(2011/05) May 2011

Dolly, see what i found, didn;t know this church is affliated. MY ger is in PLMC kindy now.


Paya Lebar Methodist Church (Methodist Churches) possible affiliation

-> ACS (Primary)

ACS (Junior)

Fairfield Methodist Primary School

Geylang Methodist Primary School

Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School (Primary)

Methodist Girls' School (Primary)

starfruit - I know PV fr pei chun who didn't get in and they r within 1km. Those PV outside 1km no chance to ballot at all! So I'll not take this gambling chance la.

As for CHIJ, I'm within 1km..so chances quite good fr the past years history.

I look at RGPS PV history, also they all got in without balloting. That's y hb keep pushing me to pursue further instead of give up the 2nd interview chance.

Err..don't think church kindy is affiliated to primary. And I think u said quite true church members get higher chance compared to GRC. And sch like MGS,CHIJ they don't take PV for P1 reg.

apple, yeah kindy actually offically no affliation but i kinda think that they will also look at the record and give some considerations. anyway my purpose of sending her to PLMC kindy is not for the primary school cos its the nearest kindy within walking distance from my hm and the kindy has very good feedback. my gf's kids are in there too, she was a PV for PLMGS and her ger is pri 2 now.

morning, yes, its friday!!!

apple, i didn;t know CHIJ dun accept PV, i tot all schools accepts PV leh. do u know how many hrs u need to commit to if u r a PV? i am still considering if i want to go be a PV.

dolly, where do u stay, near to both ACS and MGS? if near, then will be good. anyway u have 1 girl + 1 boy, so more headache for P1 enrollment cos need to decide on 2 schools.


Wah... was reading what you all were discussing yesterday and I thought of the story "meng mu san qian"... You all very far-sighted wor!!!

Morning mummies!!

Me now attending excel course..sian..worried I cannot pass the test later..

Wah, discussing abt Pri school...I also having headache. My area only got 4 school, 2 better ones and 2 neighbourhood...and the 2 better school Henry park and Fairfield is within 2km, out of 1km, very hard to go in..and HPPS only accept 20+ PV everyday. I did not register PV, application close yr last Oct..thinking I have to start doing PV this yr with the big tum tum is very tiring..hubby working late everyday, dun think he can do also.

I can only go for balloting to see heng suay, cannot get in, register Queenstown Pri..really sian.

starfruit : i've a colleague tried to enrol his daughter to st hildas & PV for 320hrs, but didn't manage to get in so only wait till the 1st day of sch, received news that they are offered due to a withdrawal from one pupil.

nope, we are looking to move to that area few years before she's enroll to P1. we are more concern on MGS, coz ACS is not a issue..

Dolly, my ex colleague also shift to Bt Timah area to enrol her girl in MGS and they get in.

I also just shifted to Holland area last yr Jan but this area not much school. I shift for the sake to be next block to my mum for easy childcare arrangement.

My hubby is those bo chap one, he say any school also can...and tell me better dun think of asking him to do PV.

Good morning..

starfruit - PV at CHIJ TP is after girl went into P1. They do not accept PV for P1 registration.

For u, no need PV la coz u old girl rite? Can go in straight.

For us, we are within 1km, so shd not be a prob, unless really that year got so many siblings & alum taken the place.

bbpooh, will PM u the contact and details later.

Wayne, HPPS is very difficult to get in coz the sch also cater for handicap kids. My ex-colleague despite doing PV still can't get in..quite kek sim lo. But they managed to get in another sch, forgotten the name, but during P2, the boy got trf to Nanyang and now both siblings at Nanyang.

dolly - yes, moving to bkt timah shd have good chance got population over there is not overly crowded. And furthermore they have SCGS, Nanyang, RGPS lay on the road besides MGS.

morning mummies... it's finally friday!

can see that some of you are already planning for pri 1 admission for your little ones.

starfruit, i'm also CHIJ TP alum, but might not want to send my daughter there in future, cuz the distance quite far for her to travel from woodlands to toa payoh. will prob find a school nearer to my place or my MIL's place. anyway, still a long long way for me.

btw, anybody going to the 1st dad and mum congress this sunday?

apple, ya lor, that is why I dun want to do PV, they only select 22 applicant last yr. And 39 applicant to ballot for 14 seats out of 2km. Think I just go for balloting to try my luck.

Another better one is Fairfield lor, also hard to get in, ppl staying in Dover has priority as well as those from church.

I have a feeling my boy will end up in Queenstown.

My old school is New Town, I dun want him to go there although is very near my place also..and my hubby old school merge and become Gan Eng Seng PS, quite far from our place.

Next yr is the headache yr liao..

My boy also going P1 in 2013.

apple : true lor... staying near to the sch, so she don't have to wake up early too.. only the poor boy might have to travel alittle..

joycep : i'm not going too.. coz i'm not 1st mum liao..hahaha...

hannah : my HB even think of going to be a PV for MGS if require too..

dolly: Wow.............. Most HBs won't do stuff like this, but it does sound like education is a very important thing for him... Good thing you agree with him. =)

Dolly..won't lor cause I buddisht leh..

So the 3 school ard my area is Henry Park, Queenstown and New Town, no more liao...

Joyce, won't be going.

dolly: Ooohhh... and what is he good in? sorry ah, i kaypoh only... hahahahaha... coz also curious to know what the schools might have PVs to do....

wayne : oic.. but you mean you don't mind to let your kids to go in a missionary sch? they will learn to sing praise and other stuff.. wldn't it conflicts your religion?

morning ladies. TGIF =)

re: pri sch

hehehe. i nt as headache as u ladies. i am putting my boy to the sch just in front of my hse which I am an old sch gal and ex-sch team and its like less than 5mins to the sch...so dun nd to look far, he will go to tt sch...considering nt a bad sch in my area.

I will give him the enrichment program(s) he need or ask outside of sch, the rest is up to his capability =)

Dolly, the PV at HPPS I ask them what they looking at for asthetic..the admin told me.."oh music, dancing and you can prove us with your cert..hear liao, I faint"

Then the other 3 section is decoration, after school care and sports which I think either I dun know or not time to do.

dolly: Ah... Oh ya! I remembered you saying tt your hb is good with music. =) Ok, i guess those are ok activities to help out with...

Va|: Wow... good for you. For me, it's not so important what school my girls go to as long as it's near my house and reasonably ok... I think for Sengkang, most of the schools are new so should be ok one ba... I got Anchorvale pri sch just across the road from my place. =)

wayne / hannah : not surprising that they will ask for cert lor, coz not many teacher can teach music.. so will see if the PV can help out in these areas... my HB has cert in his music, so it's not a issue to him...

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow, so fast thinking/planning for P1/PV...pei fu.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Auroa..hehe..not fast liao..I have to register my boy for P1 next year liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dolly..then I think your hubby no problem to do PV..i am planning to send my boy to Yahama also..he say he prefer keyboard to swimming..

Wayne, ic... my hubby not into doing PV... he said tat it's only benefit to the school... if required, he will join CC to do community work instead...


ok la..just tat we are heng the sch right in front is of gd standard. coz we dun wan to let him travel far far early in the morning. we rather he slp in more, have more jing sheng to pay attention in sch......esp for the first few yrs in pri sch...its v academic focus...dun wan to kill his interest..

Heard there are 2 hot schs in Punggol? Nan Chiau and Meitou (or something like tat)?


have cert sometimes oso no use. my friend also has cert in music and she is frm a v rich and her dad is a big boss in sg...she volunteer to teach in a very branded and well known sch...guess wat the mgmt says? they say they can always engage a professional full time coach...and rejected her...


i am also looking at sending my boy to yamaha when he is offically 3.

Val, which course you looking at..I am planning to send him to Yahama Junior course and they start learning keyboard first...But I want to try the trial first in case my boy dun like..he is those 3 min hotness type..and the next trial is in March..

Va|: Ya, i agree.... Erm, Nan Qiao is quite near my place, abt 1-2 bus stops away. But seeing how hot the school is, it's not likely we can get her in so dun really want to bother... Mee Tuo is in Punggol. Too leh cheh... Like what you say, I rather she spends more time resting and playing than travelling to and from school daily. =)

dolly - u started your girl piano & violin so early? or just play for fun type? I saw bb violin..super cute.

My gal also pestering us for violin class, we are under waiting list at NAFA.

wayne : thats good to learn music.. but my hb has mentioned b4 that yamaha is not a good sch.

hannah : ya lor, he has performed for YSO when he was young..

val : well, depends on individual...

apple : i let her to have fun 1st... ya lor.. if you wanna to buy violin for your girl, can go to bras basah... price quite reasonable.. that's where i got the violin for her...


melody, i used those extra long nite used pad instead of maternity pad leh..

haha.. cos i use the hospital type.. so thick not use to it... however for maternity pad try to get adhesive tpye not the string type.. thin kotex should have.. i remember.. i used that only during my hospital stay.. the one TMC provide is string type.. super uncomfortable and will shift.. haha.. dunno is i too meow or wad.. just not use to using thick pad

