(2011/08) Aug 2011


I am taking duphaston since 4wk+ till 8wk... My doc decided to stop me from taking it due to stability of bb (also the rates that am puking 3x a day) I am ready switch to multivitamin tmr onwards as prescribed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats and welcome to all new mtbs!

Actually I'm not keen to eat more vits, scared later the nauseous and constipation come back leh. But guess no choice for the good of bb. I'm eating like a pig these days! Eating every 2hrs! Think I'll definitely gain alot of weight this time. My total weight gain for #1 is 17kg, hope I won't exceed 20kg this time! The more I think, the more I worry, so I went to call my previous massage lady to book her for 20 days! She helped me lose 10kg in 10 days previously, hope she can still work the same magic now! Have also booked a cl. Have decided to be kiasu, hope all goes well!

Thanks everyone..

Til now i still cannot believe that I'm pregnant. haha.. We will wait til after we see the gynae and confirm the well being of the baby before telling our parents. They will definitely be very shock but I think they will be happy too..

Thanks bbpotato, pooh, carole, adv_sports, linsu, summer peh, everyone, thanks for your concern. I try to eat and sleep as normal as i can, and don't want to think abt it, since it's not going to help. So, try to focus on work and don't want to think abt it. So, hope 20 Jan will give me good news. Not sure if i can wait till tat day, or i shld go earlier .

I also eat like pig, every 2hrly, big bowls of rice and lots lots of spicy sambal chili, or nasi lemak chili. I don't take spicy food at all before preggie, but now seems i will go order nasi lemak w lots lots of chili, or mee siam w extra chili etc. Weird. No clear MS yet, beside feel easily full after some mouth, but greedy, still pour down whole plate / bowl of food. can't wear my normal pants liaw.

Congrats Carolyn!

BabyDreamy: yupyup =) good to eat more and rest as much as you can. Im the opposite.. used to love spicy food but ever since I got pregnant, I get tummy upset everytime I consume spicy food! Pregnancy makes our bodies bonkers!

sus, ya lo, so weird.... really don't understand. I used to LOVE swiss role / cakes, now i saw it, i wouldn't feel buying. Now i oredi think of mee siam at the sengkang kopitiam market - a malay stall for breakfast tomoro. GRINZ! ~_~

I crave for spicy food but too bad my doc told me to avoid, true as my tummy gets upset even just with a normal bowl of kimchi ramen...

Sigh when do i get to eat my nasi lemak again!

Do u gals think being pregnant really make us more hungry? Cos I see myself eating non-stop! Dun think we really need to eat much more right...

Wah seh... seems all the cravings start to kick in. I also ask gynae why i oways hungry. And i ask my self, I really hungry or cravings. But I can feel is hungry, coz the stomach started to give sounds. So, really have to eat, else later will end up gassy tummy, keep burping. So, my gynae told me, is ok to feel hungry always, and is PERFECTLY NORMAL. Just that, limit the main course during main meal like lunch and dinner, so that can distribute the calories to snacks every 2-3 hrs. This is provided if we don't want to put on so much weight initially. She mentioned now, we only need about 200 to 250 kcal more than usual = 1 bowl of 30cents rice. But then, she also say, how many time you can pregnant in life, can indulge as long as no pregnancy complication like diabetis or high blood pressure, so induldge, you happy, baby bappy = healthy and cheerful baby. So, i will just eat when i want to lo. I already so tough to get preggie, so going to loosen my belt and induldge, then reduce after that by signing up trainer or something. Sweet first, bitter later. (all sort of excuses.. .hihihi)

Alamak, all the posts abt food makes me feel so hungry now! I love spicy and savory food now. Black bean dace, sambal chilli, dim sum, nasi lemak, kimchi, I love them all! Hungry!!

Sus> I pm u tmr k?

Adv_sports: thanks for advice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sometimes I feel like a jerk, when my colleagues bring me out for lunch, I am like super picky about food. Partly, my taste bud changes with pregnancy. Some food makes me feel pukey. Sometimes, ordered Liao, don't like, I dint eat much too. I can't say that I am preggy. So jus pretend that coz I not used to local cooking style.

Carolyn: Aiyo. If u pregnant, and not married, ur parents will definitely get angry. But both of u r already mah, it's ok lah. Don't worry. This is 2011 liao.Congrats to u on the good news. It's double happiness! Better to hv BB earlier than late. I waited 7 yrs after wedding to hv BB. My Hubby sometimes blame me for wanting to delay having BB. Tot we almost cannot. Almost hv to try ivf. It can be quite depressing.

One of my friends told me that if u crave for sweet stuff, likely to be a boy. If u crave for sour stuff, likely to be a girl. Interesting...

So far, the gender lunar calendar says mine's a boy. My aunt says my nose has changed, so it's a boy. Plus I crave for sweet stuff. Let's see... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sus> have pm-ed u.

Anyone buy cny clothes already? Think I can only buy in the last week of Jan cos I keep putting on weight! What fits now may not fit later!

Hi coco,

Can la, before 12th week can. Aiya, good appearance makes all pregnant woman happy. Just do whatever that makes us feel happy!

Hi dandelion,

I gets very pek chek during work at times. What I feel was if u used to get pek chek during work before pregnant and yet still able to get pregnant, it's already in your routine and shouldn't affects yur pregnancy. Dun get too worried abt this. Heaven gave u this baby and won't take it away so easily de. Hehe. Walk around is good, it's an excercise. Although I walked a lot during my #1 and yet ending up with a bad CSEC, I still think we should do light exercises. Just watch out yur steps as kids can be very rowdy? =)

Hi Carolyn,

Congrats congrats! Folid acid can be found in milk and bread. I dun take folic acids too. As long as eat well and sleep well, bb will be healthy.

Hi fleur,

I craved for sweet drinks during my #1 n he's a boy. Actually this can be quite subjective. Of course 1st bb is a boy will be a phew! Coz can carry on generation for those tradition families. Be it boy or girl, health is the top priority!

Regarding food.

Just to share with mummies here, I put on 22kg during #1 and almost all the weight goes to the bum. My #1 is 4 kg. I am always on fast food, coke, bubble tea during my pregnancy. I dun drink specialties like bird nest or coconut water at all. Sounds unhealthy but they are my cravings. Hoho, my boy is healthy, bubbly and active. Hoho!

For my current pregnancy, I can for see it might be a hard journey. I only eat what I craves, if I down something I dun feel like, I will spend the next hr puking, worse, can't puke. Next meal will be a problem, I feel hungry down and feel puky on top. Feeling is horrible.


Yes, it's normal...


I also haven't start to shop for cny yet.. Scared later will not fit... Perhaps gotta get something that's flare at the waist..

Hi dandelion,

Yes, in fact the discharge can be throughout the journey. If there is blood, pls call up yur gynae immediately.

Hi, I'm always hungry too... I have to buy at least 2 hotdog bun after every lunch... So I can get a bite every 15 min... Else I'll puke... Really hope I dun put on too much weight...

Hey vonnes,

Dun worry la, not all mummies put on weight after delivery, I am now slimmer than pre pregnancy for #1. took me like 1 yr after delivery to get bk in shape. Just eat when u feel hungry, dun force yourself to eat with the "I must eat for 2 person" philosophy. I hope I win get fat after my #2!

Hi jes,

Wow! So lucky for u! Did u do it right after birth? I can't do because my c wound is bad and my massage lady only dare to do after 4 mths of delivery. The massage didn't really worked for me. Perhaps lapsed too long


Samantha, I wasn't so pek chek before this but maybe due to preg worries then became more pek chek as there are many things tt I can't do now.

Thanks, I was worried when I saw white discharge, tot sign of AF. Hee. Silly me

I didnt hire any massage lady after the birth of my 2 kids. I felt it wont work on me cos my CL cooks good food and i tend to finish it all. She is happy, cos i dont fuss over what she cooks and eat 2nd helping of rice too. The way i eat, no Massage lady can help me to slim down.. whahaha but the stress after she left kicks in and all by myself to handle the bb kills.. tt will naturally slim down

Hi all,

I'm new in this thread... After a long wait of 4 years, finally I am pregnant - am realli excited ;) This will be my #1 BB.

My EDD is 29/8/11.

Gynae Dr Loh (KKH)

Congrats to all MTBs here ;)


Sel> Yar, think I'll go for maxi dress..

Samantha> Really lucky! Cos otherwise I don't know how to lose the 17kg.

Carole> u r so lucky! Cos when I'm stress, I tend to eat even more!

Sometimes I see those ladies who are heavily pregnant but Still look really slim, so envy!

Hey Jes,

i find tat its easier to lose weight if i take care of the bb myself, most of the time i will be like a mad woman chasing my boy around! How to not lost weight!? Hoho!

Hi dandelion,

hmm... u continue to monitor yourself for a while more. My temper issnt very good for 1st 3months due to morning sickness and hormone changes. After that its ok. If your case doesnt do u any better, possible to talk to your principal for change of work scope? If not, start taking maternity leave randomly now to escape some stress until u give birth? Not very sure if theres restriction on ML for govt jobs do see if it helps.

Welcome JoyJoy!!



You are lucky to have managed to slim down.. I gained less than 10kg for the 1st preg, and only lost less than 2kg after delivery... Super sianz... Despite having massages for 14days.. Think my massage lady CMI...

after 2 years, finally lost most of the pregnancy weight liao den strike again... Dunno to be happy or not...

Just hope that this time will lose more.. Lol...

Can PM me ur massage lady too?? Thanks!!

Hi hi,

I was reading folic acid. Better take religiously cos it affects the growth of the baby... I read Some baby din form properly due to lack of it. We dun know what we watt is sufficient.

For the sake of the baby ya?

My tummy oredi getting bigger, at such early stage. Only abt 6 weeks only. Previous 2 preg my tummy was 40 over inches n I am considered petite. Can imagine this time it will expand how much more!

Hi all,

Can someone share what their first scan reveal? Went for my scan today, saw a sac, and that was all, need to go back on Monday for another scan, am a little worried now! Btw, I am 7 weeks now.

Hi leenea,

U mean bum will be bigger than previous pregnancy? I seriously hope not lo.... My bum was not big, is very big previously, many thought I m carry twins or triplets! I can't imagine what will happen if this time bigger than previously!

Btw, I m 2cm shorter after delivery. Dunno why but it could be lost of calcium? I am 156 nia and if I lost another 2cm will be 154? Any ways to prevent myself from shrinking?

Hi pinkbubbles,

M heading gynae next thurs, will update again!

Tks Sel;)

Had gone for scanning last thursday and

find out it's twins (non identical), both me & hubby v excited :) pray hard everything goes on smoothly...

Be seeing gynae in another 2 weeks time, will update again. Great evening to all mummies.

Congrats Joyjoy.

Both u & soul under Dr Loh and having twins.

How nice is that.

Do take extra care and rest, cos nt easy carrying 2 @ e same time. Double e MS we are going thru.


I guess so. My 2nd preg, my tummy was bigger by 4 inches but of course my #2 was bigger.

#1 was less than 3 kg but my tummy was oredi at 40 inch .. can u imagine? everybody thought i was going into labour when I was still midway through my pregnancy. Pple see me oso scared cos very big belly n I had low placenta in the initial months, which made it worrying. Later it stabalized.

dunno about being short, I am already vv short .. shorter than you lo. but i realised I am shorter now ... maybe its due to the pregnancies?


My tentative EDD (based on my own calculation) is 25 Aug ba... havent done any detailed scan at all cos the other day, the doc says baby too small, only got heartbeat .. haha, suspect 6 weeks only.

will update when gynae confirms a date. Anyway, I am doing c-section so i will decide the date.

Wonder what's a good date for end of the month? kekeke.

Morning Shint, you are thinking too much abt being short. i dont think u will be shorter cos of pregnancy.. but if your skin condition changes maybe. :p Oh ya Congrats and welcome to our thread. :p I will be adding you shortly.


Hi Shint, we have the same gynae.. was he ur gynae for #1? How did you get to know him? Do you know if he delivers at Mt A? How big is ur #1 now? Take care!

I also find myself hungry easily every 2-3 hrs.

As for after pregnancy, I find breastfeeding really helps drop the pounds.. I lost so much weight I was even lighter than pre-pregnancy and had to put on weight for my next one.. but I guess every pregnancy is different and lets see how this one goes..

Dandelion: If you are feeling stressed or down, maybe time to take some MC to rest at home? Might be better for you. Take care!

Everyone have a good rest this Sun!

i m hving this little red spots itchy and painful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Jes: Can you PM me the lady's contact too? I think I will become a whale after having twins so I definitely need all the help I can get! Thanks!!!


I feel for you cos I'm teaching in a Sec Sch and have 1 of the most horrid classes in sch this year. I find that Pri and Sec have different sets of challenges in terms of difficult students. The Ah Bengs and Ah Lians don't give face one. And I really dread going to class. Worse, before their lessons, I get this hyeracidity in my stomach cos sometimes I think I panic and worried and I know it's def not good for my babies.

At times like these, I feel like just taking NPL or quitting cos my health and my precious babies are more important. I suppose you could take MCs intermittently to get away from it all? Or you could talk to your HOD to arrange for a co-teacher to be with you?

Best of luck and let us know how it goes!

Hello Joy Joy! Fellow twin mommy! =)

