(2011/04) Apr 2011


am not sure abt IFC but if I am you I will not sent them to IFC since there are pple helping to look after.

Imgine one teacher looking after 3-4 bbs..If you want maybe 18mth bah.



NP my cough slightly better usu cough badly at nite but my voice haven recover....

for IFC u gotta go down n take a look quite a few mummy here sent their kiddo to IFC.. yes i agree usu IL they tend to spoilt the kid tt y i sent my boi to CC once he reach 18mth... so really depend on u n the extend ur IL spoilt ur bb

Good morning!!

Congratulations to all who have found new jobs!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Everyone on weaning topics huh! My baby hasn't even gone for her 4th month jab! Haha!


Everyone wants your spoon not because the spoon is attractive. Its you....hohoho!!

Morning ladies...

Gerry: Thank you! Yes reali feel unhappy and unfair thus rant in this forum..Since he cannot be bothered, its fine! At least I have try my best to work things out with him! And its not that I am newbie in this company! I have been working for him ard 4yrs..and this is the kind of treatment from him! Maybe afterall he is a businessman ($$$ to him is so impt)... Hope I can look for a better one!

Bbgoh: Thank you! Hope can find a job soon. But now end of the year, everyone is waiting for bonus..so maybe not many opportunities wow...will keep trying..

Piggy: Yes agreed! Usually no new from the one we are keen...this is life..So many decision to make...U are lucky lei;can find new job so fast..envy~ Yr new job is similar to yr current job?


not fast leh infact after i start sendin my resume i waited 2 wk be4 pp startin callin me for interview n lucky this co confirm me on the spot n ensure me rarely got OT etc.. job scope not exactly the same but sumthing i done be4...

Hi everyone,...

I am new here....currently baby is 4mth ++ turning 5 mths end of Aug...

I see postings about HP brown rice cereals etc..is it better to buy from iherb as mentioned? Also, any mums can share feeding/wean guide? E.g start with brown rice cereal then...puree of sweet potato? And how to start the feeding pattern?

Please guide me..for a 1st time mum....


my #1 & #2 both under IFC, now #1 turning 3yo soon. my experience to IFC is overall queit good. if u asking the risk they fall sick I can't answer u. bcos even Bb stay at home also ll fall sick. :p

u gotta go down n see the centre environment & their practice. yr in law allow u to put in?


yah now more queit here as we chit chat at msn mah. wahahaha.

elazy, my bb also in ifc. No regrets putting him in at all! V happy in fact. He's been in there since end Jun.. so far only fall sick once and tt's cos spread by gor gor. As i was sharing here.. i think there's more chances of #2 catching viruses from #1 then from IFC! My IFC teacher-babies ratio used to be v good.. 1:2. But now become 1:3 as the just took in twins. Can see the teachers busier.. but still ok so far. No complains.. except my poor boy got some insect bites on his legs.. dunno from where also...


So agree.. Life is like that.. But since I am in no hurry, will continue to look for ones that I truly want.. Haha!! =)

E lazy,

Thanks!! =)

Actually if you have ILs to look after your kid, don't put bb in IFC. Especially when they are so young.. Bb in IFC tend to fall sick easily.. Then you have to take more childcare leave which doesn't look good.. And spend more money.. Of course with kids we are entitled.. Most grandparents will spoil their kids.. My #1 didn't fall sick at all during her first year.. Then go school, start having runny nose and coughs..

For social skills, let them go cc after 18 months..


Good luck in your job hunt!!

Haiz 4 years or 10, some employers don't really feel appreciative one.. No point working for such a boss.. If you look for stat board jobs, people might be leaving as bonuses are usually out in may, June.. =)


yes u r rite in fact my PD told me usu #2 will prompt to fall sick easier becos #1 bring home virus...


whahah u sure u can squeeze into the mail box???

oh elazy, just to share my special case for #1. I sent #1 to cc when he was 20mths. But he cry till vomit everyday n got so traumatised that principal suggest us to drop out 1st. We spent the next 1 yr bringing him to parents-acc classes.. cos he was so traumatised that he go to any class/fren's place.. he will cling on to us n cry dun wanna go in. So after all these 'hardships' going to sch.. this #2.. we die die wanna put in IFC to save us such woes! Didi is a socialble baby now.. who carry also can.. see who also smile! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littletwinstar, my first skool loh.. depends on branch de. Think cos my area less babies.. $600++ per mth after subsidy. 2 adults to 5 babies ok mah.. better than mine now lo!

mummy_mummy: IFC stand for infant care...

Piggy: haha, Hippopolai will cme as registered mail, free gift, bb J....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u so fast found CC? but CC only for 18mth onwards wor urs is IFC?


lol~ i dun tink HIppopolai bear to gave J away as gift wor...

argh sad i tot with the election i will be able to leave 1 day earlier who knows my boss say she need help rather pay me 1 more day ZzzZZZzz...


May I know where can I buy Essian Tot Baby Seat?

Thanks in advanced [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

thanks for sharing with me whether ro go IFC or not. Really quite torn. Stay at home leh, he cry also my ILs carry, dun cry also my ILs carry. Now become everytime also want ppl to carry, which i dun like! Now maybe still can take it, but when grow bigger and heavier, pls, who has the strength to keep on carry???? aiyoh.. and say them liao, they also one ear in one ear out... sian... I suspect things are gg to get worse after he start solids, cos they may try to give him all kinds of junk food to eat. Headache ah...


Thanks for sharing ur #1 experience. I shared in thir forum previously, my bb dun like too noisy and crowded places, he will cry non-stop. So i scared wait put him in CC after 18 mths, he also will become traumatised ah... Thats why i thot shd start him early hor... now bb stage still blur blur, so easier to bluff rite... haha


Its more I have to convince my hubby. Once he ok, my ILs cant say anything.

Actually do IFCs have half day? Or maybe let him try half day? And when u all visit IFCs, what are the things to look out for?

my baby has poo-ed, finally! prayer answered! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At least she appears happier today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes they provide half day service.


actually IFC Bb not fall sick oftenly. my #1 last time seldom catch any cough or runny nose. she also seldom fall sick, only once got HFMD but queit mild. if they have build up strong immune system & get use to the envi, when turn 18mth go CC ll less fall sick too.

Thanks, Bbgoh. A fren of mine put her son in IFC too, and she was sharing with me how they trained him to fall asleep on his own. By his 7th month, he can sleep on his own with minimum coaxing, which really impressed me lor. Now, my bb needs ppl to carry him, rock + pat him before he can sleep. Plus, she say her son is also very sociable.


yes cos they r train mah like my #1 be4 i sent him to CC i train him to sleep on his own at home but at my PIL house he sleep v little leh n they rely on the maid to train him to sleep but after he goes CC he is more independent more well train whihc is gd for workin parents like us but fallin sick hor depend 1 some infant r more prompt to fallin sick so it a risk u gotta take also...


Oh ic.. Just that my friends who send bb to IFC tend to fall sick often.. One of them first week had bronchiolitis.. Very poor thing cos he was coughing and had lots of phlegm.. And another one always LS one..

But like what piggy said, I think it is more bb dependent..

Actually behavior like sleeping and independence is also very much bb dependent one.. Comparing both my kids, my #2 is very easy to sleep train but my #1 is quite rebellious.. Both brought up in almost the same way..

Went for the job interview, and the guy told me I am hired if I am interested!! Haha!! So I guess I am hired.. Now have to wait for HR to get back to me.. =)


My baby also takes many days to move his bowels. Already seen 3 Pds and all say it's quite a common problem. Some tell me to give bb prune juice, another say to put a teaspoon of white sugar in water let him drink, massage his tummy, anus, exec rise his legs etc.. Max days he didn't pass motion

is 12 days. Yesterday I just insert the medicine as he did not pass for 5 days. Hai.... My #1 don't have this problem last time. But the Pd says most would be better after starts solid.


wow congrats!!! u r v lucky[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so when r u startin? or have to wait for HR?

but hor for trainin to sleep even thou it is bb dependent but for more difficult child i tink CC do helps becos peer influence tt is y 100% of the kids after attendin CC able to follow their schedule once they settle in[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




I will only put kasper in ifc when i change maid..

Tat be next jan..

But dunno which one..

Kasper stil poo every 4mths.. is this normal??


Thanks!! I have to wait for HR.. Cos salary has not been negotiated and I think have to go for health screening and paper work stuff.. So I am hoping I have at least 2 weeks at home to be with my babies..

That's true.. #1 goes to school and according to the teacher, she eats very fast and has no problems with food.. But at home, she doesn't eat much and likes to suck her food and not swallow.. Arghz.. I try to make her seat with us to eat, but she seems to hate eating at home..




Thanks!! Long time no hear from you.. How are u? How is ur little C?

ya kaira, hahaha, first time encounter such 'prob' so din actually take note til sud realised, eh she like few days no poo then start to feel worried... some more she's more pekchek it seems. She poo-ed twice today, very creamy man! n she smiled, lolz.

gerry, u got e job? congrats! ya ya, enj yr 'full time' moments wif yr kiddos now.

I saw frm yr fb, yr lisa's wif the same sch as my #1's ex sch, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TGIF again...wahahaha~~~

Mummy_Mummy: Hw i wish i can b SAHM, but my HB income dun allow mi to, haiz... hw big is ur boy? gg childcare in Oct'11?

Smiggleprincess: wat u mean by K still poo every 4mth? Is it K poo once every 4mth??

Breastfeeding Mummies,

Can we take Panadol? I think I'm gonna get flu and fever liaoz. Is there a need to have a gap between taking the panadol and feeding/pumping?

Thanks in advance!

mornign ladies...


panadol ok but not panadol extras[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya usu they behave differently in sch n at home...

Morning ladies,

This morning, angry with bb N. He refused to drink his milk, only drink 80 to 90ml (his usual is ard 180ml). When i tried to feed him some more, he keep struggling away. Arghhh!


Gong xi gong xi! Hope you will enjoy ur new job and at the same time, allow u to go home dot dot.. heee...



panadol extra also ok ahhh I also took it ler

I read the contain also only pracetamol & caffein


hb's grandma last night passed away. is her wai poh (mil's mum). pil ask me must go attend funeral praying everynight BUT Kay can't go. Then who look after her???? hb more silly ask me to ask mikio (as she stay nearby me) to help. It's not impossible to ask ppl to help but they nvr thk it's night time how late the ceremony end? so neccesary I must attend mah? Monday I take leave send the 'chu bing' shd be gd enuf?

Okie.... Thanks, ST!!


Same thing happened with my baby. For most of her feeds yesterday, she only drank 60ml to 65ml out of her usual 130ml..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Panadol extra best is not to take cos it's stronger leh...

today u no online?


at one stage bb milk intake will suddenly drop but they will go up de


Aiyoh. I thk ur PIL and hubby shd understand that u need to take care of 2 kids leh. And I agree with u, abit paiseh to ask ppl to help. haiz... can explain to ur hubby nicely?


At the IFC, when the bb cry, the teachers dun carry him immediately. If the bb uses pacifier, they will pass him the pacifier to suck first, then pat his back and buttock to let him fall asleep. I'm gg to try this method at home, but somehow i feel that if my ILs dun cooperate with me and still insist on carrying non-stop, its only a waste of my effort. haiz...


Sometimes really dunno what our bb want... Felt angry but helpless at the same time.. haiz. U take care and get well soon k.


morning all

Pearly, where r u?? Can call my hp soonest.. Thanks!

Look like quite a few mummies resigning and quite fast get a new job.. good good..

Im thinking I should leave or not.. my work place changes a lot ever since my maternity.. Job scope gets more n more and some more its not my level and responibilty to do it.. Sianz!!

