(2012/01) Jan 2012

May: You're a cool mum lol. Anyway i went yesterday and it was so crowded so i did not even touch the baby haha..dunno why was i thinking so much for =p

Apple: I understand how you feel! It's like you see baby for 10 mins during the check up, then you dont get to see baby for the next 4 weeks. Hopefully we can feel the baby kicks soon!

tulip7v, thanks for ur advice. I shall go get the cream this evening. Hehe. By the way, can u add me to the fb group as well, my email address is [email protected]. Thanks!

I had my 18th week scan last week and I'm expecting a boy
tulip7v: Thanks for the reassurance.
I just thought that pain in the joints may be something more serious... my next visit to gynae is 1 Sep..will check with her then! Thank you!

about being pantung: I think that Chinese have tooo many rules to follow...haha sometimes i just dunno if should follow in case something bad happens or just ignore. My best friend's wedding is in November and some older folks say that cannot be jiemei. But we've been best friends since secondary school and she also helped me alot in my wedding. It'd be odd for me not to be jiemei lo... think i should just heck it and go..haha
Vanessa: Yup the Chinese have way too many rules! Haha. My good friend's wedding is in November too and I was suppose to be jiemei but she told me not to cos she is an old fashion pantung woman =p Haha. Actually she just didnt want to be liable for me la cos everyone will be too busy. Anyway her mum prefer me not to be jiemei too so I'm not gonna be her jiemei anymore! We all understand so it's fine

IMO I think it's fine to be jiemei for your friend though so long as she and her family are okay with it. But you got to take care of yourself yah cos you will be pretty big by then and weddings are tiring!! Take more rest and dun get too enthu during gate crashing hehe.
hi i also haven't login here in a while.

went for my detailed scan yesterday. its still a boy. 303g. can see the penis very clearly.

pantang: if pregnant people want to carry my baby i'm fine with it. if they don't want to carry, also ok lor. not my problem. basically i don't really follow or believe this kind of thing. so as long as it doesn't affect me, go ahead.
Looking for:
1) Pregnant women from age 18 to 40, stage of pregnancy is 13 to 36 weeks,Singaporean or PRs, Chinese, Malays and Indians.
2) Mothers who is feeding their infants from 0 to 12 months old using infant formula brands currently.
Incentive reward: $30 NTUC Voucher Interested, pls reply:-
Group : 1 or 2
Name :
Hp no :
Mother Age:
Brand consume :
Baby age :
Pregnancy stage in weeks :
SMS to 94311188 or Email to [email protected] by 25/8/11.
SnowWhite80 = 3D/4D scan done at Johor Bahru RM95. I am 20 weeks today.

Singapore maybe you can try RadarLink At paragon or NUH or maybe your gynae have the machine to doit like some mummies here they got it Free.
Alice: My friend's family should be ok with it cos i dunt think they are the pantung kind..better to check tho! hehe! And I'll try not to be too enthu during the gatecrashing! Prob I'll just bring a chair and sit by the gate while the rest of the jiemeis bargain for a good ang pow..haha!
Re: massage
just helping my confinement massage lady advertise as i think she's really good. She exerts strength and can bind well and i've been going to her for regular massage for the past 5 years. She charges $400 for 7sessions, each 1 hr.
If interested, you can contact June at 91526533
my hb just bought a 8sessions massage at Afond. can be used for normal massage or pre/post natal. $70/session. I have not started yet but I think as long as it's after Tri 1, we can start massage already?

Hi Maddie, congrats.. my bb is 310g now. hehehe. I have been feeling tiny kicks in my tummy for the past 1 week.. such a beautiful feeling. heeee

I have been cutting down on sweet and starchy stuff these 3 days.. sigh.. so difficult.

this morning I took sugar free oatmeal.. so yucky.. I added a teeny bit of salt instead. ;p
this afternoon I bought a sardine puff and wanted to eat the sardine only. but when i broke the puff into 2, it's potato instead!! aiyo they bluff me! Sigh.. i ended up throwing it aside. I couldnt take it anymore, I ate 1 bar of Kinder Bueno. ;p

Sorry ah bb.. tomorrow mummy shall be more disciplined. ;p
Do you feel that your heart is beating faster & louder these few weaks? Sometimes I think my heartbeat seems louder than usual... hmmm..
Vanessa: Sounds good! You can be the time-watcher! Haha.

Lush: So cute!! I cant wait to feel the kicks! How many weeks are you already? Anyways I dunno about my heart, but I do get breathless nowadays. Especially after walking abit faster lol. So i assume my heart will beat faster yeah? Haha.
Lush: yeah, heart will have to beat faster n harder cos more blood volume n need to make up for extra needs from uterus. I also feel it sometimes.
how much u pay for yours? hmm in this case, i should go and hunt for mine also v soon.

yes...heartbeat is def louder for mine...sometimes at night i will be able to hear it..quite loud.

i am wondering for those who had booked CL/masseurs already...if we happen to deliver earlier..wat will happen hur? Now i am wondering if I deliver earlier and my CL is book for some1 else for month of Dec....I wil be so lost

or does CL normally proactivly blackout periods incase their clients deliver earlier?
My confinement lady sent her cousin without telling us. Her replacement told us the original lady was working for a doctor family who asked her to stay for an additional month. The replacement worked as a coffee shop assistant in msia, took leave to come Spore cos the pay is definitely much high. But I asked her to go after 10 days cos she didn't help do housework and I have no maid, didn't even clean the kitchen stove properly, went to sleep at 9pm and woke at 7am (I looked after baby at night as I latched baby and didn't feel good to leave baby with a stranger) and after a week, cooked me friend rice as confinement food...)
Not sure if other confinement ladies also have similar practices. Send their khakis as replacement if they can't make it...
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fried rice as confinement food?? that is ridiculous lo...so u did not pay the full sum right? prorate amount? cos jan mummies is going to pay a huge sum as clash with CNY.
Yup, prorated. So this time round i decided not to get stressed and just get confnement food tingkat. Hopefully will be natural birth like for #1. At least will be mobile and able to do light chores.
I actually had too much free time on my hand. Finish pump, wash bottles, simple chores, whole after sit around watch tv and surf net and wait for baby to wake up for feeds. Hope #2 will be as easy to manage.....
jingles, my massage lady for #1 & #2 is so popular that when I called her in July, she's fully booked for Jan already!!!! Called my 2nd choice (in late July) and if i am not wrong, she's fully booked in Jan now.

Usually, if you deliver early, the massage lady can still make it. But for CL, depends on how early you give birth. Sometimes if you deliver like 3 weeks early, then it might be difficult for her to come. MY CL do send her other friend. But i always insis she come & do for me. During the no-CL period, i extend my hospital stay!!!!
Hi Alicia, I'm 20wks this week. heee.. This morning especially violent. Some light thuds below navel then suddenly bigger movements above navel. I can see my tummy move today. Have been trying very hard to capture it using my hp, but everytime I get ready to video, the movements stopped.. grrr...

my heartbeat is normal at times, then suddenly it can get very loud and fast, then after a few mins it will slow down again.. v weird..

I have booked my CL. It's a friend's recommendation. $2100 for 28days but she's a Sporean so she only works 9 - 6pm! She said she does not cook or wash clothes for hubby, nor does she do household chores. She will only cook for me and wash mummy & bb's clothes. Maybe that's why it's slightly cheaper even though it will hit CNY. She wants me to give her Angbao for CNY though. She said maybe 200 - 300.

She said she will set aside time for me 1 - 2 weeks before my EDD, just in case I pop earlier. So Jingles, you can check with your CL on this as well.

Gosh, you mean we have to book massage lady now even ah! wow.. getting more competitive each day.. ;p
at least urs is proactive lei..i duno mine will be proactive or not. I guess i better give her a call this weekend to check on the commencement date.
angbao 200-300?! does this angbao exclude 1st day and last day angbao? i ever encounted during enqury this CL fr M'sia who not only wanted 1st and last day angbao(which is the norm) but also angbao of 200-300, she was recommended by ano CL. so i told her off she shd not set a limit for us to pay coz its based on how she performs and how much we wanto to give.

i think a responsible one will set aside a break of one mth in between the assignments since some mothers give birth 3 weeks b4 edd.
tats what i tot also lo...cos experience CLs should know that mar...taken for granted..but i think i better check it up.

i also agree lei....ang pow is like performance bonus..if u not good, still got to pay 200..wah CL also v demanding lei
Zhuzhu, i hired mdm sadiah also for #1. Nice friendly lady. Even gave me ang pow for my baby. But i guess i'm used to stronger massage, found her massage too light. So i went back to my regular massage lady after confinement.
Lush: So cute!! I cant wait for mine!! I am 18 weeks today..at how many weeks did you start feeling the kicks? Like very obvious ones?

I think i may have felt something but am not sure if it's the baby or not hahaha.
Wow $200 angbao money for CL before n after?? Even better than what I give my parents during CNY... Somemore worried if we never gv a amt that make them happy b4 confinement they might not b doing a gd confinement for u haiz....
Very worrying as I have also booked my CL thru PEM...
Already costing a bomb although 3rd pregnancy but 1st CL...
Heard my cousin ONI gv her CL $20 during her last day...As she feel tat she is not doing a good job...
birdbrain: I oso rem she give my boy an ang bao...u can take pain ah..i find her message very painful leh..esp when she do the leg part...

jingles: her no. is 97724579..u can just sms her..she will reply..
morning mummies... feel so sleepy but still hv to drag myself to work

next monday any mummies no need to work? i hv to leh but co compensate one day leave.
Hi Cheer Bear, my company will be closed nxt mon. So i don't have to work. Feel like going on a short trip but can't walk much nowadays..
Hi jkid, when I was checking with PEM that time, they also mentioned a 1st day and last day angbao. PEM said 1st day about 60 - 80 can already... then last day is up to me. For this CL that I got, she only mentioned an angbao for CNY. I also duno. sigh.. they v smart lor, they know we wont turn them down cos we need them. I think hor.. we should give them more for 1st day so that they are in a better mood to take care of us, then the last day we can tweak downwards a bit. heheee.

Alicia, I only started feeling it in week 19. It started off very gentle, like u say, I wasnt sure if it's kicks or just gas. Just <5times a day. Then these few days got a bit more and harder. I usually feel it when I sit down typing &amp; doing work.. like now.. Last nite, I woke up because my right side of the tummy kept twitching.. I wonder if it's hiccups or just my muscles pulling...

I'm on leave on Mon! ;p Going to Malaysia to visit inlaws...

Sigh.. Im really counting down to ML.. v sien of work, not much mood already.. oops.. better dont let boss see this.. ;p
yeaaaahhhh the weather is so nice to sleep in!!!! how i wish i am sleeping now at home

i am working but got compensation leave..will save for last trim so i will lots of leave to take..

u are not the only one...i also cant wait to be on long leave
Hi mommies,

R u still experiencing frequent toilet visits n sore nipples? Other MS symptons like headaches n lousy appetite due to change of tastebuds? Thot shld reduce during 2nd tri when hormones stablise?? Mayb mine r still working overtime at wk 17+..
Hello mummies! Today is a sleepy day! Why must it rain today and not tomorrow
I still gotta work on Monday but there will be a replacement off yay!!

lush and jingles: Haha I also cant wait to be on long leave! And EVERYONE knows that lol. Including my boss =p kekeke.

hkbaby: Poor you..your hormones are too hardworking lol. I am still experiencing frequent toilet visits, but appetite is back. Hopefully you will feel better soon!

Anyway i think my stomach is growing at an alarming rate this week. Everyday it just seems bigger! And I can literally feel my stomach stretching! Lol. Felt some twitches on and off at the bottom of my tummy though..hope it's nothing bad
lower tummy means its bb movement..dont worry..

are u refering to confinement tingkat? if yes, i had tried natal essentials previously and I strongly recommend them. Nice food and prompt reliable svc.
We are having mom's cooking for tingkat now and the children love it, can finish their shares daily.

Planning to order from natal essentials for confinement tingkat. It is the sister company of mom's cooking, i've heard. They provide the red dates drink as well.
Leting go my 6 month old peg prego piko P3 pram with car seat..

price: $900 neg

pls call me at 91112839 if you wish to view it.
hi mummies to be, i'm a new mummy to be with edd in jan! came across this forum and am happy to find the questions that bubble in my head being discussed here!
Sigh, Vone! Looks like only 2 of us left who r still fighting our battle w the super strong hormones
really so sick w the gastric n sour tongue I'm having for each meal! Let's support each other thru this!

Seems like it's getting quieter here.. R most mommies chatting on FB?
Don't worry. I'm still a member of the merlion club. Had a few ms free days, it's coming back yet again. Not great, since it's the long weekend.... Just got to enjoy the good days when they are here =p and try to get back to pre-preggers weight
went for my gynea check yday..weird is i din put on alot of weight..though i had been eating OK...ask doc..he say he is not worry..as bb is growing fine..
