(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hi gals!

Few days din post here. Been bz with work cos took a few 1/2 day leave so I can help fetch J from IFC while hb is in reservist. So end up gotta do 1 day job in 1/2 day! Remember I post here abt the new role I'll be taking on? I feel kind of cheated!! Now become, old role + new role do together.. more things to do but everything else remains the same! Same pay, same rank, same title even! @&$@*#$&@*#$@#$ I'm trying to ask for at least a change in title so tt next time i go out easier to find job.. kekeke! Dun think i'll stay here long.. trying to learn n gain as much experince I can while I'm here 1st. :p

Gerry, jia you! It'll be better after u settle down. Give urself 1-2 mths time. My milk also diminishing le. N now hb on reservist worse... so bz! Flow is so much slower.. i gotta pump so long then got enough milk! Now only enough for 2 feeds a day.. 300+ml... I'm starting to wonder if it's worth the trouble bfding anot! Anyway.. 12 days more to bb 6 mths! Which is my target to stop bf! Enduring and waiting for release n kopi everyday!!!

Re outing:

Count me out if it's Sat morning-noon ok? Cant drive too mafan!


Yest I poured too much water into J's cereals. So added more cereal to make it thicker. End up J can finish 2 spoonfuls of those milk spoons.. 1 small bowl of cereals! Looks like he finally learnt how to eat! I can make my purees soon.. prob next weekend when hb's back from reservist!



dun stress urself take ur time.. for me even thou similar roles but every co procedures and process r diff so now i also busy learnin new system n procedures[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but usu the first month is quite relaxin mah u first 2 day alr so busy ah??


my bb like eat alot leh i start with 1 tablespoon of cereal haha now i gave 60ml milk with cereal wor... really a big eater..


the percentile no need to be bother by it cos it jus a guide line n u mus also see the birth weight mah.. as long as growin well n happy tt gd enough..

piggy, 60ml of milk to cereal.. that means got 1 bowl liao! Ur bb really can eat! I loves babies who can eat alot.. easier to feed! Unlike my #1. :p


Vianne already take 3 scoops of cereal liao lol... and she cannot get used to the idea that drinking milk is uninteruppted eating but eating cereals have to wait because I need to scoop 1 spoonful once she finishes so sometimes she gets annoyed having to wait.


60ml of milk means how many spoonful of cereals?

hi mummies,now my turn to fall sick..running a fever,whole body like going to break anytime..

LTS,my boy also at the low 10percentile,but see his pog legs dun look like loh,haha

piggy,ur boy is a big eater! my boy onli eat with 30ml of milk aand can last him 3-4 hrs le..


start with cereal or puree is better for bb?

and also use tablespoon size feeding for first few tries or teaspoon?

cause this baby food guide book that i have states use teaspoon first then slowly increase to tablespoon size. like that how to freeze purees i this amount of serving to reduce wastage?


I start with cereals because Vianne dont like to eat apple puree but she accepted cereals.

I use the milk powder scoop to pour out the cereals,

Hi mummies!!!!


Haha... Me too... See my ss slowly drying up make me sad... Aim to feed till end of the year but think will just make it to 6months. I can't catch up her drinking now!


You not going!!!???? Then we meet afternoon outside, find one nice place let J&J pat tor???? Wahahahahaha....

vivi, mine can eat cereals leisurely de. If too hungry.. he wont even want cereals.. gotta feed milk!

charmaine, take care!

hippo, can can! After 3pm anywhere is ok! I wanna see paintbrush!


hmm i tell u hor bb now can eat does not mean they will eat in future cos my #1 bb time also eat anything n everything but now v picky!! n yes a greedy bb is easier to feed..


hmm i din measure how many tablespoon as long as i mix till it the texture i wanted.. btw my bb is eatin 2 meal leh puree in the morning n cereal in the evenin..


wah gd leh my this bb dunno y eat so much but now i only feed 4 x milk la..


watever in the book is jus a guide u gotta see ur bb.. if ur bb is a small eaten den it make more sense to start with 1 teaspoon n usu start with cereal den proceed to puree..


for me 3 scoops I used about 40-50ml of milk to mix. Vianne is also eating 2 times (lunch and dinner). Yesterday i noticed the feed after the cereal she can last about 4 hours instead of her usual 3 hourly feed. Going to monitor.

If this is the case then she will be dropping 1 feed liao

piggy, my #1 from baby dun like to drink/eat.. till now 4 yrs old.. still the same! Feed till vomit blood! Hope didi will not be like that! u feed 2 solid meal.. then got drink less milk? How much he drinking now?

piggy, vivi, how u all measure the amt of milk mixed to cereal? U use fm rite? I just anyhow mix de. But so far whenever i mix with milk.. he dun like. So I just use plain water. But hor.. mine eat cereals like doesn't fill his stomach de. Still ask for milk at same timing. But at nite can zz thro longer. I'm more than happy le!


I prepare 120ml milk that is what Vianne is drinking currently then use the 40-50ml milk prepare the cereal. After she is done with the cereal she drink the milk.

vivi, oo.. i dun feed milk immed after cereals.

I am so bored with my endless work! Sianzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

vivi, cos dunno how hungry he'll be after cereals mah. I wait for him to cry for milk then feed the full amt easier. I give him abit of water after cereals. ya ma, frustration is the word!!! I'm going to leave at 6 on the dot today.. dun care le. Have to rush home early in case gor gor bash up didi! He always do tt when my mum gotta look after didi. Hai......

hello mummies,

busy with work..


i started kasper too..

with jap pumpkin, and now brocoli..

for me i put milk mix with the puree and give it to him.. normally he eats abt half a bowl..

but its so messy..

he enjoys eating slowly and playing with the food..

so different frm my #1..

Hello mummies,

can anyone share with me their experiences with IFC?

I will be putting my son in IFC in Oct as that is my only option. But I am battling with a lot of fears and concerns.

gerry/hippo: me too.. SS is dropping. used to be able to keep up with his feeds but now, i can;t keep up with 1-2 feeds liao. Using FBM now to supplement. but but.. 6 months is coming up soon! we can do it!

Elmo: aiyoh.. your management is so typical... Singaporean! think positively that its a chance for you to learn. After that, take your experience somewhere else.

Shannlong: I'm moving around siglap area. East is my Hubby's home area.. so we are just moving nearer to his mum. how come you intend to move to Marine parade?


Hmm I jus use 60ml den slow add until I get the texture I wan ... Now he drinkin 180ml x 2 feed 4hrly den 1st n last feed 210ml .. But I tink he gt abit block nose can't finish his milk these 2 nite...

Aiyo how come ur co lydat? Nvm la jus do wat u can if can't tahan quit lo .. Gambate ..

morning mummies

hippo, sookie

my ss also dropping, now only can give her 2 feeds, topping with FBM. I pump 2x a day only now.


will broccoli cause stomach wind?

did u mixed with cereal or just puree vege with milk?


wow. yr boy drink 210ml??? really big eater


my girl is in IFC since 3mth old, my #1 also brg up by IFC.

I never worry about them there, of course I also close one eye can't expect perfect from them. as long as my girls grow up healthy & happily under their care, tats enuf.


I m ok with the function room cost, thanks for getting place ;)

re : solid

I have start 2 feeds morning & late afternoon.

I mixed fruit puree in the morning feed, next week gonna start add vege puree in afternoon feed. she still drinking 5x milk a day


hippo, sookie, elmo,

We jia you!! Yup 6 months is around the corner.. I can't wait.. Ya me also giving about 1 FBM a day.. Although I really feel very bad.. Fed #1 for 9 months, then #2 only 6 months.. =(

Now everyday missing my babies.. Haiz..


Ya usually that's the case.. But the person I am taking over, not very organized, so I was trying to read her stuff and organize them lor.. Like she got so many things unclear..

6 month bash,

Ok will book my function room this weekend as I can only book 1 month in advance


me also feel very tired BF but i am still tonging stamina not as good as 2 yr back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dear mummies,

Good morning!

Very busy these few days thus didnt log in! That idiot boss knows I am leaving; keeping pushing all the major stuffs for me to complete before I left!!! Idiot! Worst still want me to stay back to OT..I rejected him on the spot since I am leaving! His face black as charocal these few days!

Someone mentioned prepare bao sheng for babies to drink? How to prepare ya?

Morning ladies..


Yes he can but now coming to 6 mth I tink 210ml is Ok bah.. Cos he drink 4 feed only mah..


Icic.. Sigh I was suppose to organise n set up a proper flow for my current co n yesterday we hold a meetin till 7pm to iron things out n now I seem like a baddie n since morning the rest talk v sarcastic lo super sianz..


Happy Bellies Cereal:

Understand that most of the mummies have feed their babies with cereal...Kindly check do you find the cereal heaty after babies took it?

How do we know if the cereal can replace 1 feed? Is it after cereal, baby will stretch their feeding hrs longer then slowly replaced 1 feed?


sigh cos the admin manager v clever ask me go n raise up n correct the flow which mean throwin back some of the role n responsibilities to the sales so natural the sales wun be happy n since i am the 1 who raise so i am the baddie lo[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hmm i would say so so lo .. the pp here is actually quite fun jus tt u know la who like to take up extras resposibities.. i will 1 ear in 1 ear out lo wat to do...

Halo mommies, been a while since I logged in here. How's everyone? So hard to catch up with all the posts(tried to read but too many, almost went cross eyed, hahaha). Seems like quite a few hv successfully changed their jobs? Good luck ya!

As for myself, many has asked when I'd be resuming my work(or part of my work) but since I've taken abt 3yrs+ off to concentrate looking after my #1, I think I'd just continue the 'time off', heee. Unless there're good/interesting assignments that would draw me away from my kids, then I'd consider again, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

Re cereal : I've been told by many bf mommies that I should not consider giving semi-solids as long as my bb is feeding well but since I've already bought the cereal(which took me a few trips to finally get them), I decided to give to my bb at 5.5 mths anyhow. She's progressed from 2tsp to 3tsp of cereal + 50ml ebm now... And I've also started giving her water now that she's started cereal.

I'm still considering whether to give her brown rice cereal. I didn't give it to my #1 'cos brown rice, though nutritious, is heaty(tt's why I went all e way to look for Bellamy's rice cereal lor), and my #1, whom started on FM much earlier was always heaty, so I was advised not to feed her with brown rice(but hv to supplement her with more fish-threadfin, when she's ready).

As for fruits puree, personally, I don't quite like the idea 'cos fruits I find, are best eaten as it is(we'd need to cook the fruits before making them into puree for the bbs-due to the acid). In any case, it's the sweetness that I don't quite like to give to my bbs. But I'd give vegetables definitely. When #2 is ready, I'd prepare porridge with spinach(xian cai, not bo cai), pumpkin(it's sweet and japan one is nice but now wif the radiation thingy, mayb wl get australia's), carrot(not too often 'cos of its richness in beta-carotene), brocolli(not so often, cos it'd cause bb stomach wind). Just my opinion and choices, heee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re gathering : Is it going to be on a Saturday?


U miss me ah! What about a walk this Sunday evening?


My supply also dip very badly. Now I am just meeting her daily supply. Anyway, my 6months target is just another 6weeks away and I will be FREE!! Yeah! I'm so looking forward to uninterrupted sleep at night! No need to wake up and pump anymore! Right now, my mil takes care of night feeds. She sleeps nicely when my mil takes care of her. If she is in my room and I latch, she will latch the entire 2hrs and refuse to let go of my nipple. She even spits out the pacifier! Bully me!

I tried one feed of FBM and its only a week's old. She tried to vomit and screams for 2 feeds after that. So my A1 & A2 happily opens the freezer during bath time and cart off bags of milk for their usage. Wahaha!

I have yet to introduce solids because I am LAZY. I am hoping to drag so that I do not need to feed during my holidays. Hiaz, seems impossible hor? But I don't want to feed jar food only during hols and it seems highly impossible for me to make puree (holiday leh!!)


Thank you for opening up your place for gathering.


A1 &A2 want auntie Hippo milk? I'm too lazy to thaw them n use. All like keep in freezer take up space waste electric city nia... I'm too lazy!


Thank you for the space!


Good. 1 ear in 1 ear out is the way!


You going to make vege puree? Also steam n just grind like fruits? I see the vege and imagine them in puree makes me wanna puke. Wahahahahaha....

hippo, lynn

hahaha vege not really those green de mah.

i nvr use grind, i use blender :p

carrot & potato also vege mah maybe also can consider green bean, broccoli, i wont use those leaf green as puree lah lata when intro porridge then add these leafy vege


J drinks FBM right? Don't waste give her! My 2As drank up all the FBM so I could stop pumping earlier. Now no choice since this spoilt A3 refuse. Even chilled milk she don't like!

Yah quickly clear your fridge so when I go over you have something to feed me lah.


Re: BF

My supply also dropping these days. So now is like going back to those initial days whereby I pump for more than 20mins( but will try my best to keep within 20mins) and also trying to squeeze out whatever I hv until now side of my breast got abrasion :-(



She drink lar.... But half a freezer of fbm expired. I brought some down to fridge weeks ago but till now still lazy to Puor them out to use on bath or soak leg. Wahahahaha...


Imagine broccoli? Still very yucky right? Hahahaahaa.... I'm soooooo hesitate to get broccoli. I use gring lar, so green pea abit hard for me, will just buy jar one. Kekekekeke....

Piggy, yup. My coy is a slave driver. I took half day yest.. Today go back got a pile of shit to clear liao.

Jeanette, my bb also in ifc. Im v happy putting him in there. J will smile v happily when he sees his teachers. Alot of ppl told me I'll regret putting bb in ifc. But no le, I regret NOT putting gor gor in ifc last time! Gor gor is a monster while didi is an angel! All e ifc babies look so guai.. Not spoilt


I made GREEN vegy puree for gor gor before! I put in his porridge last time.. Whole porridge turn green! I tried green leafy vegy n broccoli too. But shd be quite gross ba. He refuse to eat when he got older. Keke. Im going to make sweet potato puree this weekend! This week j can eat better le. N seem to like his cereals now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies..


ya la my EQ not bad i tink wahhaha...

huh i wun use vegie like broccoli to blend n gave leh taste yucky wor.. like bbgoh i add green vegie only ard 8mth when i intro porridge wor..


wah sound terrible i can imagine how sian like me i cant afford to work late 1 esp HB often work late so most of the time i take care of both alone at nite with no help etc tired!! n my HB goin for oversea trip nex wk lo dunno how i goin to manage -_-''''

piggy, i try not to work late. So if needed i come early loh. Yest i reach office at 7+am! Zzzzzzzzz...... I dunno how long I can tahan this coy.. target is 1 yr to get variable bonus else bo hua! :p

Morning ladies,


Sometimes I really salute u gals like hippo, pearly and all those mummies with no helpers and with 2 kiddos; have to take care of kiddos, do household and etc

I now only got one already make me so busy till sometime didn't eat or have late meals, really can't imagine having another one. Really must learn some tips from u gals


HB is available at NTUC extras norm 1 i dun tink have..


i would say not easy lo sumtime it like tt u will jus adjust urself to suit the environment so when u have 2 u will jus find ways to manage.. tt y often we feel bad tt we ain spendin as much time with #2 cos we gotta split the time between 2..


ya i know wat u mean maybe for me i rather gave up the bonus than make myself so tired la.. cos for me if i can get another better pay job i will jus go..

piggy, for me harder le. Rem I changed my job scope? So I need to gain some relevant experience b4 I can find better sky elsewhere! Hard to find better pay job otherwise! So... REN lor! I need the $$$! $_$


i am starting cereals on my baby in a few days time. Anyone tried Happy Bellies Brown Rice Cereals?

bbgoh & elmo,

thanks for sharing. Makes me feel better now. Which IFC are your babies in?

