(2011/12) Dec 2011

juv 06, 10 or 11 Dec. when is ur next visit? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine 29 Aug

Winniep: Actually you may be right, it's harder to get a bb changing top that fits on top of a cot than a diaper organiser that we can get whenever hor... hmmm... good point, thanks for highlighting it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome to the new mummies-to-be!

Yeah man TGIF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Feeling sleepy after lunch *yawnz*

CP: Isn't Wish a really big car? I thought the boot space would be quite spacious too! I bought the Capella S70x (can't remember) and it could fit into my hubby's carboot, his is a Lancer?

Winniep: I saw the Palmax baby cots at the previous Baby Expo in early Jun, thought the finishing was a bit rougher compared to other brands. Like, it was just raw wood (feels rough & sandy to the touch?) versus those smooth type that probably has some lacquer on it already. So in the end I bought from Spring Maternity, think it was $299 + another 5-piece bedding set for $79. Maybe better if you can see the actual product before deciding.

Any mummies-to-be signing up for the Anmum Breastfeeding forum on 13 Aug?? Hope to see some of you there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yallo: Wish not that big lah... the boot is big if we fold down the last row of seats. The baby carseat will take up half of the 2nd row, my 2nd child is underweight so he's still on high back carseat. Hence, the 2 boys will take the 2nd row in the car. My eldest girl will still need to sit with the maid in the last row so can't fold down the seats for boot space.

gbh, sorry sorry.. i must be confused reading all the post.. it should be chan pl! haha! sorry sorry...

yalloo, u bought the Capella S70X? i saw the S705 recently.. like not bad leh.. it seems easy to handle and close as well! for capella, i am deciding between S22X and S705..

wish is a big car but boot space probably not very big unless u let down the last 2 seats? if the last 2 seats are let down, the boot space will be very bad le..

sorry, now i am very blur with the cot u all are talking.. does it come with changing top/table like playpen?? if not, how do u all usually change for baby as baby gets older?

and for those ho have playpen, i realised playpen quite low as compared to cot. Is it difficult when u wanna carry or let down the baby?? will it cause back aches as time goes by?

i am so seh in ofc.. so tired this whole week.. everyday woke up super late and end up super late for work.. tonight still meeting friends for steamboat coz bday.. zzz... i wish i can slp now..


yes. wet wipes wont dry up unless u open the seal... i usually buy in bulk n put the wet wipes in the storeroom... so far ok... but take note that wet wipes do have expiry dates one...


yup! i also like the fact that my cot highest level is a nice height for changing nappies... i had been using it that way until my #1 grew older n i gotta lower the cot then i started using my bed (which is very high too) as a changing area n still using it that way...

mamaAsh, thanks for updating the table. Enjoy ur trip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimiko & Ling: thx!! this is a complimentary trip by StarCruise... due to our food poisoning during our last trip to Vietnam... we had tot to postpone till next year & bb at least 6 mths old, but StarCruise say they can't accomodate 5 pax in 1 cabin! tat's y we decided to go at the last min, juz b4 i turn 24weeks! haha...

Jacqueline: It's your bday today???? I like Capella coz its handles can "reverse" so that we get to face the baby when pushing. Also the wheels seem slightly bigger and steadier compared to Combi. My hubby really liked Baby Jogger but cannot lah, beyond our budget haha.

CP: Wow your household really a lot of people! :D Hmm I wonder if the baby hypermarts would allow people to try out the stroller, like try to fit into their car boots before deciding whether or not to buy...

Hey MamaAsh

I just realized we might actually be staying in the sme ward if we really deliver on our EDD! Cos we same hospital some more!

yallo, lolx.. sorry for confusion.. my friend's bday.. they suggested steamboat.

giddy.. headache.. wish i can lie down flat and rest!

Hi mummies,

Thanks for all the advice on swaddle etc. Saw a cot with changing table at the taka fair too. Act all the cots there are quite nice but I alrdy bought mine....will buy stroller and car seat next and dont tink I wil make any more purchases till tri 3.

Just came back from detailed scan. Bb's fine. But veri anti-climax leh. Gynae seem to be in foul mood and was just shouting out measurements. I was also not sure what she was looking out for. Somemore said my bb not photogenic and must quickly do. So I didnt see much of bb. And all in 2D and grainy. Even hubby went: huh, just like that? Just 15mins? Then gynae explained the detailed scan is different from fetal abnormality scan, which takes even longer.

Is this the norm? We were utterly confused, maybe cos our expectations were so different.

Shld I go do a more detailed one? But I'm alrdy at week 22.

stardust, i thought ppl always says detailed scan is same as FA scan? where doc willscan baby's organ's heart, spine, cleft lips, etc??

but i think some mentioned that they have went for the scan and it can be as fast as 15mins if they can see the baby clearly...

Jac - tats y I am rather disappointed. No explanation whatsoever. Just say all measurements are good. So clinical. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] And that comment abt this not as detailed as FA scan totally freaked me out. I've seen pple taking videos of their scan. It was alot more detailed, down to bone structure, fingers etc...I just feel like I got my gynae on her PMS day. Sob!

She even added that she doesnt do scanning as a profession, so if I want something more detailed, she can refer me to NUH.

So mummies who have done the scan, pls advise me. Since she said everything looks gd, I really want to be assured and not be freaked out....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...but the experience was just so...


Playpen is normally lower. It normally comes with changing table. If it doesnt can buy for less than $100. The Victoria cot from taka fair has a changing top which costs $100. But the rocio cot dun have. BUT the 1st height is jus nice for changing the baby. So don't need a changing top.


My bed is low so can't use unless I like kneel on my bed.


Auto how come your detailed scan is done by gynae. My is done by another clinic and I was attended by a sonographer


Since ur gynae recognised that she is not as pro as a sonographer, then she should have suggested to refer u to one? I am going to do mine on the coming monday at GlenE itself.

From the FA scan report that I saw from a fren, there were many measurements done, item checks and some plots of graphs to project the baby's head circumference, weight etc...

Stardust: Mine took around 30min but I think it's because my baby position wasn't very ideal. A lot of times the lady had to try many different angles & retake the scan images coz couldn't capture the details required. But I don't recall her taking details like fingers (?). Maybe just pointing out leg bone, spine, head circumference etc. Scan was in 2D and grainy, like you said. She didn't tell me anything after the scan actually except that everything seems ok, coz the report with details will be sent to my gynae 1 wk later. So maybe you won't get to hear any details coz your gynae still needs to compile a report, and she will only explain everything to you when you next visit her? Don't worry too much yah.

But not very nice of her to say your baby not photogenic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi! I'm from Nov Mummies, i've babyplus to let go. I used it for only less than 5 times and it's less than 1 month old. My baby doesn't like it so no choice but to let go. Anybody interested, please PM me. Thank you.

Stardust, my first detail scan was taken by 2 sonographers and it took us about 45min-1hr because baby kept moving and because they couldn't find all the components for the umbilical cord. But at the end of it, we were only given 2 pictures, baby's head and his 'birdie'. We were not told of the measurement except that 'things were ok'. I did the second detail scan at TMC due to the abnormal umbilical cord issue. The scan took us about 10-15min and we were given all images in a CD. The doctor was very professional as well.

Hi mummies,

Thanks for all the info. Guess the experience differ for each individual and bb.

What I understand was that gynae will pt out that bb dont have cleft lip, bone structure is fine, spine is ok etc. Mine was this is hand, this is foot, this is heartbeat...which I already know from previous scan...and she ended with the measurements are gd. Tats y hubby and I were like huh?

I also only had 2 images (which was even fewer than what was given to me during routine scans). Both were of bb face. One frontal one side. Maybe cos this is the first time she showed her face to us since week 12 i think. Nonetheless, as a mummy, just seeing her face makes me really thrilled...she looks very pretty to me.

I've been feeling rather down lately...maybe tats y I feel more disappointed than usual. Hubby has been interferring with my suggested purchases. 7th mth cannot, this one not practical. Even when I was looking at swaddling cloth, he was making remarks, saying bb will feel hot, why wrap her up lidat. I was just so pissed cos I was reading up so much to prepare for bb's arrival and though I am a suaku first timer, I at least know swaddling keep the bb secure.

On the other hand, he will insist on his preferences e.g. stroller. Even though I say the stroller is heavy for me, he'll just dismiss it and say I won't be the one carrying it anyway.

And he kept saying detailed scan not yet done, dont buy anything and dont invest so much emotionally. I mean even if bb has issues, doesnt make her less a bb right? Is this a guy thing? I feel so hurt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Then when I get upset, my hubby will be angry and say my hormones are acting weird again. And he's still going out till late at night...leaving me alone in the hse at least 2 nights a week. And he has this habit of dragging his feet home...will say 11pm and return at 1am....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


My detailed scan done for #1 was at the tmc fetal assessment centre. Done by a female. I dun supposed she is gynae but I think they r all very well trained sonographers. Tt time i rem they took lotsa measurements like length of body/ legs, blood flow in various parts etc. Will take abt at least 20-30 min if bb cooperative. I dun get any CD with the images but will have a written report with the key images printed on paper n attached to it one. #2 wise, I haven't gone for my detailed scan yet. Supposed to be next week on 5 aug. I always tot the detailed scan refers to the fetal abnormality scan? Bcoz this will be the scan tt I know they chk for structural anormalities re the major organs n limbs etc.

If mummies have good recommendations on where I can do the scan again in a more enjoyable way, do let me know. So sorry that I am so paranoid...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Think u can call up the tmc fetal assessment centre to arrange for a detailed scan. I know some mummies who go there for this even when their gynaes not based in tmc. They are referred there by their own gynae. My gynae based in tmc but even then, I'm always sent there for the OSCAR n detailed scans. U will see lotsa preggie mummies waiting for their turn there one.


Hugs hugs. Y ur hb come home late? Work? Dun get too upset. Sometimes hb can be very insensitive one. I used to quarrel a lot with my hb during my #1 time bciz he comes home late at 8pm plus n I'm waiting for my dinner from him n tt time I got very bad MS so if dun eat on time will be very jialat. U can still buy the smaller items at late 2nd tri. No rush. Or u do ur detailed scan alrdy then buy also can. By then hb got nothing to say liao mah? Since he said tt time haven't done detailed scan.

Cyn: My gynae didn't give choice of whether wana do detailed scan or not coz its cost already factored in the gynae package. But before proceding with the scan, we had to sign acknowledgement slip that the scan is only 80% accurate.

CP/Yallo: My hubby car even smaller ~ Suzuki Swift! Dun even know can squeeze in bigger sized carseat or not. Pram prob have to put at front seat while I sit at the back liao. Haiz, been talking about changing to a bigger car but now COE way too high, no budget for car upsizing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mamaAsh: My EDD has been changed to 13 Dec based on recent detailed scan. Please help to update. Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So good go on cruise! Enjoy! (^-^)

jac: We dun like that microphone bro-in-law of ours. Till tdy my hb still dun wana tell him gender of our bb altho he kept asking.

stardust: My gynae also did the detailed scan at his clinic and it took around 20 mins. Bb quite well behaved so gynae could easily take the measurements. He pointed the cursor at the different sections, told us what it is, then said the measurements for nurse to record down in a card which I'm supposed to carry with me at all times. He also explained the usual abnormalities like hole-in-the-heart and showed what he looked out for. End of the scan he gave us a detailed print report on all measurements, comments on all organs, weight, updated EDD. Also gave us a DVD with video of the scan process altho it's quite grainy.

stardust, I think I can understand how you feel coz I ever waited 1hr to see my gynae and he scan my baby less than 2min and I couldn't even make out head and body then within 5min out we go. Our feelings were like 'huh' as well.

As to that guy thingy, I guess its because they are not carrying the baby inside them physically so its easy for them to say such things. That time when the umbilical cord was so called abnormal, my hubby even told me he will not want the child if there's a certain percentage of having abnormal baby. I feel so sad that time as well even though I have to agree that we are not able to take care of an abnormal child mentally and physically.

Hmmm.. Don't think so much and try to do some things on your own like playing games on com, etc. My hubby works shift so there are half the time when I sleep alone, etc. I'm a SAHM-TB, so if I focus all my time waiting for him to keep me accompany, I'll feel very depress too. But so far, I'm very used to being alone at times and with him around. It's a matter of give and take and getting used to.

Last but not least, we are all here to share info and talk things out. So feel free to chat with us whenever you are bored [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gbh - thanks. He's out for drinking sessions and meeting friends. If for work, I won't be so upset. I had the same issue as you during tri 1. So end up the soln was.....I eat on my own! I just feel so disappointed with him. My colleagues will make sure I eat on time and will eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with me. Yes, dinner - cos they know my hubby always keep me waiting so find me very poor thing always eat dinner at office foodcourt before gg home, so they will go sit with me. Oh well, so sorry for venting hot air. Thanks for listening to my complaints.

Hey stardust25,

Cheer up. My gynae also keep telling me not to do any shopping yet until after my 5 month detailed scan. I was a bit upset too, and thought that as a gynae, she's very insensitive. But on the other hand, to think about it, maybe she is very experienced.

It's our hormones that's also affecting us. Try to find some activities that will make you happy =)

Stardust: cheer up ok? Don't think too much. I think it's really a guy thing, it probably hasn't sunk in yet for them. Probably only after they attend the antenatal class with us, then the situation will get better haha then they will understand why need swaddle cloth etc... so don't despair ok? My hubby also gets annoyed when I suggest to buy playpen, so I also give up liao. He also doesn't help put at home, so I'll be sweeping the floor while he sits there playing computer games haha... oh well i guess it's not realistic to expect them to suddenly become very understanding once we become pregnant :p


U can always come here to chat with us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Glad baby is doing well! If you looking for alternative scan, TMC is quite good. Everytime they scan me, the sonographers are very professional and warm. U may want to consider. I will be having my detailed scan next Sat. Hope it will be a pleasant experience.

Chan P L,

Thanks for your reply. My detailed scan is not part of the package. My dr is sending me to another clinic at Camden medical centre to do the detailed scan and I have to pay for it on top of the package I already signed at my dr's. Hmmm.. not sure if I should go since everyone here is doing it...

Anyway I just came back from Taka bb fair.. quite tempted by the Rocio bb cot... seems like a pretty good deal.. you girls can check out the fair if you haven't! Have a nice weekend everybody!!!

whooa...so many posts tha i couldnt catch up...think the fb page is easier to catch up :p

any good deals on pigeon products at taka fair? anyone can share?

mamaash, can help me update gender of my #3? its a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how have u been? juz finished with pri 1 registration? u enjoy ur cruise trip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stardust, detailed scan is like basically ensuring the organs are there and the measurements... think if ur gynae did "shout" out measurements means shd be ok ba... how come its not done in the hospital and at ur gynae's clinic? cheer up gal, dun feel so down...u can always resume ur shopping after the 7 mth...sure have other sales one...

Hi mummies,

Had my monthly checkup. At 16 weeks bb is doing well at 11.5cm. Can't wait for detailed scan next month!


I'm so sorry to hear of ur loss. I can only begin to imagine how you must be feeling. Do take care of yourself. I pray for your speedy recovery and your baby boy in heaven.

My gynae does all the scans - normal, 3D or detailed scans personally in his clinic but I've to pay extra for 3D & detailed scans. He'll usually take the necessary measurements, check if all the organs are ok, count his fingers if they're open, check blood flow & heart beat, etc. After completion of each scan, he'll give me a CD containing the snapshots & videos of the scan.

Hi stardust,

My scan took much longer cos bb wasn't cooperative but in general, though my sonographer didnt tell me every steps shes doing but generally measurements for head circumference, stomach, blood low, heart chamber, limbs, lips, eye sockets, nasal bones were taken, when yr gynae shouted out the measurements, was it roughly for these items? If so, then ok lah.... After my scan, my sonographer also just told me everything normal.

As for yr hubby, have a gd talk w him bah.... My hubby also off work about 7.30 or 8pm, so I usu eat a kuek at 5+pm since preg really easy hungry, then hv dinner w him at 8.30pm. Cos if I dun, then we'll hardly hv meals tog.... Give n take lah.... He also dun let me buy this n that.... His reasoning quite true lah.... Wait all collect dust only n must wipe again! So I'm buying very very slowly..... Hee hee!

Is your hubby the type very scared of losing his current lifestyle after bb born type? My hubby was but now seems more enthu as my tummy grow, he even ask me y never go antenatal class! Maybe yr hubby need more time to get the idea sink in.... ;))) U dun fret ok? Stay positive!

Btw, a Fren told me that take sale got quinny Zapp plus cushion at $583. I rem u said the supplier will discount $30 to $50, but did he say min quantity to get $30 n $50 discount?

i got 2 maternity tops from Old Navy which i bought recently but i ordered a M instaed n the tops r just too big for me... letting go at SGD7 each and can be SGD6 each if getting both pieces from me...

also got a swim wear bottom size S to sell off bcoz i accidentally bought 2 pcs!!!


hmm... im nvr someone who approves of those who go drinking n leave wives at home type... so i wont say ur hb coming late home due to this is acceptable lah... but maybe he is thinking last chnace to do this b4 bb comes out???

dun be too upset... this is your #1 right? usually guys like what kimiko said, they dun carry the bb inside of them so they wont feel so attached n excited as us mummies. plus if 1st time daddies, some might have anxiety abt a new life entering their lives n might feel scared or stressed too... just tt guys they usually dun say it out... things will be better when bb is out... like my #1 now, though she is super cheeky n stubborn but my hb hardly scold her or scream at her when in foul mood but I will tend to do that lor... if im tired or angry (usually at hb) and my gal is cranky n whiny n gives me a hard time, i will scream at her one... but my hb wont... so at least in this aspect he is better than me... n now with #2, i guess he is more "seasoned" liao n knows some things cannot be "skipped" so recently we bought a twin stroller n car seat when the deal seems good enough... if it is for #1 time, i think he probably wont commit so soon too... that time when i was due in Apr, i rem buying my car seat n stroller only in yr end... so its like end of 2nd tri... plus if ur hb is the pantang type, he might not wanna buy stuff so early... scared "jinx" bb?...

Hi mummies,

Thanks for the kinds words and encouragement.

My hubby is the "live life to the max" kind. I've been ok with him gg out...but guess when one is preggy, you expect him to be more caring and understanding, like what some of you said. He always tell me tri 2 just relax else can't hv fun next time liao. I understand his logic, even on not buying so many things so fast...just tat he can be quite crude and blunt....and I guess it doesnt help tat all my male frens and colleagues care more, they will ask after me...even ask me what I see after each scan...some who are fathers tell me where to buy things.....but yah, i definitely feel alot better after reading all the encouraging replies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think hubby kind of knows I'm rather down. He spent more time asking abt the bb last nite, when normally he isn't even too interested in 'feeling' her moving in my tummy while i go gaga over it.

Thanks all once again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlefren - then maybe u shld go for antenatal class. My male fren looks forward to each class with his wife! Haha

The one at Taka is Quinny Zapp or Xtra? I didnt see it...hmmm...maybe shld check it out. The discount is $30 if you buy any Quinny stroller and Maxi Cosi car seat together. $50 if you buy Zapp Xtra in Rebel Red and car seat together. But BP, he will give more. He cant tell me how much yet till I confirm orders.

Stardust: Just wanna start with that you have great colleagues! They're so nice to take time off to accompany you for dinner, away from their own families. (maybe their spouses have the same complaints abt your colleagues as you? Hehe "You care more abt your friends in office than about me?")

Kimiko/stardust: On our spouses, agree that it is more difficult for us once we're trying to deal with our pregnancy and it is good when our spouses do not give us emotional, moral support. Hv you suggested to your spouse perhaps to hv his boys' group hv a family's gathering, where everyone bring their significant others (preferably without children on the first gathering?)

My husband was also complaining about how every action and every thought of mine is about the bb or bb stuff. So last evening, we went and did an activity we used to do as a couple before marriage. I must admit on the ride there, my mind was wondering abt correct breastfeeding latch techniques though, haha! But it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening, we came home after 1am. :p

And this evening, we'll be doing an activity we had come to enjoy after marriage with friends. Both of these had also helped me feel happier and lighter for some reason.

Also, helps us get connected for why we were attracted to each other in the first place and just spend time together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi stardust, gd to know that u guys r getting better.... Actually last yr when I was preg, I thot my hubby didn't care too... N I was unhappy that he still went out w his frens ike once a week or fortnight for his drinking session. We quarreled n when I lost my bb last yr, I could tell his pain was no lesser than mine.... So this yr, I actually ok w him n his outings.... Cos I didn't want him to feel that bb is changing our lifestyle much, we can work round it n be happy parents n he can still have his social circle, like I can hv mine. He was actually more willing to tell me what his friends talked bat, who he was with n tries to be home earlier.... Our relationship improves. ya.... We r going for the class which initially I thot was impossible, haha!

Btw, it's extra..... Dun think I can buy so early cos hubby says everything buy in oct after he shift the room furnitures....so FYI n mid aug I will see if I can order. ;p


Ms carpe diem, your part on yr hubby complaining that everything about bb stuffs reminds me of what my hubby said:" u have someone else in your heart now...." a hahaha! N he always tell me the topic very boring but it was in a light hearted manner so we always joke about it that I will purposely say more then he act fan...

I agree about the couple activities.... In fact we also said after bb born we can some days put w my mum or mil n go pak tor... To keep the spark going too ;)

