(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


yup more or less abit more than usual if used preseed...


i only BFP #1 after 2-3 cycle of using CBFM(rough idea of when i will ovulate)...

prior using CBFM i took clomid for 2 rounds w/o any success and wait for 2mths later b4 using CBFM w/o clomid/medi...

jiayou to all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


some bbdust


hi ladies, i also wana join the thread, currently trying for no.2.

wana ask u gals, does anyone here had midcycle ovulation spotting? hw long does it usu last?

Mrs Carice - oh oh... i get it now.. it means show.. 6 more episodes.. hee.

Kerqing - maybe I should keep a lookout for CBFM at the bigger guardians again. Heh heh...

kerqing, i sent u a pm on the opk strips, pls advise. thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PrestoRabb, u want to consider buy from online? since already miss this cycle for testing?

Else look for 2nd hand de... just need to reset the monitor can use le.

kerqing - i tried looking online for the CBFM... but mostly have to buy from US ??? Hee.. prefer 1st hand though.. But I think for refills can get from online..

Which online source did u buy for ur refills?

PrestoRabb, the webby i bought from hor, + delivery charges to SG is about GBP 67 = SGD 150

I rounded up the figure to SGD 150. Can see the differences save 50% leh. :p

Delivery will take 7 - 10days.

The test sticks i bought i think max cost me SGD40.

Yet to check my CC bill but i think also save 50%.

kerqing - can PM me the webby? At least somebody buy before and safe safe. U do paypal or credit card payment kind ???

PrestoRabb, i use CC payment. Credits must go to Mrs Tan, she gave me the webby de.

2 things to share:

When I buy, i never see got tracking no. So i not sure how to trace n track during shipping.

When I order, im in CD 2. Den I need to test on

CD9. It came just nice for me to test.

hi gals... my LMP was 14th May... until now AF still not here.. tested using the pregnancy kit but was negative...sigh..dunno why haywire this month... AF never come also troublesome..

but ironically, the last time my system went haywire (didn't come for a month), I conceived my #1...

kerqing - but i tot suppose to set the CBFM between CD 1 to CD 5 ? when your CBFM arrives on CD 9 , wun it be too late for the device? Tot have to wait for the next cycle le ??? How does it work.. Im confused...

kerqing - wah... i went to see the website.. really so much cheaper and got many other "interesting" products.. haha. UK so cheap hor..

Ah icic.. i tot u bought everything from there.. hee. Why u didnt buy the device from there ah..? Didnt know abt it before ??? =P

hihi how's everybody? my AF hasn't come this month too. tested on sun (2weeks past DPO i think) BPN. tested this morning like got faint line. but for this month i hope don't strike cos i need to go for an x-ray b4 starting new job. a bit stressed now.

hi toffeecat, perhaps u try to test again in the next 2 days..the line should get darker if positive.

for me, late for a week oredi... no signs of AF but i got a bit of metalic taste in my tongue though... but HPT shows negative leh..

sigh..should I wait for AF to arrive or need to see gynae ah?

kidomum, i didn't know metallic taste in the mouth is a sign of BFP. maybe you want to test another time in the next 2 days too? u tested early in the morning rite?

for me i'm planning to test this wkend again. if really positive, may have to look for the HR and discuss.

Hi Megg>> You asked about midcyle ovulation spotting? Before I had my #1, I had midcycle ovulation spotting, usually lasts between 2 to 4 days. Now still breastfeeding #1, so menses has not returned yet.

anastasia, yes. now i m in my midcycle, and i spotting alittle in morn, and stopped. suddenly around9pm, spotting came again.

i feel v dry, tis cycle i dun see any cervix muscus, v werid and this first time i hav mid cycle spotting.

so v unsure, if it is infection or juz ovulation or my body clearing the old blood from my las menses


i tested again this morning... still negative..

more or less i think should be not preggy ..

just wondering how come this time AF is so late..

AF never come also troublesome, dunno how to calculate my Ovulation liao..

Hi Megg>> For me last time, my midcycle spotting did not occur every cycle. Sometimes, it happens for 2 or 3 consecutive cycles, then it disappears for a few months, then it reappears again.

I read about ovulation spotting, but was worried that the spotting could be due to other more serious condition like cervical cancer, so I decided to get myself checked by gynae. Also because I was going to start trying for kids soon after, so wanted to make sure I was in good health.

Normally, if there is infection, you should feel some itch also. Perhaps you can monitor for another 1 more cycle, or if you are worried, get gynae to check.

anastasia, for me, onli got spotting when i wipe myself after pee. no itch and i also dun feel anything werid.

so did ur gynae explained why u got midcycle spotting? is it hormone imbalance?

hw old is ur no.1?

Hi Morning Ladies,

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Hi Megg>> For my case, my mid-cycle spotting was due to ovulation. Like you, I dun feel any itch or anything weird.

My #1 is coming to 8 mths old.

anastasia, ur no.1 onli 8mths? u also tinking of trying for no.2?

my first kid is a girl , 2 yr old liao, urs is boy or girl?

Hi Megg>> Yes, my #1 only 8 mths =) And I'm thinking of trying for #2. Cos' still breastfeeding mah, more difficult to conceive. So try earlier lor. Hopefully, #1 and #2 age gap is only 2 years.

My #1 is a boy, so I'm hoping for girl for #2. But boy also ok lah..cos' me and hubbie not stopping at 2, so got more tries..haha..

Hi! Kidomum, I also tested again last nite but still negative  My AF came very punctual in last 2 mths, but tis mth has been late for 3 days liao. Is it mean tat my chance is very low cos I got two negative result already? I hav no patience to wait and wait again..think u hav same feeling as me bah!

My menses was supposed to come roughly on the 12th this June but it never came. I went for 2 home test kit on the 17th June and both shows positive results.

Is there a possibility that it could be a false alarm?

Should I go for another test kit?

Roughly how long then I should went for the test kit?

Hi Windy>> I'm pretty certain you're pregnant, and it's not false alarm. Congrats! Which brand HPT you used? Clearblue? Then the result should be accurate.

If you want to be doubly sure, you can test again in 2 days time...the positive sign should be even clearer / more obvious (i.e. not faint).

windy, congrats!! if you wanna be sure, can look for a GP or gynae to test for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Anastasia,

I use the house brand name Predictor. Clearblue cost abt 40 plus so budget wise I choose not to buy. =p Predictor cost abt 10 plus so I bought 2 the same to test.

Other house brand not accurate?

Now I dun know where to find a gynae?

How to find a good one?

I am not ready for all these yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm sure u strike [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

guardian house brand of preg test kit also good...

i use those to test for starting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and to really convice myself and prepare hb


i also bot a digital clearblue one that shows the word "pregnant" ...

RE: looking for gynae...

1st- must be sure where u wanna give birth?

2nd- ask for recommendations from friends or coll...

3rd- if really nothing in mind...then head down to polyclinic and Q for a date ..to see any doc...

hi emily,

YES, this is exactly how i felt...let's jiayou ok..

Windy, high chance you are pregnant liao.

congrats! go phamacy to buy folic acid to take first before you go see gynae.


your's solid line or faint line? If it's faint line you can try testing in another 2-3 days time, the line should be darker by as compared to the first test you've taken..

but if yours is a very solid line, congrats! Most likely you are pregnant! =)

hi everyone... and welcome to the newbies...

Im back from my short holiday... and am bk at work too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

How's everyone? Any more positive news?

Audrey>> Is this your 1st pregnancy? If so, most likely you will only feel baby movement between week 16 to 20 onwards. For me, I only felt my #1 move from week 21 onwards! Even then, it was not constantly moving. Only in your 3rd trimester then you will feel baby move more or less "constantly", cos' already very tight in the womb, no much space..so little bit movement you can feel.


Hi. Can I ask for opinion? I am late for about 8 days already (but my period not very accurate), but my last few tests until this morning were still negative. The gynae told me to test by 22 Jun and if still negative, should just go ahead to take the hormones pills to start my menses. Should I go ahead or should I test further? I am now using the pregnancy test strips.

Oh yes, 1 other question, if I had ovulated this cycle, I should definitely get my menses if I am not pregnant right?

