(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi stardust, thanks for the reply on quinny zapp... ya.... will give confirmation in mid august if you ask again...


My hubby read an article that recommends swaddling for bb cos swaddled bb will have better motor skill later compared to those who were not but i havent read the article yet. will let u know if i know more.... i have started a thread on fb for where to get swaddling cloth, quite a few mummies have shared. just fyi.


Wendy>> I'm sorry to hear that.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my heart is veri heavy when reading your post. Pls hv a good rest & take good care of your health.

hi mummies... someone send a request to add to our FB group... pls let me know who are you b4 i add u in, cos I hope to keep our group 'clean'... thx! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy: so sad & sorry to hear abt yr loss. Pls take good care of yrself and stay strong... i know u been thru alot for yr brave fighter too... have a good rest... *hugs*


My heart feels for you. Do take care and do a mini confinement . Take care n be strong . Time will heal your wound I'm sure your bb is in the good hands of god.. JiAyou

wow!! so many new messages!!!

kimiko, i think maybe not very easy for us to say what we feel to oour in-laws coz different family background and culture.. i think sometimes really best is dun care so much and just care on our own bah... but i also understand sometimes bo bian.. even if u tell them le, somehow, they cannot remember de...

Betsmok, your in-laws powerful leh!! cat also take bird nest!! and your FIL really very straight forward!! i think i will also fall into depression... how can he say things like no big deal? haiz.. maybe coz their culture is really diff bah.. ur confinement also very jialat.. do halfway at each place.. confinement is the time we really need to rest, bu ourselves and also take care baby. which is alot of things for us and thats when we need the most support,... before u preg, do they also treat u the same way??

whahahah!! dawn, i do agree if they keep asking qn, might end up naggy but if we r leaving woth them, we do wish we get a little more concern from them since we dun see our parents often anymore mah.. right?? esp when we married into their family and its a culture change.. so they should help us and make us feel welcome..

verene, aiyo, ur situation also very messy... last time i nv thought that living with in-laws and family will have such prob.. now staying with them i already starts to feel more prob dep with the rooms and the ppl ard.. but yours really very messy.. your mil is bo bian coz she got nowhere to stay.. y ur bil duwan get himself a new house although i know he spends more time in BKK. cannot possible keep going your place and stay mah.. your also got your own space and family.. the reason y we want our own home is for the best of our family and kids!! is it possible to ask your hubby to talk to them?? can ur bil apply for bto?? but bto also need to wait lah!! the prob of us singaporeans when getting a 2nd hand flat is the COV. but they probably have some cash on hand after selling the hse right?

oh no.. wendy, so sorry to hear our your loss.. my heart feels for u and i also feel like tearing now.. you must be strong.. your boy will be blessed in the new place.. take gd care of yourself k??

thanks CP!! but being modern mum,. i realised a lot things we really have to do on our own le..

lolx.. verene, i think my previosu reply too fast le.. well, at least your hubby is somehow on your side and understans where u come from.. dun think so much.. like what ur hubby says, maybe they will not bunk in and things will be back to normal soon..

welcome ginnie!!!

gbh, jie ai shun bian...

stardust, i bought the avent (gold colour) starter kit wor... bpa free + anti-colic..

as for Swaddling blanket, i bought a pack of 4 at mothercare during sale.. the material is quite soft and not very thick type and feels very soft so i dun think it will be warm for them. didnt buy a lot at the moment coz they say some baby dun like. but there are ppl who say that it will be better to wrap them coz their hand and legs will be straighter and nicer.. plus also act as a "protection" for them.


I really feel for you. I will put off staying with my in-laws as much as possible. Currently, they are still quite young and able to be independent. I dun wan to tink abt next time. Will ur mum still go over and take care of the bb and cook for u all if ur mil stays there?


You have both fought a hard battle. God will take good care of him. Hugs. Take care yah.


I don't think my mum will still come and cook for us if my mil takes over the duty to fetch my boy back from cc every evening. Can't ask my mum to travel all the way from her workplace from Chinatown to my place at Sengkang to cook lor. The most she will come to help out when mil nt available on wed evenings as she attend church meetings or go church camps. I told hubby that I will go to my mum place for dinner when she cooks tonic soup for me so that I can eat better.


My sil buay say to tell me they have no cash to buy resale flat. Then when I ask my mil abt it, I say that they can use th cash from the sale of the old flat to pay for the new one Mah, she sounded and hinted that they spent quite abit from that pool of $$. so end up nowhere. Since they are not 1st timer, and can't take any more hdb loans, their chance to get new flats are pretty slim. I can only say they don't plan for things, and brought this upon themselves.

i had added betsmok & winniephua to our FB group... still got 1 more mummy pending... pls let me know yr nick in SMH.. thx!

verene, its their prob to spend the $$$ mah.. or they still have the $$ but duwan to spend them?? whatever it is, they also have their own family and shouldnt impose so much on you all coz u also have your things to care for..

Jac: I guess before pregnancy I didn't really 'see' their true colour. They have always been very 'thrifty' in some areas .. Example- they fish at the jetty for their fish!! But then they go holiday every 3 months to Perth where they have a holiday home there.

My in laws are well to do. So it erks me that they are so extravagant on themselves but not towards their own children n grandchildren. For me, I don't expect much from them really, cos I am not a materialistic person, but at least I thought they will at least verbally care for me.

After these last 2 years I have been pretty hostile towards them, I think they may have figured out I was unhappy with them over something although they never ask my HB why.

Now, they are more caring to my #1 and will buy her fruits to eat. But towards me n my 2nd pregnancy, still treat me the same as the first la. Never ask how I am, results of scan, etc..

MamaAsh>> I juz requested to join in too. Pls add me. My name is je..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Betsmok, lolx.. usually parents and grandparents will spend more on choldren and grandchildren but ur in-laws opp?? but in a way, they very gd luck leh.. go fish for fish to eat!!!

i think they are better at treating those already born rather than those still in tummy coz cannot see or feel them yet??

just back from Taka BB fair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Spent $199 for the Pigeon rapid steam sterilizer bundle which incl a food warmer, 4 milk bottles, 1 brush, 1 liquid cleanser, 2 pkt moisturising wipes, 1 bowl & spoon set, 1 pacifier. Then I top up $50 buy more wipes, breast pad, baby detergent etc, they gave another plate, fork set worth $30. Best of all, free delivery to my house [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So many prams there until I blur. Think I need to do more research online liao. Else will have to wait for hb go see & touch the prams then buy. I dun feel like getting bro-in-law's 2nd-hand pram liao.

The victoria bb cot is very nice but too big to roll in/out of my rooms if I ever need to do so. Plus white color dun fit my brown woody scheme at home. Bon BeBe seems good. They can arrange to deliver items later also. But I wonder if other baby fair/expo in later part of year got better deals or not, e.g. the recent BB expo, cot was selling at $299 only.

wah, read all the posts about horror in-laws, I'm glad hubby not close to his family, so we only visit them them 1-2 times a mth, each visit only 30 mins to "show face" coz hb also dun like to be there for long else his parents will start nagging him this & that. They nvr ask anything abt my preg, but bro-in-law do call at times to ask then go broadcast to in-laws with his own opinions thrown in. Like telling in-laws why I quit job and lose out the maternity leave, not worth it etc etc. Irritating leh!

wendy : [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] take great care of urself.. ur lil fighter will find his way to be back in ur life again so be strong and rest well to try again ok?

joanne.. the 2nd one was a pleasant surprise for i was still breastfeeding #1.. hopefully i can survive with two boys.. It's oredi tough trying to catch up with my first boy!

safiya : haf to count from week 28 onwards i think. that time my boy still moving at the expected count rate but was slower and not that frequent as before. after a while u will know when ur baby is active and when not. so jus keep a lookout if baby is not that active during its usual active moments..

ginnie : u from dec 09 mtb? hee

mamash : haf jus requested to join the grp. thx!

Chan pl ya dunno whether to wait for e next bb expo in oct then buy or buy now lor. Such a dilemma! Then dunno wanna get playpen or cot still hiaz...

wendy...sorry for your loss. wish i could say i know how u feel but i will not. take care!

i better not complain too much abt my in-laws here...my wife does read this forum sometimes!

dun think my wife will want to buy any big items now even if they can be delivered later...we dun even know the gender yet...though i think certain things like cot can buy since gender neutral but she would prefer to wait...

wife say yesterday can feel BB kick her hand when she put her hand on tummy...but she din feel anything since then...she's only abt 18 weeks today so i guess no cause for worry still...

Stardust, you are a distant no. 3 in the ranking! =P Paisay, to clarify my bleeding gums has got nothing to do with diabetes. Gynae ordered another blood test to check if my bleeding gums is of any issue (eh, not sure what kind of blood test). I had to fast 12 hours for the diabetes test. I guess the diabetes blood & urine test is more accurate bah. Reached hospital this morning, did urine & blood test, drank super sweet glucose drink, waited an hour, then another blood & urine test and another hour and last round of blood & urine test. Oh my, pricked 3 times for blood! Lucky later they called back in the early afternoon and everything is fine, no diabetes and blood clot issue.


Its indeed not easy living under the roof 相见好同住难 plus everyone's living habits and character different. Kudos to those living with in-laws!

Chan, I am also eyeing the pigeon bundle deal and was surveying my friends if its useful. No good conclusion leh coz some say they dun use the warmer etc. Keke. I will go Taka shopping with a friend (mother of 1) next week. Easier with someone of experience else i also blur blur dunno what is realli needed or not & if its good deal.

sorry to hear abt ur loss wendy! pls take care and "bu" ur health back...i am sure you will be blessed with healthy bbs next time... jia you !!

Thanks everyone..I hope I will get over my lovely boy departure n join everyone in e forum again in 4mths time.,I hope it will not b too late for me to join you gals n guys then..

My gynae is a great dr and I will go back to him again after my mental n physical recovery..I hope by then my 2nd ivf will b successful again n give me a healthy bb again..

I dun knw how long will my grieving ends..but my love for him will always b there..

Luwen: Yes! =) I think my second one will be a boy too so tiring... Wow.. you are still bfing. Kudos to you..

mamash: pls add me in FB as well, thanks! have send an add request.

Wendy: Do have a proper confinement to nurture your body.. I guess you dun have fate with your current baby but I'm sure you will succeed the next time round.

Speaking of in-laws, my MIL stays at my place from Mon-Fri to take care of my elder son. Haiz.. really no easy.. best is not to stay together. Sometimes I really regret not putting my son to infant care. I got a place at that time but my hubby is worried that baby will tend to fall sick easily. The problem with my MIL is I dun like the way she takes care of my son and I told her about it but she is very stubborn. For e.g. she can feed my son kuay tiao soup, you tiao at 6mths as breakfast. *Faint* If finances allow, I rather be a SAHM for the first few years.


Please do take care to have an ample rest and properly nourished your body mentally and physically before trying again. Don't rush into things and I'm sure your boy will forever be in your loving memory. It would be difficult not to grief, but I'm sure your boy would want his mummy to move on bravely and not grief for him for too long. Please be strong for yourself and your family and I'm sure we'll be happy for you to join us once again.


ytd i was at united sq n saw tt the cold storage having diaper n fm n bb stuff sale at the open area at b1. bought 3 pks of XL diapers and 2 pks of L diapers for my #1... also saw got sterilizer + bottles bundle from Avent at abt $130+??? not sure if sale still on bor... for those staying/working near there, might wanna chk it out...

re ILs not asking,

my Ils also hardly ask me anything during my #1 n current preg but i dun feel that they dun care lah... bcoz i can tell tt my MIL dotes on my #1 a lot whenever we r at their place... plus my ILs always give me good stuff to cook whether im preggie or not... i guess its just that the older generation not the expressive type so sometimes dunno how to say they care? perhaps we no need to feel so personal abt it bah... they might not mean it that way...

Just read some of the messages in this thread today. Might have missed some posts.

Wendy: Really sorry to hear about your loss, take good care of yourself and hope you'll have a new addition to your family sooner rather than later.

GBH: Hope you're feeling better now.

I was a full time working mum until lately in May and THEN I found out I was pregnant!

So alittle unprepared to be jobless cos I was planning to resign and then take a short break before joining a new company. Because of my pregnancy, prospective employer has put my appointment on hold. Somehow over the last 2.5 months, being a SAHM has been really wonderful and I really appreciate the time I have with my #1 esp since she just turned 2 and has alot of new experiences with her everyday as she is starting to talk alot and explore.

Totally no regrets being a SAHM, tho finances are tight, I think with alittle cut back here and there, it is worth it. But then with #2 coming, really no choice may have to start work again to have enough $$ for a helper cos I don't know if I can cope with 2 kids alone at home...... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] dilemma !!!


Yes. I'm feeling better today. Thanks for asking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think my cot is the Bon bebe, bcoz i think i saw a sticker on it the other day. Let me go chk out the sticker on the cot tmr. But I think it's by Rocio izzit? Bcoz I rem this more clearly. I also got mine at taka fair tt time n it's pinewood n comes with a coconut husk mattress n a set of bedding n mech mobile. Is this is the same as the one u saw, u might wanna chk out the Chinatown bb shop bcoz I rem they also sell with same freebies but the shop throws in other freebies of it's own or the price is slightly cheaper. Can't rem which.

So far my cot serves me very well n I like the one hand open n close slide-down railing. But the wheels tt came with the cot r not so smooth. I think maybe mine got one faulty one or what. I find tt the wheels will sometimes lock themselves (there's a small lever on the wheels tt u push up or down to lock/unlock them) n that levers will always drop down n ended up locking the wheels. I'm very fed up with tt bcoz sometimes I need to move the cot to mop floor n the cot just refuses to move with ease. Recently I tried to unlock one of the wheels n the lever came off. Wanna to go DIY n get new castor wheels but in the end I just put those felt pieces on the bottom of the cot legs.

Gbh: yes yes the brand is Rocio! Ya it's exactly what u got it's selling at 399 at taka fair. I'm impressed with e fact don't have to get a separate changing table. Cos the 1st height jus nice for changing. How long was it ago you bought until the wheels fail?

I will go check out from the Chinatown shop. Thank you for the info!


The wheels were not so smooth esp one of it right from the start. Just tt I din notice it much at that time. Tt y if u buying this, must rem to test out the wheels after the guy install for u. Bcoz the wheels can be easily changed one.


joanne koh, iirc, it's ending 14 aug... same as isetan fair..

wow!! so many interesting info abt the taka baby fair and i wish i am there but need to wait till the week after when hubby is on leave and i go for my detailed scan...

the cot that u mentioned seems like agd deal!! i am looking at the newspaper scan and seems like the cot is pretty worth it. it comes is flibrelux mattress, 5 pcs bedding set, diaper changer organizer and crib light! btw, may i know whats a diaper changer organizer?? and it comes with table top changer so somethign like that?? my concern alsos ame.. the white dun match my room's brown furnitures..

but chan pl, u mentioned the baby expo cheaper? we almost decided on a playpen from kingdom and now my heart is unsure again. but 1 think about play pen is that it is lower than cot and there might be some difficulty when putting the baby down or carrying it right?

betsmok, lolx, me and hubby's finance also dun allow but no choice and no 1 to help me with baby except my mum but it will be very troublesome for my side coz need to bring baby over early in the morning and take care at night. so have to give up on my dreams and wishlist le lor.. i am still worried if we can survive with me being a SAHM for 1-2 yrs! haha!!

gbh, wow!! seems like u also have a bit of prob even though u r not staying with them.. but at least u dun have to face them... only need to endure the microphone.. ignore him mah!!

Winniep: I saw many cots at the taka fair selling ard the same price. Is this Roccio cot you're talking abt a 3-in-1 or 4-in-one? Also, do you remember its dimensions?

I'm currently interested in the infantino one with fibrelux mattress. Also interested in their freebies of diaper organiser and cot light... But if a better cot comes along, I may change my mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear ladies,

May I join this thread? I'm a first time mummy...

Dr. Lee Keen Whye

Location: Holland

Edd: 23 Dec 2011

No: 1

Hosp: Gleneagles

By the way, may I check if its necessary to do the detailed scan? The nurse at the clinic mention its not compulsory unless dr detect any abnormality during his scans.. however they still book me for one during my 22nd week (different clinic though coz dr say the other clinic's equipment is more advanced) but say can cancel if I want to. But it seems like everyone here is doing it...

will the taka baby fair take place again in the later half of the year? not so keen to buy all these big items so early

Seems like everyone is happily shopping around for baby stuff. I dropped by at Isetan Scottsdale yesterday when my boy had lessons nearby..no much to see leh..q disappointing... So I gather Taka baby fair will be better? Thinking of going there when my family is dropping there for National Day lunch on 9Aug..won't be too late to miss out good deals, I hope? Lately busy with my in-laws stuff & have to prepare my girl for coming topical tests & oral practices so feel tired to make a deliberate trip there..+parking there is often a headache! I'm still undecided which pram to buy..want to buy a steady but not too costly pram as I'm not working so no wish to spend a bomb on it.. But gynae said my baby boy's v active so need a steady pram. I may need to bring him around sending my older kids to classes so preferably pram not too heavy as I can't drive so may need to take cab when my in-laws are not free to drive us. Pram can't be too bulky to fit into the tiny boot of hubby's Wish if we don't want to surrender the last row of seats to the pram. Oops..sounds v troublesome uh... Any good suggestion?

Agreed finances will be tight for SAHM but the sacrifices is worth it! It's especially important when the kids enter pri sch as studies are so tough nowadays & kids have too many distractions unlike our times... Can't depend on the maid or PIL to bring up our kids on our ways lah..

There will be a BB fair in Expo 21 Oct 2011 - 23 Oct 2011

Hall 5B

11 am to 9pm (Fri & Sat), 11am to 8pm (Sun)

Organiser: Vivacious Media Pte Ltd

Dunno whether its good a not. My hubby will be overseas at that time. i MUST decide on the cot or playpen by this Taka fair.

Ms Carpe Diem: The Rocio cot is its 4in1. the coconut husk mattress looks good. i found this link on website for the cot: http://www.todaysmotherhood.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/bonbebe-rocio-4in1cot-path.jpg

Did you see the Victoria cot? Its made of hardwood and we can sit in the cot with bb without worrying it will give way.

i came across this in another thread for baby cot. Seems cheaper. But need to go take a look.

You may wish to take a look at this company from Palmax: http://www.palmax.biz/catalog/index.php?cPath=27&osCsid=5a8b2e0edfc014ba63b4b5c7844765a3

i'm impress with Rocio cos no need to get another changing table the 1st height just nice for changing bb.

Hello mummies,

Like to join this thread too. I'm a 2nd time mum.

Gynae: Dr Caroline Khi

Location: Sembawang

Edd: 23 Dec 2011

BB Gender: Boy

No: 2

Hosp: TMC

juv 06, finally got someone taking the same doc as me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

