(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi missus bl

Great to hear that Yr spotting has stopped, I agree w Yr sister to let Yr office know, in fact when I was spotting previously at week 5, my hubby let his boss know so that he can bring me to the doc. U mentioned Yr workload is heavy n stressful, all the more I think u shd let Yr office know... Izzit because u hv a not so understanding boss? Pls rest as much as u can, work is never finished, bb is no. 1 now ;) jia you!


U can call Kkh n ask if anyone had cancel Appt n can slot u in, also hold on to 26 appt at same time. And if u are better, just call n cancel the Appt. If u have dr han's no, just call him directly n check if he can advice anything. If over the weekend, U'll need go down o n g at Kkh since dr han not working. I went Kkh o n g before, it was ok for me though I know mummydee had a unpleasant exp. Brown spotting usu meant old blood, no fresh blood n cramp is a gd sign.. ...


if very urgent case or u just need some gynae advise, u can go O&G KKH 24-hr clinic. Nice nurses there, sucky counter staff, slow dispensing staff, great gynaes (all female).

Fees wise i went there 3 times, approx 90-300 per time. (scan, take blood etc.) And their blood results in 2-3 hrs so fast! gasps!!


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thanks joanne and littlefren for your encouragement. :_)

i think u all are right.. need to let bosses know, if not they might feel strange, why we keep taking leave and keep gng to toilet. moreover, the neasous feeling is making me moody! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

juz now half way during the mtg, i am feeling veri giddy and can puke at any time. so rushed to the (handicap) toilet... sakali wanna gag out but nothing again. i would rather i vomit out than having it "stuck" on my chest/throat.

anyway halfway typing this post, i hinted to my colleague.. she said it's normal to wanna gag out but nothing. however, she said it's not a norm to feel cramp. so she advised me to go see a gynae str8 away. i'm thinking of gng to KKH O&G tonight. can just walk in right?

Almondzz..dont worry u will be fine..do keep us update of yr progress[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joanne..i contacted my gynae yesterday nite and was advise to visit him this morning..god bless..before the scan..he explain to me that it is quite normal to have spotting actually..Esp for mummy who conceive thru IVF.pls do not worry..during our ooctyee Retrieval as well as embryo Transfer,some of our lining will shed coz of abrasion thus it is normal that when the uterus is developing and baby is implanting,the previous shedding is shed out which we call it spotting..but it is always better to keep yr gynae posted and do a check..

I got a progestrone jab and he convert my my crinone via vaginal route to oral utrogesan as he mentioned that since there is some spotting,he will not want me to go for insert..

He did a scan and i was so gan cheong coz i couldnt see anything..then suddenly he exclaimed..oh ya..it is there..u saw it?i was really relieved..he mentioned that since i am only on my week5 day 6,i might not be able to see the heartbeat but nevertheless,he still check and he could see the flickling of it and he say..i am sure that is the heartbeat..As I was previously on OHSS,my stomach is still bloatd with water,he exlaimed..ur baby is floating in the water..haha..I felt so much relieved after hearing from him and felt safe though i am still having spotting...he told me not to exert/use too much force and rest more..Thus all mummies to be,remember not to walk too much and carry too heavy things..

Hi missus

Thot everyone r saying is normal to feel cramp as our uterus is expanding? My cramp more obvious during my first 6wk.. Now just occassionally cramp..hope bb are allright in me too.. Praying hard... Is more worried if ur womb is painful.. Dun scare urself too much now.. Must relax...so u intend to tell ur boss today?

Missus BL...how are you feeling today??it is quite normal to have cramps but make sure it is not severe pain..as the fetus starts to develop and grow..it is normal to have some cramping..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]I think you are alright since you have quite abit of pregnancy symtoms..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]though not feeling good..but yr baby is developing well..it could be the high HCG level that you have that resulted in the pregnancy symtom too..dont dwell too much..visit yr gynae if necessary too..u take care ya..

Kimiko..just call and check with yr gynae if you have concerns..dont worry..when i got my spotting yesterday,i call my gynae on his hp..haha..he never pick up though i call him thrice and i thought he is sleeping..in the end,he pcik up the call and tell me he is doing a caesaran..haha..i was paisay..but he still talk to me and ensure me that everything will be fine just relax..so dont worry..just call yr gynae to clear yr doubts n worries..


anyway halfway typing this post, i hinted to my colleague.. she said it's normal to wanna gag out but nothing. -->normal dey.

however, she said it's not a norm to feel cramp. so she advised me to go see a gynae str8 away.-->cramp is normal. a scale of persistent cramp more than a level of 5 & above (1-10) is not lah thats what the nurses told me. u on duphaston right? since u no spotting i think shld be okay dey.

i'm thinking of gng to KKH O&G tonight. can just walk in right?-->yup. if u want an xin, just go see bah. get many many MC and rest okay!

bfly>> the one i hinted to is my director's secretary, i supposed she will help me to tell my boss if i need her to. a bit hard for me to tell cos it's a HIM. =_=

joanne>> the cramp comes in when i walk too much (?).. that's y i try to rest at my desk and do my things when i can. the distance from my hse to bus stop, mrt to ofc is quite far. maybe that's the reason y..

wendy>> all is well, except for the cramp and neasous feeling.. just wanna get some assurance from the gynae. hopefully i'm just being paraniod.

bunny>> thanks for your reply! =)

yup, no spotting.. i dunno how much pain is consider level 5 and how much is level 1. hahah..

i duno also. nurse show me a pain tolerance chart 1-10 with different faces. ask me grade my cramp. i said 4 and after that i realise my pain is insignificant looking at the other mummies in the O&G clinic. some came in with wheelchair, some cant even walk even bending.


and also maybe u are walking too fast? i walk quite fast last time. now i am walking real slow. 1 step, rest, 1 step.

bunny>> oic... i think is i walk too fast cos i have been a fast pace walker. now i'm walking slowly and not veri used to it. =_= i try to rest as much as i can now.

@missus_BL: i know some have massage for pregnant ladies but i dont wish to do that unless really no choice. Scared they press the wrong part and trigger something... I cant sit still etc.. keep moving to find the best position but still difficult. Sigh... i saw some said sleep on side with bolster. I shall try from tonight onwards. I usually sleep on my back.

aiyo. my sleep is affecting me. wake up twice to pee almost every night. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My back is bottom back very suan.

bfly>> i think better not to, unless u are really comfortable and confident with their skills.

ok, i will try with bolster tonight.

bunny>> i will wake up once to pee.. and i think i suan from head to toe now. zzz..

me too... i will wake up once.. previously when i sleep real early at ard 9+pm, i will wake up twice. Nowadays i slept at 10+pm so i just wake up once. i will try to make sure i pee and bladder is emptied before i go to sleep. I hate waking up in the middle of the night too. Woke up to pee this morning and have diffulty sleepy bcos feeling hungry.. but in the end still managed to sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bfly, try to have a pillow/ bolster in between your legs and sleep sideways. it help some time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TO those experienced spotting, take care and rest more. Don't think too negative. Rest is very important. Pray everything will be fine for you all.

Bfly-do keep some crackers or bread at home.. So that u can eat in between meals.. I also feel hungry every two hrs.. Have been taking small meals.. Help me to feel less nausea..

Almondz-rest well and relax. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] To all mummies to be: Our little ones will grow strong and healthy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@lyn: i have been eating and eating... hahaha but that is when im awake... maybe last night i didnt eat heavy dinner... thats why will be hungry.. actually i did eat some biscuits before i sleep guess it is not enough. hehe..

Bfly-try to take small meals.. I also keep feeling hungry.. Had my breakfast at 11am, lunch at 1:30pm.. I'm hungry now again.. Lol

arghhhh!! do u gals feel tired everyday? i feel that my entire body is aching like crazy!!!

btw, do u knw if spotting = discharge..

bcoz i juz realize that i have been having brownish/pinkish mucus discharge... but not sure if this is knwn as spotting??

@jasline: my back is aching everyday...

Anyone started looking at maternity clothes? I lacking of clothes to wear already.. :p

Dear Mummies to be..try to avoid massage esp during our 1st trimester..baby still developing and 1st trimester very important..just bear with it and time flies fast..esp most of the mummies here in the forum EDD either in Dec or Early Jan..

BFly...just "Ren"...you are right,sometime dont even know which point they press..high risk lo

I have balloned so much, backache and now feel that my right leg is expanding also... and I'm only in my 6weeks+. Has anyone also facing the same situation as me?

Any mummies bought or buying a pregnancy pillow? I wanted to get one last weekend but didn't when I saw how expensive it was. $158 at mothercare. Any mummies bought a cheaper one?

Hi all mummies,

I've just tested positive 2 weeks ago, still haven know my EDD.. This is baby #3 for me, and have 2 princesses at home. Nice to meet all of you here! =)

Hi Ladies,

GOOD NEWS!!! I went for scan, saw my baby at 6weeks 4days heartbeat 120bpm, size 6.9mm. Doctor said very good and steady increase since my last scan (2 days ago). I also heard the heartbeat....

Thanks for all your kind words and concerns.

Congrat almondzz

Did doc foong explain why got clots drop out? Will it be the 2nd embby that u put in? As u bfp via ivf right? How many embby u put in? Take care n relax k..;)

mummymoo>> congrats and welcome! woohoo, bb#3!

almondzz>> wow! that's a good news! congratulation, babe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bfly>> i'm wearing all my babydoll dresses liao. i feel veri bloated on tummy area, machiam 6mths pregnant and not 6weeks. hahah!

almondzz: congrats on that! =) take care and eat well...

missus BL: yea.. din expect it! imagine the shock when 2 lines showed up on the test kit.. haha..

Joanne: Dr Foong said the clot was formed from little trickles of blood accummulated since I got pregnant which is normal and could be due to some abrasion of the uterus given that this is my first pregnancy. And if one walks too much or have too much activity this blood will be passed out in the form of a clot. I only had one embryo transferred so he confirmed only one pregnancy.

However although all is fine, he said to treat this as a "wake up call" meaning don't play play, must rest at all times for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

@almondzz: so happy for u !!! i went for my check last Friday but i didnt hear the heartbeat!!

looking forward to hearing my bb's heartbeat on my next visit next thursday!!!

@all: yes, in fact, i cant fit most of my jeans or skirts!! indeed i am looking as if i m 7 mths pregnant!! haha!!

almondzz: pls rest well ok? take care and really dun play play... this kinda is no joke one..

Jasline: my next appt is next saturday.. also hopefully can see the bb's heartbeat. =)

I can still fit in my normal pants/shorts but a bit tight liao.. hubby ask me to wear those maternity clothes.. haha...

almondzz, my wife and your EDD is 1 day apart...so when we go for the appt next thurs we should be able to hear heart bear liaoz!

my wife still can fit into her normal clothes...but her friend who is not preg got offered a seat on MRT! LOL...

Jasline: no worries if cant hear heartbeat yet. There are people who can only hear at week 7 or 8...so hang on there.

Mummymoo: thanks for the kind words, yes really no joke lor, one time scared liow. I actually went pedicure on Tuesday but don't dare tell hubby also...

AC: yes, should be able to hear by next week but then again don't be dis-hearten if you can't hear coz it varies in different people (according to what I have researched so far). You should be able to see it thought (the flicker) which we saw it today also. It's really amazing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

almondzz: dun worrie, we will all be praying for u. most imptly u must rest well. =) jia u!! i'm looking forward to my next appt next Saturday. Last appt only saw the sac, then tested strong positive on the doc's test kit. So he kept asking if my dates are correct.. told him dates are kinda off cos was bfding before that.. and he commented 'ohh u are so lucky! conceive again while bfding!' -_-"

mummymoo: wah you super mama hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keep us posted after your appt on Sat. When I went in for a scan at 5wks++ I got to see the sac only and doctor was already happy then.... he said if he sees anything more at 5wks, he will be worried instead. Then at 6wks 1day, I saw baby heartbeat at 112 and measurement 4.6mm then today at 6wks 4 days, heartbeat 120 and measurement 6.9mm ~ amazing right how fast the baby grow in just 2/3 days[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. So I am pretty sure you're fine. I just realised that in pregnancy it is really about "waiting" which is always what makes us so anxious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

almondzz: haha no super mama.. just that i gotten lucky dunring unexpected times. =D i dun even know what week i am now.. haha.. hubby went thru these twice liao, so he was like not so anxious. I think he will be more anxious when coming to scanning for gender. He dreamt that this time is also a girl. But we got no preference. =) u prefer this bunny to be a girl/boy?

At this stage ah, boy/girl also fine as long as he/she is healthy. This is my first baby and I am not a young mummy like all the many ladies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


almondzz: the more u shld take care.. =) so u must jia u and stay positive! so u are admitted in hospital now? or resting at home?

