(2011/12) Dec 2011

Ejunko, which day u intending to go? Need booking or can just turn up any time?

2 persons 3 dishes and 1 soup about $200 for 20 days. Mom's cooking charges $400 for 20 days.

U very guai, I'm still drinking my teh C beng. Started having craving for teh C since pregnant, baby come out already still have the same craving.


I drank Dom occasionally. Also got drink cold drinks and bubble tea. That day also drink one mouth of hubby's liquor.. Hee. Oh.. So will u eat raw food like oysters and sashimi? That day went for dinner, very tempted to eat =) can eat right? My gynae nvr ask me to control diet leh... Even when I was pregnant.. She din restrict me much.

Ejunko: I gave pacifier to my bb last week. He will suck in the afternoon when he is cranky. My pd told me to cut pacifier into half when he is 6 months if I want to stop.. Not too sure if it works. Will try it when he is 6 months..

I also didn't restrict diet leh.. Ate sashimi ald.. Miss it so much when preg.. Coffee I cut down le, coz pd said caffeine will worsen reflux.. So no choice.i also drink cold drinks.. Hahaha... The only thing that my gynae asked me to do is to continue eating fish oil n calcium tablets..


Yup I'm using Avent. I used e max. Hv to stand there n keep testing the temp, usually 1 to 3mins

Yi Chin: Maybe 1st of March. Duno need booking or not leh, later i call and check, update you again. =)

Not guai, im just KS thats all lol. I have seen gassy babies with tummies as hard as rock...their stomach is only like the size of a pingpong ball, so all the gas and acid (plus heartburn) is a torture to them. Then that leads to colic...hours and hours of fussing and crying....painful for them, heartache for us.

So scary i'd rather watch my diet and take it as detox...im too toxic anyway lol.

Yes, according to pd, must quit before 6months.

Just use scissors to cut into half n if bb cry for pacifier, give the cut pacifier. Dunno if it works. But the pd sounds very confident. No harm giving it a try.

Yi chin, so u put n try since day one. Wow. I am stucked with a koala bb on hand whole day. Argh. Cannot do anything till hb back to change duty. Anyone same?

hello mummies!

it's been some time since i came here... was busy wif stuffs.... glad to be back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i gave my bb pacifier after 1 mth plus.... but i only gave it to her when she cant be pacified at times... no fix routine to give her... sometimes she reject it too... i guess jus dun make it a habit to always let ur bb suck the pacifier... should not be hard to wean them off by then.... i started wif pigeon pacifier... now using MAM pacifier... as it is softer and much thinner at the base....


my bb stop pooing everyday..... its a few days once... i hv no idea why.... stop giving fm... now its all ebm even when going out.... but when she poo, the whole diaper is all soiled from top to bottom... its like poo bomb!


i wld like to try drinking dom... but m afraid it wil cause my ebm to taste weird... so haven got the courage to try... as for drinking, of cos no-no.... its mostly plain water for me now.... recently cut off from all cold stuffs and spicy stuffs as my massage lady told me it will cause my ebm to have "wind" & pass on to baby... as mentioned last time, her colic is stil pretty bad despite taking ridwind... so now got to be more hardworking... massaging her to relieve the wind n gas in her 3x a day..... hope she gets better soon..... like ejunko says... really heartache to see them suffer......

mommies, do ur baby struggle during feeding, be it from bottles or latch-on? mine sometimes do it and i hv no idea wats happening..... n it always happen nearing the end of her feed..... so today i tried to lie her down n feed... though it takes a while but she manage to finish all her milk....... easier for me too... no nid to carry her in my arms......

Ejunko, keen to go baby swimming. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just update on date and time.

Yoyosan, I started yaolan after 1 month when she acquired this "wake up upon putting on bed" pattern. Right now, I'm sitting on the bed with her sleeping on my chest. Sure will wake up when I put her down on the bed. Lucky got iPad and iPhone to occupy my time while she sleeps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if I need to go pump milk or do housework, then I'll put her in the yaolan and switch on the motor.

hahhaha... yoyosan... me too!

i m stuck like motionless cos she is like a koala bear... zzz so soundly on my tummy.. dun dare to move her cos afraid to wake her up..... slowly trying to pat her to zzz either in her rocking pram or the cot or on my bed.... not easy cos she makes noise... but gotta kip trying if not i cant imagine having to carry her everytime she nid a nap...

Hi bubbles!

Mine didn't poo for 2 days. Just now when I was changing her diapers, she was making the "gek sai" face, so I decided to help her by flexing her hips and knees and also doing the legs pedaling movements. Then she poo a lot, like jet spray. My shirt and her cot also kenna. Very sticky some more! Lesson learnt: make sure I put on her diapers properly before doing the pedaling exercises.


which brand of breastpump r u using? been trying avent... cos it was a hand-me-down from my cousin who got it from her friend... so i m e 3rd generation.... i tink i shld be pumping for quite some time.. so thinking to invest in 1 of my own.... any recommendations?

hahhaa... yijing... my bb also always have to force her poo out.. u can see her legs straightening... n then her 2 eyes so focus on 1 point n she doesn't move... but now she really takes more then 3 days to poo once.... duno if its normal cos i see most of ur babies r having mega poo times!!! i wonder m i feeding my bb too little...... ?

bubbles_c: i am using medela freestyle. Highly recommended by my friend so i bought from a SMH spree at $450, i thk now $510. Oustide retail price $980 bah, got discount will be $700++. So far i use ok, quite easy to use and portable. I heard from ppl some bb on bm seldom poo cos the bb absorb all the nutrients, so guess normal? Mine all poo out, so maybe he still smaller as compared to some bb here... a bit sad.

Curry: my situation same as u, house not ready. It is still building... hopefully can be ready by 4th quarter this yr. So now staying with my parents cos nearer to workplace.

Bubbles/Yi Chin - My bb also poo 2x/wk like 3-5days only once. And everytime she poo is really like bomp, as all her tummy, thigh and back all got poo... She been like this since she is 1 month plus till nw - 3 mths.

She on TBM (total latch on), so I m not sure whether she has enough but so far gaining wt well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Plus everytime she did it smoothly - no gek sai face, think ok ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks sqin.... will check tat out at babycare festive tis coming weekend! so excited... gonna stock up on wet wipes, diapers and some other stuffs! already done my shopping list last nite, wahahaha! i was thinking of getting a breast pump tat can run on batteries too cos at times when i m outside i can pump in the car or at nursing rooms without power sockets.....

sqin: i tink my baby gal is the most petite here... only 4.06kg at 2 mths old... now it's been almost another mth... wonder how much she has gain... waiting for next pd visit to check.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

curry/sqin: my hse also waiting.... prob 2014 to early 2015 ba.... hmmm.... its gonna be a long wait... sianz.... cant wait to stay by myself..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

christine, u r another wonderful mom who can do total latch on... these few days i try to latch on my baby during the early morning when she wakes up to feed, like 6am or so.... i mus say its a great feeling.... but i realise she cant latch on my right breast properly anymore... duno is it my position of placing her is wrong or wat... but anyway i try to latch if i can help it... other times i gif her ebm.... cos too many bottles in the fridge... gotta finish within 3 days.... i dun freeze them... dun like e idea of freezing....

I also have a koala baby, though he's more like a joey in my sling! These days I've to bring him out everyday. He seems to like outside air better and can go up to 4hr without milk when we're out. If stay at home, he'll nap at most 15-20 min then want to suckle already.

My boy gives me about 2 poo bombs a day, morning and evening. In between may have some but not as much.

My boy is still pooing about 3 times or more a day. He is only going for his 5-in-1 jab next month.

Since investing in a manual yaolan last week, we have been getting him to sleep in the day with the help of pacifier. He doesnt like the avent pacifier, but takes to the nuk pacifier. After evening shower then we'll not put him in the yaolan anymore. But the pacifier is still needed to make him sleep.

my boy is now on total ebm..used to poo everyday but i dont know why since last wk he only poo like once every 2~3 days.. mega poo type.. also give me the gek sai face but then the poo come out is watery and seedy ley.. looks ok to me..hmmm..

I give my boy avent pacificer when he is cranky..most of the time it works like a charm..

bubbles_c my boy also struggles during the end of his feed..i think this is due to the fact that he is feeling uncomfortable and need to be burp..coz when this happens..after he finish he will give me a loud burp..haa


I'm using medela pump in style advance. It's good, recommended by lactation consultant.

My baby just puked again right after I feed her. N a lot came out.. Quite worrying.. Sigh.. Don't know what's wrong leh..


yeah... i wil usually stop when she struggle... then i wil burp her... let her calm down n try feed again... but sometimes she wil struggle again, even crying loudly... n i wil hv to try carrying her on my shoulder burp a little longer n let her rest.... then try feed again.. but by then milk all turn cold liao..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my bb has not been pooing daily for almost a mth now...... way before the 6-in-1 jab (without rotavirus jab)....


probably u hv to try feeding more frequently wif lesser amt.... maybe it wil help her digestion?

if stil dun work, then do bring her to see pd and try to diagnose the problem......

hmm... thanks mommies... will chk out medela breast pumps at the baby fair.... super ex for medela pumps....


i'm using medela pump in style advanced too. The suction is good and it's a dual pump it save a lot of time to do the pumping. before that i used avent manual pump,unable to pump out single drop, the suction is not strong.


my bb also facing same problem as urs. keep vomit out after each feeding. see pd, he said he's having reflux. have to drink special formula, Enfaclac AR or buy thick & easy to mix with BM

My boy poo only once in 3 to 5 days. There was once he didn't poo for 6 days. Brought him to pd then he poo at the clinic. Sigh. But pd said not constipation, some babies just don't poo that often, she mentioned a patient that regularly poos 10 days apart.

bubbles: my baby also like yours, cry during feed sometimes, must burp then try again..


Hi mummies

I have 4 brand new dryers size S (64 pcs) to let go at $46.

If you are interested please kindly pm me

Meet up at Toa payoh, boon Keng or whampoa, Tiong bahru(Sunday's)

Hi mummies, ur Yao lan is portable or hook in ceiling? If portable, can put bb to how many kg? Which brand to buy? Anyone going to bb fair tml?

Koala bb:

It is comforting to know I m not alone. Thanks mummies for sharing. Now carrying her n typing... sometimes get so angry, just wack her bum just now. See her cry, I feel guilty. Sigh. But just dunno how to break her code.

@tangerine: I try sling, she screams.

@bubbles, @yichin: I cant even lie down or sit. I need carry, walk around. Otherwise she fuss n wake again.

I wonder how the handle such bb at infant care? Let them cry it out?


@curry, does ur bb do it everyday? Mine will few days once. Pd says if occasionally, no problem.


@layleng: mine is not fixed to ceiling. Movable though the structure is huge. Motorised, with springs, hold about max 10kg. Bought at kiddy palace.

@layleng - mine portable with motor (good investment imo) , i let her zzz till when she can turn/ flip then have to stop i guess esle she turn the whole sarong over

@curry - my ger vomit milk (a lot like 100++ml that kind) when she has too much wind or have had a long & tiring day. If urs quite consistent u prolly want check with PD?

@bubbles i using madela freestyle. quite ok imo.

babyfair that starts tmr-- ya im gg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i dun think i can get cheap diapers there though cos i dun see pampers or mommy poko particapating there (well i might be wrong).

went last week the other babyfair, got nothing lor. zzz

Yi Chin: pd didn't do anything. He just decided to poo then. She gave lactulose to help loosen stools. Will feed him when he hasn't pooped for 4 days

Yoyosan: maybe I started with sling when my boy was still young, so he's used to it! Just got a new toy- a jogging stroller. He's still a bit too young to go jogging in it, but I've been gg for walks and he sleeps quite well in it! It's so much different from the usual strollers. Love it!

Yoyosan, I think babies operate on a yes-or-no system, whether they are comfortable or not. Must get the right angle, right timing, right temperature, shake with the right amt of force, then they'll be comfortable. If we are 0.5 or 1 degree too much or too little, it becomes uncomfortable, then they cry. Very challenging and frustrating to get them to the comfortable state. But no choice, this is their current operating system. No use wacking bum also, cos it won't help. Not comfortable means not comfortable, cannot bargain with them, worse than terrorists. At least u can bargain with a terrorist. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tahan a few more months, will get better when they reach 6 months, then we can wack their bums when they turn 1 year old and they understand! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Called the pd today, bb increased stool is due to rotavirus vaccine. He said try to let him recover by himself. Asked me to monitor 1 more wk, if still not ok then bring to him.


She's ald drinking ev 2 hours instead of 3..

Seen pd before le, was given colic drops. Also diagnosed with reflux.


What's thick n easy? Where to buy?


Not everyday, but 2nd time this week.. Hopefully no more..


What brand is ur jogging stroller? Sounds really interesting!

Yi chin,

I love ur explanation!!!

Curry: I got the Bob Revolution. It's not sold locally. Got it from amazon.com I read a lot of good reviews about it, and was surprised amazon's shipping charges are so cheap! For such a bulky item, they only charge USD18.99 for shipping. So I'm really pleased with my purchase. Came in less than a week too. Can't wait to bring my boy jogging in it!

Yi Chin: This forum shld set a "Like" button. I "Like" what you said above lol. Anw i check with the spa le, they said no booking required, just walk-in will do. But suggested around 11am coz lesser crowd. Hubby find it mafan, so we decided to buy the set and play at home instead pfffffttt~

SQin: Oh so the rotavirus increases stools too...funny virus that does odd stuff to our babies stools.

Any mummies knows if there is Manduca carrier for sale at the baby fair tmr?? Or can help to look out for it? *Bambi eyes*

Yi Chin, u are very encouraging and positive! Yar.. Hope bb can outgrown this phase soon. Oh.. Yes, he said will take 1-2 wks cos I told him it has been a wk alr. I guess he wants bb to build his own antibodies to the virus rather than external help bah.

My pd did say that vaccines work by something like tricking the body with whatever they're trying to protect against, so that the body will produce anti bodies to fight it. So guess the rotavirus induces the diarrhoea that it tries to protect. Makes sense?

Yi chin, yes, u r so positive.

I m zombie now. Bb slept only at 1am this morning. I need positivity today. Lucky hb a great help. Hope it is random bad night, or we die manz.

I'm first time mummy too. Lots of things blur, must ask friends who r experienced mummies. Like I didn't know to keep bottles in steriliser until needed. Not sure how to wear baby's romper at first. Bath time aiyo was quite worried at first, thankfully my mum was around to help. But looking back, it was a great wouldn't want to have missed all those moments.


i am a first time mommy too.... like yuet sim, i had my mom wif me... insisted to move bac to my mom's place so tat i hv guidance throughout... looking back, i too enjoyed all those moments, from being a blur helpless sotong to a little bit less blur now... wahahahaha! ;p


frustrating huh... when bb struggle during feeding.. i always hv to calm myself down when she fight me.. tis little one is damn strong when she struggle.. i literally got to pin her down... took me 45 mins last nite to finish feeding her...


yup i will be gg for bb warehouse sales at chai chee as well as at expo... hope both fairs will be gd... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yup, will chk out medela pumps.. seems all of u r using medala.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] was there any bb fair last week? where?


i do hv a manual medala pump... seriously, not too bad... but its damn tiring when i m rushing for time... n if u dun position it well, the suction isn't there.. u hv to get the angle correct... can be super frustrating when i nid to pump quickly...

yi chin:

well said! i m gonna share it wif my hubby.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i heard there r bf rooms at expo... i be bringing my pump there to pump... wahahaha.. cos leaving bb at hm wif mum... wil b gg wif 2 other mommies n her bb....


ur stroller really sounds interesting... any pictures to see? cant imagine wats a jogging stroller.........


hope ur bb recovers soon... did u try massaging her? it really helps bb a lot... n i realise they zzz better wif bb massage... over time, their colic gets better.. n i believe the reflux wil be gone too............. i m doing tat to my little gal now... hope her colic will totally disappear soon!

bubbles: maybe it is just a phase. My baby used to struggle a lot, probably because his tummy was uncomfortable or needed to burp or just cranky. Now he feeds quite quickly on the breast, takes on average 10 min. Usually supplement with FM after, that's when he struggles, sometimes he just had enough already and don't want anymore. Then just stop feeding, and wait till next feed.

He is now on a 2.5 to 3 hour feed interval in the day. Nights is still not fixed. Last night he suddenly slept for 6 hrs between feed =)

Mummies going to expo: hope you all get some good deals. Hubby don't want to go, cause it'll be super crowded with NATAS fair going on at the same time & we don't have anyone to leave baby with. So super crowded plus baby is a no go.

Breast pump: I'm also using Medela Freestyle. Expensive but super light with rechargeable batteries. Can pump quite a number of times before need to recharge. Highly recommended by my colleague who used her's for 3 years with no issues. For Medela, do check the flange size though, different mummies have different nipple size so may need to get a different one then the one that comes with pump. Otherwise it'll be quite uncomfortable and inefficient when pumping.

thanks yuet sim.... will take note on the flange size... almost forgot about it.... ;p

Oh my.... i forgot abt the NATAS fair.. was stil tinking to go a 2nd time on Sun wif hubby & baby if there r more tings to stock up on... hmm.. gotta rethink abt it now... hahaha...


@bubbles the baby fair was at expo too last week. lousy one. this weekend baby fair is definitely a better one. However do expect crowds as theres NAtas, carrefour, watson, home furnishing fair running concurrently with the baby fair. Real crowd. i wont be bringing my bb there cos i prolly go mad with the crowd and my ger.

@yoyo im a 1st time mom too. all alone taking care of bb. was quite crazy initially but thank god for the invention of sarong and pacifiers!

Pump- anyone knows where to get the battery for medela? im using the freestyle. seems my pump battery goes berserk.

