(2011/04) Apr 2011

Good Morning,


Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yesterday, my boy watched the first 15mins and slept throughout the walt disney show. I scared he will cry and standby lolipop and his fav bread. Hai.. 2 years still too young for them to watch such show.



me too v sleepy sigh my #2 start to make noise on n off again argh~~~


ya i tink they r still too young but i tink my boy will not sleep but talk loud loud thru out the show till now dare not bring him go cinema watch movie lo...


I expect him to fuss, cry and wanna move about. Never expect him to fall asleep , maybe he finds mickey concert boring..

Those girls and their mummies behind us keep shouting for mickey like shouting for their idol , super ON.


the most common 1 is rashes.. sumtime will have diarrhoea n more serious 1 maybe result in asthmatic bronchitis or asthma ..


yes teethin will cause fever but not v serious 1.. so gd to standby medi at home.. i was sharing the other day 37.5deg gave paracetamol den above 38.5deg gave ibuprofen den above 39deg insert the bullet cos most babies be4 1 may kena viral fever n u cant tell their fever is due to wat so gd to standby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ahh..my boy seems abit feverish these two days,gave him half a dosage of panadol jus in case..he has been crying for no reason the whole of yesterday and drool much more than he used to..imagine changing 4 tops a day! so i suspect he is teething..


do u try to apply him teething gel?

my #1 will have running nose when she was teething. some will have fever or even diarrhoea(watery stool)

Good Morning mummies~~~

Piggy: All e med u mention for bb fever can get fr wastons or guardians?

As long bb temp below 37.5deg is consider normal rite? Coz sometimes find bb bit warm, duno is i too cold or wat lor..

Morning ladies..


Ya could be teethin but we can only know for sure after teeth came out so u can only monitor but after this time the next time same thing happen u will know he is teething [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if only they can talk right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hmm paracetamol yes but the rest I nt sure..

G'morning ladies!!

Super busy at work.. So many things to learn.. Aiyoh!! not working for 5 months has made me super rusty.. Brain degenerating!

6 month bash:

To book my condo's function room must pay $53.50. You guys ok with the added cost or not?


hee ya new job lotsa things to learn gambate...i am also strugglin @_@ so hows ur new workin environment?

i am ok with the function room cost[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mommies!! Been super duper busy! Argh!

Gerry I'm ok with it

Piggy: thanks for sharing about the fever. Useful for first timers like us.

Charmaine : hope ur boy is ok!

Hello everyone


How is your job? Ok?

Hmm about teething.... the annoying thing is that sometimes Vianne even bites the teat when drinking milk

when can we give them teething rusks? I rather she eats this then biting everything she can get hold of




U know hor I dun like those teething rusk 1 cos can be quite messy when the thing soften n they rub all over their mouth n clothing or anywhere they can reach lol.. How abt teether?

Hi Jess,

I can invite u to our group den u add us from there? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


teether I give her but she bad habit every time she cannot hold well so drop the teether she dont know how to pick up she cry and burst into a temper if not she cannot bite the correct place to soothe her gums she also throw temper

this girl of mine bad temper ..... anyway she quite greedy so thought must as well give her rusk and she can eat a bit at the same time ya hor now you remind me it can be quite messy

I saw those Japanese biscuits so cute but that kind is those you put in mouth will soften liao so dont know if that will be messy or not

Morning mummies,


Good luck to ur new job. Ganbatte nie!

I'm ok with the cost too


Zaccheus also like that. Bite everything that he can grab hold of. He even can bite my nip when latch on.. Argh! So painful. Got one time, he bite already dun let go and then pull. I was like OMG, feel like whole nip has been bitten off (dunno where he learn that from). Can't imagine if he got teeth....So my mum also said maybe he is teething.


i dunno if i add u correctly if u did not see my invite u can search under Sg April 2011 MTB..


those xiao man tou is more like snack liao n no help to sooth the gum better gave after 6/7mth .. hmm jus myy opinion la if she cant hold the teether well i doubt the rusk will help wor..


no la not xiao man tou is those long kind of biscuits maybe she glutton so she see biscuits she hold tight tight lol

Fung Fung

That must be so painful considering that part of ours is very tender leh


hmm but tt is also consider snack?

becos the purpose of givin teethin rusk is for them to rub their gum mah?? if snack i still tink gave after 6/7mth cos usu biscuit the ingredient may contain more things u gotta read be4 u feed lo..


NP added u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya lo this age is like this 1 la even if u gave teethin biscuit they might end up eatin their fingers cos the biscuit is taste less lol~~~

piggy, ya loh..but when i give him the cold teething rusks then he ok for awhile...i cut some slices of raw carrot today see whether it helps anot..

fung fung, my boy oso biting me now!!yes, its damn painful...


I oso thinking to gif my boy teething rusk esp when we r havin our meal to keep him entertain wor. Everytime we eat he will start his nonsense wanna b carried den carry him Liao he will snatch our food.


I don mind the cost [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good luck in ur new job.


Wat teething gel u gif??


Ya carrot stick is gd non messy n can let him rub his gum[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jess,

actually it quite individual personally i prefer to gave at 6 mth becos they dun need other nutrient be4 tt n their digestive system is not mature so no hurry but for my case cos milk is not enough to satisfy my bb so start feedin cereal at 5mth+...

hi mummies...

i have been busy since start work. hiaz...

Six mth bash

gerry i am ok , where is it??

anyone staying in marine parade ?? Me thinking of moving there.


My baby start cereal at 3mth plus cos she dun wan to drink milk ( check with doc, it is ok for baby to start early but not too much, start from one spoon then one week add one spoon

Hi Mummies, sorry to disturb. i have 2 great products i would like to sell.

1 is a haenim play yard 4 panel melody version and the other is the philips blender/steamer.

Your babies are about to wean so the steamer/blender is wonderful. its still under waranty and i used it for 2 months when my girl was 4-6 months coz after that she takes porridge. she started solids early coz PD recommend coz she is v petite.

pls take a look. and sorry again to intrude. =)




No need cook jus cut into stick tt is jus nice for them to hold on but nt too thin else they bite swallow n choke.. Mainly act as a teether for them to rub their gum[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya la cos milk is still theirain source of nutrient in the 1st yr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, how's everyone? went to PD for jabs last 2 weeks, bb is low weigh, only 10% percentile, so she advised to start on cereals to carbo laod...so i've been letting her taste 1 teaspoon a day...but she gets impatient and wants her milk fast from bottle or latching..i look at her thighs so jumbo, sure dont look skinny leh, so i'm wondering if the scale is wrong that day hehee

hi mummies,

really seems like a lot of mummies changing jobs.. kind of reminds me of when i had #1. i left when she was 6 months cause felt needed more $ after having a baby. hang in there mommies, the first 6 months of a new job is the toughest.

starflower: haiyah mine also the same... no one believes he is 10th percentile when i tell them. even after eating cereals for 1 mth not any big difference..as what everyone says as long healthy thats most important.

shannlong: think gerry stays there. im moving to the east next year so hopefully can have east mummy gatherings! going to miss the west for sure..esp neighbours like gin!

charmaine/fung: yah my Z loves to bite and pull! my#1 did not do it so i was a bit taken aback. i told him sternly no... first few times just smile at me.. now he still bites and i scold but i can anticipate when he is going to pull, i hold his head so he cant pull. guess biting is their way of saying enough milk already.

shyannlong: Thanks for telling me, will check with my PD whether to let him start Cereal earlier.

sookiewookie: Changing job is really very difficult at the beginning, with new colleague, new boss and new environment. Must really hang on to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies

Actuali hw 2 judge for percentile? Is it 50th percentile mean e bb is @ average weight? My bb fr 75th percentile drop to 50th percentile...

Allow mi 2 rant, last nite, SIL come and fetch her son bk fr MIL hse, i was sitting ther trying 2 mak my bb go slp, then SIL son suddenly juz smack real hard on my bk, i was startled n is real pain man... but u noe wat, SIL juz say u naughty boy, y u did tt, juz like tt onli... mak mi damm angry lor...btw e boy is ard 21mth.. HB noe i angry, tot i angry with e boy, then say he still small kid wat, then i let him noe is SIL tt i angry with...

E boy damm pampered by his mum n MIL, i so scare my bb will becme like tt oso, coz MIL taking care of her when i go work...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Whenever SIL ard, n MIL scold e boy, SIL will scold MIL y scold him, shld say he smart for do tt... mak mi huh huh???

Hw i wish 2 move out fast, waiting for bto, which will onli b ready ard 2014, some say behind schedule, hw i wish 2 help in e construction oso, lol~~

Hi mummies,

Been super busy juggling work and home! 2 days only nia and already tired! Haha!!

Thanks all mummies for the luck. Really need it cos now doing something completely different although same industry.


Ya enjoying learning new things.. It's fun and yet scary that I cannot cope.. Having the rush back everyday to take care of 2 young ones really no joke.. Haha!! Now I am also scared that I cannot bf as long as I would want.. Feel like I am drying up plus got no time to eat and drink.. How?? Now I am hoping to hold on till 6 months.. Hanging on.


Yes I stay in marine parade! Come come to the east!! =)


Ya I know it is difficult especially with the new addition and trying to bf her.. I really feel like I am drying up.. I think it is stress, lack of sleep (both my kids are having a cold), and not eating enough.. Haiz..

Plus I am not only in new work environment but also completely new job scope. It can be a tad be overwhelming. Thankfully, my boss will only be coming back next week.. So trying to familiarize myself with the work flow. =)

