(2012/01) Jan 2012

yes..i believe mom's cooking should be quite good as they are affiliated with natal essentials. But pricewise i think they are the most expensive in the market. Heard good reviews on Kim's kitchen, will be giving it a try before trying out mom's

Hi valteen

Are you looking for a confinement lady as well??MY friend Mum in law is a CL..you can PM me if you are interested...
hello mommies, how's everyone today?

i will say that pregnancy is such a fun and exciting phase to go through..especially when you start to feel your baby, everyone pampers you so much, almost everything goes your way haha.

BUT. when the hormones decide to play punk on you on a random day, you feel like crap! and today's such a day for me. giddy like mad the moment i woke up, ended up taking halfday leave to sleep at home zzz. so wasted! hmph.
i can feel your excitement from here
halfday to sleep is not wasted la...u know sleeping encourages better growth for the bb's brain? so dont say its wasted

I am now reading gina ford's book. Wah the rigid routine seems tough to follow...any experience mummies that really follow the routine to the T?
hi jingles! hehe yes i am very excited! especially now that i can feel the baby! i hope it is really the baby i am feeling though haha. oh ok i didnt know! thanks for sharing..now i feel better haha

anyway what is this routine thingy about?
well basically its about this author who is an experience nanny and a former maternity nurse. She will list down a time table for u.. wat time to feed, sleep the baby and bath. Claims that bb will sleep through the night from early age if u follow strictly thru her routine....

but i was thinking la if follow strict no need to step out of the house at all liao
My mother-in-law wants to do my confinement, just wondering i can stand my father-in-law as words that comes out from his mouth are nothing but shits.
He is worst than a woman, whenever i reach home he will complain to me about my son. I know my son, he can't sit still, always on the move.
I told him not to complain me just use the cane on him and wack him instead.
I told mY hubby to tell him stop complaining before i get the pre-natal blue.

Had been crying and very moody this 2 days.
hi mummies!

juz went for my detailed scan on monday & see gynae to review the report today.. confirm having a boy & glad that everything is ok (bb's 353g liao)
.. put on another 2.5kg.. total almost 8kg liao.. eeks!! really wondering how i'm gonna lose all this weight later.. sigh.....

wanna share this blog started by my prenatal yoga instructor -> http://happymummies.blogspot.com/.. hopefully u can find some good tips here..

need some advise & help on car seat & stroller.. saw few recommendations online.. but still can't decide whether it's better to get those infant carrier + stroller travel system (e.g. cosi maxi + quinny), or a combination/convertible car seat (e.g. britax safe & sound) + stroller (e.g. maclaren/combi/capella) separately.. which would be a more useful & cost effective combi? appreciate if you can share the brand & model u r using.. thks!
Hello mommies! So happy it's Friday tomorrow!!

Vone & jkids: Jiayou ok! It's really tough to be going through all that uncomfyness at this stage..I'm sure it'd get better soon! Gambatte!

annietoh: I guess your hubby will need to tell your FIL to shut up! he's only adding to your stress! you cheer up ok? nothing is as important as the baby in you so your happiness is of utmost importance..just ignore all other unhappy stuff.. jiayou!

Alicia: Can really feel your enthusiasm! I'm into my Week 20 and just went for detailed scan today. Sonographer made me roll around the bed cos baby refuse to flip and so she is unable to take the backbone.. arrgghh..talked to baby and he flip halfway after we 'bribed' him with birds nest! haha..just glad that the scan showed everything ok... Phew! I'm also very excited as I can feel baby moving..I think..haha..those thudding and vibrations should be the little one bahhh... so excited!!

Jac: glad to hear that you're having a boy too and all is well! I'm sure you can shed off the kilos after birth with breastfeeding and massage

I just visited Baby hyperstore today and was spoilt for choice on strollers! narrowed down to 2 models: Peg Perego Pliko P3 compact 2011 & Baby Jogger City Mini 2011. Appreciate those who have seen or chosen these models to share their thoughts..likes and dislikes.. thank you!
I had Peg Perego P3 2007 version. At that time we bought that cos we felt it is v stable, made in Italy n it's look! It is really v stable so v gd for young baby. But in order to b stable, it is relatively heavier than other stroller. At 7.5kg itself plus bb's wt, it become rather challenging to manage as bb grows when there's stairs. We ended up buying a light wt Mclauren when near 1yr old. As didnt want to spend so much af Peg. got the non recline so it's not comfortable to nap.

I saw my friends using just 1 stroller throughout. Basically the Japanese brands such as Combi n Aprica are v light wt n w recline feature some even handle can change direction. These r more manageable esp for mommies. Given a chance I wld go for these brands.
jingles: waa..sounds tiring already! lol. i believe so long as everything is done in moderation it should be good enough yah?

annietoh: HUGS! talk to your hubby about it. you should not be handling with extra stress now! do cheer up!!

jac: congratulations!!! :D now you can relax and wait for baby's arrival! hee.

vanessa: haha waa your baby knows his stuff..hear bird nest then flip lol! so cute! yup i think those thuddings should be the little one..cant wait for the 1st solid punch / kick though keke. and congrats that all is okay!

will like to check with you mummies, usually what's the position you sleep in at night? the doctor advise me to sleep on my left but every morning i wake up, i realise i am sleeping on my back lol. my concern is, does it cause any stress / uncomfort to the baby??
Oh 1 more suggestion to look for pants.
I ever went to UNIQLO, bought a skinny jeans, they have pants type too, with elastic waist, no zip and I wear it throughout my pregnancy.
Just went for my detailed scan 2 days ago. Could see my baby boy so not shy n open his leg big big to show us his birdie! N was lying down crossing legs. So cute! Weighing at 338g nw, slightly above the normal 320g but its still good.

Finally cfm the gender and can start shopping for bb stuff soon! Yay!
norm u should sleep on the left side...as it is where the heart bumps. But when u drifts off to sleep, it is inevitable to be sleeping at all kinds of odd positions! Try not to sleep on your back though, as when ur stomach grows bigger the pressure may be on the veins which travels from heart to BB.

hehehehee yah now can go shopping lo

uniqlo pants can wear????
i prefer those with elastic and adjustable buttons on side lei
Jus wondering for mummies expecting first baby, what are the things that you are going to buy? It seems there is a long list of it but im pretty clueless of the stuffs to buy..
i will spread out buying stuff within these few months to spread out cost. I had already bot some clothes....later on I will be buying bottles, pumps and lastly will be the cot and bb's cupboard. Dont think will need to buy much as stroller and all can buy in a later stage.
Thank you,
Vanessa & Alicia.
I had spoken to my hubby, if he can't sort this matter then i will move back to my mum's place and wait till i give birth.
Sad things, i mum had cancer and she can't do my confinement this time.
Really hope that things can be better, my mum can recover soon.
Hi Mummies,

I'm totally new in MH. My friend recommended me to come and take a look as I need a support group for my challenging pregnancy. This is my first and I am in my 20th week. So much things has happened. And every week its different.
What I've read so far is such a motivation knowing I'm not the only one clueless and loads of questions!
Having insomnia this week...super stress!
jingles: this morning i woke up on my back again! lol. i assume that if it gets too uncomfortable for the baby or myself i should jerk up right? lol. better check with the gynae next time round hee!

annietoh: oh dear i'm so sorry to hear that! please do take care of yourself and be strong! big hug!!

sweetchocz: hello welcome! this is my first too so high 5! :D hope your insomnia will get better overtime..prep your bed with pillows! i heard that it helps in getting into a more comfy position for sleeping.
hhahaa... i find sleepy so uncomfortable nw. I try to sleep on my left, but then my left butt will hurt. then i turn to right.. then i turn to face up again. Most of the time when I wake up, Im already facing up. I think I still find it more comfortable. haha..

but I also noticed that my back or butt will hurt now if I remain in 1 position too long. Wake up so many times a day.. sigh...

I just bought a baby book. SHall start reading to bb already. in utero reading... hahaha... ;p
lush: the woes of a mummy-to-be. hope it will get better for you too
waa you have started your readings! i shall go find something to read too, to prep myself and anticipate baby's arrival
Alicia: there's like 4 pillows around me! and i find my body clock changing. Wants to eat more at night and sleep in the day. hope its gets better though..
sleeping position
I checked with my gynae about sleeping on the left or back, and he said as long as I feel comfortable, means baby is fine. So if mummies here are more comfortable lying on your back, it should be fine. I suppose it will only be more uncomfortable to lie on your back when you get bigger.
is it normal to have cramps all night? At 20 weeks, my nights are really uncomfortable. Not sure if its early braxton hicks or just wind that refuse to escape. Slept only 4.5 hrs last night.. Is it just me?
morning mummies.. ;p

jus did my detailed scan last fri.. it's a girl! and everything is ok with the bb.. so happy.. my #1 is a boy.. ;p

btw i am doing a spree on http://www.cathkidston.co.uk

buying my bb nappy bag there haha so pretty the prints.. anyone want to join me?

pls pm me if u are interested.. thanks ;p
Good morn mommies! Hot sunday today!!

hkbaby: Thanks for your stroller advice. Didn't think about the weight of bb as he grows...hehe..I'll go take a look at Combi and Aprica as well
Thank you~~~

pinko: Boys are usually not shy i guess.. my boy also open his legs big big for us to see..cos I was talking to him the night before the scan that we need to start shopping already so he has to be cooperative and show us gender! haha~~ super cooperative!!
My friend shared with me the list of baby items and mommy items to get. If you want, I can share with you. I'm asking around if there are hand-me-downs so won't start my shopping till later. I don't believe in getting too many clothes cos older folks say that baby wear hand-me-downs better so they are not so fussy. Anyway they outgrow the clothes so fast! so I'd rather spend on other stuff

Alicia: Yup! can't wait for the more prominent kicks and nudges. Though it's going to be uncomfortable but at least it's reassuring to know he's doing fine inside. I get paranoid at times..haha..so i was telling baby to kick harder (now) so I know he is ok..haha~~
My habitual sleeping position is on the left. I get uncomfortable sleeping on my back. But if I sleep in 1 position for too long my back will ache so I have a pillow supporting my back. Like echo says, as long as you're comfy, watever position shouldn't matter, but as you grow bigger, better to tilt to your left. Heard it's better for baby

annietoh: I'm sorry to hear about your mom's condition. I'm sure she will get better. Stay positive!
Let your hubby go sort things out with his parents. You can engage confinement lady to take care of you so your mom won't need to. At least you are not stressed out by your FIL every day! Be happy for baby yah! Gambatte!

sweetchocz: Welcome! I'm a first time mommy too!
for your cramps, guess it'd help if your rest your feet on pillow.. or ask your hubby to help you massage to relieve the cramps

Liv: Glad to hear that everything is ok! You're so lucky! 1 boy 1 girl! hope my next one can be a girl too! but let me go thru this pregnancy first and see if i want a second one..haha~~
Sleeping position
I find that sleeping on my left (or right) is more comfy too but on the back feels like a heavy weight pressing on me. I used to like lying on my stomach but I stop doing that now though initial 2-3 mths I still does that n gets nag by hb only. But being at 20wks nw, nobody can tell that I'm even preggy at all! Though I did find my stomach has grown bigger but still people say it don't look like 20wks at all. I so wana have a feel of having a big bump is like!

Vanessa: Yes I did heard abt the old folks saying on hands me downs too n I will also be looking for it as well. Do send me the list! My email is [email protected]. Appreciate it! Baby expo coming in oct soon. Wanna get myself prepared on the physical big items like car seat, stroller, cot, etc I need to buy and which r the stuffs which are more worthy to get it online. Hb say still need to buy some new clothes nonetheless so my gf help me got some nb-3m rompers n swaddle alr n I think that's enuff. Will get 6-9m onwards. Kiasu but at least can wear longer.
Vanessa - also try imagine pushing the stroller along narrow lanes n small corners. We ended up taking turns tending to stroller n bb outside the shop when we visit shops like Watson. Or if u r a mom who takes public transport or chiong sales, a lightwt stroller is more manageable. Haha, I brought my bb everywhere to expo sale, MNG sale, meet friends in town for lunch! No doubt Peg is great but sometimes it's abit bulky!

Another thing u may consider is if stroller can stand by its own when folded. It mayb a useful feature.
hi mummies,
went to see my my gynae ytd... now 21 weeks, sld b a princess, weighs abt 400g... hv yet to do my detailed scan...

gynae says my red blood count is low...
and i m down with sensitive nose, with bad cough and phelgm for abt a month already... gynae decided to put me on inhaler, and if still dont work, will move onto antibiotics...
hi mummys..

I am thinking of getting some cute wall decals..anyone know where i can get fisher price wall decals?? I saw a shop selling in turf city..but it is freaking expensive..not cheap ley.. thinking if i can find them elsewhere in sg..
poseidon gal
you can look at SMH BP - there are some there who sell decals. Also, I recall there was a shop in Plaza Sing B1 which sold decals, but I'm not sure if they are still there.
Hi, I'm looking for confinement lady.Our baby's EDD is end Jan which coincide with CNY. Many CL's don't work during that period & those who do charge very high. One quoted $3.5K. Is that the market rate?? Anyone can advise what's the usual rate? How much premium CL charge for CNY?
i heard from one mummy over here..its 2.8k but they expect a big angpow for first day and last day of work..so..i guess its ard the same rate of 3k
Wow... That's much more than the rate of my older boy in 2008!! Toying with the idea of training my helper to do confinement duties... Anyone done it before??
Tigre- me too (EDD 4 Feb). especially if i deliver during CNY. I will ask my CL to start after CNY to avoid the high charges.

i remember my 1st confinement, is simply cook everything with ginger (even vegs). also i still have some confinement recipe which i will ask my maid to try.
anyone has constipation? haiz...3 days already and i tried to pass out, it was difficult, feel very uncomfortable now...
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mommies and moms-to-be, I'm a new to this thread. Am expecting my first kid, a baby boy on 22nd Jan. Just started prepping for motherhood and following this thread on SMH. Has anyone started buying the bigger items like baby cots? Was wondering if the Baby Expo in Oct is worth waiting for. Heard from my frens that the Taka Baby Fair last month had quite a few good buys.</font>
i heard non CNY rate is around 2.5. You got CL during CNY period 2.2k???? thats v v reasonable

try eating a slice of pineapple and eating oats for b/f. it works for me.

i am also a first time mummy
welcome....baby cots i am looking around but yet to buy...
jkids: u can ask ur gynae for Lactulose. It is a kind of syrup that softens stools and makes bowel movement easier. It works well for me but gotta stop taking once the stools soften. If not, will turn into diarhhoea.
can try prune juice. Funny thing is, sunweet prune juice &amp; prunes doesn't work for me. The del monte prune juice gives me diarrhea. So now I'm take del monte prune juice every few days and alternating between constipation and diarrhea
Jingles, wondering why range of the charges so wide 2.5K to > 3K??? Charges also different if it's your 1st baby? One of the CL claimed that if we have 2 other older kids at home, charges will be higher although they are in day care for the whole day &amp; dun need CL to bother about them just cook enough for family enough already. Think they are trying to chop carrot.

<font color="aa00aa">Thanks jingles! Care to share the places you're looking at for cots? I only know Mothercare and Ikea. Also, any idea if the baby would need a playpen on top of the cot? I'm kinda clueless here.. Heh..</font>
