(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi Dear all,

I over stocked on my Desitin Creamy 6oz expiring Nov 2012 and hence would like to let go of some.

Please PM me if you are keen... thanks lots.



It's ok.. I also got swings in appetite. So long baby growing ok lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for the update. I feel a bit relieved after what you have written. I hope my test will go well too. I heard u will noe the result of the confirmed gender along with the amnio test result. Congrats on ur little boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I will go to a baby fair mayb when I am around 7-8 mths pregnant bah... else buy too many tings no where to store leh.I will think abt attending the forum. How much is it?

Happygal, my frens are all recommending me to buy during GSS now as savings will be higher. So, I'm already doing abit of shopping here and there...


Oh..... then happy shopping yah. It's real exciting to shop for little babies! All the things are so cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Happygal

I had Mac for lunch today ;)

Btw Giselle

We r not shopping yet .. No place to store our stuffs as our new house is not here yet

And we also dunno the gender of our bb yet.. Hopefully we

will get to knw next sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally a hectic week was gone, and now I am nursing myself from flu (sigh!). Another week of crazy catching up with son's farewell party with play school, his birthday BBQ, packing and doc's appointments.

Min, ya, flying does have implications to fertility, many of the crew have low sperm count or weak sperm. PCOS and endometriosis is also prevalent amongst the girls. Not sure if it's because a/l is a place where most people are open about this or that because the dept is large. Just the cabin crew dept in SIA is 7000 people.

stardust25, unfortunately, I haven't really had much of the 6th sense for this preg.. I love to have a girl and I hope this doesn't cause me to instinctively feel it's a girl.. I am going to take the risk and buy girly stuff.

Sporty, thanks! I was ok after that..

StefSeanSharbabes, my sonographer will say it's a boy cos the "spike" is angled, and not parallel to the backside of the baby. I was thinking about ligation and most people I spoke with discouraged, whether they have been or not. Firstly, they think with my age, it's a waste of money. 2nd, (this is from my mom) in case I want more in future, I will regret (kinda funny to hear from my mom)..

I recently spoke with my son's teacher, she inserted a very tiny pin-like thing that releases the hormones to prevent getting pregnant. It'll last for a year. So no hassle. I intend to give it a try. May be you also want to explore more option rather than an intrusive surgery?

Wow, this is #4???? How to cope in Singapore? I will be bankrupt if I have 4. Jsut to travel to and from USA every year for 3 of us already cos $10k.. there goes our other vacation plan..

RE: Gender

I was excited and went to check my #2 U/s print.. She is on the right!! But I check my son's, he was on the left!!! So, it means my son's wasn't as said by this research and I could well be expecting a girl this time. Yehehe!!

Jacqueline, yes ligation is what Chinese call it "tied".

Rebonding: I went and got my soft rebonding done already.

Most people told me only can dye hair, tattoo eyebrow, go for dental x-ray after 5th mths. But all say cannot go for IPL hair removal (tsk!)

CAnnot catch up anymore, gotta go pick up hb from the marina..

Post again next week. Have a great week ahead girl!!

Giselle, yes my doc advised amnio since my Oscar wasn't good due to blood test. The test was pretty fast, once sonographer n gynae made sure the right position, gynae will poke needle in n nurse will extract the fluid for abt 1min or so. Needle thickness is same as blood test kind.

Happygal, yes u'll know the confirmed gender with the results.

KK - I'm kind of firm on ligation for now. I've thought of IUD but they hv hormones released into me and may cause some hormonal change. I'm quite afraid of that and also having something stuck in me. And yes, this is my #4. really do not want #5.

Hi Happygal,

We went to the BAby Fair @ Expo. What a letdown. It's even smaller than Baby Kingdom and Babymart @ Kaki Bukit. You should go there and check it out. It's a galore with items from cot, play pen, steriliser, car seats, strollers, diapers, etc...Have you been there?

Hi Cloud942, oic. Hope all went well.

Hi Ace, so when are you moving to your new place?

Anytime soon?

Hi Giselle

Haha the HDB website still said end of June .. Really funny

We really wonder when are we goin to get our keys

Hi Cloud942

It is painful? When will u b getting the result .. Really pray all b ok.. May God bless u n bb

hi mummies,

today i went to recce stroller n carseats at bb hyperstore and mothercare harbourfront... looking at twin stroller bcoz now expecting #2 and #1 is only 15 mths now... expecting that if i bring both out i better prepare a stroller that can fit both... need extra carseat too...

saw inglesina domino twin, peg pegero duette, baby jogger city select and phil & ted explorer n vibe.... the inglesina domino twin n pp duette are very similar but its really big lor... 20 kg at least... omg... plus closing req the both seats to be removed... in the end i shortlisted the phil & ted explorer/vibe and the baby jogger city select but more keen on the bbjogger city select bcoz the basket is more accessible and its easier to put bb in; the phil n ted one is put bb in with head towards u... like legs in first... a bit awkward.... closing wise bbjogger seems easier n simpler too... lotsa parts to buy leh... bcoz the stroller only comes with one seat so need to buy:

- extra (2nd) seat (but only for 6 mths old n after) and

- hence i need to get a carseat (which i need anyway) or a bassinet (prob not my pref) to put #2 in before 6 mths on the stroller... and the

- extra adaptor for the carseat...

all in all gotta cost me $$$... omg...

good thing is that the bbjogger city select can be used in 16 different combinations!!! wow!

Hi gbh,

I am also thinking of getting a twin stroller ot aumbrella strollerLike u also my no 1 coming to a year old next mon . Have yet to shop for I still thinking .. But from what I see all twin stroller is heavy don't really like the ideal of carry a stone out hmmm., another big item to change when no 2 pops out is car currently the car that we have might be a bit cramp to put n another carseat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I can fully understand what you mean haizzzz money money and money $$$...


Hahaha! I thought I'm the only crazy one! I also told hb we need to change car! Bcoz though I like my current car super big car boot (mines a wagon) but the passenger seating is the usual 4+1 capacity. So if put 2 car seats behind. No one else can sit liao. Plus I need to sit with #2 first mah n it's not safe to put #1 in front seat either. So only option is get a mpv n put #1 in last row while I sit with #2 in second row. But I think my option maybe cheaper bcoz I told hb to sugg to FIL that we exchange car with him. Bcoz he drives a mpv but he no need such a big car bcoz usually he no need ferry so many pple. Hb said I'm a "bad" DIL, aiming my FIL car. Hahaha!

Re twin stroller, I also know they r heavy but I think there's no way I can bring 2 out on my own with one in stroller n the other in arm. Bcoz sometimes my #1 wants me to carry n also she needs to nap too. Also I think will be challenging if I wanna move from point to point with one hand on stroller n one hand holding my #1 hand (which is considered ideal situation alrdy if single stroller) bcoz no way I can let my gal walk on her own, she will just anyhow run away n I can't abandon stroller with bb or run with stroller to chase after her right?

My only headache with twin stroller is the keeping n opening part when I take cab on my own. Currently I put my #1 in cab first n unload the stroller n keep it. Then when reach, do the reverse. With #2 a bit diff bcoz I dun think can put #2 in cab with #1 first. Wait my #1 decides to sweep #2 off the seat then siao liao. Plus got that awkward age when #2 can roll off seat but can't sit up properly yet? The bbjogger city select seems to solve tt. Bcoz #2 will be placed in the carseat which will be attached to the stroller, then when wanna get in cab, I take out (very easy one) car seat with #2 in it n put whole thing in cab, then put #1 in cab then keep stroller. Seems like its feasible here. Plus safer too since even taking cab, #2 will have a car seat? N my hands will be free to hold my cannot keep still #1.

Juz as i thought & was telling my mum I feel better, ms subsided alrdy... I threw up like crazy ytd! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] watever goes in, must come out. I dunno y too. Can't even enjoy my movie at all.

Realized that whenever I wanna catch a movie, my ms will be worsen! Maybe the bb doesn't like to watch movie.


Gd appetite today? I hope my appetite stays good.. cross fingers. Hee...


Nope have not been to any of it. Huh smaller means not so gd variety hor... nvm sure got others coming up. I stopping myself frm looking around until I do my amnio in abt 2 weeks time.

Now dun really have much mood. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gbh and babybee,

Will u consider second hand strollers. Cheaper I think. I am considering actually coz very expensive all the baby stuff add together. Mayb can save wat small amt of savings I have. Hahahaha....

Bl and Lyn,

Hope u feel better soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah! Can see baby again. I always look forward to seeing my baby...

KK, i believe that would be due to cosmic radiation and also the amount of free radicals generated when cabin crew fly so much...that's y 1st tri should not take plane and cabin crew should take more food with anti-oxidants or health supplements to counter the free radicals...

my wife's friend went to the baby fair and found nothing to buy...

more than a month to go to finding out BB's gender...argh!!!


Dun think getting 2nd hand stroller bcoz hard to find the twin model second hand since most ppl dun buy tt. Plus I have seen most parents dun take care of their strollers one. Even those tt they r still using r alrdy dirty n badly stained. I'm a germaphobic, I take good care of my stroller when in use n will strip the stroller n wash all the fabric once every few months. so unless it's from a close friend so tt I know how clean the stroller is, its highly unlikely I will use a 2nd hand one. not to mention some might even got rickety parts due to long term abuse..


I also can't wait to know my bb gender!!! I hope to have a boy since I got gal liao. Then at least my #3 can be a gal too... Hahaha! I think too far liao!

CT, all the best for your check up.

gbh, have you ever consider a baby carrier like a Bjorn? Frankly, I did not find my stroller my best friend until my son out grew the carrier and when I have my helper.. Though my son had always bee a heavy-weight sumo, my bb bjorn has been my best friend. I think the number of hours my son had been in the stroller is less than 100 for the past 2 years. If I had known, I would have bought it.

I had to buy a sturdy (hence heavy) stroller because the light weight ones are not safe for the heavy weight. Even though my Inglesina is hooked with heavy groceries, it only toppled once because the wheels were caught by a hump at the lift lobby and the lift door just kept closing on me because the cheap town council had upgraded the lift to one that is cheap and has no sensor that the passenger is in distress!

RE: Car seat

my #2 will use my son's car seat carrier, while my son is big enough to upgrade from his Boulevard to a Frontier 85 SCIT.

I trust Britax.

gbh, hi-5 to your "germaphobia". I am not as "g" as my doctor SIL, but I am particular with safety, security and health when it comes to handling young children. They are so vulnerable and only we adult can protect them. Yes, the stroller covers needs to be washed frequently cos it's a good breeding ground for germs..

#3?!?! wow!! As much as I love kids and wished I could have 3, I think my deadline is up for that wish..

RE: BB gender

I hope I will know this Wed when I visit the Doc, cos if it's a bb girl, I wanna shop!!!

morning everyone!! sianz!! it's mon again.. =(

Ace, my hair stylist and friends says we only start losing hair after abt 4mths of giving birth wor.. now lose weight is natural de.. i am also losing a lot of hair but stylist says its normal for me coz my hair is long and heavy. but we can start using hair tomic to prevent hair loss after giving birth le..

dacylet, i think the online thingy not accurate de.. lolx.. but just for fun lah!! how how?? u like transformers??

Ling, it's up tp you... if you are comfy with your gynae and wish her to be with u for delivery, maybe u might wanna go to her hospital? thats what happened to me lah.. actually i didnt like parkway east.. bad experience there before lah.. but my gynae only goes there so bo bian lor.. like some says.. only for that few days.. somehow we will be more assured if our gynae is with us?

CP & bfly, congratz on knowing its a boy!!!

better to slp on left? why??? i am also used to slping on right..

KK, i had endometriosis before... but went through surgery liao.. i read before that it might affect fertility and a little scared initially.. (i am a contradicting person.. i duwan have baby but yet i know i cannot choose and must give birth.. lolx! so at thattime mind was confused about the effects of endometriosis.. anyway, its not exactly proven coz i am preg!! i did my surgery in 05.. started contraceptive in 07/08.. stoped contraceptive end 10.. and preg in mar 11...

StefSeanSharbabes, my friend went through IUD.. seems ok leh.. although that thing looks scary (she says) but after putting its like nothing.. and so far no side effects from what she says..

my friends did advise that we can dun buy the car seat immediately.. coz if we buy now, we need to buy again 1 yr later.. so she says can skip the 1st 1 and buy 1 when baby older... anyway, when baby still young, we will probably carry them when in the car.. unless you are out driving with baby alone den will need..

missus BL & Lyn, still MS??? den better rest more and eat lighter meals.. try to see what are the food that will agitate it and stop 1st...

so tired didnt wanna work.. thought of taking leave or mc but think think again, i going back my mum's place for dinner tonight so bo bian still drag myself to work.. zzz......


I have a manduca carrier but carriers r only for older babies, pref when they can sit properly in bumbo age bciz newborn supposed to lie down more than being upright. Not good for their spine. No way I'm carrying my #1 in carrier. My legs cannot take it. Hahaha! Unless I wanna be confined at home for the 1st year (or longer) I cannot escape getting a twin stroller lah. Btw I heard tt Bjorn not good for bb spine leh bcoz bb is like hanging by the crotch. Esp when facing outward, that's the worst n exert more strain on them. U might wanna change to using those ergonomic carriers? If dun wanna change then at least dun put bb in face forward position.

Hahaha! I think we have same stroller? I got an ingledina zippy. Recomm by a fren to use this model. Loves the steadiness n won't easily topple. Last time I ever saw my fren lightweight stroller almost topple with bb inside. I immed take mental note of tt importance. But then hor I hang my heavy stroller bag too n if without my gal's weight to counter, the heavy weight stroller might also topple easily if I push down on handle a bit more. So u can imagine how heavy my bag is!!! Lol!

Jacqueline, i think most probably I will opt for TMC lor. I really hate the parking there. Keke. Any idea how many percent off for the ward if we got the FBI card? If we see our own gynae, no discount right?


Y you say no need carseat for 1st year? U mean u dun intend to put bb in carseat when traveling? That's very dangerous leh! Plus if the TP catches, sure kena fined. My friend got fined for not putting her 5-7 years old boys on booster seats though the boys were wearing seat belts too! Plus one more thing in case u din consider this point, ur bb might reject sitting in carseats (same for stroller) if u dun start them young bcoz once they r 6 mths n older, they will start to let u know what they like n dun like n since they not used to carseat, very high chance will have prob getting them not to be cranky when in one. I know quite a few mummies got this prob n there r those who dun, I observe that those who got this prob hardly put their bb in carseats/ strollers since birth. for me, I use both right from birth so my gal ok with it.

my friend is using the carriers and the couple swears by it!! the baby is also very comfy in it!

Ling, i tell u, i think parkway east carpark is even worse and the number of lots is miserable!!!

ghb, my friend says its ok.. as long as we carry the baby.. thats what i thought too.. will be fined.. but apparently, dun think so...5-7 years old have to.. but those new borns less than a year is ok.. thats y we need to but those for 1yr and above and the platform for older kids.. i think diff babies diff characters bah. so far i see my friend's kids.. ok leh..

wow!! u want 4?!!!! i wanted zero.. now have 1... den now hubby wants 2 but i still want 1!! the ms in 1st tri is scaring me le..


Your ideal sounds visible if your fil does not mind to swop his car. At least now your current car is a wagon wor my hubby's car worst a wrx only have power, bumpy plus it's damn low every time put my boy in the car must bend until backache. Wah now you having 2nd bb still thinking of 3rd n 4th ? 佩服佩服 for me having 2nd bb is the ultimate I go. Now still thinking if wanna go for ligation :0 don't wish for sudden incident to happen that will shock me in future .

Happy gal,

I agree with what gbh says I am also particular about the condition of a second hand stroller so if got a choice to choose I will not buy a second hand stroller unless it's pass down from a close friends.

if my wife told me she wanted zero we won't have gotten married...lol...

KK also can be quite bad after 10am...but luckily they have free valet service when it's hard to find parking lot...that's y i prefer to have early appt like 8am...can go nearby eat breakfast and beat the ERP...

Heeeeee I just bought this Brand New stroller n very useful my no 1 already using cos she like to sit backsit which is high. Now front seat use as shopping cart kekekekek

Www.kinder wagon.com.sg

Baby bee, Gbh: I bought a twin stroller to put older kid in front & younger one behind when my boy was born as their gap was only 22mths. Didn't use long coz it's so troublesome to get into the lift with it in shopping malls.. Either insufficient space in the lift or no 1 helped hold the lift door for you. Too big for escalator. When both kids start growing in weight, it became v heavy to push.. Didn't use it much.. Btw if the 2 kids vary in size & weight a lot, not v safe to use those side by side twin stiller coz uneven weight distribution. My elder bro has twins so bought those side by side twin stroller. Faced the same headache of getting in & out of lifts! Endue they took turns twitting on single stroller. So do consider carefully b4 u buy hor...

Jac: It's dangerous not to put the baby in carseat leh.. The baby may pop out from your hands if the car had to brake suddenly. Infant carseat is not a choice but a legal requirement & protection of the baby.

Now knowing that I'm expecting a boy, really miss shopping in those pinkish princesses shops... Keep telling myself to think in the brighter side, can save more since nothing fanciful to buy for boys..no need to dress up, no need to learn ballet..

Then seriously mummies highly recommend u get this. Lightweight, easy to fold and more compact. I compare w my friends front back stroller it's about 6 inches shorter ...

gbh, babybee & kk,

after wat u have said mayb I should really consider a brand new stroller. $$$ again!


really salute u. 4 kids? I don't think I can cope!

Hi Jacequeline

Thanks .. I'm now jus sticking to herbal treatment to control the oily scap cum promoting hair growth in a more natural way. Herbal treatment is not using any chemical but herbs ..

So tik shd b quite ok ba.. Keeping fingers crossed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Happygal

My appetite is quite ok today.. Jus finished a bowl of Yong Tao Fu laksa [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How's ur? Hope it is ok too

Jus read tat in 2nd trimseter .. We shd actually b gaining 5 to 6kgs .. So let's work hard together but jus dun overeat *winks* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I dun intend to get side by side stroller bcoz those r mean for same age twins. I plan to get those front n back. What brand did u get that time? I compared the bbjogger with my current single stroller n the size abt the same. Only tt the twin stroller is just a teeny longer due to front seat footrest. Weight wise, i think it's 2 kg heavier than my current one. Weight wise I'm only concerned when getting in n out of cab boot. If I'm with hb, no issue at all, he will put into it. Its more of when I'm alone n gotta take cab.


Wah... Urs indeed not a bb frenly car... Mine at least good for putting 2-3 strollers!!! Lol!


Oh btw re car, too high also not good. Mines a wagon n with big wheels n guess what? I have a hard time too trying to put bb inside carseat bcoz the car is too high n I gotta raise my gal (ESP now heavier, feel the effects more) in order to put her inside. N I'm not short wor, I'm 168 so alrdy considered tall alrdy so tedious for me. Now it's hb job to put her in n take her out bcoz he is even taller. Just nice height for him. Best type of car will be low seating but high roof!!! Lol!

Wah ghb ambition very big!!! I stopping at 2 at first wwanted 3 but the ms n depression scares me big this time


Aiyah say only mah. Wait after #2 arrives I also scared liao leh? Btw my #1 n #2 preg are different. My #1 ms very very bad. #2 still ok. Mild ms. Heng this time.

ghb: good target!! i was like u, wanted 4, but now my #3, i got frightened due to my MS & worry abt who to take care of #3 after delivery... & #1 & #2 are growing up, prefer to stay home rather then send to parents to look after... so abit of planning to do...

dawn: dun be scare, all pregnancies are different, #3 will not be like this one lah... look on the brighter side! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AC: i also waiting eagerly for my detail scan end of this mth to know bb gender. my last chk up i ask Doc Tan, if can see the gender, she say no due to the position, then she say, u got 1 gal 1 boy liao rite? this one wait for detail lah! wow biang.. i tot i can start shopping if gal mah.. but my feel is this is a boy leh... :p

CP: congrats on knowing yr bb gender!! Yes, look on the bright side, boy will save u lots of $$ & worry lesser when they grow up! haha...

I was watching Ch 8 pgm, Our Children yesterday noon & it was talking abt a Malay+Chinese family who got 5 boys & family income of $1200, it was showing how they pass their days & i was really touch, cos the mum had wanted to give away #5 after delivery due to their low household income, but the 4 brothers say they will help in taking care of their bb brother, so the parents decided to keep their bb brother. it was so touching when they show how all the 4 brothers look after their 1YO bb brother during wkends, the eldest son, P6 can even shower him!! And they help out in all the housework!! It's really a joy to see how the family enjoy their time together. I just tot we should be glad to be able to have babies and not worry abt if we can provide for them or not... it's really a joy to see them grow... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies-to-be

I have an authentic fuschia pink agnes b bag to sell. I bought it on impulse. Its hardly used and still in very good condition. Its very roomy, good as a diaper bag. It has 2 side pockets and a zip pocket inside.

Anyone interested, please email me at [email protected]



gbh: It was many years back so I can't remember the brand liao... anyway, there weren't many choices back then. I've given the pram & carseat away so now need to buy again. Now more choice leh.. saw a pretty pink Disney Princess pram in Marina Sq yesterday. Too bad that I'm not expecting a girl o/w sure buy that cute pram.

mamaAsh: Frankly not so excited in wanting to know the gender if already have 1 boy 1 girl.. Agreed some families do know how to cope with the bare necessities. Unfortunately, I'm not like that leh... I want to provide as much as I can.. nowadays enrichment classes are so costly.. don't send scare they can't catch up as the sch teach so little but test so much.. expensive Singapore.. wonder how this generation is going to cope in future...

CP: haha... actually i also like u lor... my 2 oredi gg for classes on wkends... my kids will ask me the moment they get up in the morning, mama, where are we gg today? sometimes i do feel bad they have to go for classes, but i need to make sure they can at least have the basic to provide for their own when i'm not around bah... :p

i was at the Baby Expo last Sat. Saw a sweet princessy bassinet but didn't buy coz think very fast bb can't fit into it. Also saw the baby crib promotion, seems quite a gd buy. But I can't decide what to get for bb's bed. My MBR's rather cramped. If put crib in room not much walking space. Playpen seems smaller but looks fragile, like anytime will collapse?

Playpen or crib? Any advice?

Wanted to get carseat & pram as well but colleague psycho me not to get. Say take 2nd hand for "good luck" better. Plus bro-in-law been offering to give us his daughter's carseat & pram. I'm concerned abt hygenie & condition of the items, esp coz his gal already 5 yrs old. Imagine at least 3 yrs of accumulated dust?! Hubby quite happy with $$ savings though...

Tried sleeping on my left side for past 2 nites. Always end up with a backache in the morn. No such problem when i lie flat to sleep. Haiz.... like dat how?


MamaAsh: Yes, my kids used to ask me where they've to go for classes but now they roughly know when liao... I tried not to put them in weekend classes unless no choice. Prefer weekday classes as it's cheaper in some sch & less crowded. Anyway, I'm not working & my inlays can help drive them around.

Chan: Ive both baby cot & playpen for my kids & still keep them. Each has it's own adv. I used to put the cot in the bedrm & playpen in the living rm. Safer to keep child in the pen when the maid mops the floor. Cot has better spinal support for the child. My boy used to like the playpen so much that he refused to sleep on the cot at nite. Playpen is mobile so can easily carry them to hotels for hols. I brought it to the hospital when my boy was admitted when he was 1.5yrs old coz he rejected the hospital cot. The PD was amazed that we were the only ones bringing our own baby cot to hospital..ha..ha... Try to sun the used pram & carseat for a few days to get rid of the germs & smell. Can save save lor.. It's costly to raise a baby here...

