(2011/04) Apr 2011


Looking for:

1) Pregnant women from age 18 to 40, stage of pregnancy is 13 to 36 weeks,Singaporean or PRs, Chinese, Malays and Indians.

2) Mothers who is feeding their infants from 0 to 12 months old using infant formula brands currently.

Incentive reward: $30 NTUC Voucher Interested, pls reply:-

Group : 1 or 2

Name :

Hp no :

Mother Age:

Brand consume :

Baby age :

Pregnancy stage in weeks :

Email to [email protected] by 25/8/11.


allow me to vent...jus now my boss say wan lunch together but din specifically say she want to treat me for my last day..thou i know she meant it tt way.. end up n i waited for so long be4 she is finally available till i am damn hungry den finally we went out.. who knows after passin a row of restaurant she point to the last 2 fast food restaurant wan us to chose.. all of us in shock lo.. i rather eat food court cos i jus had fastfood yesterday.. even my collig say she v insincere.. wan to treat nv ask wat i wan den bring us to fastfood some more!!

last lunch also cannot eat happily-__-


ya apply to scalp it transparent i buy from my aunt salon... hmm seriously i dunno safe anot wor...


Wow ur boss so stingy? Really doesn't look good for her in front of other colleagues.

As for the hair tonic, hmm like that, think need to get assurance 1st b4 buying


Ya I know they will grow back. But for mi may take quite long time to grow back to my this length of hair. Will try other method 1st and see how

Gd afternoon mummies!

Thank you for those replied on cleaning sophie...

Everyone is talking abt enrichment/CC classes for babies. Shocked to hear some mummies mentioned long waiting list for the classes/centres they wanna enrol. mummies, if we wanna send our bb to school at 18months, u girls mean we need to do booking now?

Piggy - Yr boss really stingy..Its just a farewll meal and she is not sincere enough..Luckily you have left this company for better prospects and interpersonal relationship.


exactly i dun expect mus be restaurant or exp food but definitely not fast food!! i rather eat Ria lo at least it a proper meal.. n she jus walk over to tell me lunch together n make me wait soooooo long bth... n best of all we eat long john she order few diff set n swop the food -_-"""" heng finally can say bye bye to them yucky co...


the long waiting list is CC not enrichment ... enrichment usu no prob it the CC it better to find early...

any bb alr trying to crawl? Mine seems to be trying to do that for many days now, though she still can't, so always very pekchek...

Hi Piggy....

Thank you so much for the information....I will go and try try....

Your boss really stingy ah...but lady boss is like dat one....super small gas....

Hi Piggy....

I need to ask u again...for happy bellies - puffs, munchies and melts. At which month to give each of them? I really at a lost..cos first time mum.... When should i give puff, munchies , melts? Also....1 tin of cereal...roughly can last how long if I just starting to give solid like 2 times a day?

Can u advise me?

Lynn, Phyto has a wide variety of shampoos to suit different scalp/hair problems. I've been using this brand for many years now. From oily scalp, to norm, to hair loss, to ampoules(now). U shld go to them and tell them yr needs and hair/scalp condition so that they cld suggest a prdt suitable to you.

Hi all,

Sorry to interupt

I have the following to let go

1) Friso Gold 2 (900g)( 4 tins )

New Advanced Growing Up Milk with P2 Dual System

Packed in Malaysia (6-18 months)

1 tin = $28

If get all 4 = $100

2) Nan 2 Probiotics - (400g) ( 6 tins)

Premium Hypoallergenic Follow Up Formula (after 6mths)

Manufactured in Switzerland

1 tin = $15

If get all 6 = $80

3) S26 Promil Gold Stage 2 (400g) 4 tins

Wyeth Milk Formula (Manufactured in Singapore)

Latest Version - New with Lutien

Follow Up Formula (6-12mths)

1 tin = $13

If get all 4 = $45

Kindly PM me if keen.

Meet up at AMK / Bishan / Raffles Place / Harbourfront

Thank you!


puff n melt ard 6/7mth when ur bb can support themselves sitting.. initial stage only cereal n puree.. munchies i dunno wat tt so no comment but usu they will indicate the age group...


i dun like i let my #1 try it leak maybe not suit anyway given tt kind of material i find pet pet better...

Fungfung, I after confinement use till now.. Better hair loss control than my #1.

Lynn, for thinning hair one..

But I think u go ask them better


Aiyoh, ur boss buay swee leh... some more still swop food... really cannot make it ah. But nvm lah, at least u dun need to see her stupid face anymore. Enjoy ur break now!!


Ya this co like that.. Super troublesome.. Actually I think most of the places in my industry will ask one if not the HR cannot process..

You boss super yucky!! Never mind now ex boss!! Haha!! She will look terrible to everybody..

E lazy,

Ya actually big splash quite good.. Cos quite empty..=)


So long as you latch, will be ok.. Don't stress.. =)

For my #1, my AF returned when she was 4 months.. But for this one, my AF still haven't come..


huh! still make u guys swop food. she really not paiseh and can do it in front of so many ppl. ya lor, like that rather dun treat. eat ald also nt satisfied


my boy is using it now. it may leak sometime when he poo not everytime, probably when he poo a lot or we didnt wrap for him properly. but one thing i dun like is when his diaper is full, got a smelly smell, (smell like he poo poo) - dunno whether is it coz the diapers are bought in malaysia.


YES! n she still dare to say order variety so can try diff food i was like?? pls la LJS either fish, chix or prawn lo... n best is she ordered soup dun wanna drink so much ask my kolig share n she pour into her rice ask her eat as sauce so rude lo ...


YES EX boss.. hope my nex boss willbe better cross my fingers...


Huh? Really? Can't imagine got such person. Roughly How old is she? Then ur kolig how? Really eat? Wat if that person dun drink soup or dun like to eat it this way?



Ur tat ex boss CMI la. Luckily no need face her anymore.

Mrs Chua

Both my kids drinkin mamil. During my #1 time, i change to step 2 when she turn 6mth so this time round i will do the same. some more i request sample for step 2 now waiting for him to turn 6mth to gif him try.


She is 30+...


Yes yes no need to face her anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Piggy...

Thank u so much for the info...much appreciated ya...

Hi Yoti,

My boy is using it now. there was once when he poo alot and we din notice..it leaks..not everytime, and one thing is there is a bad poo kind of smell when his diaper is super full like 8-10hrs of use.....



Hmm personally dun like Gifford tried both on my Boys I find the absorbsion no gd but the pee smell every diaper have it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies!

Today so quiet..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone know where to buy Carters clothes in large quantity?

afternoon mummies!!!!!! quite busy this morning!!! When is our MEETUP????? 6 months bash?? I missed all the babies!!! Sumo Gervaise, Kleavan, Prata Ms Ooi, Broom Joel, Paintbrush Jovie, loudspeaker Vianne and more!!!! heehee


Piggy your suffering days are over!!!

Yoti why you need carters clothes in large quantity? Stocking up? I bought quite abit recently. Online!!


Wah everyone got nickname. What's mine?!

Long time no see you. How's little J?

Gin: hihi... heehee.. yours is fussy Amelia.. heehhee... cause u cannot eat alot of things.. heehee..... =P Little J is growing well!!! and his looks is changing!!!! haahaa....

Hi Gin,

Long time didnt see yr post...How are you? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For carters clothes, yes stocking up for her and helping my relatives and friends to buy also. Large quantity cheaper..LOL...Which online web u buy?

Hiya tweety!!!

Yah my Amelia super mahfun!!!!

Good to hear j is growing well!!


Heehee I busy as usual lor!! How are u n c?

I bought from carters.com. Got sale that time!!!

Now dunno got sale anot!!

U can try bp n see have anot.

Hi Gin,

LOL..Thank you for the link.

C is fine; feeding is a little bit better as compared to last time. Will have the next review with PD next week.Hope she is growing well.

For me, since started work, everyday like not enough time..now looking ard for greener patch of field [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amelia is so sweet and adorable in FB..So chubby!!LOL


huh? so young! i thought those old auntie.. high chance that she is still single?


you referring to the Huggies post? i dunno new or old version leh.. bought this year either may or Jun. why leh? got difference meh?


wow.. ya lor.. so many bb got nickname.. so what's mine?

Ya.. also looking forward to see all bb soon.. coz they will have change so much after the 1 month bash celebration... Everyday Zaccheus is also changing, so cute.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u naughty ya.. teach ppl to shop again... :p

Hi mummies,

How do I change baby's formula?

I had my baby on Isomil for a month now. I wish to change to cow's milk formula. How do I go about switching his formula? Should I just start giving him the new formula or should I do a gradually, like one bottle a day, or half of each formula? Please any tips would be helpful!

piggy,mum05 and andrea,

thanks! I better go ask. today wake up see the pillow alot of hair. hai.

btw, for the MPJ nursing poncho, able to buy from any retail store?

haha tweety, all the nicknames so cute! Then urs is Cheeky Jerrell? Ya loh.. i wanna see all the babies too! All grown up since our 1 mth bash liao!


The change over should be made slowly and gradually taking approximate 1 - 2 weeks time.

First 1 - 3 days, only 1 feed per day

4 - 6 days, 2 feed per day

7 - 10 days, 3 feed per day

11 - 14 days, 4 to 5 feed per day

After 15 days, will be completely on new formula.

Hope it helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sandy.. I din request for the step 2 milk but ytd when I calked up their hotline checking with them on my complimentary guide for solid food, they say they will b sending both to me tmr..

Tweety.. I oso can't wait to see all babies.. Shall we start planning our 6 mths bash?? Whose house this time?

hi mummies!

my hair is dropping like CRAZY also.. feeling so depressed each time after a shower. think i will buy tonic this weekend.

baby z has oral thrush [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] not only is his weight gain like non-existent, now with this oral thrush, he is finding such a hard time to eat and drink. plus, I also have to treat myself since I bf him. so sian.....

piggy: your boss is CMI! so stingy might as well not treat. anyway, good riddance to bad rubbish.



lol den my Kleavan is wat? owl Kleavan? cos he keep wakin up at nite!! lol~


any of u bb teethin alr?? i tink kleavan really teethin saw a tiny white dot from his gum like goin to emerge n he rub his gum non stop with his finger i so sick of removin his hand from his mouth gave him teether he will go back to fingers yawn~


nope married with a kid... i tell u she is a total failure... tink i mentioned how she treat her kid be4... to her work come first...

