(2011/12) Dec 2011


dear mummies, i will confirm again if i can get the deal. sianz, i think too many of us viewed the ebay site today and the seller juz raised the price back to US$149. I emailed him to see if he can still let go all 8 sets @ 89.90. will keep you all posted :*(

AC: yes my #1 gal is Ashley n #2 is boy!! But we were only at e Neptune wet n wild pool for the kids on mon morning!! U sure it's me?? Haha... I also didn't take any salad on board, only e vietnamese salad served at e grand hotel!! It was terrible at e medical center actually, we were there at 8am on wed n my kids n hb saw a lady fainted in front of them due to hydration I think, she vomited quite badly n had diarrhea too!! Our guess is the medical staffs didn't expect such a mass food poisoning thing to happen on board!! And e med given to me was not good, due to my pregnancy they gave me something super mild that couldn't stop my stomach cramps n diarrhea n when I called them I'm e afternoon they asked me to call my gynae n ask for med tat I can take!! So hb get e operator to call KKH TPS for help n managed to get 2 med tat was also prescribed to my hb earlier then it stopped my diarrhea n cramps!! Scary experience!! Anyway, star cruise was nice lah, they even arranged for porridge to be deliver to our cabin FOC n they also waived me n hb Vietnam excursion fees!

Stardust25: yes me n AC were on e same cruise!! I muz say it's super suay for me to have met w e incident!! Sigh...

TIE: u r one brave lady!!! I normally will juz stroke my tummy many times hoping e pple on e reserved seats see my tummy!!! Haha...

Stardust n shasha,

Re swimming,

I asked gynae tt during my #1. He recomm swim free style n not frog style bcoz frog style leg movements gotta open up n might increase risk of getting infection if dirty water gets in. He also said must make sure takes care of our skin esp with the sun n chlorine bcoz during preg times, our skin more sensitive.


Tmc also got water birth but I think one such delivery ward only?

Re baby plus,

Mdm Wong boi boi got warn abt using such gadgets that we put earphones to tummy one. I rem she said got bb born deaf due to mummy using tt. Not sure just one case or few incidents. She said imagine u r soaked inside a watertank n someone puts a speaker to the tank. The sounds will be of tt effect. so I din dare to buy tt time for my #1 though was initially tempted. I rather play safe than be sorry. So mummies u all might wanna google more on this first.

Abt babyplus:

Dear all,

When I had first read this thread, I was also very interested in the babyplus product. However, after I had read the latest review on amazon for this product(dated 2008, the first on the list), it seems like a child is born deaf on the ear that's more exposed to the outside world and the parent suspects it's from use of this programme. Although it's the only review that says this, I've personally decided it's too big a risk for me and my child.


Just thought it'll be good to share this.

Good morning mommies!!

Jing Hui, thanks for enlightenment on "subsidized patient". Wow, 6-8 bedded.. won't it be a bit overwhelming? I had wanted a 2 bedded when I deliver my #1 cos friends told me during the day, I wont be too lonely, and if so happen that I am alone in a 2 bedded room, it'll still be fine. I had a gf who took the nurse's advice and took a 2 bedded room, but she was upgraded to a single room cos the 2-bedded ward was very full when she delivered.. I ended in a single bedded cos hb is not comfortable to have other patients. I was quit glad because that time, it was the H1N1 period. I got many visit-requests and even have people with flu symthoms visiting me!!! I can only control my visitors but I can't do this to my room-mate.

Jasline, my experience is the BH did not happen early, and when there is a pull, it seems like it is from the outer skin, and not the cramp like pull from within.

MamaAsh, food poisioning on board? Hope you are well and well hydrated. Take care!

Chan, RE BBPlus, if this is your first baby and you intend to have more, there is no harm buying. It did good for my son. He is more alert than most babies who were born the same time, and it was very easy to put him on a routine. I think the price is steep, you can try buying from experienced mom who wants to sell their used set. Consider writing to moms in other thread of SMHF who already delivered. I lend mine to my SIL and my gf between my #1 and this pregnancy. My gf was very sweet, she gave me a red packet. The lesson schedule can be downloaded from their website, so the device can be sold if you no longer want anymore baby in future. I intend to sell mine after this pregnancy.

Gretel, no sweat on hiring you rnew helper. If you have the time, think through what is your priority need(s), your expectations on her is and what you want her to achieve (in terms of housework) in a month. Write them down, and work out a rough schedule, e.g. baby's laundry is to be done daily, linens is once every 2 days, their clothes are to be soak and rinse out the milk residue before putting into the washer, no dryer dry only sun dry or air dry. The new helper needs alot of directions even if they can be "experienced" in their home country, some may be experienced mothers or housewives but their practice may not be the same as yours.

Also think about your house-rules, e.g. are u giving her the phone to use, if not, what is the condition of use, e.g. she can use for 1 hour every night between 9 and 10.

Curfews: if she is given off, what time do you expect her to reached home.

Personal hygiene: I am very concern with this because many of my friend's (esp Indon) helpers have BO. and I understand from my friends that they made it a house rule to have them shower in the am, use deodrant, gargle with mouth wash, shower in the pm, brush teeth and gargle... These measures helped.

In my household, everyone has to wash their hands, if possible, wash all the way to the elbow when we return from outside. I prefer everyone to wash their feet as well, but even though I set as a rule, it seems even I myself do not always remember.

If you have yet to choose your helper, I suggest you do not take one that is too young. My helper's 23 years old SIL recently arrived here and started working for a nice Chinese family. Her employer just gave birth to #2 and treated her very well. But this poor girl kept crying because she misses her family especially her 3 children!!! Her employer could have sent her back to the agency, but instead, she called her relatives here. My helper has 2 other sisters working here, and they all consoled her, encouraged her.

Being an employer, we can help them blend into our family although we can never take away all their home-sickness.

All the best!

Thanks gbh for sharing TMC's waterbirth.

Ms CarpeDiem, I read that article and was concern when I was expecting #1 too. But in actual fact, I am more doubtful that the bb plus works than causing deaf in the baby.

Scientifically, sound doesnt travel through water. our baby is in our water bag where there is no way sound could travel to their ears!

That why my initial thought was "doubt". I doubt the baby plus would work. But after using, I found that my boy indeed squirmed and kicked around lesson time. My gf also said her bb kicked her to remind her of his lesson!

Anyhow, this is my experience with bb plus.

At around 5 months gestation, I will play music on my ipod and place one of the earphones in my belly button, and he will squirm!!! My hb scolded me, he thought I was torturing our son in my tummy...

KK: My understanding is that in ancient times, when armies want to find out whether there are approaching armies, they'll put their ears to the ground and listen carefully because the sound of horses' hooves travel better through the ground (solid) than through air. My understanding is that soundwaves travel better through 1. Solids 2. Liquids 3. Gases in that order so I assume it will probably transmit better through the amniotic fluid? I'm not 100% sure though, will be good if someone confirms or refutes this information.

I'm currently feeling a little concerned, my MS had gone down drastically. I no longer feel like peeing or hungry all the time. I only have an aversion to food feeling on my tongue even when my tummy feel hungry, constipation (which can be due to iron in my multi-vits) and my still bigger than usual tummy (i wonder if it's because of bloatedness in my tummy.)

I'm in 12w+, haven't reach 13w. I wonder if I'm still pregnant?

Luckily or unluckily, I'm going for OSCAR tomorrow. Now I have one more thing to be concerned about...

TIE - good going! i seriously think ppl on trains needs more education on giving up seats... be it for preg ladies, the youngs or the olds. Its really amazing that they really DO NOT practice such! There were many occasions where my poor 3-4 yr old son needs to try to balance himself on the trains whist ppl just continue sitting and looking at him! I think its ridiculous. But my son is rather smart thick skin. He will always ask 'how come theres no seat for me'. Than some will normall feel paisei and allow him seat.

Hi All, I managed to email the seller and he agreed with the similar pricing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *happy* i will be sending out details for those who have contacted me abt the bulk purchase.

I ordered all 8 sets so I still got about 1-2 more spares if anyone is interested. lemme know.

Hi all, I have a used (but in great condition) Graco Lite Rider travel system to give away.

Full set.

Olive green/navy blue checks design.

Suitable for someone about to have a baby and has a car.

It consists of a stroller with a matching infant car seat and a stay-in-car base. Infant car seat snaps onto the stroller so you don't have to wake your sleeping baby after a car ride.

7 years old. My kids don't need it anymore.

I'll clean and wash all parts before passing it on.

Got it in the USA as a baby shower present (but I think it's made in China anyway).

Please PM me if you want it or know someone who will make good use of it. It has sentimental value, but I have no space in my home to keep it.

TIE - WELL DONE!!! it is our priviledge OK! we should all do the same too!

KK - u mean the nuts are unique to EVERY car even if same model also will differ?? Thank you sooo much for sharing on the maid! i'm reading online and the more horror maid stories i read the more paranoid i am! arghhh.

today marks my 16th week! YEAH!!! tat makes me 4 mths rite??!! so happy. i downloaded a few apps in iphone it'll help me track my progress - BabyBump, Babycentre, Pregnancy Day by Day (this one has random name suggestions v fun) What to expect.com... haha go try. All r free.

i wanna share tis - my stupid boss wrote an email to the entire team to announce my pregnancy?!!?!? without seeking my permission first?!?!!? isn't it v irritating! I'm not showing yet n yes, i know it's good news but i'm not close to some in the team why she so big mouth leh??? mayb i jus dun like her haha ;p grumpy ;p

allo all!

not in a very good mood these few days so never really post...

kk, so u are lady boss! love ur flexibility @ work!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy, hope for the best for u for the next scan!

happygal, hope for the best for ur amnio test...

jasline, all the best for ur oscar test... i also gg to gynae checkup this fri also!

mamaash, alamak...hope u ok from the food poisoning...must be a scary experience...

ling, i always talk to my bb in silent one...i think i am very bad...always have time to "talk" only during shower time & bedtime...hahha

bunny, i am still recovering frm my flu...yes we are very vunerable to flu now...

TIE, good job!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] some pple juz need to SAY OUT LOUD then they understand one...

gretel, i also downloaded babybump & what to expect...any other apps thas good? i also downloaded the contraction timer...whahahha think ur boss too happy for u la, so wanna share with the team!

stardust, i think swimming shd be ok la, i swam for my #2 pregnancy quite often... but this pregnancy haven gotten my butt to do it yet...

jay, i guessed abit too early for BH ba...maybe u wanna check with ur gynae

Hi all,

Concerning the Graco Travel System, I've had many offers. Thanks for the interest. I should say that it's taken. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I'm so glad that someone who needs it will get it.

Have a nice day all of you!!

gretel, aiyaa some office thingy la cuz first started from the boss who buay song since i told the "news" to her... after this incident, i finally see clearly on what kinda person she is lor...she can make sure tha i will sayonara to her next yr now... so when are u seeing dr ang?

HER somemore!?!? sigh... tot women should understand women.. yes, make use of the 4 mths maternity to hunt job! next visit is after my detailed scan 11 Jul - can't wait! the one month once visit seems sooooo long hor ;p

ling, sometimes i will fall asleep before "talking" lor...whahahha

gretel, ur detailed scan earlier than mine leh...mine's on 20 july...when's ur edd ah? yah, its a HER who also have a kid, yes gg to job hunt during my 3 mths ML as well... i dun think i can take 4 mths la...thks to her also... at most i lugi 1 mth la... ya man, the visits v stretched now... wait until neck long long... ur spotting ok liao bo?

my edd keeps changing! 1st visit 7 dec, 2nd visit 4 dec, 3rd visit 6 dec - though jus a few days apart but matters to me leh! kan jeong mah! ;)

my sporting touchwood ok these few days so fingers crossed..

Joanne - which week u in? maybe not yet? gynae will surely plan for u one dun worry lar...

Ling - lol ya lor poor bb;p but during office hours i listen to classical music to 'make up' for bb keekeekee

my 1st one dun wan to come out! too comfortable in my womb liao ;p gynae has to insert finger in to trigger it (HATE the feeling!!! now think of it my hair stands!!!!) on his edd then he come out. on his edd exact. else no sign (no contraction no dilation) before tat! hahaaa....

then i recall i keep 'psycho-ing' my boy 'darling dun be overdue ok? late is not a virtue in this world u know. be on time darling' wahaahahahah siao mum ;p

my fil lagi funnie - he went to 算 tell me tis hour time frame out 'better' - i was like huh?!?!!? NATURAL leh! how to control! of cos never meet his 'preferred window period' lar ;p

HAHA! If only they come out at the same time! You know your baby gender already? I'm waiting to see if I can see it tonight.

Anyway, I can just go ahead and book the detailed scan already right? Just make a trip down to TMC will do or can do booking through phone?

gretel, icic...mb ur 2nd one also same as no 1 so edd more zun for u :p ur fil damn cute lor...natural how to control one...

joanne, mb u wanna check with ur gynae's office first on the detailed scan booking date?

wah...mamaAsh, sounds serious...my wife n I almost felt nothing was different! lol...

i have a feel it could be the food at the hotel that's served earlier. my bus was the last to reach so we did not have much time to eat and most food were gone already.

but then some people say got crew also affected..so might not be the tour...could be the food from the buffet...but then again we ate at the buffet that night...

maybe the rain made things worse...i was at the casino and saw a coupier puked due to the storm...

we'll be going for our DS scan this friday...will get our blood test results too...so excited after 1 month not knowing what's going on with BB...

Detailed scan supposed to be done at wk20 right.

Wow, I cant wait to another 5.5 weeks for that.

Btw, I have got my aggregated oscar test result. 1:577. Really so happy to hear it cause I was worried that my blood test result would be bad.

i forgot who mentioned when we should be doing the 3D scan. I just called up NUH. They were saying the 3D scan is done on 26-28 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JFYI, NUH charge Detail Scan + 3D Scan cost $321 as a package.

Hi all Dec MTBs!

Hope it's not too late to join u gals for all these interesting discussions. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Been a reader of the threads here.

My EDD is 6Dec, seeing Dr Ang HY at Gleneagles but yet to decide on the hosp for delivery. This is my first preg, thus much to learn fr everyone here!

Dear mamaAsh,

If I dun remember wrongly, it seems like the 'usual' practices is to trouble mamaAsh to update the table...? May I pls trouble u? Hope u r well recovered from ur cruise incident.


erm... i m also having the same dilemma!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i usually cut my own fringe.. BUT

i havent cut my fringe for 3mths, and its hindering my eye-sight...

for me, my mom suggest that i go to the salon after my 1st tri...

cant wait...

actually everytime after i went salon i will have to cut my on fringe after that on that very day. bcos i dont dare to ask them to cut too short.. actually i cut my own fringe once few weeks ago.... feel very bad... though my hair stylist (female) she said can... as long as not on the bed.

now it start growing again... i will need to cut again... unless i pin up.... if pin up will look very 'stupid'. kekeke..

Hi dear mummies,

Can I join too? Didn't join earlier cos I didn't have smooth 1st trimester... EDD 13th Dec at TMC. Expecting a girl. 1st pregnancy.

Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@joanne: indeed, there are really a lot alot...

some of my frenz think that these are mere superstitous...

for me, i will juz take note of those which i am aware of lor..

take things easy, and be happy...

gd luck for ur scan tonite! look forward to knowing ur bb gender :p

may i know you all count no of weeks based on your first day of menses or date of conceive?

Difference is 2 weeks. My gynea count based on date of conceive which is 38 weeks. if from first day of menses will be 40 days cycle. Just want to know when the ms will stop.

Joanne: Actually I just found abt abt gender today. I wouldn't have found out abt gender so soon if I had not requested for a last min appt today as I had waves of pain at tummy area last night. My initial appt is 2 week later.


i thought usually people say will only know the gender around 4 mths or 5 mths? how come so mani ppl here know the gender at 3rd mth? make me so anxious....

i going oscar scan tml... hopefully i can noe the gender as well !!

