(2011/12) Dec 2011

@missus_BL: I'm exactly 5w2d like you when I go for first scan and it is also empty sac. Less than 2 weeks I saw my bb and yolk sac. So no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Jas (xddbaby),

Our due dates are very close (one day diff).. how many weeks are you now? Great that you heard baby's heartbeat at 160bpm... since due dates are close, we can perhaps compare notes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take care....

bfly>> thanks for the assurance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really wondering how is it growing and developing inside me now =)

hello hello good morning!

I went to the gynae this morning and had a scan and can see baby swimming around, kicking, waving. its real heartening [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MamaAsh - can help me change EDD to 3rd Dec please. I asked my gynae about the changed EDD date. He says EDD should base in on manual calculations by gynae not by the scan results. The scan results show how big the baby is. eg : scan results could possibly show 7 weeks but in fact, baby may be smaller than 7 weeks cos baby grow abit faster.

stardust - i think you asked me about dr chan kong hon's rates? I have it now. somehow this round, I paid 450 for this visit. The last round was 350. THis round I did the scan, normal blood test and he gave me multi vits plus dha. his package starts from week 16 and it includes consultation, routine vitamins, 3d/4d scans, growth chart (i dunno what this growth chart means). costs 888. normal delivery is 2K, forceps - 3K and c section - 4K. His inpatient rate is 250/visit (this is when he visits you at the hospital after delivery). I think his rates is reasonable la... I remembered 4 years back when I had my boy, its also about this rate! I was with another gynae. So after 4 years, with inflation and everything, I find this rate OK for an experienced gynae.

somehow, this scan, I can even see fingers and toes...and can count the fingers and toes also le.. I think 3d/4d machines are really a marvel!

berlin, i thought its count from 1st day of LMP??

thanks clb!! so it should be correct bah.. its more than half price wor!!! private clinic cost $40 for each table but mine is like less than $5 for each tablet!! lolx!

lyn, my edd is diff from scan and from counting from LMP.. i think coz like some ppl says we ovalute later?? but i think scan edd is measured by size.. if based on LMP, my edd is 6th dec but based on latest scan, its 13th dec..

thanks mamaash for the updates... wow!! we have so many dec babies!!!

ya, what is the doc gonna do with the other 1 of the other 1 didnt make it??

jaslin, huh?? 7+ weeks but ur doc annot hear hb?? he nv on volume?? whatever it is, u have a gd rest k?? and dun move ard too much..

dacylet, by then when i do the oscar test, i should be in 12th weeks le.. oscar is usually done between 11-13 weeks..

clarrisa, u can see baby swiming ard, kicking, waving already?? the feling must be very touchign right??? i thnk i will only see my baby again weeks later.. haha!!

ur gynae package only starts week 16?? mine starts after 12 weeks... diff gynae starts diff period??

jac - I hope you are feeling better from your MS! ya i am at 10 weeks 5 days. the feeling is like WOW.. THIS MACHINE IS SO INCREDIBLE! hahahahaa.... the gynae can even see and count the fingers and toes lo. and he the feeling is like so intersting, so incredible.. so amazing!

yes my package starts from week 16. lucky have got this package,,,otherwise, 400+ per visit no joke joke lo

Almond-u bed rest 3 days then no more spotting? Gynae also increase dosage for duphaston.. Only given one jab of progesterone.. Bed rest since Sunday.. Really hope spotting will just go away very soon

hi mommies,

Anyone experience brown spotting after "making out"? or if your gynae mentioned anything about not allowed to "sleep" with your hubby during 1st trimester..

Hi Mummydee

We try not to bd during first trimester though i understand we hv strong urge..;)

Hi gals

Can we fly short trip at wk14 of pregnancy? As school holiday coming, thinking of bring son for a short trip.. Safe or not huh? Oso, understand we not suppose to change bedsheet ourselves now n cannot cut hair for first trimester?? True or not huh? Hair sooo long n really cant take it with such hot weather...thk u gals..

Mummydee: My gynae advised me against it, said to abstain for 3-4mths because too vigorous might cause some bleeding in the womb. Maybe you check with your gynae?

Joanne03: Huh how come cannot cut hair??? Actually my hair is getting super dry and unmanageable, wanna go for hair treatment but worried that the chemicals will harm the baby.

thanks mommies.. will check in with gynae this FRI.. coz during my #1, was ok.. i suppose i have to treat every pregnancy differently.. no generalize

Joanne - not sure about cut hair in 1st trimester is pantang or not.. but change bedsheet yourself is prob to avoid straining yourselves.. however I did that few times and was okay (last time no maid)

Old ppl will prob say can't move the bed frame/change matrass, scare to "hurt" the baby's chi

Joanne-old folks told me cannot change bedsheet or move the bed myself. If want to change bedsheet, I can't be ard in the house.. Also cannot buy Bb cot yet.. Gotta wait until everything is stable.. Then I can buy and Hubby will have to shift the bed, not me

jacq>> my scan din even show the GA.

my gynae jus calculated based on the size.. but it's like 3 weeks later than my LMP so i'm like =_=||

mummydee>> no spotting for me though.. u hv it right after you clean up after the "making out"?

joanne>> i think anytime after 1st trim shld be fine since this is your sec pregnancy bah. i wanna cut my hair too leh. it's getting too long and veri hot!

Hi mummies,

I have a $50 ParentCraft Voucher which can be used for Childbirth Education Course at TMC or other services. Expiring in Jun 2011. Selling for $30. Pls PM me if interested. Thanks.

thanks mommies, i called the clinic.. they say to monitor if worsen have to report to gynae and do scan.. meantime, rest more and no carrying my boy..

Sometimes.. i feel guilty.. i hope i'm not shortchanging him.. i dun wan my boy to feel I'm neglecting him or pass to the maid (he's quite sticky to me )..

hi missus,

after BD, i clean up see nothing, the next day got very faint.. but today (aft 2days) seems a bit obvious..

I also wonder if it's bcoz I carry my boy to school this morning (about 10mins walk) coz it was raining half way to school and he was asleep.. next time i need to use stroller liao..

very leche but bopian i guess..

Just now went to check.. seems dissapearing.. so i have to closely monitor ba..

Missus BL..try not to be jiemei and i think your close frenx will understand..coz sometime have to be abit more pan tang..no choice..

i just rejected my best fren's wedding to be jiemei .... better be safe than sorry as being jiemei, u need to walk alot... n probably carry things...

Hello Jacq (nimeesha),

Yes yes we count based on the LMP that day...

That's what doc told me also.

Yah I'm also going to have hair cut just before

the first trimester over.. Its getting long and stuffy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pre-loved items letting go at low prices

1. Peg Perego Pilko Switch Stroller (Red, 2010) at $550 (retail ~$1000)

2. Baby Bjorn Synergy Air Mesh Material in Blue at $150 (retail $280)

3. Maxi Cosi Cabrio Fix Car Seat in Blue/Brown at $180 (retail $350)

4. Winnie the Pooh Musical Cot Mobile at $40 (retail $80)

Interested mummies, pls PM me. Thanks !

wendy/ kailing>> she asked me ytd.. i din say im preg but told her will she be ok if i'm preg by then cos i'm trying... then she said she is ok. sigh. cant think of a better reason to "reject" her.

Hi Lyn

Huh... Need go out the hse? That day i just help to change my son bedsheet but my hb change the bedsheet while i change his pillow cover n blanket cover.. Hope is ok.. Now thinking of change our bedsheet but not sure can i stay in hse while i asks hb change?

Hi missusbl

Oh.. So u oso suggest cut hair only after first trimester? Know the reason behind? Weather soo hot n my fringe soo long that my forehead got many oil breakout..

Can any gals advise can we fly at wk14 of pregnancy? Safe? Thk u..

Hello Kailing,

For myself, I drink Fisco milk powder in the evening and whole fresh milk in the morning.


Joanne (joanne03), think travel should be ok. I am going travelling less than 14 wks of pregnancy too. But its best to seek doc approval ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@joanne: i was about to go and cut hair tonight. I called mom she said she never heard of cant cut hair but she ask me to wait for 3 mths to play safe. hahaha

Joanne-I also don't know.. After I started bleeding, my daddy called me for nothing and instructed me not to move my bed and stuffs inside my room.. If want to change bedsheet, ask my Hubby to do it and I go downstairs for a walk..

missus, i tell my friend that i can't the moment i got good news. she also understand this, and in fact she actually asked another friend to backup me in case i really cannot.

bfly/jac, ok. so i'm not very early. Very strange when the hospital keep telling me too early to test for any result.

joanne, travel light. but still, get approval from your doc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also want to cut my hair.. If now I'm week 6-7.. I gotta wait for 5-6 weeks more to the end of first trimester.. Lucky gynae gave me mc until 20 May.. I stay inside my room on the aircon 24 hrs all day long :x lol

clasrrisa, thanks! better le.. no vimitting but the rest still persist lah.. and not eating much.. i think i m losing weight leh.. haha!!

mummydee, my gynae did says no making out.. haha!!

mamaash, okok... at least it doesnt cause any harm to u or baby most impt...

joanne03, y cannot cut hair??? travelling during 2nd tri should be ok but must be careful...

missus BL, what is GA?? lolx.. sorry, still learning all these short form..

it depends on ur side or the bride and groom side if they pan tang or not.. some even cannot attend wedding dinner... so it really depends.. but i think better now coz not stable and alot walkings that day leh...

i think maybe u can try hinting ur fren.. she will understand de bah..

lyn, i think all these r old people's tales ah... like u also cannot see the reno, etc etc.. say no gd for baby...

dacylet, we r still consider early preg lah... thats y everything must be careful... which hospital?? if normal scan for hb and stuff should be ok.. just that othet more detailed scans or test will be done later...

my sis-in-law say try not to travel by air if less than 10 weeks due to cosmic radiation. thus we cancelled our trip to italy when it's my wife's 8th week. lose some of the deposit for the hotels... my in-laws agreed to take over the air tickets so have to pay admin charges to change name, date and destination...but lose the money better than take risk la...

by week 14 should be safe to travel by air already, but still check with your own gynae cos everyone's condition is different and this is only a guideline...

after 10 weeks BB's major organs are already formed so still can travel by air but avoid long distance...

i checked with my stylist about treatment and haircut...he say he still get preg ladies doing all those...just that he will not do rebond...normal treatment he say he do before and no issues...

then again, do confirm with your gynae if you are not 100% confident...

Ohhhh issit because of the pantang that cannot be near to sharp objects such as scissors??? That's why cannot cut hair during first trimester?

hmm. i still go for hair treatment but no cut hair... i juz tell the salon that I am preggy so they dont use those use those uv/rays during treatment and only light massage on the shoulder. The lady told me their products are all plant based so content is safe. so far so good... i hope. hahaa.. to me... a little pamper since can't do massage for now.

huh??!? cannot change bedsheet? I tot cannot move bedframe and mattress. bedsheet also cannot ah?

joanne03: better get approval from your doc. if travel, i think get your doc to prep u some medication in case anything. usually, i think they might not advise. haiz. mine is anti-traveling for the whole nine mths... ask him and he cited a lot of stories until i heard also get scared. then again, i think depends on each doc and each individual body. i know of ppl that travel even in their 7th mths and their doc gave clearance.


my colleague say, old ppl will advise can't have sharp object nearby, and specially on the bed.. no sewing or cutting on the bed..

logically - it's more on safety.. later kena cut/hurt yourself.. coz preggy tends to be more clumsy (slippery hands)...

joanne, btw, my SIL went oversea trip for 2 weeks when she is 5 mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jac, TMC. How long will it take for the result to come back? 1 week or 2 weeks? or longer?

@dacylet: i was reading NUH OSCAR test phamplet. you should schedule it between 11 weeks 3 days and 13 weeks 6 days. Initially mine was scheduled 11w1d. I decided to change the date to 11w4d.

Thk u gals for ur advise..;) me think of go some island resort during son school holiday on June.. Just 3days trip ba..;)

Actually our hse oso cannot drill hole etc during our whole nine mth pregnancy.. Many things to take note but i feel is better to play safe than to be sorry..;)

missus BL: i informed my fren that i preg although tri 1 not over.. coz... her wedding is next week and i'm the main co-ordinator for her wedding... have no choice but informed her last week so that she can find another replacement asap....

dacylet, u mean the test results?? eh.. i duno leh.. lolx

joanne, maybe u can try desaru??? i also wanna travel but hubby says better not... so end up we thought of desaru.. also beach resort.. lolx!!

Lyn - yes I bed-rest for 3 days, totally no walking except for toilet and shower. Eat also in bed. spotting stopped after 2 days but on 3rd day I still kiasu, still stay in bed. Am sure you will be fine, continue the rest. On the day of spotting, I did blood test and foudn that my pregesterone levels dropped so gynae said that could be the reason wy I had cramps and spotting. I am on Crinone inserts twice a day plus jab twice a week.

Jac (xddbaby) - I am 6 weeks 2 days when I did my scan, heart rate only 112 leh. Your baby very strong since heart rate is 160 at 6wks 4 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like mamaash, I'm also interested to know if KKH have 3d/4d scans. Anybody knows?

Mamaash, please update my next appt as 25 May, thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

