(2011/08) Aug 2011

bellering > Yup, it's my first. very anxious and hope all is well with the bb... i did a home test too. i did it twice, just to be sure! Ha! i woke up at 6.30am & did the test. was so happy and excited that i couldn't fall asleep after tat. Haha! Hey, it will be my 6th week next week too! Guess our EDD will be quite close ;) think i will try to make appt with gynae soon ba! but still considering which gynae to go too... Thx!

Candyfloss > Thank you!! I've started taking folic acid 2mths ago... *phew* i'm now avoiding those foods tat i'm not suppose to take lor..but the temptation is definitely there! *argh* Endure!


I want chips too! My favourite rubbish food now is Chickadees. I have been eating that as snacks since my embryo retrieval day. LOL!

hope4baby> exactly! glad i've met someone progressing on the same line.. yay

candy floss & hzloh> hi5! lets jia you together! i think soulvacation is almost the same phase as us, goin on 6th next week too?

Speaking of which - it's christmas week nx week! so fast! hb and i are very excited as this xmas eve will be our 2nd wed anniversary and this time we're spending it with our BB(s)! Our beloved early xmas gifts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We are planning on dining out as usual only different is no more alcohol for me this year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Oh no.. Any drinks idea to substitute alcohol for celebration?? Hmm....


I am in my 6th week this week, as of today. Hoping to hear heartbeat(s) this Friday! I think I will cry. hahahaha.

You can drink mocktails mah. I'm sure they have those. Pussyfoot? Shirley Temple? etc etc.

I ate McFlurry and puked just now. Good thing I puked before dinner. Hopefully don't puke again.


Don't worry if u aren't having ms. I know of people who did not have any ms thruout their pregnancy and gave birth to healthy babies thereafter.

I just wish my ms hits only certain times of the day cos now it's 24/7! Don't feel well enough to go x'mas shopping. How??

I'm having morning sickness 24/7 too!! Toilet bowl is my best friend now. Have been hugging it almost every hourly. Really unbearable. Talking abt steaks, now I miss jacks place so much! Must satisfy my craving this weekend.

I discovered something gross last night. I saw ants crawling around the toilet bowl; it was then I realised that they were probably eating my puke 'leftovers'. How disgusting!! Having a feast at my expense. Had to wash toilet there and then. Now I spray it after each time I puke. More work. Headache. Anyone pukes in the sink? I'm curious, does it choke the sink? =[

missyfang > was thinking of getting a BT tomorrow to confirm. i would prefer to go see the gynae and hv a scan earlier but hb's schedule quite tight..so hv to wait till almost end of 6 week. partly oso becos of $$ issue la...

wat u gals think?

Soul> eh, think better not puke in the sink la, will choke, and it will be more gross when ur sink is flooded with puke when it's choked.

Hzloh> think I'll wait if I'm u, end of 6 weeks is a good time cos u shd be able to hear bb heartbeat by then.

Lynntbh & Mama-guai:

I'm also seeing the same gynae. Does she has any package? It's getting rather costly seeing her each time.

Will be seeing her for my 3rd visit this week. Hopefully can see the sac this time.

Good morning mummies!

bellering> hi5! do avoid mocktail that contain pineapple during the 1st tri. U can consider sparkling juices in grape, apple flavour.

Soul> better not puke in sink coz it will get choke and more work to clean up the mess.

Jes> try taking small and more meals. When I had my #1, similar experience toilet bowl is my best friend. Luckily I did not lose any weight despite so much puking.

Hzloh> Not to worry, end of 6th week is good and do book gyne in advance. You would expect long queue for the more popular gyne

hi all,

jus tested positive on Sat.. Not sure this is my how many wks.... but i guess its 6th wk coz MS just kicks in... EDD could be in aug...

n this is my #2.. #1 in 30 Oct 09...

Seems that many of you went for gynae check already.. Mine will have to wait till 30 Dec.. booo...

bellering> how abt Ribena? insiration come from mediacorp... heee... they look like red wine too...

Fleur> thanks for telling me... more relieved to know that... but ermm.. I'm feeling more nausea nowadays and regret praying for MS earlier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Soul> I agree... better not puke in the sink coz there'll be a smell and will make ur MS worse...

Lately I wake up around 5am to pee and feel nausea at the same time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but no feeling to throw out yet... the most unbearable part is getting ready for work...

hzloh (hzloh): My hubby did not accompany me for the first 3 scans becuz I went during my lunch time or my boss let me go off earlier for the scan then my hubby can't take off so flexible.

But tomorrow scan, he will accompany me go.

I spend $150 everytime.

I should be in my 7th week, coming to 8th week now

Missy, wow each visit $150?? That is so expensive? Which gynae is it? My first visit is $85. Subsequent visit should be 60+.

other than ribena, can try grape juice. it works for me. i buy those with no added sugar.

hope4baby: does $85 includes the scan? it's cheap. my charges is about $200 per visit, but include scan and blood test. so far seen the gynae twice.

Morning gals...

i just went to clinic asking for a BT to be done to confirm and test the hcg level. Guess wat the doc n nurse told me? 'Oh, normally ppl dun do bt de la, since u noe you are already pregnant. ur hcg level change everyday, no need to do la. no need to waste money. ur 1st pregnancy is it? 1st timers more kan cheong la'.


i did 2 BT as could not see any sac in the first scan. did 2 test 48hrs apart as gynae said the hcg level is doubled every 48hrs. just a more kiasu way to ensure that it is not etopic pregancy and that the bb is developing well. yes i'm a first timer, so maybe gynae more kan cheong.

hope4baby: are you a private patient with KK? or need referral letter from polyclinic?

Hi all! Just went to see my gynae yesterday and he confirms i'm about 5 weeks. This is baby #2. #1 born on July 2010. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

See that there are a lot of 2nd time mummies here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh...my gynae is Dr Henry Cheng. ANyone with the same doc?

May: you had an ectopic preg b4? I had 1 b4 too...hence ya...everytime go check must check if the baby is in the womb...:p

jas: no. but could not see sac during scan so gynae suggest a BT to check if the pregnancy is progressing well. gynae said as long as hcg doubles every 48hrs, should be a good sign. could not see sac during the first scan, a not-so-confirm sac during my second scan which was only 48hrs apart. if it is the sac, i should be about 6wks preg now.

so far so good, hope to see the sac/bb during this week scan.

Thanks candy floss> I will try mocktails or those non containing forbidden fruit drinks =)

babysee> haha ribena can have it at home.. wanna have sth diff during celebrations haha another mediacorp fans? lol

Got a call frm hospital reminding me of the my 2nd BT - oopsie totally slip off my mind! Rushed down had it done and it costs me $107 w/o scanning... Doc also prescribed another 2wks of Duphaston (10mg) and some folic acid that sums up another $100+ so generally each week i spent up to $200+ consider OK?

And then when i got home our blocks' lift breakdown I gave in climbing up all the way to 8th floor... my heart almost stops the moment i reached - so tired!!!

my gynae prescribed me Utrogestan (100mg) $1 p/capsule. folic acid can get cheaply from hospital or unity pharmacies.

the last time my block lift breakdown, i had an injured ankle and impossible to make it up. so i called the hotline number and asked them to make it here within an hour to fix it while i waited at the void deck.

hi may, i am under private in kk.

bellering, duphaston is expensive, i took 1 week supply at kk cost me 18-19 bucks. i am taking twice a day. folic acid should be very cheap. remember to ask for the HCG level see high anot.

hope4baby Yeah am taking it 3times a day with or after food; weekly supply from my GP as I go back every week since two wks ago. No worries my folic acids are v cheap I got them from pharmacy. Oh I did ask nurse about HCG level but they seems surprise and I was told it's not their usual practice to inform patient of it. Report will be sent directly to doc from lab and she shall advice during my appt if any. I think they wanna play safe and let doc explains to me better? So far during my 1st BT doc mentioned it's pretty high and im feeling all the symptoms so i suppose all is well =) fingers crossed!

May Indeed i saw some aunties with heavy groceries are calling to complain of the lift breakdown. However i did not wanna wait so decided to climb up since no nauseas this morning. Apparently lack of physical training since the day i started napping like a pig every noon after meal haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


is mango safe for 1st trimester? shud be ok rite? I only know better not to take pineapple, watermelon, papaya, banana.. just wanna be sure for mango.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bellering: haha i also need a nap everyday. this is not my usual practice but has been needing more sleep lately. maybe my night sleep is not very good, been waking up 2-3 times to run to the bathroom

now i'm wondering if i really need to do a BT to ensure its not an ectopic preg or should wait for the scan 2 weeks later. im trying to get an appt with the gynae for this week. am i too late to do so?

i'm not really feeling most of the symptoms lei.. which is worrying me if the little one is growing well. no MS yet, cant slp well at nite but good appetite.

hzloh: if you're really going to do a BT, you'll need to do 2 test at least 48hrs apart. gynae said they can only interpret accurately when comparing the 2 tests results. meaning the hcg has doubled.

my test was slightly less than 48hrs apart... first hcg was about 1000 iu/l, second hcg was about 1900 iu/l.

maybe second-time mummies can advise you better. i'm a newbie so all i can tell you is what i heard from the gynae.

bellering> OMG... next time (hopefully no more next time), do climb slowly k? yeah... am more of TV fan than mediacorp fan nowadays...

hope4baby> your gynae pricing is very reasonable.. My gynae is charging min. 60 for consultation and my last scan (before preg) cost around $80..

juz called up my gyne to book 1st appt. She can slot in earliest date on 5 jan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Linsu> Think mango should be fine. So far only heard baby cannot eat mango till 1 year old coz of allergies.

juz called up my gyne to book 1st appt. She can slot in earliest date on 5 jan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Linsu> Think mango should be fine. So far only heard baby cannot eat mango till 1 year old coz of allergies.

candy floss

thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I need more fibers cos yest I was stuck for 30min in my offc's toilet! constipation! (>_<) hehe.. but I dun really like fruits so only could only eat selective fruits..


A BT to check for HCG is not a must, usually gynae will order for 1 if a sac is not detected or, sac is not growing to check whether the pregnancy is still developing or not.

Y not take this period of waiting time, to look up which gynae you want to have for e next 9 mths, as some gynaes hv packages starting fr 1st or 2nd consultation onwards.


A BT to check for HCG is not a must, usually gynae will order for 1 if a sac is not detected or, sac is not growing to check whether the pregnancy is still developing or not.

Y not take this period of waiting time, to look up which gynae you want to have for e next 9 mths, as some gynaes hv packages starting fr 1st or 2nd consultation onwards.

linsu> try veggies or yoghurt as alternative. I had terrible constipation during #1 pregnancy then I realised its bcoz i drank too much milo. :p

i just made appt to see the gynae on next monday! oh, can't wait!!

consultation is min. 90 and scanning another 80.. b4 gst.

candy floss

yeah, veggies still not that bad for me hehe..


I read that papaya & banana got similar enzyme that is not good for pregnancy but if take in moderation still ok lar I think..

anybody start on Anmum or similar milk?


hi all mommies,

came back from my first appt...saw the baby's heart beating...it looks like a prune on a little branch...hehehe...Doc say according to size, EDD is 080811..she also say the baby size is bigger than the sacs...thus not too good, must monitor if got any bleeding, spotting...cause the baby & sac size should correspondance with each other...

Other advice from my Doc: strictly no sex for 1st trimester, take onie folic not any other kinds of supplements...no raw food..no carrying of heavy stuff including my 2 yr old...

will see her again in another 3 weeks, total damage today $180, is it normal? i can't remember how much i had paid in the past....

Linsu, i started drinking fresh milk, Doc gave my many sample today so will drink them...i find some brand of milk too sweet for me..

Contispation: i am doing my big one at least twice a day now instead of contispation, think that's because i am a very fruits & vege person..

Candyfloss, u gynae too hot!

