(2011)Twin / multiple pregnancy

hi rostrum,

so exciting!! are you going for c-section or natural? all the best for a smooth smooth delivery and update us again!!


hi sunshine,

how;s your scan today? u so fast book c-section date already? it's 10 more days for you!

i'm 33+ now, patiently waiting for my gynae to come back from leave...then can go pop anytime!

hi yumyum,

how long did it take you to lose all the weight gained? coz of bf-ing? but i think looking after 3 bbs at the same time must be really taxing on you... ;)

Ladies, I hv delivered my boys naturally with epi last night! Both boys are doing fine but needs to go into special care nursery as they are slightly underweight.. Hopefully they can gain weights v soon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrat rostrum! Delivered naturally? Good good! My gynae still insisted for c-section... What is ur baby boys weight? I m thinking to ask my gynae if my water broke, can i tr naturally before go straight to c-section ;))

Cookiez> i m 34weeks n 1day now n result was good! Baby gal started gain weight. But again, my gynae wanted me to do another last scan before my c-section (next friday). Dunno why every week needs to go hospital to scan. Each scan abt 400-500 dollar (3 times already). I think i will tell my gynae abt it...

so u n me will be abt same time deliver ya.... Jia you!!

Sunshine, one is near to 1.9kg, d other one is 1.845kg. Actually if both babies positions are good.. Natural is possible!

Perhaps u wld like to chk wif Yr gynae though it's not easy to push 2. Though mine is small-ish, I gt some difficulty wif d 2nd one also which tks 11 mins later to arrive.

congrats rostrum!! natural delivery.. well done! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] were your bbs both head down? was your labour long? did you deliver in the labour ward or OT? don't worry, your boys will gain weight v fast once they are out and you will be able to bring them home in no time.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my bbs are always in breech/transverse position, occasionally with one head down, but i'm still praying hard that the bottom twin will move into head down position so i can try natural..

hi sunshine,

good to hear that your bb gal is gaining weight.. rest well, stay happy and talk to your bbs, by next friday, they would have piled on at least couple hundred grams more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the scans at Mt E are quite ex hor? are they special scans?

my bbs are 2.1 & 2.4 at last scan... they put on abt half kg each in the past 2-3 weeks.. so scary.. could be the ice cream i had?!

sunshine, just saw your posting... all the best for smooth delivery.. update us again !!

now i'm getting gan jiong...


Jia you!

Treasure precious moments of seeing your little ones .



Beautiful delivery!

Sunshine, thanks and Good luck!!! Waiting to hear your good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi rostrum, congrats! I hope I can deliver naturally too... Hv been reading this thread since Apr so fast now u and sunshine have popped!

Hi cookie how many weeks r u now?

Hi yumyum, thanks so much u r so nice. My bro will bring me his old one from hometown next mth hopefully can get it.

Hi tubao, ur maid only do hse work or also taking care bb? Full time maid? R u working?

I think will get at least a part time maid later to do hse work as my doc said it is not possible for me alone to take care twin even if i dun work... u hv 3 kids right?

Congrats sunshine!! Bbs hv good weight! Have a good rest before bbs go home with you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] time to start moo-ing !!

Hi pping, I m 33w4d now... Going to be my turn soon and I also hope I can try natural delivery too.... How many weeks are u now?

Hi ladies, dint expect deliver so early as we have schedule c-section on 21 june! Anyway babies would like to see this world early and we cant stop them!

I chosen c-section as i scare about one can come out n one cant.. Hahha...

Rostrum, our babies just one day apart!

Congrats to rostrum and sunshine!

Pping, most welcomed! Dun haf then let me know. U can stand by sone lemon to clean the sterilizer from ur bro.

Hi cookiemz, for me I took 8 mths. Another triplets mum I know took 5 mths. One twins mum I know took 2 mths.

Hi rostrum & sunshine,

Congrats to both of you on your smooth delivery of your 2 healthy bbs.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So happy to hear tis gd news here.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sorry, i missed to gv an early greeting as was at my mum's plc (no PC usage) over d weekend since fri. Eat well, drink well n rest well for yr moo-ing journey ya! P.S: Remember to eat more, particularly on calcium, iron food as we r having twins. Oh, my friend was telling mi tat we shld avoid eating liver for d 1st 2 wk during our confinement n careful on d intake of wine (boil it to vaporize it) so, jus take note k.

Hi Cookiemz, jiayou jiayou..we hope to hear gd news fr u too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jus relax and do 'tai jiao' to yr bbs.

Hi pping,

hee..wat a coincidence..we hv so many similars.. their genders were confirmed fr my detailed scan at my 21wk.not sure if tat is called FA scan. Was not told to gv any prolution injection..u chk w yr doc why having tat jab all d way?

Hi yumyum, sorry for late reply.. will PM you in a short while...

Congrats sunshine! so happy for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] did ur gal come 1st or boy?

Hi cookie, I m 23 weeks only, still 3 mths to go... u jia you yar...

Hi yumyum, thks thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Beside losing weight, did u hv prob with vericose vein? I heard multiple mums tend to hv...

Hi Vio, my fertility doc said proluton is to soften d womb so that it can expand enough to carry multiple for longer time wo... She also said usu gynae will tell us to stop but she will advice us to continue... d fertility center just got 1 patient whose gynae insisted her to stop using proluton... not sure what my gynae will say...

Rostrum, are your babies in ICU? Or need to stay longer in hospital ?

Hi vio! Thanks!

I am stil in hospital and discharge on tuesday. Due to early delivered, my confinement aunty will not available after i discharge [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i think i need to order confinement food delivery. Any recommentation? She will available 25 june and hope babies can discharge at the same time too!

Yumyum, how you arrange with your confinement lady when ur babies still in hospital? Who cook the confinement food for you after u discharged?

Hi pping, no varicose veins so far. Backache yes.

Hi sunshine, I stayed with my mum for the about 10 days after I discharged. I was at kkh and ask for later discharge cos I wanted to be close to the bbs. For the diet wise, I was concerned of passion food related jaundice to the bbs so I did not touch ginger at all. The food can be fried with Ginger but i dun eat it. Personally, I tried to follow traditions for the shower part for first 7 days then I start showering and washing hair (salon). I basically got hives from using those Chinese herbs so I stop doing so.

U have an email? I took a picture from a book of the food types to observe for lactation mothers for u.

U can order tingkat for confinement food too. In the meantime, i heard that do not eat fish for first 1 week as it affects your caesarean wound. Chicken is good and will help with lactation too.

U might also want to check with confinement lady to come one day before bbs return to help clean house, fold diapers (cloth type if any), prepare bottles etc.

Also, check if she can extend if u require.

For me, I broke out into night sweats post partum. I wonder if u will. Dun worry about it. Just get nurses to change the bedsheets more frequently.

Hi, Sunshine

Congrats! Relax, Hehe...... I feel that combination of my twins is easier to look after than my first girl. My fist girl is just too strong willed. Follow your instinct, I read somewhere that mother's instinct is best doctor for child's illness.

Hi, pping,

My MIL and full time maid look after 7 month old twins, while my 3year old daughter goes to full day childcare. I am working. Maid also helps to look after bbs, especially bathing, since my MIL gets tired easily if carrying them long.

Read from 2010 twins mummy forum that some twin mums look after their bbs alone, pinky and Leah? I hope that I can do it also, since managing a maid is not easy either. But I'm 34 year old already, and physical capability sometimes disappoint myself. And there's no way that my MIL can look after twins alone. During my older girl's time, we didn't hire a maid. At my older girl's 5 month when I went back to workforce, my MIL lost 4kg just in a month.

Hi mummies ,

I am new here . I am also a twin mum . I have an elder girl at 4 years and my twin girls are coming to 3 mths . Hope to join his thread and share some of my experiences esle with all of you!

Hi ladies,

I'm also a mother of twins, one boy and one girl. How do you all cope with it? My twins are now coming to 7 months and turning on their tummy. I have a helper who helps with my son during the night and it's not easy spending enough time with each twin. Sometimes feel bad as I don't spend enough time with my son. I bf my daughter but not my son as he was in SCN for 21 days as he was 1.9 kg but my daughter was 2.3 kg.

Hi yumyum, i have extended my stay in hospital till thursday as i can pump milk to feed my babies. After reading ur experiance, i will order confinement foods for 1-2 weeks and confinement lady will come when babies discharge. I will ask part time maid to help to prepare red date tea and other stuffs. My Email add is [email protected] thanks!!

Back a bit pain as keep walking to see my babies in ICU. Now hand pressing milk as small quantity to tube feed my babies. Pressing is very painful and my hubby does it better then me haha...

Hi tubao, thanks! For me, i will full time taking care my babies, no maid n just part time maid. I hope i can manage!

Hi dz, so u full time mum to take care ur babies?

Hi caro, my baby boy is 1.9 and baby gal is 2.04 so both are ICU now. My concern is how to manage twin by myself.... See how it goes ;))

I couldn't too so got a CL for 2 months.. very ex.. but no choice as help not available. Don't worry too much abt ur bbs.. I was very worried abt my son too but everyone kept telling me tt he is having better care than if he was at home with me. It was hard adjusting for him when he came home with us.. will pray tt ur bbs can come home soon with u. Wow.. ur very gung ho.. I couldn't walk to see my son until the day before I was discharged. It was too painful walking. Hope u get a gd CL, I had to switch to another one after 1 month. I'm now a stay home mum with a helper but she only helps me in the night, I take care of both in the day now. Not easy.. rest more, especially ur back. Take care sunshine...

Caro > I had c-section and dr advice to walk more but slowly. I dint really follow chinese tradition hah.. Anyway, i miss them so much..

I know is not easy for me to take care of twin alone but i dont have anyone to help (Hubby from france and my mum passed away long time ago) and i dont like stay in maid. But i believe my hubby is a good daddy so he will help me when he back home. Anyway, keep the finger close!!

Hi Sunshine

No leh , I am on maternity leave now. Struggling if I should be SAHM , but now with 2 more mouth to feed , worry about expenses , so dare not quit job . Actually after staying at home for a few months , I also wonder if I have the patience to be a SAHM. Not easy , need a lot of patience esp when I have a elder kid to handle !

Hi tubao and fx

Are you still bf your twins? Exclusive?

My twins are 2.5 mths old n I'm back to work

already. Very hard to keep up with milk supply when start working cos no time to pump.

I have a 2.5 year old boy who needs a lot of attention. My mum n maids looking after the twins. I feel bad that I do t spend enough time with them. Really wonder if the twins will be closer to the maids than me since twins see maids more than me. Do you have the same worry or am I too paranoid?

Hi ladies, sorry was bz for d last few days. I was discharged on sun. Been bz trying to pump n go scn to visit my babies everyday with the colostrum n at d same time bottle feed, burp n latch them on too.

Everything is so far so good except to wait for them to gain wgts n to b discharged. They lose a bit of weight on d 1st week n I was told tt this is normal. But my elder son jaundice level is quite near to d failing level, therefore to b safe he is on phototheraphy last nite. I was told tt if d mother's blood grp is different fm bb's, there is a high chance tt they will hv jaundice.

I m still walking like an old lady now. Also feel d sore dw there. N I need to sit on float. I m advised to lie dw more but quite difficult as my cl n helper will only b in later this week.

Meanwhile I hv to settle my these 2 days lunches with catering.. Not cheap! $30 per meal. Dinner will b prepared by my mum as she needs to work. Can't depend on mil.. Now during my hard times then I kw who is good n who is bad to me. My mil is not working but I m getting zero help fm her.

I initially almost sink into post natal depression cos of her. Luckily I hv a supportive dh n mum!

I tink bcos I miss my boys too so my emotions are easily stirred. But I hv come to d fact tt they are better taken care of at d hospital then at home.

Since discharge I hv been breaking confinement rules like showering n washing hair.. Keke.. I hv to shower cos of d pregnancy rashes i had during pregnancy.

Now I hope my milk supply will kick in soon so tt I can feed my boys more soon!

Looking forward to d day we are united as a family [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rostrum, we have same situation!! ur babies also stay in hospital? My babies too as they are less then 2kgs! I will discharge this thursday (i asked to extend 2 more nights) in order to pump the colostrum to my babies. But hand pressing is very painful! They also loose weigh as dr said it normal and they have a bit of jaundice yesterday too.

I also dint follow the confinement rules! You said you order catering, is confinement food or?any recommend? I intend to order confinement food for 2 weeks as my cl only free 25 june onward (i delivered early) but very expensive!

Sorry to hear about ur mil and luckly ur mum is around to help up!

After read your story...i feel touch as same situation with me. I know the feeling and hope you can jia you ok?

Sunshine, I initially wanted to extend my stay in hospital too but I decided not to as I dun get proper rest there as d nurses keep coming in n out.. Lack of rest will affect Milk supply...so try to get more rest n drink more hot drinks or soups to help in milk supply.

Did doctor advises when Yr babies can go home? Which hospital are u at?

I ordered my confinement meal from http://www.natalessentials.com/package.html

Not sure whether it's nice.. Will update here once I tried today.. Jus give them 1 day in advance notice will do.

Pls avoid chicken n eggs for d 1st 2 weeks as u are hving c-sect. U can take a look at their menus online n speak to d lady on the fone to modify d menu. She is v nice n will tell u what alternatives they offer..

Meanwhile rest well n do walk v slowly.. Tk care!!!

Hi sunshine, hospital shd have pumps to help u express the milk. Much easier. Hubby can go buy cabbage already.once the milk comes in, the swell can be so much that it reaches armpit. Ask lactation nurse to help u express with right technique. Worthwhile to invest in 1 electronic Pump'. Sit on wheelchair to icu ward if avail. I bought a band to hold my wound and belly.

Hi Sunshine & Rostrum,

Congratulations to your smooth delivery of your twins!

Hi Vio & pping,

Think our EDD is around the same timing n i also conceived thru ivf. What is the gender of your twins for you both? I am having 2 identical twin girls and at my 26 weeks now. Btw, do your gynae give you Ventolin (to prevent early contractions)? I was told by the gynae (my gynae was on leave and i have to see another gynae) that he usually recommended twins mummies to take Ventolin.

Hi mummies,

Any recommendation for postnatal massage lady?

Hi caro, which hospital were u in? mind to share how much u spend for d 21 days scn?

Hi sunshine, i also heard that after c-section u need to walk to speed up d healing of wound, but confinement lady told me that for 1st 1-2 weeks better dun walk too much otherwise u get backache for very very long time... so better walk moderate...

Ur part time maid come everyday to help u? hope u can manage taking care twin with help from part time maid as i oso plan to do so...

Hi Pping,

Not too sure abt exact costs cause my hubby paid but think it came out mostly from his Medisave.. phew! ow it would have been a real burden.

Hi bebeyee,

actually once u have ur twins think the wt will just disappear.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] seriously i thought i wld never lose the kgs.. but it just went taking care of my son. It will go slowly and ard 4 months.. like magic its all gone.

Hi sunshine,

Hope ur twins are gaining wt.. yeah, i also had c-section and nurse forced me to walk on day 2, i felt like i was gg to pass out taking each step... the pain only went away after a wk. my boy now staring at what i'm typing to u guys.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi rostrum, i am staying mount E and babies likely discharge next wednesday ;) i eat the confinement food which fix by hospital so i cant choose. So far nice foods! I will going to take the trial menu then decide taking natal essential. Please adive once u trial out ok?

Yumyum, yes today i am using milk pump however my breast still painful. Maybe turn too strong speed to pump my milk haha.. I will pump another 2 hrs and will ask nurse to teach me again. I think i will ask hubby to buy cabbage to release my breast. I also wearing the band to cover my wound and quite effective. Can it be use my tummy to slim down after?? Haha...

Pping, i afraid i cant as i need to sit n pump the milk then walk to ICU to pass milk for my babies. Although nurse will help but o miss them... I feel back pain now as but no choice ;( i hope i can manage my twin, anyway i have to try right?

hi sunshine n rostrum,

wow..both of u r so gangho despite d limited help given..its not going to be easy, but pls try to rest as much as possible k.. coz inadequate rest will affect d milk supply. Remember now both of u r on confinement..health book said muz lie on bed esp for 1st two weeks, at least rest as much as possible. Jiayou jiayou...u hv our moral support. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunshine, try to limit your walking..u alreadi hv backache, so try to sit..mayb get a wheel chair to go icu to provide ur twins milk. I understand d miss of our bb..Or is it possible to ask nurse to bring them out fr ICU to yr ward? oh, hw did u manage ur sterilizing of yr pump accessories/bottles? d nurses helped u? Btw, u did c-section, dun carry heavy things k..it will make yr uterus 'down'.

hi pping & bebeyee, icic..so far, my doc din prescribe mi any medication, onli asked mi to walk less n dun do any of antenatal exercises. Mayb she will prescribe mi such medication?

For recommendation of post-natal massage, i dun hv..but did my research fr forum reviews. You might wan to consider:

- Origins Jamu Massage

- Jamumassage

- Malay heritagejamu massage 94876229

Hi sunshine, maybe u try use wheel chair to see ur bbs like yumyum n vio suggest, really hv to take care of urself too... then when bbs come home u can take better care of them... yes i also think tat we just hv to giv it a try, my doc said with part time helper it is possible to take care twin ourselves, so jia you! even though i hv not reached there yet, i also moral support u!

*pray sunshine n rostrum bbs discharge soon...

hi bebeyee, i m having boy/gal twin, i m not on ventolin but my fertility doc give me proluton injection think for similar purpose... i got twice a week jab since i was 1.5 mth pregnant till now n she say will hv to jab till give birth cos i m carrying twin... next week gonna see my gynae for 1st time not sure if he will say the same...

Hi Mummies, hows things going? I am due end of July so feeling heavy and frumpy already. Still dragging my self to work and its not easy cause all I want to do is keep my feet up and sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi yumyum,yup, I am having twin boys....was a shock, but its all a blessing. You seem to have a good grip on things with your twins, hope I can be the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sunshine, good luck with your delivery, not long to go. I too was hoping and pushing for a natural delivery but my doctor doesnt want to commit - and I can tell he's set on c section...so we wait and see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi vio, thanks for your advice, but it not convinence to pump the milk while i lay down on bed. I woke up 5am today as my breast is pain so need to pump. Then unable to rest now. Wait till 3hrs n need to pump again. Then i will take a nap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am happy that i have milk but again painful...

Yes, nurses help me to give milk to ICU but i wanna to see my babies ;) i am using hospital pump n their bottle.

Thanks Pping, dr advice walk a bit is good for me. I feel better today, pumping every 3 hrs...

Finally i can go for shower today as dr clean my belly with plastic cover. I dont really follow confinement rules! Ha... Again go in ICU room, need to be clean as many premature babies inside. i dont know the feeling of natural birth. But i m fine with c section so far. It may recover slower then natural but as long babies are fine. Listen to your gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rush, please take it easy as we never know when they ll come out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunshine, looks like your milk supply is kicking in. CONGRATS!! Now the next thing is managing your breasts. Make sure u massage your nipple properly before u start. The blockage is always there. U will get use to the 'pain' soon and nothing is more rewarding than seeing our darlings benefit from your lack of sleep and constant attempt at expressing. Be open to ask the nurses if they can teach u how to help ur bbs latch on. Though clumsy at first few attempts, the feeling of ur bbs suckling is beautiful.

I am still wearing my bands. It help to hold the belly together and also support my back. It is good to air your back when train ur stomach muscles after 3 mths. Right now, just sustain your energy and plan what u need to prepare for bbs to go back.

Rostrum, u jiayou too! I have been through no support from in laws and then no support from my mum too. Cos my inlaw and mum fought over differing childrearing opinions. We just focus our energy on getting our darlings to the right weight and go home. Right now. Just eat well. I basically ate lots ofthings I am not supposed to cos advice came in after I put those food in my mouth.

C-sect mummies, do tell masseur u had c-sect. Cos u cannot have any massage around ur wound for 3 months at least. Relaxing massage ok. Some might not like the jamu oil if breastfeddig as u cannot wash off the oil at least 3 hrs after massage.

Hi ladies, dun use squat type of toilet too after delivery ok.

Basically the pelvic floor and intrabdominal muscles etc has not recovered yet. So dun stretch urself unnecessarily.

Yumyum, i also wearing the band now and how long i have to keep it? Can it slim down my belly?

I think i will call massage after 1month although my dr said 2 weeks can massage but dont press hard around wound area. I really hope can slim down as soon as possible ;)

Baby dr said babies are fine and a bit jaundice. Anyhow still need to over 2kgs then can chek out.

Thanks Caro! Hope i will lose all the weight gain after the delivery.

Hi Vio, thanks for the contacts from your research. Think different Dr got different way of doing things. Perhaps, your doc might advise if u need to take any medication.

Hi pping, Congratulations! So nice to have a boy/gal twins.

Hi Yumyum, I will be going thru c-sect too but i thought can have massage 1 month after delivery. Thanks for the advice.


Congrats sunshine on ur milk coming... i bought the band cause the nurse told me to but actually didn't use it after 1 wk as i kept sweating as it was very hot wearing it. don't worry abt slimming down, u definitely will with 2. they will be like ur wt loss machines...

Yum yum,

How old are ur twins? Are they eating cereal already? I'm having trouble feeding the girl but the boy will eat anything. They're ard 6 months.

