(2011/06) June 2011

Oops then headache cos there seems only a handful under the FBI disc program.. Other than the Angs inside TMC, hmmm no many choices

Maybe I ll take toa payoh or bishan doc

I'll check ;)

Isetan ~ actually I also bgt most of my stuff

Just wanna go see see ;)


Fen > can update what are the good buys at Isetan when you are back? then i see if i wanna go anot. cos weekend only sunday hubby is free. feel like going to expo so need to plan out the routes. TIA! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just some random thots, I am hoping June to be here faster cos baby is taking a toil on me. now have to sit really upright, else the area between stomach & breast area will be painful.

then back pain + at night I keep waking up for no reasons. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Plus, I am looking forward to my little one. I really wonder how he will look like. hehe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI mummies..

I m back from Isetan.. its crowded but the cashier at L1 us rather fast cos they hv a few cashier.. however after shopping for 2 hours, aiyo, I can really feel the strain on my tummy..

FisherPrice clothes - rather soft and at 30% off

Pigeon also at 30% off

I only bought a diaper wear for BB that is to wear with cloth diaper and before disc is $9.20, after 30% disc is $6.44.. isetan got extra abt 3% disc and if you got yr HSBC card, you get extra 5% rebate.. which I forgot to bring..

In my very vain moment, I grab a white L size dress from Retro and after disc is $48.30 .. they have lots of dress gg at 50% off

I bought briefs for my hubby as well.. CK, DKNY, etc all 30% off....

Hmmm.. I think Isetan sale is one day only my dear...

I feel my stomach is very stretched after 1 meal.. other than that, only my lower right back will be slightly sore if i sit too long.. other than this, everything is ok.. even when i sleep.. i dun need any of those pregnant bolster cos i m still ok..

BB sure very very very CUTE[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I always peep at other people BB and when I go TMC will see other people BB... and very excited to see mine.. perhaps I will cry when see my BB cos I been looking forward to one so badly...

For lingerie.. no much selection except triumph.. i bought 2 pierre cardin for $30.. cos my breast really getting bigger and bigger... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I never go down to the sale personally but still i spent ~$100 hahahaha Bought 2 of the cut out coupon items Thomas train set + Casio watch. then also bought Algo 4-tier wagon for kitchen use. thinking of putting my sterilizer on the top tier then the 3 lower tier can put other items like milk bottles, fm tins etc.

Christy - Yeah, I am the one with a Jack Russell. he is still very cute and active, though abit old, since he has just celebrated his 9th birthday.

Would like to ask everyone here... does anyone experience a sudden protrution of the tummy @ a certain area? It's like the tummy suddenly protrudes at one point, then subsides maybe a minute later. I am wondering if its the bb's head or legs stretching. Looks funny tho, cos the tummy will be lopsided

Beanny> Oh its you congrets le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hehehe I heard some pple also like you got suddenly a protrude at certain part of the tummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Where u delivering at? and whats your EDD?

fen > isetan sale only one day...? at first i thot first day is private then open for public during the weekend. if it's the case, then i can't go liao... cos today need to attend the prenatal class. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

not considering BB stuff, i tink other stuff also good buys leh.. 30% discount. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

life is beautiful, isetan sale today is for members only with additional discount to members, so it's called pte sale, then next day onwards the sale will be open to the public.

hi mummies... the thread is moving so fast that i can't catch up.. everytime i log on, i feel so stressed as i feel so ill prepared.. :p

junaine, moon, JJ.. what does a low placenta actually mean? From the looks of it, i have opt for csect liao...

issit the isetan sale today?? where? parkway isetan also??

Beanny> Yah, my tummy is sometimes lopsided! Sometimes left bigger, sometimes right! And just yesterday, tummy was super sharp towards the bottom center of my navel which gradually subsided later. I was also wondering which part of my ah girl was that! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmmm, I was wondering how come the market dun sell trial pack for diaper?

Cause we know that not all bb suit certain brand of diaper.

I was thinking.... If I get 1 pack fm the market and use few pic of diaper than if bb got rash what a waste with the rest.

Is it a good idea that one of us buy the pack of diaper and share among the mummies (those who are interested) than at least we know what diaper can or cannot be use on our bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ > i see. I'm not an Isetan member.. so will hint to hint my hubby to bring me there to look see look see over the weekend. hopefully he's keen since we are going to expo also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, how do you tell whether you are low-placenta or not? the gynae will tell you..?

Evvie > same experience. my tubby sometimes is lopsided with the right bigger than left. i suspect cos the head's on the right side. there was once, i think i can feel my bb's head cos only that part of the tummy is round & hard, and it's a little protruding. :p so i just sayang that part.. machiam like sayang-ing his head.. hehe.

christy > i thought can request for free samples.

only can think of these 2 now.



JJ.. thanks! icic... oh.. no wonder.. doc say placenta is at baby's head.. but he say since i opt for csect, no problem..

how much diapers must we stock up?

life is beautiful, ya, gynae told me i have low placenta tat time when she did the scanning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no problem, life is beautiful.

junebunny, oic, since you opt for csect, then ya, no problem.

JJ> hehehe cause very wasteful hor.. if use few pic than dun know how to settle the rest.

Life is beautiful> Sample also 1 or 2 pic nia. Personally I think 5-6 pic is good too try cause after u use 1 pic I dun think the rash will develop that fast.

Somemore.. not all request for sample will be sent to us.

Junebunny> 1 to 2 pack NB, 2 pack S size. If you are on FB you will see this on the post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Note that some design are small cutting. I all get fm the FB de la... so learnt from there... well diaper also another complicated item to choose.. like milk bottle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahah

christy, ya lor, u know i was so scared my #2 will have expensive bum like her kor kor that time? now i'm praying hard that #3 have cheap bum like his jie jie, don follow his kor kor hehee!!

junebunny, 1-2 pack nb size, 2-4 or 4-6 packs s size.

christy, u're very funny! hehehe!

JJ> Must help the pocket a bit mah.. if can joint venture with other moms on sharing the diaper also good.... Well I got sensertive skin, I also worried later the bb also follow me... want expensive product :p

lolz!! thanks christy and jj! :D

i think milk bottles also headache... how many bottles do we actually need?

on FB? oh.. how to add.. sigh... i wish i have a magic wand.. one flick and everything all done.. don't have to think.. haha.. :p

Join us at FB, search for MTB June 2011

I got 2 small and 3 big for milk bottle.

haha we also wish we can do magic... LOL.. if can one flick the bb is there on the cot no delivery process and we can be slim slim as usually hahahah

christy > i see.. that's a good idea to share the diapers. but hor, must arrange for the logistics. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe can ask around in FB. those staying around one area one can meet up, buy and split the cost. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Life is beautiful> in fact my tummy is mostly lopsided until the center tiny hairy line and my almost disappearing navel button dun match! These 2 used to match in my earlier months... now with the tummy stretching so much, the tiny hairy line is slightly to the left and my navel slightly to the right! So weird!!

Diapers: I had bought a smallest pack of Huggies NB for now. I guess will have baby to try later if suitable, if not would hv to send the dad out to source for other brands when the time comes! hehe..

life is beautiful> ya man.. no point if one stay in east and come all the way to the west to pick up. I think if this is workable have a few mummies can organise at their comfort area.

At least I know u and me are near each other hahah. Even if I buy discount diaper now and later cannot use also wasting.... so I think no point if I stock and not sure if its suitable or not.

hi mummies can check usually 1st birth will be 2wks early??

if so my hub might nt be able to make it in time to acc me to labour rm coz of overseas training..

christy > too bad, can't access FB now, else can ask. But i believe (after reading on the email notifications from FB) most mommies have already stock up some diapers for their newborn.

For me, I'm planning to use the cloth diapers and relying on the leftovers from the hospital for night and outdoor use. if need more, just get my family members or hubby to go out and buy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cos i scare later i buy the NB size then my bb too big cannot fit since some mommies commented on the size/cutting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ting > hm... i think is subjective de. I heard of some on time, some delayed and some early delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ting.. if your hub reservist, i think he can ask to defer... for valid reason.. probably say baby is due then? Not too sure, but i think can give it a try? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but whether early or late, it depends ba...

Christy - thanks!

My EDD is 23 June; I was initially seeing a gynae @ KKH, but just switched to TMC under Dr Joycelyn Wong. Must say she is quite a nice lady [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Glad to hear other mothers having the same experience as me about protruding side of tummy. Can get a little uncomfy at times!

Ratatouille .. U get someone to buy for you.. thats a good idea if you know what you want cos aiyo see until my eyes and head blur..

Beanny... mine does.. once in a while and he likes to hover near my belly button at the right or left side.. its very cute actually.. so i will keep patting until slowly he ll disappear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

life is beautiful .. hmmm i m not v sure.. maybe i read the newsletter wrongly..

Hi mummies..no ah..hub nt reservist..regular already..

but he is going for army career thingy..

coz if he dont go..will miss the chance...

Life is beautiful

Thanks. Tried to find the fb group but couldnt find, maybe cos I'm accessing via phone.

Personally I like j&j wipes over pigeon. It's thick n a bit soapy so it's good to wipe poo and dirt. But maybe some will feel a bit sticky after using. These 2 and huggies are gd. But I'm using kodomo now which I think is gd enough. Will be using it for 2nd one unless she is allergic.

Btw diaper prices in USA will be increased soon. Afraid same thing will follow here. I'm thinking of cloth diapering.

fen, ya lor. get frenz to buy for me lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all, I just went back from Expo fair AND taka fair. Yup, took one day leave (actually I need to clear leave by march so thats why lol) so may as well use the time for something useful aka nursery building lol

Expo Fair > Warning. People are really kiasu. My husband today work around Changi business park and he overheard a convo between this mother and her friend, they are going to expo and that time it was only 9 plus! OMG, the Expo starts at 11am loh lol

But since he wanted the baby bjorn carrier that was 30% discount, okay i come earlier at 10.30 AM. By the time I reached there, the Q is very long already. By 11AM the Q are super long. I noticed the goodie bag run out before 12AM (that means, more than 1,000 visitor within the first hour).

Moving around was very difficult since it's very crowded. A lot of mummies with stroller (actually, I pity the small kids as they also got to stand in the Q...) and a lot of pregnant mummies too...

Now on the goodie bag, actually not so worth it if you go there just because of the goodie bag. Only 2 pampers, samples from palmer, pizza cutter (yes!!!!) floor cleaner, bottled water (that make the goodie bag significantly heavier! ) the rest are vouchers.

Discount wise, not so bad. Majority giving 15-20% discount with some highlight product, normally discounted at 30%. Some booth giving away freebies (e.g. MAM booth give you pacifier and breast pad samples if you sign up with their mailing list)

My suggestion would be to mark down where do you want to go because the crowd may make you feel like you wanna cabut ASAP (at least to me, as I don't really fancy crowds). It was very hot despite the aircon due to the larrrrrrrgeee number of people.

As for Taka Fair, it's pretty quiet and we can take our sweet time browsing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] BTW, you can also go to the third floor (children's department) the items there are also discounted. Because sometimes the colour you want may run out on the baby fair area, but they have it upstairs. As it was pretty quiet, service was good.

From Expo : Stroller, baby carrier, pillows

From Taka : Toys, Stroller add on pillows (as my stroller a bit too big for newborn), Cot mobile

Total damage almost 800 bucks lol

Conclusion : Expo had better deal than Taka, but some items are not available at Expo and you have to brace yourself against the crowd.

Another tips. You can actually call takashimaya customer service and ask them to check the price for you, so you can easily compare price without going there and plan ahead which items you want to get from taka, which items you want to get from somewhere else e.g. expo

hi mummies, i went to the expo fair.. by the time i went there it was closed for entry... so i asked the security if i could sneak in and he allowed me too.. i didn't get anything though.. except for a baby safe pillow..

diapers were all so many different brands, i dunno what to get... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mummies, any of you got any slings? are slings good? and also are they necessary?

how abt cot bumpers... need to get?

Anyone knows where i can get customised beansprout pillows? :p

junebunny, I didn't get any slings coz i oso dunno if they are useful. I did get a bumper though. It is to surround the cot so as to cushion e impact in the event baby bumps into the cot i think

Junebunny, i just went for check yesterday, brought forward it by 2 days because i had a little spotting due to my placenta. my gynae said my placenta did shifted up by abit, which i feel is good lah. but due to spotting, my gynae actually wanted me to hospitalised yesterday, but i told him i bedrest at home. so he gave me 1 week mc for bedrest lor. if i got any worse then have to report to him liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so crossing my fingers that no more spotting anymore!!

Looks like Expo got alot of good deals.. hmm.. if my spotting stop, then shall go see see.. ;p

bbjo >> thanks! I'm also not too sure abt the sling... now just wondering if there is any other alternative...

junez >> you better have more rest.. my placenta is low, but no spotting.. *cross fingers* actually expo is ok.. depends on what u wanna get really... i go there, i feel so lost...

Take care Junez...

I went to the expo just now and i bought the babysafe pillow and bolster, farlin babycot that comes with bumper, mattress, a pillow and etc and a Baby Bjorn Carrier Synergy. All at a discount/promo.

anyone interested to get pupsilk slings? I probably need to get one or two cos no joke for me and hb to bring 3 kids, so bb will be in the sling.

Check this out: http://www.pupsikstudio.com/baby-pouch-slings/, they also carried other pdts as well.

if any babes interested, pls express ur interest here, i see if we can get discount or nt. Already emailed to pupsilk and ask for it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], i think their moq is min. 20 slings, thanks syrah for checking it out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Interested parties, pls indicate here:

1. JJ x 2




California Baby Calendula Everyday Lotion

I've got 5 brand new bottles of it.

Bought extra from Agape (online BP) previously, with the intention of using on my baby, but end up husband say the smell not nice...

Sian half...

So now i'm trying to clear stock, selling cheap... $12 per bottle, buy 4 get one free??

Anybody keen?

Can self collect at Punggol...

***Do not PM me, cos my email account with hotmail.com has been suspended...

Can email me at [email protected]


Take care and dun walk so much now.

Thanks ladies for the update on expo fair. Went too late yesterday and couldnt go in, wasted a trip. Seems like nothing much to buy for my case.

Re slings

It's useful for fast in and fast out trips. I used it quite often when my #1 was small. But for longer trips, I would suggest those carriers with 2 shoulder straps and a hip strap. Slings put a lot of stress on one shoulder.


what time you girls went in until they refused entry?

cot bumper, i didnt buy cuz there is a risk of suffocation. I didn't get a sling too because hubby want something more stylish lol so we get baby carrier instead lol cuz i'm quite small size lah so most likely i wont be able to carry the baby, he will be the one who carry so I let him choose :p

