(2011/06) June 2011

E'leen lau,

Just nice yesterday hubby was saying to buy a stethoscope to listen to heartbeats. Will check out amazon. I tried it at night by placing 1 hand on belly n 1 on my own heart to differentiate between their hb n mine. Can really feel a faint beating which is much faster than my own. Sisters, can try it out on your own at night. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



i was a new mummy so the first 2 weeks was very tiring but amazingly will still find the energy to go on. i think its mother instinct ba... if you are getting maid, gotta get one early since u are having twins. dun expect to find a good 1 immediately, plus you need to train the maid & it takes about 1 month for each maid to come...

i'm not comfortable with having a stranger living with us long term but with the cost of the CL, i can get a maid for a few months. mil will be coming everyday to help & mostly likely mum will be cooking my dinner.

wah syrah muz be very confusing for u to hear 3 different heartbeats!

i tried before liao.. cannot tell anything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

syrah, maybe we can share shipping with other interested mummies? a friend told me during my 1st preg, but i was in my 7th month at that time, so din bother to buy... hee

i think i will go w/o CL ba..coz no rm for them to slp also..think IL wont be comfy staying with a stranger..unless i hv my own hse also..

my colleague said at this stage can feel bb kicking eh..like got gas or butterflies in ur stomach those feeling..

i kept dreaming i gave birth already eh..this morning still BF BB..haha

E'leen lau,

Sure sure. Before that I'm asking a fren to check out Mustafa. I googled n someone posted can buy from there. Will see how much they sell first.


No la. I also dunno it's which bb's heartbeat. Only can feel that there's a faster pulse. Perhaps cos it's two of them that's y it's easier for me to feel.

Btw, anyone looking at prenatal yoga or have tried it before? Any recommendations?

Today I'm exactly 14th week. Now sitting in hair salon getting a wash & treatment. Feels really shiok! I wanted to trim hair but hubby said can't. Have to wait till 3rd tri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mummies, i really can feel baby movement liao, this time confirmed confirmed !

syrah, y yr hubby say cannot leh ?...

my favourite during pregnany is to go for haircut and pedicure...

i also thinking of getting a haircut later..

hehe anyway i also cut and do treatment in TW..

but i think those to do with chemicals is a nono already..

altariel : thanks u

syrah : i m currently working as temp staff

so tomolo going for interview at other dept which need perm staff

krex : oic ....ok

Eliomummy> heheh i think by than back to mormal liao.. everything want to eat hahaha.

Tummy no good le for few days liao its either 3 things not acceptable to my body... swiss roll cake/kaya/multi vitamins

Dun know which one cause tummy ache....

hello first time here =) EDD 18/6. guess i'm in the right forum? =)

hope to meet new friends and gather advises.. currently planning for child minding business like CL and nannny (maybe later) etc.. guess still need to discuss with parents...

so fast can tell gender? my gynae told me 4th-5th months to confirm whor. and by 5th to confirm girl..

hello welcome chilli_padi!

i will be wk 16 at my appt next week already so gynae say should 100% be able to tell gender, as long as bb cooperate and is in the right position la.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Altariel and Ann,

My hubby pantang. Says can only cut in 3rd tri. It's gd that he lets me go for hair treatment already. Our babies hard to come by so must be extra careful.

hahaha ok

for mi.. tat time my mum ask mi dun take seafood , those liang stuff , yam for abt 3mths ah


maybe swiss roll or kaya not fresh ??

eliomummy, I quitted my previous job when I was a few weeks pregnant after confirming that the company is willing to take me in although I was pregnant. I joined that company for 3 months and then I went to another company. Obviously this other company knew that I was pregnant since I was already about 20 weeks pregnant. I managed to stuck a deal with this company to give me full maternity as well although I was not supposed to be entitled to the 3rd month because according to mcys, for the 3rd month (during my 2nd pregnancy time), they will only pay back the company if the staff has worked for the company for more than 180 days.

So I was quite lucky. Hopefully, you won't have any problem with your maternity leaves.

Elimummy> Maybe le... I have to stop eating for tomorrow and see how... the usual cramp than now tummy ache a bit irritating lor....

Junaine> Please see your dr ASAP we are not surpose to have brown or red discharge.


I think it's definitely not common to see blood clot discharge. i think you better call your gynae to ask for advice.


is it cramp or stomachache? I think it's also better for you to see a dr or your gynae. maybe it's the egg in the kaya.

mongs: hehe... i juz m/c abt a mth ago [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

christy: ok juz monitor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mongs> Got both ah... cramp is off and on mah.. everyday I have that tummy ache those like u eat not clean food than tummy ache lor..

Hmmm dun know le... should see dr or not cause no diarrhoea le.. just stool colour change to dark one maybe not clean food "toxic"

Eliomummy> If last time I just grab medicine and eat liao now cannot.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Since my gynae not in Singapore. I went to a&e kkh hospital. The doc there did a scan the baby is ok and there a heartbeat. The problem is when I ask her why I still got blood clot on me she say she did not see any blood inside me and she don't know why. And she say next time take a picture and show her. And she never give me any medicine. But today I saw again the blood clot. Now I not sure what the problem is.


Although your gnae not ard but he shld have given u an emergency number that u can call rt? There shld be a gynae replacing him on standby during his absence. Another alternative is why dun u go to TMC/Mt A A&E instead?

Eilomummy,good luck for ur interview tomolo.^-^

Chil,wah..glad u enjoy urself..happy mummy=happy bb!

Createjoy,soo cool!u can start to shop for girly stuff!

Junaine,I think go n see another doc?look for a 2nd opinion since ur gyne not around n the other doc cant find anything.And I think bedrest is impt..try to rest more n not move too much

Syrah,true..if ur hubby dont want you to cut hair,better follow..but I haven't heard of this before leh..anyway,I cut liao,coz my hair was in a mess..

syrah,if u get ur stethoscope from mustafa,can tell us?hehe..I want to get also leh..but my husband scolded me say waste of $,so I didn't mention to him again..lol

Is fetal doppler better or stethoscope better?

Syrah yr hubby furnie. I 1st time hear can't cut hair during 1st tri. But well better safe than sorry bah. Hang in there ah.

Welcome all d new mummies, we all here to learn share gossip complain blah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Junaine, get yr Usual gynae advise soonest for reassurance. Although I do heard some ppl bleed on off throughout preg n bb is fine.

Christy, hope yr cramp will b over soon!

Today got headache even though I'm do nothing watching tv on leave resting at home alone?! Weird.. Mayb my body deprive for hectic days?!

Junaine> some ppl bleed on and off thru out their pregnancy but I think u should seek a second opinion just in case.

Ate 4 pieces of black pepper crab today and then went into the forum and saw that it's a no-no! Hopefully this one-off thing will not affect anyway. Was watching this show on tv about people who didn't know they were pregnant and had no prenatal care and ate and drink whatever they want and ended up with healthy babies. So sometimes I wonder how much effect all these worries have on the baby.

Told hubby bt the stethoscope and now he tempted to go and buy now. Haha.

My friend came back with the news that Mustafa selling stethoscopes that GP uses at $99! That's way too expensive. So guess we have to order online now.

Oops... Latest news the cheapest she found at Mustafa was $22 for a low end type. Let's check out if the shipping cost and all will be more than this if we order online.

can stethoscopes really hear anything? if can hear then wat is the point of a fetal doppler? i paranoid that if buy stethoscope then in the end all i can hear is my gastric juices flowing around haha >.<

Hi Clare thanks u

Syrah think cannot cut anything when u sittin on the bed even sewing oso cant

Went to see doc

He juz said the eyes drop doesn't suit mic

Give mi antibiotic n reduce swollen tablets

Just went back from my gynae but sadly the baby was not cooperating so cannot tell the gender yet *sobs sobs* next appointment still mid Jan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so impatient siar lol

actually stethoscope helps to amplify sound mainly and we will probably be hearing more of the other louder sounds made by the other parts of our other internal organs eg stomach. for us to listen to the baby's heartbeat, usually fetal doppler will be more useful as it works on the same basis as the ultrasound machine use by the doc which is to send low frequency of ultrasound waves(to coincide with the baby's heartbeat rate) and then detect the return echoes wioth a sensor which is eventually translated into the heartbeat sound. As for the sounds made by other parts of our internal body eg mummy's heartbeat or stomach sound does not coincide with the frequency of the ultrasound transmitted, these will not be amplified like the baby's heartbeat.


I was also pretty excited by the stethoscope suggestion and cant help do a bit of bkground research on the how they work. I am sorry for being such a damper =(

Hi to all mummies!

Went for my 16 week US yesterday and as usual, the doctor tells me that she cannot see the gender of the baby! So sian! Have to wait till the 20th week..


it's so exciting to have twins! Double the work but double the happiness [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do you know if they are identical or fraternal twins? My friend had twins also last year and she said it was easier than expected. Somehow the 2 girls were quite well coordinated..eg slept and drank at the same times. She had her mum to help her out in the afternoons and has an older daughter to take care of. So I think with a maid to help out your mum, it should be quite workable!


hope you are feeling better! Are you thinking of bringing your boy to join a contest? Good luck for your interview!

Hi Josephine,



Congratulations! You must be very happy! You can find out that it's a girl so early on? Can start shopping for girly stuff!


shake hands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also have to wait till Jan.. let's tahan the suspense together..keke..

Talking about CL, I think the first 3 months are tiring and it's surely good to have help, may it be a CL or a maid. If I could I would surely get one! Am not looking forward to taking care of a toddler and a baby! Hope I won't go mad!

well at least we didnt waste US$8 to get the stethoscope! thanks for looking it up christine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

claire> if bb not in right position the gynae cannot 'shake' the baby to try to change position one is it? cos at my last scan at wk 13, the bb's was originally facing the right.. then while i wasnt looking at the screen and the gynae was tapping my tummy, i suddenly realised the bb has switched position and is facing the left now! change position 180 deg so fast and i didnt even notice lor haha

delfine > yea lo... so sian. i was hoping to be able to start shopping T____T

altariel > I did tap my tummy in desperation lol but the baby move a bit only but still around the same position T.T only wiggles slightly and dowan to open up lol the gynae was very patient, he knew i was very eager so he tried all the angle but alas baby decided to be mysterious lol

Oh ya, any mummy not gaining weight yet and still MS? How come everyone talk about craving lol I felt so left out, still have MS and my weight wavering around 0-1kg gain. A bit worried since already second trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Me lor. I still feel nausea and im at week 20! Omg! I no cravings too. Started to gain weight slightly only from week 18 onwards, now put on 2 kg already. Dont worry, just eat healthy & bb will be fine =)

claire, me at wk 15+ now also no craving and no weight gain at all..

ashley> very reassuring! if u only gained from wk 18 onwards and still considered normal and healthy then i no need worry so much liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah initially I was worried as well! No weight gain at week 16,17! But I continued to eat normally, throwing in that occasional ice cream or cake now & then after dinner [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I realized that we will still gain weight by eating normally. And my gynae told me 3-5kg gain in second trimester is healthy.

