(2011/12) Dec 2011

Tangerine, what is the 50th percentile for girls at 4 months?

SianzX, are u referring to the Jumperoo type of bouncer or the lie down inclined type of bouncer? For Jumperoo, at least 6 months, when neck and back control are firm. Inclined type, now can.


Percentile chart in KKH health booklet for study on S'pore children:

Boys at 4 months 7 kg is between 50 to 75th percentile.

At 6 months 50th percentile is just below 8 kg.

Girls at 4 months 50th percentile is about 6 kg.

At 6 months 50th percentile is about 7 kg.

Chart is difficult to read as the lines below 6 months are rather close together

Thanks Yuet sim! How come my pd said that my girl is at 15th percentile when she is 5.6kg? She is close to the 50th percentile already mah. Maybe she using the ang mo chart!

Ejunko, I'm pretty sure she said 15th leh, if not she wouldn't have recommended the high fats content fm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If WHO chart, girls need to be 6.4kg to be 50th percentile at 4 months i think look at Singapore chart less stressful! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Our bm can last 4 hours in our climate's temp.. I'm also same as Yi chin's Ang mo colleague, give bb milk at room temp when we r out (no warming up) n she's ok with it leh. I read before that some babies r even ok w chilled milk.. But that one I dare not try la.. Hahaa

Will be bringing bb for review tmr.. Update u girls on her weight.. =)

Tangerine and ejunko, mummy in denial mah. Hopefully she'll catch up soon!

Curry, I gave milk with ice before! But that was when my older girls had painful ulcers in their mouth.

I like my milk chilled! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

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Yi chin, is ur bb still in sarong for naps?

Any mummies whose bbs used to be in sarong for naps has break the habit already?

Tangerine: poor thing. Hope baby goes back to normal after awhile. My boy last few days been waking up twice at night for milk instead of his usual one feed. Could be cough or teething or growth spurt also not sure

Hi Fruit Tree!

Whoa Yuet Sim, your bb is very well fed! Has the teething causes any changes to his milk intake? Behaviour leh?

Mine duno what happened, since today morning has been fussing alot, if he is awake must let him sit upright, else he will fuss! I cant even put him on cot to go toilet, sigh my poor bladder...

Im suspecting it could be heartburn because of his acid reflux. He only willing to lie down and drink when he is super tired. So, is it really heartburn? Why liddat? Should i bring bb to PD?

Tangerine, might be one off? If not how? Will change back to normal again?

Yuet sim, woah. Well done for bb's size. Hope he gets well soon.

Fruit tree, hi! Amongst the regulars here, think I m the only one left who's bb refuse bottle. Tho I din push it also. Dun wan then dun wan lor, I no time pump also. Hee.

Ejunko, or he wan see ur world also. Sit up gives a different view. Get the bumbo chair or pump him up with lotsa pillow, then go relief urself. Haha..

Yoyosan, still using sarong in the day. Cos the moment I put her down on bed, she'll wake up. Have to put in sarong and switch on the motor, then she'll continue sleeping. At night, she can sleep on the bed after latching.

Hi fruit tree! I used to give 1 bottle per day, she cried like mad, then I increased to 2 bottles per day and she only took 60ml the most. Now I'm giving 3 bottles per day and changed teat to size M, she can take 100ml without crying. This is after 2 months of bottle training.

Yuet sim, hope ur baby gets well soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ejunko, how to know whether baby got acid reflux?

Yoyosan: LOL he sits up to watch TV leh! Lie down also can watch loh but he still fuss leh. Sian 1/2. I let him sit on rocker than quickly go relief myself - i tell you, i might win the world's record in the fastest peeing competition, if there is one that is. -__-"

Yi Chin: Mine will spit up translucent liquid together with abit of "beancurd". PD said that is acid wor. Sad.

Actually, why do some babies have acid ah? Too hungry izzi?

Tangerine, i used to put my expressed milk in room temp up to 4 hrs, now 2 hrs. If baby don't drink within 2 hrs, I will have to discard the milk and give him fm when we are outside.

Ejunko, my baby prefers upright position when we go for walks or when he watches TV.

I dont know what happened on Sun night. Baby was crying n screaming at the top of his voice continuously for at least an hr till his whole body went red. He frightened me. He was never like this before. We did all the check on him but there was nothing wrong. Only want my hubby to carry him, not sure why. Angry with me huh? Thank God, everything went back to normal yesterday.

Good morning fellow Dec mom!

I was active here during my preg then stopped posting..

Was just posting to buy the Weego bottles so "shunbian" come here.

A brief intro of myself: I'm second time mom, Emma was born dec4. She weighs 6.2 kg and is 62cm. She just started solid after pd gave green light. 2 headaches I have are 1. once evening comes, she rejects everyone except mom and she rejects her cot/bed and only wants my bed.

2. My nipple started having "ulcer" and it's painful when latching her. I'm going to see Wong BB later.

Have a good day.

Hi KK. Emma is a lovely name. Hope u get some relief for ulcers and advice for putting baby to sleep at night.

Ejunko: interesting article. We should kiss our babies all the time then. My baby is drooling more, looking for things to chew on (his fingers most of the time or my t-shirt when I carry him) and fed less for a few days when teeth were appearing. Now feeding back to normal.

Hi Yi Chin, I hope mine will turn out to be like

yours eventually. I'm in my 3rd week struggling with the bottle now.

I'm giving him 2-3 feeds of ebm in the bottle, but I dunno why he will spill the milk out. It's like he doesn't like the milk like tat. I tried different teats, different people to give the milk, when he's sleepy, hungry, playing, different position, etc. He just refused to swallow the milk, he will suck for a while, then will 'pui' the milk out. heart pain lee.. If I give him 60ml, at most 20 will go in. The rest is on his bib [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Am really getting frustrated now, cos I'm going back to work in 3 weeks. What to doo??

Anyone having the same experience?

Yoyosan, I have no choice, cos going back to work soon.

Ejunko, interesting read!! Thank u!

have u tried propped him with pillow or smth while lie down?

KK, I had that blister in my nipple when bb was 2 days old. The LC at the hospital said she can poke it with needle, but I'm too scared. So I left it as it is. Eventually it goes off. Not sure whether urs the same problem as mine or not.

Hehe interesting hor? Does it makes you feel like kissing your baby even more? =D

But my dad hates in when he sees others kiss my son, i think my dad abit OCD lol

Fruit Tree: I tried but he dun like it either, only can sit straight up then pleased him. Sigh.

Yuet sim: I saw your pics, his tooth are coming out so fast hor? So cute to see babies in their tiny tooth lol

Oh mommies!

Anyone wants a mesh bouncinette? I have one for give-away. You know those from Kiddy Palace? Got blue and pink one. Mine is blue, without wheels one.

Let me know. =)

Ejunko, u n I can do peeing speed competition. Haha

Ur dad scared people kisss then possessive of ur boy la. Haha. Mark of territory mah, must keep for u. Lol.

U got lotsa things to give away. Keep for #2 la. I know u say hb dunwan. But with ur text book bb, wasted not to hv another. Hee.

Ejunko, everybody got acid in their stomach, AKA gastric juice. I think for babies, the valve between the stomach and oesophagus not well developed, so the gastric juice comes up easily, and the acid causes heartburn. Sitting up/ inclined may make him feels more comfortable.

Yup, keep ur baby stuff. "Accident" may happen or one day, Lucas will start asking for a sibling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fruit Tree, if u desperately want to get baby to take from bottle, the fastest but most torturous way is cold turkey. U must be able to bear with baby's crying for hours and not give in.

Baby will cry when hungry, but the moment I put the bottle in the mouth, she screamed her head off with BIG droplets of tears. Then will cry herself to sleep. When she wakes up, the cycle repeats until she finally decides to drink from the bottle.

My #1, so far the easiest baby I had, hunger strike for 8 hours before drinking. #2, a grumpy and colicky baby, hunger strike for 16 hours. #3 didn't go on strike but only drank 30 - 50ml each time.

Once baby starts drinking from bottle, need to continue bottle feeding for the next 24hrs, including night feeds, if not, u'll get into the bottle battle again the next day. After 24hrs of bottle feeding, can start latching again but continue with 1 bottle per day.

Hi Fruit Tree,

I was in the same situation like you. I tried different teats and different ways. 2 weeks before i going back to work my husband took over the feeding task. He was firm to my girl giving her the signal that she have to use bottle. On his first day he cup feed our baby when she refuses bottle then on the following feed he try mimic sucking making it fun. somehow my girl started to suck the bottle teats. Though she only take 60ml but to us is a good start. then for the following days i started to bottle feed her in the morning and latch on at night. Cause we really cannot stand waking up prepare bottle in the middle of the night.

When I start work my girl can already drink 100ml from bottle even though she is suppose to take 120ml, 7 times a day. In the evening she seems to drink a lot when i feed her direct. I guess she's waiting for a feast at night.

After 2 weeks, now she's drinking about 120ml from bottle during the day.

for me as long as she eat, poo and gain weight i think is ok.

Don't worry, everything will turn out fine.

Thanks for the encouragement. I was thinking of mixing it with formula milk thinking maybe bb doesn't like the ebm that has been put into fridge. But today I tried freshly pumped bm, same battle. Hiazz!!

Yi Chin, my bb also like tat. Cry until fall asleep. really heart ache. I dunno how to feed him at night using bottle without waking the whole house up.

Shirley, did you do like Yi Chin? that is continuously bottle feed for 24 hours?

My boy take only 40ml max and the rest is drank by the 'bib' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mommies, back to my swaddling qn. If dun swaddle, ur bb dun get awaken by her own reflex? I'm fighting a losing battle cos she screams when I swaddle but if I dun swaddle, she wakes herself up so many times w her reflex. How?

Yoyosan: is baby screaming because of swaddling or other reasons? Could be baby is tired and want to sleep that's why scream? My baby after his last feed for the night, will cry when put down, we half swaddle or put in sleep bag then pick up cuddle for a minute. Put down again put beanie pillow on chest say goodnight switch off lights. Then he may cry awhile, max 15 min then sleep.

Have u tried using beanie pillow?

Fruit tree, I start cold turkey on weekends. Husband not working, won't complaint of baby crying at night and can help with the battle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The last latch/ last meal will be the night feeds on Friday. Crying begins at first morning feed of Saturday. If lucky, baby may start drinking by afternoon. My #2 only starts drinking on that Saturday evening. After that will be the saturday night feeds, but using bottle. Usually by then, they are drinking ok from bottle already. But troublesome la, need to wake up to warm up milk and to pump. Then u got Sunday to continue the training. If successful and all goes well, can go back to latching by Sunday evening.

The down side of this whole process is the endless crying and screaming. But I told myself I rather be the one doing this to baby then leave it to the infantcare teachers.

Yoyosan, at night, she can sleep quite well on the bed without the startles. In the day, she'll wake up easily from the startles if I put her on the bed. I guess the yaolan 'cuddle' her quite nicely in the day and if she wakes up briefly, the motor will rock her back to sleep.

Yoyosan, u only swaddle at night or everytime when bb needs to sleep? have u tried putting bolster at bb's armpit and the beanie pillow on his chest? When u said she wakes up by her reflex, was she fully awake or she will fall asleep on her own again? cos i notice my boy will also startle, plus am staying near air base, so often there will be aeroplane flying v low. He will then startle, but then will fall asleep again. Sometimes I'll pat his chest to calm him.

Yi Chin, how old was your #1 and #2 when you start them on bottle? And you were the one who bottlefeed him? I think am going to try this method this weekend. Wish me luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lay Leng, there's this app in iphone from babycentre, which i find very informative. You can enter your baby's birthdate, then they will have article each day in accordance to our baby's age.

Fruit tree, I started at 3.5 months, about 2 to 3 weeks before I went back to work. That's when I realised that they refused to drink from bottle and I had to resort to the cold turkey. Now, they love the bottle so much, another headache to start weaning them to cup!

This one, I started at 1 month, 1 bottle per day, also cried at bottle, but at least didn't go on hunger strike.

