(2011/12) Dec 2011

Bunny>> Thanks for the encouragement! Am hoping the spotting goes away soon! Glad to have a forum to share and encourage each other! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bfly>> I'm still using my toner and moisturiser, not sun blk when I'm at home (though I know I should be using even at home).. Will it affect our bb?

@missusBL/cocoabunny: yah i don feel good not applying them.. esp sunblock.. i think i will continue using then.

Bunny, conception date in Feb due in Dec? Tot should be earlier like Oct or Nov...

Some makeup base or foundation already contain sun block...then how?

conception (as what i think) is the date when the sperms meet the egg mah which is when we ovulate. which is english March. which is lunar Feb for me. Am i wrong abt conception date?

@cocoa btw when i have spotting i REALLY rest alot. did nothing. took many MC from wk.

woo.. never ben so tired in my whole life before.. not even wedding... nausea still persist and its like almost coming out but cannot vomit... now waiting for MIL to help get the med that gynae prescribe... did gynae gynae abt virb6 too but she says that 1 not really effective de.. so asked me get another typebut need to go hospital pharmacy to get coz cheaper.. private hospital will cozt $40 for each tablet!

clb, u also on drip previously??? u feeling better now??

i see u all mentioned avoid spicy food, moisturizer and stuff.. where u all read it from? didnt know abt all these...

bunny, take care... just lie down and rest.. dont move too much...

btw, ladies, r ur blood pressure very low? what's the norm for preg ladies??

Hi all,

I'm new here in this thread, did my 2nd scan today and I'm 7 weeks 1 day preg. EDD is 25 December. I'm having baby #3.

my symptoms are just bloatedness and fatigue, but my gynae (Dr Beh ST, TMC)said more symptoms will show up...so am keeping my fingers crossed but I think my work keeps my mind occupied so one day passes really quickly...hope the first trimester will pass in no time.

Gender calculators:

I dunno if I converted wrongly but all the calculators predicted girl for my number 1 but I hv a boy haha. I'm hoping for a gal but conception was very close to ovulation period so it might b another boy.

Cold drinks:

First pregnancy I drank very little cold drinks but it's because I didn't like soft drinks. Preferred Horlicks and hot soya bean drink. This time I crave coke daily but can't take that much caffiene. So will stick to enfamama[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think this pregnancy is breaking down my immune system. Ive gotten sick 3 times in the past month. Dunno if it's because I'm still breastfeeding. All my nutrients gg to the babies nothing left for me.

Dear mommies,

I was told by my massage lady (Indo) that cold-drink will cause water retention... not sure how true is that but during my #1 I drink a lot of cold drink, and I did had water retention at month 5 which was TOO early according to my gynae...

So, this time around I try to stick to warm water/keep a balance.. sometimes I might just ignorantly drink cold ones

MummyDee: I had bad water retention towards e end of 2nd tri n I dun really drink cold drinks. My feet were swOllen like elephant and super painful.

Hi Stella,

Strange, but it was a old-folks myth about cold-drink will cause water retention (per my massage lady)

I rem my gynae asked me to cut down salt when she saw by water retention couple years back.. i think that'll help too...

My colleague says, to wear socks when you're sleeping, to help "contain"/keep the feet shape througout the night...

MummyDee: ya my gynea said the same thing abt salt and I think not supposed to drink too much water before bed. Never tried socks coz I always feel so warm, worse w socks!

okie...gynae confirmed to be Tan Kim Teng...same as my sis-in-law...she's supposed to be lucky for quick smooth deliveries! ha ha...

1st appt is next thursday morning at KKH...

Hi mummies, I’m from Dec10 thread. I have balance of Rustic Nirvana detox/massage sessions for the package I’ve signed and wish to let go. Bought at over $100 per session and now selling off at $100 nett per session.

Detox: (for your hb or friends, not for preg)


Pre-Natal Massage:

(Is recommended at 5th month to 8th month of pregnancy)

A de-stressing treatment for mums-to-be who need to handle many stresses including

physical, psychological, spiritual and social changes. Other benefits from this massage

include relief from leg, hip and back pain; reduced swelling; shorter, less painful labour; faster

postpartum recovery; emotional support and a nurturing touch.

Post-Natal massage is also applicable.

If you get at least 5 sessions, a cellulite scrub and herbal bath will be thrown in. If you share with your friend, PM to discuss.

I have 14 sessions left. Please PM me for more details. Thank you!

Jacquline- I was also prescribed zofran, the 40 bucks per pill. Told to take half as n when needed. I bought 5 pills only. But din really like it, it caused me have headache, one of side effects. Taking metoclopramide 10mg instead fr Kk.much cheaper n more mild I think. But maybe u respond well to zofran [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] r u on HL ?

Actually after the drip I only felt better on tat day n the day after next. Actually doc ask me go for one more day drip I din want, coz feel the meds helps with the nausea. How abt u?

Hi Clb, Melodi & J03..I m here too! Clb, how's yr MS, better now? For me still cannot take full meal just take small snacks at a time..dinner time no appetite only eat better during supper.

Hi all Dec MTBs, i m one of the 4 IVF KKH sistas abv here just BFP in April. Hope to share tips & scan results together..have anyone of you starting to have skin sensitivity now? i need to apply moisturizer after shower if not my skin will feel abit itchy..tot this symptom is abit early to show up? i read most get it ending 2nd to 3rd trimester..anyone can share wat cream to use?

clb, yes yes!! that is the one!!! haha!! where u bought it??? my gynae says gov hospital cheaper lehz... and she also prescibe 5 only... i duno what is the effect yet.. but now, meds from KK and poluclinic dun really helps... what is HL??

joanne koh, FA scan is to scan and see if baby got cleft lips, see spine, check heart got hole or not, etc de... that 1 is 1 of my concern also... coz watched a documentary show previously.. baby got cleft lips and only know when given birth.. end up baby needs to go surgery etc.. very ke lian... =(

well, at least u got better after the drip...

actually, i still vomited when in hospital... but i wanna vote lehz... so doc allow me to go home and rest and take the med... i am still not exactly better now but no real vomiting yet.. but the wanna vomit feeling is very strong even when i dun eat... the feeling will just come anytime de... keep enduring.. see how after the med and resting this week bah...

Welcome glimmer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], glad we gave reunited once again. Can I ask when u take snacks or small meals what do u take? I'll still feel nauseous n vomit abit after meals. But ya if take small portion, wld minimize it.

Jacq- how much did u pay for zofran? I bought fr Thomson med pharmacy, no discount , heartpain. HL is hospitalization leave.

But if detect cleft lip, what is to be done?operate on the fetus ?

Jacq- oh dear, urs sound terrible, continous nausea. Zofran will make one sleepy, at least for me. So do take some small meal n go zzz later. Hope u feel better after the med later.

the scan and blood test is not a must. Doc can only detect the cleft lip during the 5th mth detail scan. think cant do anything on the fetus till bb is out. Was thinking of giving it a miss becoz during detail scan doc will also scan for DS.

joanne koh, i am not sure is FA is a must wor...

what is detailed scan?? from my understanding, there r 2 types that can test for DS.. oscar at week 11-13 and triple test at week 15-18. if any of the test tested positive, will need to go for a more confirmed test called amniocentesis.. have check with docs, oscar test is more acurate and detailed.

clb, my gynae did says private hospital more ex.. thats y she ask me go gov hospital buy. now waiting for my MIL to buy back coz she works in CGH. but doc says take half in the morning leh.. when u take urs?? it will makes 1 sleepy??!!! faint... den no need work le ar?? zzz....

Oh.. HL is hospitalization leave.. ya.. 1 week...

the FA scan is done @ 21-23 week... its called foetal abnormality scan... huh?? it test for down syndrome?? never heard before lehz...

Wow, so many newcomers, welcome all of you.

Jac, your MS really bad leh.. I thought I was suffering the most but now I'm feeling so much better *touch wood*. I really got no advice for you but only support you mentally hoping your MS pass by really soon.

As for skin care, I totally don't use and don't even put on make up anymore. I'm not sure what can be used and what cannot rather just don't use any. Just rely on water to keep hydrated. I had never drank so much water in a day in my life, have been drinking lots of water esp during hot days to keep hydrated. If I drink any less, I noticed my lips will become dry.

Hi mummies:

I see that the topic is scans. The 12 wk Oscar includes blood test n nuchal translucency test for ds. It calculates risk of ds. If high risk then usually blood test on daddy also added or amniocentesis which carries a risk of miscarriage. 20 wk fa scan more for foetal deformities or abnormalities as the chambers of the heart and blood flow will be checked as well as fingers, toes, lips etc... Basically ds testing early is more for parents who might want to choose to terminate pregnancy if foetus has ds. ( touchwood) for those of us who are dead set against termination of pregnancy regardless the outcome actually can jus skip the ds test.

Goh, clb, Very happy to see you gals :D

clb, when you go vomiting, mostly is water right. But then after that will feel better. Besies 100 plus, my friends ask me to buy peppermint tea too. It helps too. And one of the mummy here suggested nuts and dragon fruits too. We can try that :p Now I started to scare of eating meal le. Those I can eat don't seem nice to me and nausea easily. Hee this morning I eaten some mapo otah, very nice but cannot wat too often and too much. I also crave for laksa don't can eat or not.

Hi mummies here, I am 6 weeks now, did anyone of you eat laksa, mee siam and crab bee Hoon(don't eat crab) I am craving for those now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Can I eat? Will all those foods causes miscarriage?

Hi mummies, I'm from Oct 2011 MTB thread.

Reading through & some of you have concerns over whether still can use skincare products or not.

Just to share, products with RETINOL (or it's derivatives - they come in many other names) is not suitable for pregnancy.

If you are worried and wanna be KS, try ORGANIC & NATURAL PRODUCTS.

I bought mine online (same brands available in SG store but more exp).

Good brands to try: ErbaOrganics (Stretchmark cream/oil), Aubrey Organics

I buy from this website: www.iherb.com (Use discount code YAF688 to get US$5 off your first purchase)

US dollar now low, good to buy online :D

Plus they hv direct shipping to SG, not troublesome at all. If buying small quantity, use their US$4 shipping :D Else, share with friends & use their DHL shipping.

I've been their happy customer since 2007 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hv been buying vitamins for myself (normal ones when TTC & now, prenatal vits), my hubs & my 4yo son. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] They also sell organic snacks & organic lollipops (made from natural fruit juice slight natural sour fruit taste to keep away MS) :D

Anyway, do feel free to PM me if you have questions :D

Melodi - I ate some mee siam and laksa...like a few mouthful...but really cannot stomach it and it tastes wierd...so in the end my hubby gets to finish it and I simply eat the usual noodles and rice...

I think eating in moderation is OK bah...

retinol, vitamin A cream, salicylic not for preggie. (but these are normally in pimple creams)

@melodi i had bad MS during wk5-7. It was around level 9 and now better maybe i say a level 4.

i eat anything i want to eat then and now. cos if i dun get what i want to eat, i puke or rather not eat. But i realised carbo helps for me. eg: noodle, rice, bread etc. And yes i still ate laksa (not much cos after taste is bad), mee siam (fav! many lime pls!) and crab.

my gynae said the 12 wk is DS+ prenatal test together. so i thought i do it all together. 1 time take blood test all she claims. But i realised that even DS test results are not absolute. they test a probability .

Have discussed with my hb, even if my bb falls in the high risk, it wont stop us from anything. I will still pray for my bb best and probably mentally prepare what to expect etc.

Went to see gynae today and could see heartbeat.. Adrian took long time to see the heartbeat but thankfully it is there!

The weather is so hot.. i limit myself 2 glass cold water without ice.. non gassy..

eh although this is my 3rd pregnancy but i still didnt know that skin care products cant? cause i have eczema at eye lid so i will apply the eczema cream, not alot so i guess it wont pose any problem?

bunny>> oh no, all my creams contain retinol, vit A and salicylic!

i better call the clinic to ask if they are ok to be used externally..

Hi all, I'm also on duphaston too. Seen gynae today, she increased the dosage and gave me 2 weeks mc.. Yesterday got bleeding, went in A&E and given a jab.. Hope that bleeding will stop..


dun use 1st bah... thats what my derma and gynae told me when they prescribe me the cream/ advised. my face full of pimples now i also let it rot... i so lazy now..

Though they say no impact (retin A) but most docs say dun eat..

**i used to use retin A but switched to differin and clinagel and oxy. but now stopped le.

differin cannot apply during preg;


Retin A info & unbiased report on Retin A.



Hope it helps.

Hi Lyn, pls take ample ample rest. just keep resting and pray and dun stress! U be fine!! Take care ya!

thanks clarrisa and bunny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am a chilli lover for many years thus very hard not to crave for those food with chilli. Are you mummies in the 1st trimester too or do I need to wait until 1st trimester is over then everything I can eat. So having some cold drink occasionally also ok right. Sorry this is my first pregnancy so many things no experience :p I do notice I tend to prefer bread, noodles then meat or fish. Just feel like eating those carbo stuff.

Bunny>> oic.. Thks! Think I hv to stop using too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but to play safe, I will check with my skin doc.

Wah, this thread is bustling...er....with life!!!

For cosmetics and skincare, I havent been using anything unless it's organic. I dont dare to touch my whitening stuff cos may have retinol A. But my skin looks super patchy now.

I visited another gynae today at GlenE. 1/4 of what I paid the last time. Much affordable and never see one so transparent with charges A very nice lady too. Guess I'll be switching to her.

At week 10, my bb can move alrdy, can *wave wave*...so happy when I saw it. And I thought I had no maternal instincts, haha. Funny though, the placenta already formed but my MS still there...in fact it got worse this week. Thought shld subside. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

As for pte vs govt hosp, also thought govt cheaper. My fren who's due in 2 mths said she paid only $300 so far (after 40% subsidy as her hubby is a civil servant).

MeloDi - for spicy food, depends on individual, I dont have MS after spicy food, In fact I tink my bb likes laksa. My fren MUST have spicy food when she was preggy when normally she couldnt take spicy things, haha


Hi mommies,

During my 1st preg, I had laksa (claypot at Alexandra Village Hawker Center), every week.. i think that's my fav spicy food then.. so far so good.. But I noticed I get "bloated" or "heartburn" a lot after taking spicy food.. so unless you dun like that feeling.. it's okay to eat in moderation I suppose...

Some old ppl say, when we craving.. we should at least "eat" a little, to satisfy the crave.. otherwise baby come-out will drools a lot (coz craving was not fulfilled).. althou scientifically, baby will drools when teething time.. anyway, people say then listen lor.. no harm, feels good anyway.. haa haa

I suppose overall, is the need to feel good during pregnancy, the rest will be alright..

