find, will activate my mum. She is not working but she doesn't want to look after #2 cos tired from looking my #1 for 2 years and doesn't want to move to my new plc. Shall see how liao.

even if they are constructing more childcare, have to be near me in order to benefit from it.

EDD is just a guide. No need to get too concerned about the change, will keep changing.
okie...guess my hb's right in not letting me eat durians haha..

i think the biggest problem in lack of infant care is cos lack of teachers..my mum works in a child care centre and she said that there are not enough infant care teachers to take care of the babies, and also teachers are not paid that well..who wants to go into the industry?
my gynae glared at me when i asked if my EDD got change anot.. then she gave me the textbook answer.. she say EDD doesn't ever change coz it's calculated based on 40 weeks from date of last menstrual period.. it's juz tat bb fully matures at 37 weeks &amp; we can expect bb to be delivered anytime from then (or even earlier).. but theoretically speaking, our EDD doesn't change.. sigh.. so fierce..

moscato, i think u need plan for alternative juz in case.. u drive? maybe can try IFC near your or your hb's workplace if it's at more matured estates? when i last checked abt 2-3mths back, the IFCs at tanjong pagar &amp; raffles place (not under NTUC) still got spaces..
actually there;s a lack of icc/ccc for sometime oredi...haiz.

teacher cum nanny, its really a dirty job. if pay increases, then we muz pay more. if only govt can subsidise more?
