(2011/07) July 2011

ya.. nice to burp.. esp when one feels bloated.

hmm.. want to ask, the gynae supposes to come see ur daily in our wards till we discharge right? is it a separate fee from the doc's charges for delivery?

i wonder will my gynae charges me extra since his office is not at my choice of hospital.


I just finish an apple pie n a small French fries n a small cup of coke wif 2 pack of salt in it for my teabreak. So tempting to eat n drink after seeing u ladies posting here. Now feel super guilt-stricken. Oh gosh man

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Brand New Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump


Brand New Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


Brand New Nissen and Baby Carter Rompers


feimei>> ya.. no sugar, but if they don't put any sweetener inside at all.. where does the sweet taste come from then?

Sorry to interrupt

Selling BN My First Year Infant to Toddler Bathtub at $35

Retail Price $69

Brand New but label has been cut. Never been used.

Collection at Serangoon Central. Please PM if interested.


Ixoral – I never heard of Goon brand leh. But if others tried and tested good, should be good.

Jas – oh I didn’t know about the absorbency of Huggies. I only heard Drypers not so good. I think we have to try out some brands to see what suitable for our baby coz each baby is different.

Jan-ice – good to hear your gynae said your uterus is soft soft. So you don’t worry too much and be a happy mummy now.

For me, my contractions are too frequent at this stage and now resting at home .

ST – tks for the info on WBB antenatal class.

Feimei – my hb likes the name ‘xuan’ but we not sure if suitable or not. Guess need expert’s advice liao.

Jan-ice – it’s good baby is active. My gal also likes to play with the ‘pilow’ I put supporting my belly every nights. I can feel she like trying to reach and touch the pillow..haha..so cute. My doc nurse said baby sleeps about ½ hr each time will wake up and then sleep again.

Jas – 250/visit is really quite expensive leh. Which hospital you going now ?

Hi mummies 

I hv a combi well carry (silver/red color). 5.5kg


Letting go at $160 as I hv another pram at home. 

Condition: 8.5/10 used lightly from Feb2011 till now. 

Pls pm me if keen. Tnx

Self collection at Bedok area

xinyue> still couldnt help feeling guilty. hehhee...

rexxie> well i feel tat my stomach is gonna burst, its so big. you are having contractions??

or so called the braxton hicks? i m experiencing this now. its like stomach hardening at times.

rexxie> ur bb gal is so cute, feel like playing wif e pillow. mine just anyhow do stunts and give me earthquake whenever she likes. but usually her movement is before/around lunch and dinner. my bb only likes to eat n sleep.

Jas> huh $250 per visit?? wow, its real expensive. mine is around $192 per visit including 1mth's supplement supply.

1) btw does any mummies here experiencing some water discharge now?? i m having this problem. before tat my panty is always dry dry.

2) how long does the pain for c-sect last?? one of e aunties told me only 1 to 2 days of pain. all along i tot its at least 1 mth of pain. which is true??

3) is it possible water bag will break much earlier?? like in week 32..


1.) I think its mucus discharge bah? Its normal to have more mucus discharge during pregnancy especially during the final trimester.

3.) When the water bag burst, its a sign of labour. When water bag burst, this means that the amniotic fluid which protects the baby has burst and flow out. During this time, the baby will be prone to infections. Therefore, if your water bag burst, you will need to prepare and go to hospital. Unless your baby wants to come out in 32 weeks, otherwise water bag should not burst. But then 32 weeks is still too early..

chujie> do u find coke light/zero sweet??? i guess u r right bahh...some artifical sweeterner added but ppl ard me dun like leh...they said it's tasteless....hahahaha...

rex> u carrying a princess??? if yes, then you long zi can be one of ur choice...hahahaha...he 85% for sure will hv 'xuan' in the list to select....jus depend on how u mix n match w other character....hahahhahaa....

there are some cases where the baby comes out naturally in the 7th month of the pregnancy.

seems that mucus plug discharge is one of the signs of labour..

janice > is it urine leaking??

Yup, mucus plug discharge is one of the signs of labour too. You will see reddish period like discharge/stain at your panties. I experienced that for my #1.

maelyn/kimifin> thanks for ur kind reply. this is why i hv no idea. i dun think its urine leaking coz e smell is different. its not alot of water. my mum said water bag breaks equal to alot of water..like the whole bed will be wet.

yeah i also suspect its a sign of labour but i m only in my week 32 and no reddish at all. so wondering does any of mummies here encounter the same thing as me??

Can I ask you all.. those who experience early contraction.. how does it feel.. you all mentioned about tummy harden.. but is there any other feeling? pain? where is the pain?

chujie > yay! must drink more water, weather very hot recently..

janice > suggest to check with ur gynae for a peace of mind. i heard that, when u r lying down and water bag burst, the leakage is not as much as compared to when u r standing..

Maelyn, paiseh, supposed to be for Janice.

Janice, it feels wet and warm? does it come out on intervals?

I heard is about 1 litre plus in all, but if leak, shd be bit, call your gynae, may need to do test to find out.


cos my BH, sometimes, the contraction is so hard like you cant focus on any other matter, tummy there harden lor.

xinyue>> me too.. cough better but still have phlegm.. lucky getting more solid and can easily cough out and clear.. (sound disgusting.. haha)

Just pamper myself with a brick of corn ice-cream with waffle biscuit.. hehe

kimifin>> my hardeness happen only for short time.. I assume only baby stretching inside.. but not very serious.. then after that she will start moving regularly again..

so mine should not be BH right?

kimifin> oh its for me. its wet but not warm. its like 1 patch on my panty when i check it. i dun even know when it came out. i only get to see my gynae on e 1st june. heard tat she went for a holiday. anyway its difficult to book her w/o advance booking lor. i rather ask you gals here.

yeah i experience hardening of my tummy too...and its everyday a few times but not the whole day. when hardening came, you cant focus on other stuff except to sit very still n wait for e hardening to go off. i tot its braxton hicks coz tats e closest i can find from e internet.

chujie > lol.. mine's stuck at the throat.. can only clear voice..

wow.. ice cream on a hot day.. yummy..

*phew*....tot weather not as HOT as ytd but i m sweating like nobody biz....like a running tap!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

went to find coconut...hahhaha....finally got it BUT not cold one...no choice, still hv to drink....

feimei> u started drinking coconut alriz?? i plan to start at week 33 which is next week.

last nite there are alot of thunderstorm (wake my bb up throughout e whole nite, so sleepless nite for me). tot tat it will be pouring cats n dogs but ended up no rain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still so hot!

janice> i started on 32wks, once a wk, then when reach 36wks, will be twice a wk lol....this wk is my 33wks lol....soo i started last wk....

ya...my place last nite oso thunder....v loud...my gal oso kicking...but told her no need scare...jus a short while onli....then i covered my tum tum w blanket (thou i feel HOT)to keep her 'secured'...n shortly, she stop kicking liao.... =P

Ya, today's cooler..

feimei > Yesterday night heavy rain at our side, this morning so nice to sleep in but too bad today is working day. Got to drag myself out of the bed.

chujie > Hope so.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihi all mtbs

oh dear m hving this white spot on my feet n ankle n also rashes...oh my boy why make mummy skin become like that..my skin use to be quite gd n fair...should i see a doctor?


or its just your normal vag discharge, but cos u ate something 'liang' so become more watery?

If consistently, then call the clinic, the nurses would be able to advice you.

kimifin> well i m also thinking whether i drink or eat something too 'liang'. all i can think of is recently i drank a cup of ice-lemon tea from kfc, HL chocolate milk wif ice, and those golden kiwi fruits. is it too much?? hmm...to me not very 'liang' lay.

i used to hv some discharge before pregnancy. after pregnancy, completely gone. so you ladies dun hv such encounter as me huh? maybe i shd cut down on icy drinks completely.

sunshinebb> tat time i had rashes on my tummy area for more than 1 week before i decided to go see a GP. i told the doc i didnt wanna consume any pills, only apply the cream and its gone within a few days. so its good if you wanna go see a GP if it persists.

xinyue> ya....last nite loud thunder storm n heavy rain but the rain awhile onli nia~~~i still feel Hot leh...hahahahaa....damn jialat...abit, i sweat...like water tap...haahaha....today not as hot as previous days lol....hope tonight rain again... =P

sunshine> isn't ppl say that boy will make mummy glow whereas gal will make mummy ugly....but i dun tink my gal make me ugly becos i used to be ugly....hahahahaa....jus tat she didn't make me more ugly!!!! hahahahhaaa......

sunshine...i also have white spots at ankle area but not itchy de..dunno why leh...if u see doc can share what doc says? i only seeing gynae next weekend...

ya jan-ice...i bot cream to apply liao...if not dun recover in few day time hv to go see GP.

noooooooooooooooo...feimei totally wrong...my boy make me look like a 1)huge potato 2) badly swelled feet with white spot n rashes 3) red n big nose 4) i m quite fair...now skin darken especially the neck area with dirty dark line

endure n endure gg to unload him in another 1+ -2mth time...wohahaha im gg to hit his little bum for bully mummy in this manner

sunshine. hahahahaa...that's always a myth la...jus hear n say...not scientific proven oso...but my preg, i din really change alot, maybe u gals looks slim n pretty prior to preggie...but for mi...prior to preggie, i oledi got water pail waist line, pimples/acne all ard, skin condition not soo good....on n off good n bad...what else??? Hmmm~~~nothing perfect for me...soo i see myself not much changes lol....

dun worry la....after unload, everything will be back as before...n u can be a Hot mummy!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunshinebb/feimei> i also heard before tat bb gal will make mummy ugly (pimples popping) and bb boy make mummmy glow. tats why initially i m so confident i m having a boy coz i m glowing (used to hv pimples). who knows my bb gal is making me looks good (good complexion). anyway i dun mind being ugly if i had a boy. wanted a boy so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

you think bb gal will be filial?? i watch tv shows and think gals tend to be more rebellious towards listening to parents. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] feel sianz whenever think of this.

feimei> yeah i m looking forward to 'unloading' and back to my own self. i put on alot more weight in my last trimester. stomach alot more bigger. is it same for u mummies???

Jas- I pay abt roughly 120 sometimes less than 100 each visit except if special tests and jabs needed.

Janice - I had tightening vr early on. My mum said bb is turning but I doubt coz bb is too small then to make my tummy raised a bump and out of shape.

At 26 wk, I switched gynae coz my 1st gynae always said dun worry even I had fever he oso said tat. No check me at all. My current doc is vr attentive and gives me many info.

I run a test and detected too frequent painless contractions tat comes every 10mins unlike Braxton hicks not more than 4 times every hour.

Im having an tai jabs and meds since then and had 2 jabs yday and today to mature my bb's lungs in case she comes out nw she wl not able to breathe on her own coz lungs not fully developed. They can put the bb in incubator to help breathing but vr costly and bb might hv health problems later.

Critical to pass 34 wk but doc says ideal to pop at least 37wk to ensure bb's health not affected.

So trust yr instinct and get 2nd opinion if u dun feel right. Do some tests to confirm. Every day makes a difference.

Btw, slight discharge is ok. I hv that too. But it's too much and foul smelling then better check it out

Oh ya my doc said contractions will always at the same spot. My case is right side near navel. If bb is turning usually not the same place.

Sorry for the long post. Juz sharing.

Feimei - where is this you long zi? I saw many quite similar names I'm bit confused liao. Haha.

Me too. Acnes a lot and i dun bother abt my looks sometimes coz ugly alr.

