(2011/12) Dec 2011

gretel - i feel the same on smells. i feel that smells are like magnified 10times than what they usually smell like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you should tell him you are prgenant and can risk fainting anytime if you stand mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cos I am also the kind who will ask ppl to stand up if i see them young and able, sitting down withut giving up seats to kids/preg/old ppl ard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


@missus_BL: gynae told me my new EDD but it is the same as per scan copy. So i think he just based on the machine EDD and let me know the date. No manual calculation on his side. I hope the EDD don keep changing.... my last check and this current check is less than 2 weeks but my calculated weeks actually jump to almost 3 weeks.. now im actually on my 8th week.. quite confusing..


depends. for my previous time, i bought a lot of things frm hypermart/hyperstore (cant remember which one), but i feel that their things are quite expensive if compare to taka/robinson where they are on sales..

bfly: the EDD on the machine will keep changing... sometimes 1-2 days difference only.... as all these are estimated only... even if doc count also estimated de... when its nearer, it would be more accurate...

it depends on ur baby growth rate too

bfly>> i veri confused oso.. based on my LMP, i shld be 9 weeks now but based on my scan, i'm 6 weeks. =_=?? gynae said my date not correct, which is not true cos i chart my AF date one. ermm..

so u managed to see your yolk and fetus pole? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Dawn: i see. Bcos my first EDD is 24-Dec and this time round which is my second check and it is showing 15-Dec. I hope next checkup will be sometime close like what you said 1-2 days difference. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas>> lunar age is +2 of your "English" age, right?

if this is true, i shld be having a gal based on my lunar age and mth!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@missusBL: yes i managed to see the yolk sac this time round. i think it realli depends on the angle gynae scan. When it is still early it seems he just scan the gestational sac to confirm pregnant or not thats it. He did not move around to capture yolk sac or embryo. This time round he keep moving around my tummy so i can see the yolk sac and now my bb is no longer embryo.. is fetus already.. hehehe... i can see the heartbeat..

Hallow all, long time no post. So fast this thread is moving! im about 9wk now. in my work desk with tears in my eyes and always wanting to puke.

Okay i am a die hard cold drinks only. ALL the way from wk6 when my very terrible MS kicks in. No cold drinks= rather not drink.

i did google and nothing bad comes out of it.. and well though my inlaws keep telling me not to, i cannot take anything not cold.

Not cold = vomit.

plain water= want to puke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

biggest fan of soft drinks. but i drink more ribena and 100+.

now drinking my ice cold green tea while typing this post. Very bad nausea for me lately. i hope all will go away... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bfly> yours is transabdominal scan?

mine was transvirginal scan and the sac was veri small so cant see anything, making me worried. but the gynae scanned ard my ovary and said all is well and stable, juz too early to see anything so i think i shouldnt be so paranoid. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gng to see him on this fri evening. i hope i can hear the hb too!

@missusBL: i think ignore your own calculation on the EDD. Mine does nto tally as well as my menses date is always moving. So I think just follow the date your gynae give you and should be fine.

@missusBL: yah mine is transabdominal scan.... yah i think we should try to listen to gynae more instead of scaring ourselves with all our wild wild imagination. hahaha..

Bunny: i heard 100+ is a big nono for preggy woman.... as its a sport drink... actual reason i can't remember...

do not drink so sweet, u may get gestational diabeties later on.. and its very suffering to get that... i got it during my 1st pregnancy, very depressing... have to poke finger one day every week... around 7 times a day... until blueblack,,.,..

we so worried about caffine even green tea my wife also don't touch already... i got her fruit tea bags without caffine...

@yallo theres a motherhood fair 2 Jun 2011 - 5 Jun 2011 @ Expo. Maybe the deals there be more for us?

But hor, nowadays i dun even wash my face or comb my hair, let alone go shopping. i will drag myself to the fair though.. (prays that by then my MS be gone)

ah...so early buy all these then keep in store room ah?

donno got hand-me-downs or not from those who close shop already...lol...

Hi Dawn, OK... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i will try to drink cold water only...

I cannot dey. i really need cold drinks esle i puke.

just threw my green tea. got abit scared now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cold water or less less sugar de drinks....

when i had gestational diabetes the nurse told me can drink coke lite, no sugar version....

tea and coffee avoid due to caffeine.. and nurse told me limit to 1 per day if i can't tahan....

i wont buy at the fair cos too early. maybe i only buy a few bib, booties, rompers. thats all.

i will go there and check out what they have cos i have no idea of baby stuff. u know how innovative things can get now.

but i will get the cloth bra or whatever that is called. even with my extension my bra is killing me softly. i duno why, maybe its padded or wad i just feel so uncomfy.

missus BL,

Think is based on your conceive date hor your birthday over already ant? than + 1. den u must c the conceive mth in lunar

@jas i thought lunar age is based on CNY? CNY over means we are english age +1?

Hello all mummies!

Seaangel - WAH 4th one! I'm having my 1st appt this thurs. Not much MS recently. Kinda worried. But do have cravings for tomato related things. my 1st was C-section due to complications. Hope this time round can have natural. Feel that I am missing out on something if I go thru C-section again.

Hi all,

The thread moves real fast!

I was on 1 week MC after my appointment last week and am on Duphaston 3 times a day and other supplements. Had an internal scan and baby is around 4 weeks plus.

Saw that some of mtbs here have morning sickness issues. I downloaded an iphone application for pregnancy and it has some tips, so I was thinking of sharing it here though I'm not sure how well it will work. Anyway, the tips as follow:

1) Eat a protein-and-complex-carbohydrate combo - Whole-wheat crackers, cheese, granola and yoghurt.

2) Or skip solids and sip a smoothie or soup, which can soothe. Make sure you have 8 glasses of fluid a day especially if vomiting is leaving you dehydrated.

3) Use ginger in cooking, infuse your tea with it, nibble on some ginger biscuits, nosh on some crystallized ginger, or suck some ginger candy.

4) If your symptoms are particularly rough, ask your gynae about taking some vitamin B6 supplement.

(Extracted from "what to expect.com - pregnancy")

The above tips are just for sharing purpose, hope they will work for you!

Mine's a girl!! cos im 1982. i see from 29-32 conceived on Feb all G.

jas>> my bday not over yet, so must plus 2 i think.

anyway i used iphone apps, both gave me gal! plus i having breakout and see my face is slightly rounder now so should be gal bah. HAHA!

missus BL,

You try use the calculator,i think mine also ger i was hoping it was true. Hehe!!

Now i alway tell my hubby i will say she and her.

we both predict is boy due to conceive date very close to ovaluation.... she don't show much sign that she's preg yet other than bloated and cramps...almost no other signs...

but we just call xiao tu..or BB rabbit...no he or she yet...

jas>> yup, based on the calculator, its all gal.

i hope its true, my hubby knows i want a gal and purposely joke calling the bb a "him" though i kept saying it's a "her"! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cocoa_bunny>> u try downloading "BabyGender" and "Baby Gender", they count based on our birth date and conceive mth too. just for fun, i guess..

I managed to find some of the iphone apps for gender prediction, the iphone apps calculate that mine is a boy while the internet links shared here calculate mine is a gal! Hmmm.. All these are based on the chinese calculation, which is more accurate? Confusing.. I think I will wait for gynae to scan.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cocoa>> i think let's wait for the scan. most imptly, is the bb must be growing healthy inside us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how any wks are you?

Thanks for sharing such an interesting link! I like the tying the ring on a thread and hanging it over the stomach, will go try it out.. Hehe..

missus BL>> Yes! Now at this stage, only want our bb to be growing healthily and strong, really feel strongly about this after the last appt and had to be on Duphaston and mc for 1 week..

At the last appointment, the scanning showed I'm 4 weeks plus, so today, I should be 5 weeks plus, waiting for my next appt coming this wed..

cocoa>> yes, exactly... this 3 mths is gng to be a paranoid period for new mum like us. i supposed this is your first kid too ya? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gynae prescribed me with duphaston too. think quite a few of us are taking this. i'm at my 6 weeks tomorrow and gng for another U/S this fri evening. hope bb is growing and can hear hb.. **pray**

missus BL>> yes, it's my first kid too!

I was so worried last week when I was prescribed with duphaston as there was spotting. Even broke down last friday as I was told to be in bed at all times, but after I read what was duphaston for, I managed to be at peace.

What we can only do now is to rest and be at rest, and eat to provide the sufficient nutrients for our baby. Hope you will hear hb later! Our babies will surely grow healthy and strong! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WTS: One night stay at Marina Bay Sands Grand Room

Hotelclub/Zuji rates at SGD459 - 479

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Enjoy some romantic moments with Hubby before the Big Day comes!

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bunny: Oooohh thanks for informing that there's a motherhood sale at expo! Yup I'll definitely go for that! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh and I'm born in 1982 too! Aiyah but both my husband and me prefer boy for first kid... keeping fingers crossed!

@cocoa no worries. i also had spotting at wk 3-4. also given dup, eating till now. as long as spotting goes away its okay!

ladies are you still using your toner, moisturiser and sunblock as per normal? I heard from friend before that it is safer to keep them away. I have not use them for 2 days and i don feel good abt my skin so thinking of using them back.

Cocoa>> I had bleeding on my 3 wks and I din know I was preg! I still thought it was af late and coming! That's y I was given duphaston too. Dun worry too much though I'm oso worrying on my end..

Bfly>> I still using.. Cannot dun use cos I'm having breakout. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


@yallo ur conception date is Feb also? i anything la, as long as healthy. 1st one anything.

@bfly : i will still use if i can but im the laziest bum now. when i have energy after 1st tri i will use and also stretchmark creams!! ...

i realise i have more freckles now at my hands... duno if its due to the hot sun lately.

