Mimosa: He dun dare to propose ask his mum to take care. Coz I tell him even if I die also cannot let her take care. I say my spirit will come back to take care of bb.
Wow ur whole family really scattered around. I am thinking why not have another bb soon then ask ur parents to help out for like 2 yrs, after that when they can go to childcare then ur parents can go and travel around again?
My hb, aiyah, talk to him again and he still insist on staying. Told him all I can le, he keep saying I think till so simple, wat if the new job no good, then he shoot me and say if I working he dun mind changing but I"m not working and he's the sole breadwinner so cannot change.
I used to be naive and thinks very simple before I got pregnant, not coz pregnancy changed me but its an incident involving my sil that changed me totally. I become a sad, worrying person now. Last time I always think if u dun harm someone, they wun do it to u too unless if it involves work but what she done totally change my thinking. I now know that even if u bochup abt others, u will also kanna. And this is when I totally understood what one of my good friends told and warn me before that I am too naive, when one day someone backstab me I dun even no how I die. That time I dun understand her and I was offended. Only after my sil incident then I knew why my friend warned me, she knew I was naive and bochup but pple might not think the same.
I think its more of issues happenings that made us change, not coz of pregnancy or coz of our bbs. U prob dun need to c a doc, I think if ur mil leaves u will feel better. LOL.