(2011/08) Aug 2011

bur, thanks. will check out the bellaband. my pants still fits but it's getting tighter so thought i had better start looking around.

went in to see the gynae this week, but not sure if it is the sac as it is very very tiny. now on folic acid and utrogestan. feeling bloaty, sleepy all the time and not much appetite for most food other than curries. hope to see a clearer sac when i next visit the gynae next week.


hi mommies! can i join in the fun? i tested + last Mon & it's my 2nd pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Im feeling v v v sleepy now at the office. Tummy v bloated too! I had a very smooth pregnancy with my #1, this time is so diff. But I read those who's given birth before, will feel more bloated & bigger tummy during this period..


haha I think I will get the same reaction when I go for my scan too. GP gave me this liquid med to take in the morning and it cleared my bowels abit. Better than nothing. Have been eating fruits but no use leh. Prune juice on standby also.

Linsu, May

This is my 1st but I feel extra bloated too. I can;t even turn properly to sleep at night and I am only 5 weeks! It feels like a water bomb attached to my tummy. I lose alot of sleep because of that.


I just tested postive today...

My #2 one with my #1 just turn 1 years old 1 week ago.

Didn't have the same excited feeling as the 1st one...Haha...

me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] It's my first and tummy so big and bloated... feel quite uncomfortable leh...

Desperate, i went looking for a maternity shop near my workplace.. finally found one hiding one corner.. the pants were on sale at $10 each! me super happy... I asked a few qn and the sales assistant kept laughing... haa... I must sound very comical.

She was trying to tell me these pants are low waist, so when tummy grows, I can still fit in... Then I asked wouldn't the baby feel cold?? coz it's not covered by top nor bottom! she kept laughing...

winnie the pooh

me too! although we're very happy but not as ganjeong as #1 anymore.. I guess the "planned" & the "unplanned" really diff! But I believe after months of bonding, we'll also start to luv #2 as much. My #1 just turned 17mo last Mon so I guess we just dun feel like sharing the love yet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hee seems most of us still havent have our first scans.. let's jia you and keep each other updated! When more pple we can collate a list..

linsu/winniethepooh: same here.. its gonna be my no. 2.. no. 1 is almost 23 mths already!

anyone having MS already? I just tested positive yesterday and already feeling nauseous today.. is it too soon? Im probably just 4-5 weeks pregnant..

Winnie The Pooh> oh u know Clifford Centre at Raffles Place? it's at level 1 way at the back of the building and opp is coffee place

I feel so nauseous, it's hard to concentrate on work! Plain water makes it worse, and not good to take tea.. So thirsty now but no idea what to drink!

Hi ladies,

Sorry to interrupt.. Had a brand new bottle of Clarins Huile "Tonic" Body Treatment Oil to let go. Improves skins elasticity and firmness to prevent stretch marks. Bought at $80 with price tag on. Selling at $60.Kinldy pm me or e-mail me at [email protected]

Self collect my place near kk hospital.

missyfang> yes i can feel that my breasts are growing and uncomfy, even nipples hurt while changing...

soulvacation> is 17th ur first u/s scan? good luck! my cramps better guess it'll be gone soon (i hope) no constipation or gastric problem in fact erm.. i poo more often or one time a day but a lot *shy* Btw speaking of water bomb im not sure if u're experiencing OHSS but if it is it shd subsides later, just be patience drink more water. You'll be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

may> dun worry it's still early stage all the best for ur next scan! im feeling super sleepy too but less bloaty just bit gas for burping; My GP advised me to start practicing small meals but more times per day. I miss curry somuch but it's on my forbidden food list as i used to diarrhea after consuming spicy food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Linsu & Winnie the pooh> welcome and congrats on ur 2nd's!

babysee> hahaha u made me laugh again! so what did the sales reply? haha am guessing ur BB will be as cheery and u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunsmile> agree - we shd all keep each other updated abt our first scan soon! MS so soon? how do u feel, take care!

Jes> try hot milo? I know it's boring but i choose it out of limited choice lately.. take plums or wu hua guo? take care!


So funny you. haha. Ya I think we can only wear hipster pants now. All my shorts and pants don't fit anymore, except for drawstring ones but look so aunty. I also am used to covering the belly button when I wear pants/jeans, never liked the low waisted kinds. $10 is cheap!


Ribena? Longan red date tea?

hi all,

when for a nap, suddenly so many post.

someone was talking abt curry? if u want to be extra careful then must avoid anything that has coconut. curry, laksa,...

bellering: thanks! all the best for ur scan too =)

Jes: I heard eating crackers help with the nausea? Anyway first pregnancy I drank a lot of Perrier cos it helped me burp out the gas and lemony too.

iziz: wats wrong with curry and coconut?

Hi ladies!

I'm so glad I'm not the only one experiencing nausea here. Since a few days ago, the very thought of food is enough to make me feel nauseous. Anyone experiencing this too?

Anything the experienced mommies can suggest to curb the nausea?

welcome all the new mommies!!!

May, you are most welcome! we are all here to share tips and experience...

bellering/babysee, me not brave lah, just auntie...hahaha

jess, the NTUC IFC in sembawang is great, the teachers there are wonderful, my ger was there when she turned 2 mos till she's 18mos+

babysee, i work in RP too, will go check the shop you mentioned.

hi fleur, my hubby thinking of getting me one if i am suffering frm MS, fingers cross..hope i dun hv to use it...think it's worth a try...

Fleur: I used sea bands in my first pregnancy. Helped a little. Snacking on dry crackers helped a bit too. Of course the gynae may prescribe you nausea pills but Im not sure if they are good for u or ur baby

iziz...think i broke all the rules...hehehe..my co. dinner on wed, i ate sashimi, drink a bit of red wines, ate curry for lunch & 2 cups of coffee today...oh oh...bad mommy...hehehe..

bellering> My initial qn was: “huh!! 那baby不会冷到吗?”she laughed in such a hilarious manner that I also laughed with her not knowing why my qn is funny too... then she answer me "won't... coz baby is protected by the fluid. bb only scared of cold after birth..."

arhhh... so enlightened...

ooh.. didnt know coconut milk is also considered as "liang". just now my colleague bought Awfully choco cake in Rum & choco favour... I had to find excuse not to take coz it's Rum... haiz.. there goes my free tea break...

How about yogurt? It helps me in constipation... I have more poo but in small quality each time...

Hello all mummies, good to be back after 1 week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_blush.gif]

I finally gone for my 1st scan yesterday.. 6th wk. Got a bit of spotting b4 the checkup, gynae said not to be alarmed,everything's looks fine.

EDD is 5Aug, but if I wish to go for caesarean again it shall happen somewhere in end Jul.

My #1 was born this year in Mar, now 9mths old and happy I'm preg again. Cos we tried 4yrs for #1, and we r both no young couple liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_sticktongue.gif] .. so glad that #2 comes without much trying.

Oh actually not true that you can't take curry. I carved for curry and laska when I preg'd w #1. Just dun take raw cockles will do.

Now with #2, tummy showing up vy fast and bloating as usual with vy early stage of heart burning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

babysee/iziz, i told me hubby that i ate this & that, but we both agree it is ok to eat everything in moderation...i did not have any craving in my first pregnancy thus my hubby was realli lucky...

sus> I've been taking 100+ dunno if its OK but thanks for ur idea of Perrier. I like it!

Fleur> what is psi bands???

bur & iziz> my doc specifically reminds me not to take certain food ie. pineapple, sashimi, alcohols & tonic etc. already say byebye to my fav kopi O few weeks ago [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm guessing my next glass of wines might be on CNY (after 1st tri) Sigh..

babysee> now i see! BBs are protected by fluids in our body haha tks for enlightening.. i get blur all the time too =P

qiqi> congrats! im still pondering of caesarean or not cos my pain management is known as low by nurses/doc. But again people says (incl my mom/sis) natural birth create a stronger birth with the BB than caesarean(?)

I miss laksa and cockles. Sad! Now i have one more forbidden food on my list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Argh. Jiayou!

You ladies are so nice!! Gave so many suggestions on what to drink, think my hb will not entertain me if I tell him I dunno what to drink.. Btw, in e end I drank 100plus *bleah*

babysee, ur chat with the sales ppl is so funny! I wrk in rp too! Will go chck out the shop on mon!

hi all MTBs,

m expecting my #3, shld b in my 5WKs+ nw, waiting for another week or 2 before going back to my gynae, Dr Joan Thong @ RH.

I hv 2 boys, 4.5YO and 18MO, m in the same thread as Caramelle for 2009 MTBs.

Hope all hv a great and smooth 9 mths ahead.


Bellering: PSI Band is like a wrist band with a knob that's places pressure on a particular acupuncture spot on the wrist. People wear that to prevent motion or sea sickness. I read that it eases morning sickness too.

Sus & Bur: I just bought Sea Band from Guardian. Will update you gals if it works for me. ;)

if feeling nauseous, can drink ribena or any sweetened drink. milo always makes me feel like vomitting even more, had checked with the doctor, she also said that milo will have the tendency to make ppl vomit.

i also experiencing increase in boob size! need to go buy new bras tomorrow as all bras are really tight now! and of course new pants... jus so so tight that its so uncomfortable when i sit down..

Good morning mummies! away for half a day and so many posts le...

Welcome & Congrats to our new mummies! Jia you!

i dun really have MS.. just feel queasy all the time... then this morning, i was so hungry i could puke.. then after buying bfast, cannot finish a Sausage mcmuffin meal... so angry...

Are you mummies sleepin well at night? sometimes i wake up to pee 2-3times...

nitestar: not been sleeping well. wake up in the middle of the night and takes me about an hour or two before i can get back to sleep. the bloaty feeling is terrible.

no MS yet, but loves to drink grape juice.


thank u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i agree wif u on the earlier bigger tummy.. let's hope it's just becos of the bloatedness, else dunno how to shed the extra flaps if tummy showed so early =P


I luv green tea so I googled whether I shud avoid it during pregnancy. It says it's fine to take a cup or 2/day. U cud hv another alternative.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so far sleeping at night is okay for me except there was 1 night I woke up becos of a weird dream! Actually cud feel bladder v full but I'm just too lazy to wake up sometimes hehehe..

Yes, boobies feel tight and before I found out I was preggie, my right nipple hurts until last night it was damn itchy that I kept scratching! I guess it's hormonal change..

I feel nauseous & sleepy at times but no vomitting so far. Worst part is even with the nausea, when it comes to eating, I cud still eat very well (>_<)' I'm just greedy!

Thanks Fleur> I hope i won't ever need PSI Band since currently no MS and hopefully neither do later =P do keep us update on the new sea band u brought =)

I agree with cp240> milo might make it worse to certain pple. Oh i luv ribena. I'm going shopping for new bras later too any recommendations?

nitestar> for me, as if i cld eat a cow when i get hungry but always end up eating half meals or unfinished no matter how yummy the dinner is to me *shrugs*

Linsu> same here! i always knw my bladder is full or sort of waking up by that at night however feeling too lazy to get up and hold it till morning.. my hb knws i hv the habit of holding it long and started to wake me during midnight just to make me go to pee.. im a lazy bum hehe =P

Well ladies I decided to ask shameful questions here - why do i feel horny during pregnancy, is this normal/common? is there any danger/harm doing it during 1st tri?

Oh im all blushed now ><

Morning all.

Yesterday I had the diarrhoea of a lifetime. I was complaining earlier that my tummy always bloated and feels like water bomb. I finally drank half a cup of Sunsweet prune juice and guess what?? I pooed out almost half a litre of stool at one go!!!!! It was all liquid poo!!! I felt so giddy and tired after that BUT the bloatedness is totally gone!! I can even suck in my stomach for once since I was on 2WW!!!! OMG. So now I know what severe constipation feels like. -_____-"

And yesterday I had my 1st puke... I puked a banana out. Think if MS starts, I will consider the bands you all talking abt. Guardian can get right?


I read somewhere that it is normal to feel certain urges or sensations because our hormones are raging? So don't worry, it is normal. BUT try not to have *ahem* now cos the website says it will cause cramps in your uterus. I don't think you want to risk that now right? 2nd trim onwards shld be ok lah.

for bras my currenly 6-mths pregnant colleague recommend non-underwired bras.. its to make things more comfy as everything gets bigger.. she said she changed bra sizes a few times~!

Those looking to get bra, can consider buying the bravado bras, it's comfy and can use it for nursing after delivery, gd investment.

Hi all.. babydust ya

I was tested positive on thrusday..

and this is my second pregnancy..

have yet to see my Gynae..most probably will see my previous one althrough she is expensive...EUNICE CHUA at TMC.

Soulvacation: yep, u can get from guardian.

Tried the bands for a night but nausea is still there. Perhaps the intensity is lessened. I'll try the sweetened drink as suggested by cp240. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nitestar: me too. Waking up to go to the loo has become a nightly affair for me. Heh.

fleur i think drinking honey would be good. healthy and got nutrients. would be better than artificially sweetened drinks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i got no ms at 6weeks but keep waking up at night to pee.. and cannot get a good nite sleep.i miss my coffee and also tea only hot drink that i take is milo...

Linsu: before i found out i was preggie, both my nipples were hard and itch like crazy

Bellering: yea my appetite has been much reduced since preggie. but i suddenly like spicy stuff. had duck rice yesterday night, but it wasn't the duck nor the rice... it was the spicy chilli oil that gave me the appetite to eat.

bbPotato: where to find the bravado bras? how much does it cost?

oh my.. I thought I was the only one having all the weird symptoms like super bloatedness, bigger bump given it's less than 2 mths etc. I also have liking for Ribena, but limit myself one cup a day. I should also give prune juice a try!

My breasts hurts a lot esp in the morning when I wake up... thinking whether it's time to get new bras too? Went Suntec shopping for mother stuff..bought maternity panties [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Some sales assistant find it weird I start shopping when I honestly tell them I am less than 2 mths... Maybe i'm sensitive, I felt they thinking I over ate which I am still eating as normal...

bellering> I bot a preg book at Bookfest ytd... let me read to u yah? Because of the high level of circulating hormones, a woman can become stimulated more readily and reach a high pitch of sexual excitement quicker than the non-pregnany state.... sexual organs become highly developed and more capable of arousal than before preg occured.

babysee> thank u so much.. time for me to grab some preg books! and dun mind abt that sales person i suppose its natural for first time moms like us prepare early esp we're all inexperience and feeling lost during 1st tri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

may> i still feel hungry it's like clockwork it happens even during sleeping time i will be awaken just to find food (i know right!).. it's really upto individual good part is ur not having MS else might get dizzy or nausea even more?

mama guai> i switch to honey time to time whenever i get bored of hot milo or ribena.. nv cross my mind that it's raw! omg...

soulvacation> thanks alot i shall avoid now till rather stable phase later.. I'm happy for ur "output" of the year haha ain't it great u must be feeling as light as never - nomore water bomb! hee...

Btw i get cramps (only smtimes) on one side of my womb does it mean my BB(s) holding onto that side of uterus.. gosh i really shd start getting a preg book myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello all MTBs,

last 2 week tested posistive, this is first month trying... too fast unexpected.

Just encounter MS this week, vomit 2 time.. my mum say is normal. She use to have MS last time till 4mth of pregnany. Think i will be the same..

going to see gynae EUNICE CHUA at TMC on 17 this week, hope everyting is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


bellering and mamaguai >> never crossed my mind that we can't drink its cos its raw.. then like that we can't eat fruits, drink juices liao.. all are raw...

had checked with doctor she said honey is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but its all up to you

