(2011/07) July 2011

chujie> thanks for ur concern. feeling too emo last nite

kimifin> my mil will take my baby back to her home immediately after my confinement. she will take care of her from mon-sun. although i find it very weird, but no choice coz i really needed to get a job. plus i dun know how to handle a baby if she keeps crying.

soon-to-be> but we hv another prob is our new hse will be coming soon. our mthly instalment is paying by cash now coz our cpf has flushed out. minimum renov n minimum electronics (tv, washing machine, fridge) also needed a large amt of cash. so this is e headache part.

my hubby's mum n retard sis relied heavily on my hubby's allowance. my parents are both still working n they hv savings. so i tot they can be understanding towards my current situation now. i m also worried abt e hospitalization fee (prepare at least 10k)


janice > Wow.. your cashflow will be very very very tight then. Gifts and meals will be a luxury then! No wonder you keep saying to look for job once your confinement ends.. But will u have a peace of mind leaving the baby with your MIL and SIL??

If u r ok with it, u can be a weekend parent - care for the baby during weekends and Public holiday for some bonding?? Perhaps that will not be so weird?


you all stayed far? or cos your hub still overseas?

Though i bring my son home to z every nite(day he spent at MIL/childcare), i still dun feel very involved in his life.

Like i missed out a lot of his growing milestones....so I feel bad if even have to work late on some nites.

Janice>> I am glad that you are feeling better now.

Really.. don't worry too much now.. in fact.. hearing that your new house will be coming soon is in fact a good news.. it might be tight in finance now.. but once it's over.. that's your own property..

enjoy the dinner with your parent.. if you really have a problem.. try to talk to your bro, explain and see if he could take the bigger portion in payment for this meal.. if he is financially ok.. I am sure he doesn't mind..

One reminder.. like Kimifin said.. baby antibodies will use up soon after they are born.. but our breast milk provide the extra antibodies for them.. so even if you get back to work after confinement.. try your best to express your BM for your baby.. that you will safe $$ on formula.. as well.. you safe $$ on bring your baby to see doc..

Hey Janice, hope you are feeling better today. I understand you are worried about money but maybe you can bring your parents out for a cheap meal since it's Father's Day? It's the thought that counts more than anything, and I think your dad would appreciate the gesture? Or cook a simple meal for him?

Think about it--next time when your kid is older, I'm sure you will want her to bring you out for Mother's Day too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for taking care of your kid--maybe you can take her back during weekends so you can at least spend some time with her? If not the girl will grow up not knowing her own parents...

xinyue> i find my mil's technique very old-fashioned lor n i dun really like e way she handles e kid. but no choice.

kimifin> my hubby working in china, but he is trying his best to find a job back in sg. its not easy for him.

chujie> yeah i m so looking forward to my new hse. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but not joining them for e meal.

coopie/kimifin> i will go see my baby whenever i can like on fri nite and weekends. me taking 1 step at a time, and see how it goes. my mil go buy e 'yao lan' n my hse dun even hv 1. can u imagine if i bring e bb home w/o a 'yao lan'? told her before not to use e 'yao lan'. tat time she said she will put e baby sleep on e matress next to her. then secretly go n buy 1. i m speechless.

Janice, like wat coopie n chujie said, the meal (celebration) can be an inexpensive one or ask ur bro to take a bigger share...sometimes, the parents are simply asking for a gathering of the entire family....

As for bb caring....most 1st time mum are usually inexperienced to take care of the bb. But we learnt thru experiences and trial & error.....no woman is borned with the instinct to be that readily...I can tell u, I went thru maddness (hell) caring for my #1. I broke down during my 2nd mth coz my #1 was super fussy..went without proper sleep for 1-2 mth...have to trigger my MIL to come over to help everyday though I was still in maternity leave...now, I can tell u I'm v confident of taking care of my #2 though I don't know his character yet....he may be equally difficult like his elder brother.

As for yaolan, it's okay one. I have a yaolan at home which my MIL will put #1 in for daytime nap. But at nite, he will slp in his cot. It's a matter of getting the bb used to both sleeping areas. My #1 has only slept in yaolan for 5-6 mths...now my infant care teacher is trying to get him used to sleeping on mattress on the floor....

If u r not even willing to try, then u will never be able to do it....u know wat i mean? I seriously don't wan u to regret that u have not played an active role in your gal's initial growing up years......I don't wan to have this regret, which is y I have decided to give up my career for a few years to be a SAHM for my sons in time to come....prior to being a mum, I have never tot of being one...I'm a very career minded person, and I am still one, I will still wan to climb the corporate ladder...but I'm putting all these on hold till the kids are older.

Finance will be tighter for my family relying on my hb's income....but we jus need to learn to give up on certain luxuries..and change our lifestyle a bit. Likely no more shopping for me, except maybe once a year for the CNY. No more maid at home since I'm going to b a SAHM..no more holiday, or perhaps jus a short get-away to nearby countries....

soon-to-be> wow, u sound so 'wei da'. i can fully understand ur feelings of wanna be a successful career woman but at e same time, wanna be there for ur kids. coz i hv e similar thoughts as u. but too bad, nothing is perfect. my hb not earning alot, so its quite hard for us. in fact, we did a calculation n its really come to 0 excluding e miscelleanous.

thanks for sharing ur experiences wif me. i will try to spend more time wif her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Janice, I'm not wei-da...but I jus don't wan to have regrets when I'm older.....kids grow up too fast liao....sometimes too fast for us to catch up.

Hb and I did the calculation on our finance too. It will be a zero sum game for the few years when I become a SAHM....even when I am planning on a thrify budget....but we told ourselves, it's jus going to be that few years....suffer that few years for the boys....

Dear mummies to be, sorry to disturb. I am a March 11 mummy, I’ve the following to sell away. Pls email me- [email protected] if u are keen. THKS

MIM Sling $30 10/10

Pupsik pouch (L confetti) $30 9/10

Pupsik pouch(XL-Safari) $30 9.5/10

Pupsik Nuring cover (playfield) $30 10/10

My Breast Friend Nursing pillow $35 9/10

BN Mary Jane sock $5 for 3 pair

BN Mudpie sock $11 per pair

soon-to-be> can understand...once we miss their child-hood life, we can never make it up. this is something $ can buy. this is why i quit my job to go china to join my hubby initially. coz i feel tat $ cannot buy family love (equal happiness) for me.

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interupt. Helping a friend to sell the below. Brand new Tessellation 3D playmat. She received 2 sets of the same design during baby shower. Selling at $100. Self collection at Tiong Bahru, Harbourfront, Redhill or Orchard MRT stations.

It can be used as a play mat, tessellation puzzle as well as a rocking horse, and kids can let their creativity flow in playing with the 3-D animals (horse, tortoise and chicken) assembled.

The Tessellation Play Mat is designed to develop kids’ creativity, space perception and shaping ability by letting them assemble whatever shape they want (such as a rocking horse) from soft colourful piece segments of the play mat.

Designed in Korea, made in Taiwan and patented in Japan, this revolutionary toy has received the prestigious Kind + Jugend Innovation Award 2008 in Germany for developing children’s space perception and shaping ability.

The Tessellation Play Mat is scientifically proven to help develop:

• Creativity

• Space perception

• Shaping ability and colour sense

• Concentration

This product is made from high-quality elastic EVA material that is harmless to the human body and environmentally friendly. It has met or exceeded the highest levels of safety and quality by United States (ASTM & CPSIA) and European (EN-71) standards.

Product website: http://www.young-one.co.kr/product.html

Please PM me or email me at [email protected]



Sorry to interrupt, I have 4 BN Babyland cloth diaper to sell @ $10 each, with 1 free extra insert. (ie, you will receive 2 inserts for each diaper). Colors available: red/ orange/ yellow/ green. Free postage included.

Kindly PM me if interested. Thank you.

Hi Mummies, sorry to intrude.

I have a pack of Drypers Wee Wee Dry S64 to let go for $12.

Additional opened pack of Huggies Small, 7pcs left, all for $13 (including the Drypers S64)

Collection from my house at Jurong West. PM me if you are keen.

Hi mummies,

sorry to interupt, i'm a march mummy selling away nursing pillow

Condition: 9/10

rarely used

selling at $35

free delivery

PM me thanks.


Hmm long time no visit thread seems there r issues with some of us eh..

hey Janice I hope u r feelin betta..

i m super close to my family i will rather let my parents b happy but they r pretty understanding.. hope ur bro is too coz my bro is.. he knows my income is solely to support my own family for now every expense also need to b careful..

guess u try to work a way out for ur celebrations shld b ok de.. b it spkg to ur bro n ur parents abt it.. all family nothin to hide.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies to be, sorry to disturb. I got the following items to sell off (still in original packaging, yet to open), all gifts from relatives /parent

1.Eu Yan Sang Essence of chicken (Normal)$10 per box of 6 can - 5 boxes

2.Eu Yan Sang Essence of chicken (with wolfberries & red date) $14 per box of 6 can10 boxes

Pls email me at [email protected] if you are keen

my next apptm is 22nd june.. i continue ur pyscho ing.. hopefully i can keep her weight within 3.2kg @ birth if not max 3.4kg!

My confinement nanny just cancelled on me last night cos she has to go for operation. She said she'll pass me over to her friend but bit dubious about her friend whom I know nothing about...

Does anyone have any recommendations? I recall someone had a good nanny but cancelled on her? Or is there any good confinement nanny agency I can use?

Was actually planning on doing without a confinement nanny but have since been persuaded that I need one...so confused.

coopie> i hv cancelled on a confinement nanny but she is recommended to me by someone online. not sure you want or not and not sure whether she is taken.

my mil and hubby will be helping me to do e confinement coz we wanna cut costs.

Thanks Janice/ Wendy! Have decided to just stick to the backup that my CL recommended, since my deposit is already with her, and hope for the best.

Went to see gynae on Wednesday, baby has dropped further down but not engaged yet, and cervix not open yet, so hopefully still have a few weeks to go, am really not ready to give birth just yet...anyone's baby engaged already?

hmm.. don't know baby engaged or not. but i have been experiencing contractions at night.. causing me backaches.. :S

Xinyue > better check with your gynae during your next visit? I was put on the CSG (?) machine to check whether I was having contractions. Could be a sign of whether labour is going to start soon I think?

So happy it's finally Friday! Need to buy nursing bras and clothes and pack hospital bag this weekend. Yippee!

coopie > My next appt supposed to be this coming Tuesday and I will also be put on the CTG machine to check.

yeah.. finally Friday. Quick Quick, go pack your bag and remember your disposable undies..

But hubby bz, so postponed to this Friday instead.. Hope all is ok with the baby..

Ooh sunshine, how exciting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xinyue > hmm you better start monitoring and call the doctor earlier if you sense anything is wrong...

Disposable undies > I bought mine from Cheong Choon, the cheap shop at Chinatown that pple on the forum recommended. Seems pretty good quality, the cotton kind so shouldn't tear so easily. Those who haven't bought can check it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Those who haven't bought maternity pads should do so soon too! I was kiasu and bought a few brands cos didn't know which one I would like haha--so I have Kotex maternity loop, Kotex maternity pads, Pureen pads, Mothercare pads and Sofy normal pads but 41cm kind. I heard the loop is bit troublesome but the most absorbent and quite comfy.

w160879> hahahaha....scare ur son got jealous that how come he dun hv last time....now meimei hv it??? true lol...kids r like that....then better dun buy, ltr he tink u 'pian xing'....then u hv extra headache....

coopie> think the loop is used by KKH bahh....cos it's the cheapest.... =P i bot the Sofy one....41cm...i need w wings...otherwise feel unsecure....n most impt...i need to use w dry net...those cotton will cos rashes on me...me damn ma fan one lol....hahahahaa....

for the disposible panty....i bot a maternity size n XL fr SGH...omg...the maternity size...hahahaha....giangantic BIG lol....i wear liao will drop down....hahahaha...the XL oso pretty big...ytd, bot L size fr WAtson, looks good....$2.20 for 7pcs leh....the private area is cotton....shld last, they oso got the cotton type but abit wasteful to throw away after use....becos i dun intend to wash for 2nd usage....tink the cotton type, able to wash n use for 2nd time....

for disposable panties, i also bought mine from watsons, size L.

for maternity pads, i didn't buy any just buy the normal overnight pads.

cos for my #1 i bought already never use, also just use the overnight pads, and even the maxi ones.

cos for c-sec, my gynae will "clean up" most of the "blood" (issit called lochia? can't remember), so the flow for c-sec wun be so much compared to those going thru natural delivery.

Haha I think all the hospitals use the loop? I know Gleneagles and Mt E also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I still dunno how that works but figure the nurses will be able to teach me.

Is the Sofy 41cm one thick enough for the first few days, do you need a thicker one? Mothercare has one with wings but not cheap, so I only bought one pack. Haha I am not as fussy abt pads as you--but I do find cotton more comfortable though--those with the netting on top eg Whisper sometimes cause abrasions I thought?

The Cheong Choon disposable undies is in XL but doesnt look That big, though the woman told me her daughter is very big sized and it fit her fine, cos it's stretchable. She said cannot buy too loose if not the pad may slide etc.

Realised I will need 2 bags cos not enough space! The Stemcord box alone quite big already, then gotta pack pads, diapers, etc? Think I will pack 1 bag for going into labour and 1 bag for my overnight stay.

Hmm then gotta pack baby stuff also--may have to bring a few outfits of different sizes cos dunno which one my baby will be able to fit into??

doc says my bb head is down but face facing up...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope by then face can face down as it is the most ideal situation...

i also haven pack hosp bag...maternity pads i bought at Kiddy Palace..now got discount.

Hi mummies-2-be sry to interrupt I've a set if preloved bb video monitor for sale at $60 in gd condition. Interested purchaser can pm me for pics and details thanks.


i also dunno how to tie the loops, the nurses will do for us, dun worry.

Stemcord box i will just separately carry it, not gonna put inside my bag.

why need to bring diapers and pads? hosp will provide lah.

for my bag, it will just have disposable panties, some breastpads in case, mittens, booties, wrapping blanket, 1 set of baby clothes for discharge, few bottles of chix essence, my Dale Abdominal binder, MY PHONE CHARGER!!

that's all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

coopie> errr...not sure if Softy is thick enuff to absorb anot leh....i bot the 3rd pack ytd...hahahhaa...i find the type w netting more dry as cotton after absorb, still hv the wet wet feeling...hahahaa...ya...i m very fussy becos i dun like the 'gao wei' feeling.... =P

jas> i oso heard that for c-sect, the lochia will not be that much becos gynae will clear most of them liao....

i onli bring one body suit for my gal leh....n 4-5pairs of mitten n booties...i shld hv one more set, in case she cannot fit...hahahaa....

my bag got: disposible panties, for pad, tink will use hospital one bahhh...since it's charged, jus use lol...those freebies breast pad, dry shampoo, my gal clothes, mitten/booties, hankerchief (5pcs), lotion, cotton stick, ru yi you....think thats all....haven put in the chicken essence...hahahhaaa...


yes the pads will be charged to our bill anyway, think i still got balance to bring home the last 2 times.

the nurses also packed some diapers (pampers NB)for me to bring back.


janice> maternity pad is thicker n suppose to hold the damn heavy flow (if natural)...normal pad cannot with-hold the flow de....soo mus use maternity pad...but i not getting those...jus get those nite use type....hope can tahan!!!! but if u gg c-sect, dun tink u need bahhh cos flow will not be that heavy!!!

