(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitive (20 mIU) OPKs for proper detection of LH surge (ovulation)

Ultra sensitive (10 mIU) HPTs for use as early as 4 days before missed period

Priced at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip (expiry 12/2012). Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation (smiley face) 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator (tells how many weeks pregnant) 2 sticks @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed/Conceive Plus, Basal Thermometer also available.

Next day delivery is available for items in stock.

Please see my website at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]


i'm gng for my manicure tomorrow and i heard those chemical not good for babies even though i've yet to confirm my bfp. zzz.. think i will wear a mask. HAHA..

my preggo frd went for facial at her first trim, she told the therapist abt it and so they din use any harsh chemical or machine on her.

nb01>> I very lazy one, only colour my hair once or twice a year, so still okie for me. But the massage for tomolo, think will postpone first. Wait for AF or BFP to be confirmed first.

nbo1>> I also hope so, but dunno why my bbt simply dun correspond with everything lei[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Harlow ladies!!!

Been down on my health lately..sigh.

And early morning i succumbed to having coke with ice..arghhhh.

Now so guilty and piled on the hot drinks.

Good luck to all who are waiting to test.

Cross fingers for all of u!

Hi ladies!! How's everyone??

CD4 today and i can see some of you due for testing...hope to see BFP soon. Jiayou [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bear, hang on there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lynzi>> i always take cold drink even having af.

this mth i veri "guai", nv drink cold beverages, not even any tea. craving for koi, but have to give it a miss.


u also bbt haywire ah... ur situation sounds exactly like mine lei.... ha... so "fan" right... dont even know can count dpo or not lor...

oo.. i dont know that facial can cause mc... how does facial causes mc?

i've booked for hair treatment and manicure this wkend. dunno if i should go ahead with it.

as for facial, i was told can go but make sure the therapist dont use certain products. gynae will tell you which products to avoid.

missus, Amy - i've cut down on cold drinks for this cycle. hoping that it will help. ;p

Amy - i read that having gas & indigestion are also symptoms of BFP. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amy>> Yar better don't go for massage lar. I thought of doing foot reflexology also, but read online that it could be dangerous in 1st trimester. Never know what they press, if cause uterine contractions then will have problem. I can't even do my yoga twists now.

I'm still happily drinking tea and cold water :p Oops. The thing is, I never drink hot water except when I'm in my office, which is freezing... I know it's bad for me lar, but I'm not very disciplined.

My colleague advised me not to eat half-boiled eggs, raw veg (unless you prepare by yourself) and raw fish also.

Yeah I got all my rebonding and dental done before I tcc. By the way girls if you haven't done dental, pls go and do if you're not in 2ww. Pregnant women easy to have gum infection! So must make sure your dental is in top condition before pregnant to minimise risk... won't even be able to do normal polishing and cleaning until 2nd trimester.

for those with yo-yo BBT, my col told me it might be due to hormone imbalance. Nt sure how true this is. Her advice is to see gynae & take hormone pills to regulate it. I think i will just postpone all these till May/Jun, hopefully i really get gd news by then.

peapea, we tried alternate BD but by 3rd day/try, both of us raise white flag... v shiong ah. signz... trying v hard to wack the right day..

amy, stay positive. What this thread needs now is one gal to get BFP, that will cheer everyone up =) rooting for u.. *BB dust*

Hi ladies

If there is some cream stretchy discharge does it mean ovulation occurs?during these 2 days of discharge still encounter cramp. I test the opk but negative leh. .. so is it ovulation huh?

Nv bd yet too. . Still in time to catch if it is cos the discharge is l lesser now

lynn, we also bd alternate day... hai... just leave it to fate i guess right now...

jas hasnt appeared for a while... i tried using two pillows... hahaha... really uncomfortable

tethysea>> I am not very very disciplined too.. Sometimes still slip up and drink cold drinks and green tea.

sonel>> I think I will be giving up soon too. But hope will strike so I can give up. =p

lynn>> Agreed! Juz one (or more!) gal to strike BFP and everyone will cheer up. =)

peapea>> I tried one pillow only, so far. Guess have to leave it to fate liao. Juz hope our wishes for a sticky BFP will come soon! ^_^

Dolma & peapea, if you cannot track using BBT, then using CM or opks. Might be better.

peapea, as missus_BL has said, have to avoid certain products and machine for facial. I think products containing vitamin A should not be used? As for machine, I am not sure what can be used so maybe check with your therapist as they should know. But I know those IPL treatments cannot be done as I did mine last time and was asked to sign some document saying I was not pregnant or trying to conceive.

Rae2, EWCM should be stretchy and like egg whites. It sometimes happens for a few days before actual O takes place. You might want to BD just in case. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nb01>> i supposed to have facial and BW on end of the mth..

but since i still have 2 more weeks, i will leave the appt on until my BFP (yes, pls!) or af reports. the therapist said cannot BW until we are at least 4 mths preggo.

DH keeps whatapping me to check if i have any discharge etc. think he is equally ganchiong.

I read this somewhere on a ttc site & thought of sharing..

Increased Amount of Creamy CM near the time AF is expected: most women do have an increased amount of vaginal discharge during pregnancy, but CM is an extremely variable and subjective thing and so it may be due to hormones and not pregnancy.


aiyoh..dont waste your smiley opk.

Use it only after seeing a positive on normal cheap strip.

If not wasted leh. Or use it when u see ewcm..should be clear n stretchy.

Which cd are u? From the description i dont think u have O yet.


the few times u tested using what brand of hpt?

May not be sensitive enough to detect the hormones if yours is late implantation.

I will suggest u to test again n if by 2 days time still bfn n no sign of af, go get yourself checked with your gynae.

lynzi>> i tested using clearblue.. the pee-stick kind.

i heard clearblue can detect low hcg and is quite sensitive. my hubby said wanna try the digital one next if af still not here. i wanted to go check up with a gynae this weekend but they are all fully booked (from clinic to raffles women), so i'm not sure if a GP can do the same or i still need a gynae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

any advices here?

amy>> we are feeling the same... =(

cd 39 and 8 days late - my af has nv been this late. really went haywired if its bfn. sighhhhh!

Hi lynzi,

Mine af is on 16 Mar. N well is a natural mc. The flow only stop ard 1 apr. Then 11 n 12 apr has some discharge which doesn't look clear but translucent can stretch but not so long lah... then discharge become less liao. .. so I also duno how many days etc. ..

good morning all....

my cm has also stopped being so much liao... temp is stayin at 36 degrees. a little low in my point of view. but previously was 35.7. so not sure if i have O-ed...

for those in 2WW, jia you!

missus>> I suggest u go ahead and test with HPT during the weekend, who knows maybe a BFP will pop up then! =) I think most GP can't do blood test, so maybe u can wait till Mon to see a gynae if still BFN.

U also feeling bloated or wat? Me very apprehensive of Sat. =O


OPK either faint line only or nth... no obvious +ve sign. perhaps i have missed it... but we just bd every alt day.. like u guys said, have to leave to fate liao...

ur AF due this sat?

Morning all!

No mood to work today..sigh


Clearblue is the most sensitive n should be able to detect low hcg. Why not test again tomoro?

If not Monday go see gynae..no point u see gp..they cant help much.


oh im so sorry to hear that.

How far along were u?

If just natural mc then im afraid your first cycle will be a bit haywire. Do bu your body back so can ttc again.

peapea>> Ya, AF due this Sat. Now kind of hoping it wun come, and will get BFP instead, even thou I know not much hope. =x My OPK was also at best, a faint line. =s

can test for preg at any GP,most prob they will send it to somewhere else to 'process' and than get back the lab result. That's why need about 2-3 days wait.

CD20 le, i hope this diarrhea doesn't affect my cycle this month. If never strike, means will due end of next week.

i think i super sway. Ever since i start to TTC, i always get sick one.

lynzi & amy>> keep seeing bfn until i sian many many liao. zzz

hubby said test using digital one on sat if af still not here. i'm also confused by my current sysmptoms now, like neither here nor there! and i'm gng bkk shopping over easter next week.

Morning all!

JC & Amy >> I've heard that easy to fall sick when ttc, because too stressed. Try eating more Vit C to keep immunity up!

Missus BL >> The preg hormone will double within 48hrs, so maybe test again in 2 days time?

I have no mood to work also, but if I don't meet my deadlines I'll be very stressed. Haha! Grrr. AF supposed to be due tmr, but temp went up again! Hoping against hope that it's BFP! I have no symptoms at all though - except feeling bloated, but I feel like this every cycle anyway.

missus - i wrote to my gynae yesterday and he advised me to see him if i get a BFN again. discussed with DH last nite & decided that be it BFP or BFN, i'll have to see him anyway. So decided not to test again & just made an appt for tmr afternoon. fingers crossed for the next 30hrs.

missus>> Juz hang in there for a while more! Hope yr BFP will turn up during weekend! =) But if yr BFP is here, u still gg to travel next week?

Sianz.. Went to the ladies juz now and saw a bit of yellowish-brown spot on my pantyliner (sorry, tmi). Guess I can give up hope of BFP le.

At the same time, I met my colleague in the ladies, and I think she juz puked finished. ask her if she alrite, told me, juz cough only. I think she is preg. Super sianz. =(

Missus BL >> Travelling in 1st trimester is ok unless it's a high risk pregnancy (for ppl with high blood pressure, etc). But better to check with doctor first for recommendation if really BFP!

Amy >> Apparently spotting in 1st trimester is normal for BFP. I went to google after I kena-ed also, and some ppl said they experienced it around the same time they were expecting their AF.

