(2011/04) Apr 2011


your company is like that de lor..more and more things to do but pay very little..but good thing is can go back on the dot



my gynae say no extra durin preg but BF i not sure but play safe better cos i tink it contain caffine..

aiyo mus let ur HB know la got kid leh..

st, piggy: really ar!! wow, both of u not here already got so bad impression!! lol.. I dun like is the responibilty of work.. not my level to do it.. now I just "ren" my contract ending next yr April...

Little twin star My boy now 20mths+ liao. In oct he will be 22mths liao so go childcare lor . I feel is better for him to go childcare then to stay with nanny. My nanny always put him in playpen dun let him come down.........so now at 20mths he walks still can fall down type.... not very stable.


Hope so lor.... Coz she's been drinking 130ml, sometimes even 140ml then these 2 days suddenly dropped so much, I kinda got scared and worried too.... Sigh....


Yup.... I felt angry at first then after that, got so worried and 心痛 that she dun drink milk.... Ya, will take care.... Thank you very much!!

Morning mummies,

My boobs on strike [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now supply getting lesser and lesser .. haiii..


ya cos i got a couple of friends inside i told u rite? tt y i told u v surprise u say pay gd cos i know their pay no gd... tt y tt time if they really offer me dunno take anot but heng la

u tink abt it lo u wanna be SAHM?

Last Thursday and Friday, my #1 attended two days trial playgroup and this monday he is down with cough and running nose.. Going to let him start 3 days a week 2hr playgroup.

Piggy, the supplement you mention , do you give all three (multi, fish oil, colostrum) everyday all at the same time ? Thks .


u forget my hubby also same company meh...

always do his boss thing.

it's always like that more $$ more OT..less pay but maybe no OT kekek

Gerry: we talk on whatsapp mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbgoh: my deepest condolences.. Hope u can explain to ur ILs that the kids need u at night.

piggy/st: the pay im getting not low or high, think its average.. I help out now become my responsibilty... If I know how to do executive job then I shld be getting executive salary right... bth!! Adding more stress and headache. Now end of work Im drained..


I read online that without latching exclusive pumping the supply may drop ... I can't confirm coz I'm still latching. The brain supposedly still need the stimulation to produce the milk. Oh n I found out also that the saliva in baby's mouth signals to the brain the changes n growth that the baby is going thru n stimulates it to produce milk that suits the baby.

Need to consult bf expert Gerry. Any truth in that ?

Hope the tea works for u!

Mummies whom brought sophie for their bb - Anyone know how to effectively get rid of the rubbery smell? Also how do you clean it everyday before giving to bb?

Reason I am asking becos I let my ger play with it and since its a teether, she will "bath" the whole sofie..My MIL saw that and commented that I brought a toy to harm her granddaughter...said so unhygenic...(Shake head)

Kaira, lotsa kids n babies are sick ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My C just recovered from cough n runny nose.. These few days start sneezing again . Argh!!!!


Thks .. I hope to bf my bb for 1 yr, this morning can only yield 180ml after bb latch for one side.. pathetic. Keep going down. I only latch him once a day.

Very scared kids fall sick. My #1 very very cranky when he is sick, cry, scream and want to be carry whole day.

As he is going to start PG next month, going to let him eat kiwi and vitamins liao..


Exclusive pumping will cause ss to drop ah? haiz... i only pump cos my bb refused to latch since day 1. And we need to avoid caffeine when we BF? so does that men we cant drink coffee / tea or even coke? i was still thkg of hvg my bubble tea today... keke...


I wash sophie at least once a day... sometimes if we go out and also brought sophie out, we will wash again when we return home before giving to bb again..

aiyoh, its a teether, i dun see why sophie is any more unhygenic than any other teether... tell ur MIL that sophie comes from a long tradition and hand made in france ok...

Elazy, I read that it may. But lotsa mothers do continue to exclusively pump n bf for a long time too.. Really up to individual. Yr boy refuses to latch ? My C only wants to latch . I need to send her to breasts anoynomous.

I think caffiene in small amts is ok. Bubble tea is ok lar! But im not sure of the dosage in panadol extra ....

Elazy, forgot to add, my body is very sensitive to caffeine n so is C's. After one cup of milk tea I lose sleep then after that she gets very high too n loses sleep too. Wah I very cham. 1 cup of bubble tea= lotsa misery for me...

Yoti: I wipe sophie before giving it to baby. But my C's mouth too small, Sophie can't fit in . So she doesn't like Sophie much. Her fingers are still the best!!!


Ya ya, we are at 2 different extremes of the spectrum. Sometimes really dunno whether to laugh or be angry over the things our kids do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe... thanks, then i can 安心 go and drink my bubble tea later... helps to keep me awake at work also... really lack of sleep... gone are the days when i can sleep until naturally wake up...zzz


Ic, i'm not a regular coffee drinker, so abit of caffeine in bubble tea can actually help me to keep awake.. and really cant resist bubble tea leh... keke...

C got 婴桃小嘴... nice mah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i wash with bott detergent everytime i gave her... dun worry abt hygiene la u tink they eat their hand/fingers no germs? same 1 la[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


BF can drink bubble tea 1 but not too much la...

ohhh thanks thanks I ll take note but hope I dun need to take panadol again. lol.

luckily Kay is all right. I ate queit few times & even take 2tablets when I got fever.

yah ask hb to call pil ask them if I can only go Tom morning. since it's sat, just put girls at cc half day. dunno wat they thk lah. not allow Kay to go but I must go. they tot Kay can be alone at home. maybe they busy abt funeral issue nvr thk much but hb also nvr use his brain to thk. this is MAN


I haven had a proper sleep for two years liao.. and in my mind i'm always thinking when to start #3.. I think i haven kena tortured enough

I still drink coffee, previously 1 cup now reduce to 1/2 cup.

Hello mummies,

Thanks so much!! =)


Ya we what's app.. Lately have been super busy with the kids and interviews.. Excited and yet scared about starting work.. Hehe!!

C going to breast anonymous!! Haha!! Cute! Hi I am C, I am addicted to latching!!


I do take te occasional cup of coffee when I was bfing my #1.. But that is cos I was working and super tired!

I only take panadol during pregnancy and bfing.. I think it is cos of the caffeine in panadol extra.. But I play cheat, I drink a cup of coffee and eat panadol when I am having bad headache.. Caffeine improves panadol absorption into our body so will work faster.. Panadol dose is still the same..

I do believe that full time pumping might reduce supply cos holding your bb and feeding since the stimulate maternal hormones to help with supply.. Can't have that bond with a pump.. That's why some people are advised to think or look at pictures of their bb to help with supply while pumping..


Wow!! I haven't slept well since 2008!!

But you are daring, want a third! Very good!! =)

Thanks, Piggy. Ya, will take only occasionally, cos very sweet and fattening also. Still trying to cut down that stubborn 8kg! LOL

Gerry and Kaira,

My mummy frens also told me they serious lack of sleep since they hv kids and their dark eye rings are beyond hope le. Mothers are really so 伟大

Elazy: yah "nice".............. Everyone says she looks like a doll face big eyes small mouth ....... When she stubbornly refuses bottle n cries damn loudly I feel like smacking her !! 不要以为你长得可爱就可以为所欲为!!!

Ur BM very power lar baby N sooooo chubby n cute !!!!!! Haha wanna intro my C to him right ?

Wah reali salute u all mummies with #2, n Kaira still tinking when hav #3.... now i onli hav #1 oradi so scare liao...zombie everydae...keep tinking when can i hav a gd slp..

Sometimes oradi so tired n eyes keep closing n yet bb eyes so big n alert..

Mayb can drunk her hor, hehehe

Kasper had poop so many times because of the antibiotics !!!!


Im using this brand called sure clean.

It's safe for babies, I make sure my floor is clean that they can even lick.. I wash Sophie with warm water and a bit of sure clean.

The rubber smell won't go away, it's actually for babies to differentiate the teether... Normal teether made of plastic smells diff... Sophie is natural rubber..

Kasper loves chewin the legs..


LOL... u so funny!! ya ya, intro to C... i'm waiting for next bb meetup [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That day, i brought N to cut hair, and he was about to cry le. Then he saw out of the corner of his eye that a little gal was looking at him, so he "ren" his tears... wait until we were out of the shop then he wahhhhhhhh!!! hahaha... so funny, so small already 爱面子!


Ya man, I also scared of hvng #2. The thot of gg thru the birth process also scares me altho i was on epi lah.. haha.. sometimes, when coaxing bb to sleep, end up i fall asleep before the bb... also knocked off sometimes when feeding milk.. LOL


Where can we get the sure clean? NTUC got sell?


lol yes my dark eye circle also i am practically a walkin panda ....

hahah since i stop BF i drink 1-2 cup bubble tea daily v hard to lose weight n now gainin weight[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sad-__-

hahah i tell u another few mth u see ur boy keep bio-in gals u will luff!!!


wait till ur bb abt 1 YO u will start to tink of #2 cos they r really adorable at tt stage n by then u wld probably fogotten most of the hardship u went thru...


Thanks. Hope so bah.. sometimes abit tired and lazy also.. pumping is still ok, but imagine need to wash and sterilise all the parts after that.. oh man... that's the torturing part.. haha


wahahaha... so young they will bio gals already ah... but its ok la, then that shows that they r normal :p

no lah, u still very slim, i see liao envy... but really hor, bubble tea very addictive! before i went back to work, i keep thkg abt it leh... LOL


YES!!! it their natural instinct v funnie 1...

sigh it my tummy leh v lose lo esp after being stretch twice-_- but i not v slim la mus control be4 i expand more lol~

ya i am addicted to bubble tea liao lol~ but indeed v fattening...


hello mummies..

wow, so many discussion on changing job and milk supply..

my job now pretty flexible, sometimes can OTOT so cant complain much..tho i dread pulling myself off the bed EVERY MORNING! haha...

milk supply: still doing ok cos my boy a small drinker(onli 140ml per feed and can last 4 -6 hrs) sommore my boy now start on solid drink lesser milk, 2 meals replace by cereal...after eating brown rice, he poo everyday and sometimes even twice!

i hope to bf till he turns 1 ba..

smiggleprincess - my boy also like to chew on the legs..but i think thats the only part he can put into his mouth thats y...

elazy, everyone is telling me to have another one next yr! faintz...initially i wanted 3, now i must tink twice man...but i must admit, they r really a bundle of joy..=)

Q: isit we cannot put raw meat / fish togerther with our EBM in the freezer??

yes yes! when's the next bb meetup? when they are 6 months??

