(2012/01) Jan 2012

for those who are still having ms...positive positive ok...i noe its really hard coz its affecting the daily life. i am so phobia of MS that i almoz wan to give up...no difference from a sick patient..

we juz have to endure for the sake of our baby...see how weida we are...
...for me, i keep counting the weeks, hoping i will wake up feeling normal again...and i did but gradually after 4 hell months.... my energy is back, except that when i walk, my legs feel very tired. appetite is only 80% back, but glad i can eat most things now..

your turn will soon come, like me!
jkids the sight of food makes me sick now
I'm having the phobia of after eating.. from pregnancy till now i lost 3kg and gain only 1kg overall still lost 2kg
Sorry hope I am not creating all the negative vibes... Dun rember I had such long MS for the 1st one... Been waiting patiently fr 12wks to 16wks, now today 18wks1D mayb 20wks... Told hubby 20wks half way still not better than have to accept it as it is.. Like jkids I have been counting doesn't sound gd at all
will go for a big feast esp my favorite jap fd af give birth tt's for sure!
Hi Mummies to be,
i am selling the following, PM me if you are keen in any

Ardo Calypso Dual Breast Pump at $280
Bought in Feb 2011 at $350. Used for 2 months.

Pigeon Silicone Nipple Shield (x 2) at $2 per pc

Capella Stroller 2009 version S705 (3 years old) at $100

Munchkins Soothing Crib Light & Sound - $15.00
Hi Mummies,

I am in my week 17th and for the past few days I do feel like a gentle pop on my stomach. Am I imagining things or it's my baby kicking? So excited:D
it mus be your bb
u will feel it on and off. when the kick gets stronger, you will feel it even when you are sitting up, eg working at your computer....

i am now thinner than my pre-pregnancy weight by 1 kg coz i also lost about 3 kg in the 1st trim. so there's no particular food that appeal to you? some pp can eat, but will puke whatever they eat...

its tough going thro ms, so its gd to let it out, if not will go mad.
Hello mummies,

Another sleepy day zzz. Anyway i THINK i felt my baby kicking over the weekend! I felt some thuds on my tummy and when i lift up my shirt, i SAW the thudding area MOVING omg super exciting!!! Hubby saw it too!! :D

ccy: You are so lucky to feel your baby early! I am 18 weeks and 4 days now and only felt it these few days. Or maybe i felt it earlier but i didnt know that it was baby haha! But anyway, YAY!!

To all who are still having MS, JIA YOU!!! It's horrible but do know that support for you guys are everywhere so just let it out!! Hugs!
Hi mummies, need your advices on the milk bottles... which brand is good? Pigeon, Avent or Nuk? I heard Nuk teats are designed closest to mother's nipples.. but i'm not sure if it is gd?
jkids, no i don't have any cravings. Maybe once in awhile i'll want to eat something particular but after eating i'll merlion immediately.. (basically im still vomiting after every meal) Hate it.. really hope it'll end soon. Stay positive!
jkids, colleagues is telling me the kicking will get worst in 3rd tri n is it true will woke up from sleep due to baby kicking?

Alicia,not sure it's my imagination or the real kicking though but I like to think that it's baby kicking haha
cutebaby0209: dunno which is closest, tho i used avent for my #1, as then i heard it was close to breast too. think all now try to sell that they are close to nipple. will prob use same for #2.

cyy: yup, 3rd trimester, def more bb kicking felt, occ if real hard will wake up. can be painful at times, esp if head down and kick ribs area. i also start to feel baby move, tho not so regular. 3rd tri will be more.
head down kick ribs area....wow....its like internal gymnastics from the kid.

anyone started buying bb kids stuff already? OG had card renewal last weekend...so took this opportunity to buy some stuff and renew card
no choice....we just got to go through these 9 months - looking forward for the big day. When the final day comes, with a healthy and beautiful baby in arms, trust me...all the uncomfy you had gone through will be gone
jingles, ya i also waiting for the big day...

Btw, anybody know if we 2012 mommies will be eligible for the baby bonus and is it a cash payout thingy? If i recall well it's only valid till end of this year
but he spends quite sometime with u?
if tis is the case...
i guess for patients under chop chop gynae, wait time shorter.
mine is ok...unless he pops off to deliver..then really got to wait v long..
jingles, i feedback to gynae every time i see him lol he gave me anti vomiting pills. I'm taking it but it seems like im getting immune to it .. X_X
haizz...i forgot to say,this morning, i merlion ...a few coughs and i vomitted out all my breakfast. i also duno y i am still vomitting at this stage when i thought it shd be over.

not easy for you that u puke after every meal. but believe me, this experience will make you a tougher person!

i use avent coz it has a wide neck, so easier to pour milk power inside without spilling it out...

yah, kicks in 3rd trim may make you feel uncomfortable. :p it can be sudden kick and u will almos *scream* in some cases, coz its ucomfortable. yah its true, will woke up from sleep due to baby kicking, but i dun rem it happen to me often being waken up fr zzz. maybe i zzz soundly...:p
Hi all mummies,
Have almost new babyplus $180 (used twice) and Angelcare baby sound and movement monitor (used,full set no box), AC401 deluxe, sgp selling $340 brand new for basic set, selling mine deluxe set for $170.
SMS 9336-4477
Jkids n Alicia - thanks for all the support n encouragement. Only moms know what we go thru!

Vone - u woke up so early?? Make sure u dun dehydrate. My friend had HG, the severe type of MS where one lost too much weight n dehydrate. Went for drip in hospital. She said it's much better. If can't take it, try this way.
hkbaby , i woke up to have a cup of milk.. having slight gastric. But it came out again less then 5 mins. When i went to see GP he was worried he wanted to put me on drip but i refuse. Gynae gave me antivomiting pills to eat x2 daily but i'm trying to not rely on it
Nvm it'll be over soon!!
Trying to stay positive
You r a brave mommy, Vone! If it's me, I oredi gave in.
My case is if eat all fd taste sour, dun eat get gastric. So also run out of idea wat to eat.. Sometimes I perceive some fd as not nice, esp oily or MSG fd, but when I have no choice I try it they turn out ok! Eg. Cha kway teow, instant noodles! Actually the worse item for me is bread n rice!!! Just keep trying different fd mayb one will turn out ok. We r blessed w lots of fd choices here.. Sometimes it's ourselves not giving it a chance!
hkbaby i tried everything from crackers,rice,noodles and bread. Sadly all don't work. Anyway i'm trying to eat at least 1/4 bowl of food for every meal the best thing that stays in my tummy now without puking is coke LOL!
Hi maddie, jlkids, thanks. I think i'll either go for avent or nuk.. But seems like not many mummies using nuk (i wonder why?)....

Hi cyy, The bb bonus is only until tis yr? U sure? I thot it's ongoing? Issit stated in mcys or anywhr that bonus is valid till 2011?
Hi cyy, I hv checked the mcys link http://www.babybonus.gov.sg/bbss/html/faq.html and it seems like only the one time off credit of $300/$400 is meant for children born between 2005-2011 (I tink tis is one of the perks which was announced earlier in this yr's budget) I dun tink it applies to the $4k bonus to parents so we shld still b getting $4k fir our 1st or 2nd child
i had tried neo garden tingkat over the past few days....terribly saltish for my taste...lucky i only order the 10 days trial....

Jingles, try mom's cooking. Food is good and serving is big. But expensive, $400 for 20 days.
I've tried neo garden, le xin and meihao before. Mom's cooking still better.
