(2012/01) Jan 2012

i think its the peak period due to CNY...they will charge more lo. Also sometimes if the "demand", if they are popular, they also dare to charge more...ermm some CL is v straight lei...they only cook for mother and look after bb....wont even cook for hub...so if she cook for ur children maybe charge more lo

i am thinking of gg to baby kingdom in kaki bukit this weekend to take a look ah...i have PM u..take a look at ur PM
had constipation on sat and diarrhea on Sun, probably the Vitagen that helped me.
Never thot of Prune Juice..definitely will try that when it hits me again.
At last got a good 8hr night sleep last night after 4 straight nights of 4.5hrs sleep..hope its gets better...

jkids: hope u feel better by now..
Appleseed: i think you can start with a cot first cos my sis got both when she had her first and the playpen started collecting dust after awhile..maybe you can decide on the playpen after baby's born

bought Young Parents mag yesterday. felt so backdated as I haven't been reading anything recently. Interesting articles on planning baby's birth this mth..
Happy Monday everyone!
jingles- that is non-cny rate. if i deliver early, i will ask maid to cook and look after bb instead after cny than the CL take over.

i have plan early cos my maid wants to go back after 4 years for 3 weeks and i don think i can cope with 1 bb + 3 yr old son. so might ask my maid to go back during the confinement period. so i only look after the big one.

its not cheap compared to 2008, my gyne bills (package + delivery) increase by $800 and now CL $400. maid salary also goes up next year too cos paying the old rate $380 heard the current rate is $420 or $450. my son childcare also increase another 10%, which is another $100 more.
actually i think both playpen and cot is ask around if anyone can give away or 2nd hand one. both to me don last more than 9mth cos bb don want to be inside. plus both are ex items. my both used for 10+ mths cos bb want to climb out or cry to get out.
tats a v good idea...i think i will also do tat...ask my mom to help out if deliver early lo....cos i dont wan my CL just simply chuck assignment to friend..i heard some CLs do tat esp when their clients deliver early
thanks ladies! i have been visiting the toilet on and off but had little result. the hard ones are not all out. tried prune (have not bought prune juice yet). bought Lactulose but have not taken. i am going to visit my fren later so i thought i better eat when i comeback, ha.

when i had my 1st one, i took grape juice when i had consipation, then next day i had direhea 9 times a day! so now i have to take in moderation :p
Does any mummies here know where to go in JB for 3D scans? Coz I read a mummie's post that JB does 3D scans quite cheap. At least much cheaper than Singapore rate.
is it too early to book the ward we want? my gynae said book when we are in the 8th mth...not too late meh?

anyone going TMC -single room ward? cna share which type of single room u are choosing? if u have stayed b4, pls share the experience also....
Hi, I recently delivered and would like to clear some items which I’m no longer using.

These include:
Brand new baby and toddler clothes from Osh Kosh B’gosh/Carter’s/J Khaki/Nursery Rhyme, MyBrestFriend pillow, baby carrier, cot mattresses, Spiffies tooth wipes, Mothercare and carter’s prewalker shoes etc . Check out my link below!

Thanks, ladies who have visited my album before! I have added new items so do take a look.

If you see anything you need, pm me for discussion.
Lastly, have a safe delivery and enjoy motherhood!
jingles- we can save the $1k + extra hongbao for better use.

jkids- i deliver at tmc in 2008, room is small for single ward but i really like their food. is really good. only compliant is cos i delivered at 11am, room not ready till 3pm cos 2/3 days back before my deliver is auspicious day so all the room are taken up. i am push to general ward with 10 other beds (a bit like refugee camp). after 1 night of labour pain i still not able to rest. so this time round i am going mt A. heard reviews is good too. but cons is my gynea is in TMC he need to drive over. my last visit, my gynea making a lot of noise as he need to rush over cos his patient going to deliver after he visit her 1 hr ago. plus is heavy rain.
jkids (jkids)

i had my #1 in jan 2010 at tmc...
like what everyone say, take 4 bedder... most of the time they upgrade u to 2 bedder...

the room is ok for me, nurses in that ward is also good...

i think my gynae asked abt booking at abt 5th month...

like serene123, i loved their food too... alwaz look forward to meal times... :p
I booked TMC single bedder in 2007 oso..din remember too much abt the ward..cos i bascially only stay for 1 nite..the other nite was spend in the labour ward...

I had a frend who just delivered last wk..told me when she check in.. TMC dun have any single bedder available..so she stay in 2 bedder..until the single bedder is available in the evening..

For me..this time round..i just choose the most basic single bedder..
oh is it. so much problems with TMC single wards ah. I also heard my friend mentioning that her friend had to ssit in the corridor for a long time cos they didnt have a ready bed. That was why she asked me "why u book TMC, dont u kw their standards dropped" -_-. I reserved a single room already, about 3weeks ago.

As for the CL.. ya... mine is very particular, she said she does not cook or wash clothes for anyone else except me & bb. And she only works 9 - 6. Thus she's cheaper at 2.2. Sigh.. So im getting my mum to stay overnite for the 1st 2 weeks 1st and see how. Im asking her to do 1.5mths though, heard that it's better for mummies to rest longer..

Oh I think Im getting the sniffles.. sigh.. have been sneezing non-stop since this morning.. v sien.. can i self medicate (e.g. panadol cold relief) ?? if not I have to see GP tmr already.. I dont really feel like seeing a doc now for fear of catching more virus from the clinic.. sien...
Lush; don think the standard drop now. i experience it 3 years back. i have to wait for 1/2 day i remember a lot of beds maybe along corridor too cos too tired to observe the place.

i think you still can change.

wow for your CL, she goes back after 6pm? means you need to eat early dinner let her wash the plates before 6pm. actually, some say during confinement night time is the most important. bb will need another 3 more feeds.
thanks ladies for your comments.

i did heard about waiting for rooms to be available and also heard about people choosing mount a for their next delivery after their experience with tmc. but my gynae is with tmc. though he delivers at mount a also, i still prefer to stick to tmc though my experiences with them were only so-so.

but if i choose single room, will they give me 2-room juz because there is no single room available?

can my hub stay over for all types of single room? thinking of choosing the cheapest single room one...
you should only take normal panadol. if you want stronger medicine, better see doctor.

i took the most basic single room at TMC, and requested for a cot for hubby. can't rmb if they charged. but there's enough space in the room for hb to stay over.

where to buy cot
my cot from #1 was bought from one of the kaki bukit wholesalers. the price there is about 15-20% cheaper than retail, which is the same as what is offered at sales or expos. Except you can buy from there anytime and you don't need to rush with the crowd. They also have good range of car seats, strollers and other baby gear there. If you have a car, I feel it's worth the trip to drive down and take a look.
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks All for sharing. Being a first time MTB, I'm a little over-enthusiastic abt wanting to get lots of stuff for my kiddo.. :p</font>

@ echo<font color="aa00aa">, how was your experience with the kaki bukit wholesalers? I read on some old thread that the prices are actually just as steep as the departmental stores and the service rather appalling. Not sure how true that is..

Oh dear, is it common to have to book the rooms/wards so soon? It hasn't crossed my mind to check with my gynae where he goes to yet!</font>
I was last there in 2007, so things may be diff now. then, the service was alright, but definitely not as warm as mothercare. price is cheaper than regular retail price, but not cheaper than a sale price. the product range there is very good though. it might be worth the drive down just for you to look at the variety of what's available.
haha, i was thinking y pregnant mothers can eat pineapple :p

re constipation:
ended up i took prune and lactose...so its seems to have improved...will take somemore to clear the rest.

re: mrt seats
wondering whether have you started wearing maternity clothes so that people will notice u and give up seat to you? do u purposely stand in front of the reserved seat? my tummy is not obvious and i am still wearing loose clothes, so far only 1 gave me the seat...
ya la :p
super paisei i typed the wrong thing!!!!!
i have one friend who also advised me to wear clothes more obvious....then ple will give seats up to me in public transport...but frankly la...if they will give you, means will give you liao....if they act blur...u wear wat also no use la.
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks</font> <font color="0077aa">echo</font><font color="aa00aa">, I'll do just that!</font>

<font color="0077aa">jingles</font><font color="aa00aa">, that sounds so cute.. Haven't come across anything with rabbit prints though, but my babe got to decide if he wants to be a rabbit or dragon! I'm super frivolous, bought quite a bit of clothes from bb rompers all e way to year-old stuff.. Simply cos I think they're cute! Still need to read up n ask ard on e 'proper' stuff like car seats, strollers, breadtfeeding accessories etc.. My 'project' of e day is to try to phantom cloth nappies. Can't really understand e new age nappies nowadays, n dunno wat goes with wat (ie. Lining, inserts etc)

Ladies, I'm already seriously bursting out of my regular loose clothes n in transition to maternity ones already.. They're so much more comfortable with their generous space.. Haa.. But still, only got offered a seat in e Mrt on 2 instances..</font>
I went to see a GP yesterday and he gave me some medicine for flu. I kept repeating.. "Im pregnant, can eat this rite??" think he got irritated with me questioning so many things. hahah.. im at home on MC today. Took 1 flu pill and 1 sorethroat pill last night and dont dare to take anymore already. My mum boiled barley water for me, hopefully I will get better naturally..

serene123, yes she said she will leave after cooking dinner.. hmmm.. u r right, then she wont wash the plates for me. I forgot about that part! ;p Nevermind lor, I will ask my mum (who is hopefully staying over for the week) to help out if I cant cope.

I still can wear some looser tees but bottoms I need to get those elastic maternity skirts or pants already. My mum was like "wa your tee so tight, will compress tummy or not". She said in her times, every preggie wears loose dresses. I said "noooo... i will look fatter". ;p

You r right, not everyone gives up their seats. Some will look up at me and continue playing with their phones. Yesterday on my way home, there were 2 school girls who did not give up their seats too, they looked at me &amp; continued talking.. I just continue reading my newspaper..
I was reading online, some recommended preggies take flu vaccination during pregnancy so that you will minimise the risk of catching the bug. And the vaccine will be passed on to the baby too, so it's quite good actually. Is it true? Should we take??
i guess i will also be like this...afterall we have a kid in us. we dont wan eat the wrong med to affect bb. I also cant wear my bottoms anymore..since 16th week, tummy will feel v compress. Even those currently i am wearing ones (maternity) seems tight already, this weekend gg to buy some new bottoms. I prefer to wear dresses actually cos no matter how big tummy is, wont feel compress la...but nice and trendy and yet reasonable dresses are hard to come by la :p

For me, its compulsory for me to take annual jabs for flu lo....but i think i will stop taking jabs for the time being. I guess for this its best to seek advise from ur gynae lei..safest.
i did cloth diapering for my #1 until she was 18m. Bought diapers from bumwear. Will also be doing for #2. You can PM me if you want more details about cloth diapers
Hi mummies...
just drop by to say hi..
went to my gp... finally gotten nasal spray for my nose congestion... gp and gynae both say i sound stuck in my nose, but i feel ok... just that i have v v bad cough...
managed to get quite a good nite sleep after using the nasal spray..

Lush (lush)
can help me find out if u CL got any recommendations for day time CL?? cant get a full time CL coz no place for CL to sleep and also v ex during cny...

echo (echo2)
was thinkin abt cloth diapering also... but bumwear is ex... did u try those cloth diaper from bulk purchases? are the quality the same? i bought from bp but the size like too small for my #1, use a while switch to diapers, easier...
hello mummies!! been 3 days since i log in and wooo the topics varied so much! hehe so informative

i've grown out of my normal clothes since 2 - 3 weeks ago..my tummy was growing very quickly quite suddenly lol and now it's like staying at that size haha. will like to check with you guys..where do you normally shop for maternity clothes especially dresses? was looking around over the weekend and erms..ugly leh :x haha. so i ended up buying 2 pants from Spring Maternity and loose and longer tops from Forever 21.

jingles: how many weeks are you at..maybe you will wanna ask your gynae? The previous time when i went for checkup at 17 weeks my gynae didnt say anything too..only told me the length. going for my detailed scan next week and hopefully i can know the weight heeee!!
yvonne: i lost 2 kgs in my first tri due to bad appetite..then subsequently gained the 2 kgs back and gained another 1 kg to date. i'm not too sure what is the expected weight gain by 20 weeks..maybe you will wanna check with your gynae!
ya i think i will check with him..i am now in 23 weeks. For dresses I will go to normal shops to buy. But look for bb doll cutting and larger in size....I just bot 2 dresses at Fond and sent for alteration before wearing....cos I find maternity dresses ugly.
Hey, u can try look see in modern maternity in Novena....dresses/tops from there are nice but not cheap lo :p
<font color="aa00aa">Hey ladies.. I got my maternity outfits from ASOS. I find them fairly trendy and definitely nowhere as ex as those in SG shops! Do check them out.

I also went through a 'growth spurt' and put on 3 kg in the last 3 weeks! So far, total weight gain 6kg in 21 weeks.. I dread thinking about the additional kgs to come..</font>

<font color="0077aa">@ echo</font><font color="aa00aa">, thanks for offering to share about cloth nappies. Will PM you..
hi mummies,
re weight gain: i lost 2kg til the 18th week and now gained about 3kg..doc says its normal so I guess its bcos I feel full easily after a few bites that i am not gaining the weight. I miss eating thou n feel sad when I can't finish my food.

re mrt seats: lucky if u've been offered a seat. No matter what I wear no one has given up their seats yet. no choice have to stand. only issues now is that my shoes are getting tighter!

re maternity clothes: you're right! design are all so ugly...how to stay trendy like that...i'm checking out ubermums-shop.com and some online sites. let u know if the one i ordered are nice

Didn't sleep at all last night. Slept only at 8am this morning and had to leave for work at 2pm. I think the flu virus is all around now. so stay healthy mummies!
think it may be blood circulation

try lifting ur legs up while sitting on a chair, and draw tiny circles in the air.
also rem to leave up legs while watching TV or resting on bed. It helps
yvonne, u shld aim to gain abt 13kg (general rule of thumb) thro'out the whole pregnancy if you are normal weight to start with.. More if you start off underweight &amp; less if you start off overweight.. i'm already off the halfway mark.. gained abt 8+kg in 21 wks.. gynae advised to eat more fruits, veges &amp; meat &amp; lesser carbo (rice, noodles, etc).. but finding it so hard to control my weight gain.. keep on craving for comfort food, e.g. baked rice, pasta, brownie ice-cream, etc.. sigh..

jingles, i know of bb's weight from my detailed scan report.. if i'm not wrong, it's an estimate calculated based on your bb's head size, arm bone length &amp; thigh bone length.. measurements taken during detailed scan.. prior to that i was only told of the bb's head to bum length during my normal scans..
eh... my detailed report done long time ago lei. no one tell me my weight.....but they did tell me wat they are measuring and all when did the detail scan la...but never say the weight.
thanks jingles..i will try that tonight...it was super uncomfortable last night..every direction i turn seems to have some kind of muscle pull..glad i can share it here cos not sure who would listen to my woes..
have to be happy for baby right..
Hi ladies,

Some of you discussing about strollers. There is this shop in Chinatown that sells baby items, its called Cheong Choon. I bought 2 strollers from them before and they should be much cheaper than even Baby Hyperstore etc. They do delivery also. You just need to call the lady and give her the model number and she will give you the price. But you need to check out the strollers in other shops cos her shop does not display strollers.

I've also been thinking about what stroller to buy this time round. Previously I used a Combi. And I was contemplating a Maclaren. But after thinking about it, I think I will stick to Combi. Cos Mclaren is much heavier and it doesn't stand. I find Combi easier to open and close and I'll probably be able to do that even with one hand carrying baby. (I can forsee times when I may be alone with the baby outside). Lightest models of Combi is about 4+ kg. Whereas the other brands of strollers are about 6+ kg. The distributor for Combi is Tai sing and they have a showroom also.
jingles: haha yah i realise those nice ones are all sooo ex..then those more normal pricing ones are erm.......dunno how to wear. O_O LOL.

appleseed: ASOS..hmm! never thought of that! thanks for sharing! :D 6 kgs is fine i guess..that's normal right? i think i am not gaining the average weight but since the doctor never say anything, i suppose it is okay! lol.

sweetchocz: aiyo you sound so poor thing..cannot sleep and shoes giving you problem too. agree with jingles..try to lift up your legs and dun put too much pressure on them. what i am doing now, i put this carton under my desk and i prop my legs on it when i am at work! haha. quite shiok! =p lol. looking forward to some good news about those online stores!! :D hee.
jingles, np.. online got some formulas on how to calculate the estimated bb's weight using the detailed scan measurements.. but formula seems to differ for different websites.. so best to check with your gynae..

re cloth diaper, didn't know it has become so advanced!! wow.. i'm so sua ku.. still remember those days when i was helping my mum fold the napkin cloth &amp; put on the big safety pin for my younger bro.. are there any alternatives besides bumwear? or is bumwear like the best/defacto for cloth diapers?
<font color="0077aa">blueydoo</font><font color="aa00aa">: Thanks for sharing your experience with strollers. My fren also recommended Combi for the same reason (ie, can open and close singlehandedly). At the moment, based purely on hear-say, I'm contemplating getting a Quinny for outdoor activities(eg. zoo) and a Combi for when I may be on my own. Will go to Baby Kingdom/ Baby Hypermart to check out the physical strollers and call the suppliers you mentioned to compare prices.. Heh</font>

<font color="0077aa">echo</font><font color="aa00aa">: Thanks for doing the research! Babehause contains so much info on cloth diapering, I feel I've learnt quite a fair bit from there.. Can I just pick your brain here since a few of us are also into cloth diapering.. This is quite a stupid question but I presume the inserts and diaper have to be washed each time they are soiled right? So there's really quite a bit of washing to be done.. Cost saving aside, would babies generally be more comfortable in cloth nappies (ie. in terms of its ability to keep the baby dry)? Any recommendations in terms of the brands? Babehause carries quite a mind-boggling array.. </font>

wahhh buying 2 strollers ah!

i have heard that for bb who used cloth they have better skin condition. Also I have read a book somewhere that if u need to soak the soiled diapers keep separate pails (eg. 1 for soiled by pee, the other soiled by poo).
